The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, January 25, 1902, Image 8

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SATURDAY JANUARY 25 rrom tns mourn alter very pontciy rux>- bing them off on his overcoat sleeve, and he said, with a very boyish -grin: **1 got the other one Boinewheres. Wait li minute, mister.’* Then the boy gazed up at the ceiling of the 'car and studied for a moment while the other passengers axcept the two elderly men. who looked ferocious, rooted forjiim "w*IJli a 11 their might. The boy felt tentatively at bis left hand knickerbockers pocket. but*it was plain to see that he knew that was no go. For about half a minute he looked worried, and the sympathetic passen gers worried along with him. as <jould be seen by the tense expression on their faces as they regarded every movement of the boy with strained, almost feverish attention. Constipation Wvfylr makes >NNS^i Biliousness* \avv^ f//y SfMl Bod Complexions. Nav '// are eertsJn to result. Then where’s your beauty? A f Keep the system in good order-by taking ' ■» AMON’S liver pills JIL^anoTONIG pellets and good blood* good digestion and good health will keep the roses in your cheeks. Ramon's Liver Plljp and . I foni^ Pellets gently assist nature. Free sample and j A booklet at dealers, or write to f/i BROWN MFQ. CO. Jy//* jkYvsS. New York and) . _f///Ak - <Jreencvilie» Tenn. Fruit Its quality influences ^ the selling price. Profitable fruit growing insured only when enough actual is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor good quality possible without Potash. =5^T) Write for our free books giving details. yfm GERMAN KALI WORKS, yjjjt, 93 .Nassau St., New York City. Then the boy reached into a back pocket of hia knickerbockers, brought forth one of those celluloid traveling soap boxes, somewhat - battered, took off the lid, and there, buried in a lot of junk, was the other cent. The sigh of relief that ran around that ear was distinctly audible. The sympathetic passengers, men and wo men, settled themselves back in their seats and smiled at the boy, and two or three of them looked as if they wanted j to jump up and suggest cheers. The two elderly men coughed violently again, readjusted their spectacles and began again on their newspapers. Then the small boy sat down, took a neat looking change purse from the in side pocket of his overcoat, dumped the contents—about $2 in 'quarters, nickels and dimes—into his hands and began counting It, whereupon the pas sengers who had been rooting for him but a moment before instantly froze and looked at him as If they consider ed him a bad lot and a boy bound straight for state’s prison or worse.— Washington Star. * j King’s J£t. Gastonia.. Charlotte. THE DRAMA THAT WAS ENACTED ON A STREET CAR. INTERESTING A Pocket Exploration That Held the i Passengers Breathless and Proved Eminently Satisfactory to the Per- I sistent Youngster. | When this small boy on the Ninth Street car went into his clothing after bis car fare, the other passengers be trayed little or no interest in him. He was an ordinary, snub nosed, freckle faced boy of nine or ten, and it seemed pretty safe to assume that he had the nickel necessary for a ride or he would not have swung aboard, and so the passengers paid little or no attention to him. The men, as usual, occupied themselves In pretending that they weren’t looking at all at the good look ing women In the opposite seqjs, and the women, also as usual, endeavored to convey the impression that they didn’t know there was such a creature as a man within a hundred miles of them. But when this small boy began to have bis troubles all hands got to look ing him over. Everybody, it would ap pear, likes to see a small boy In troublo anyhow. The boy plowed around in the lining of. the right hand pocket of his shabby little overcoat, screwing "himself into many possible attitudes as be stood and wriggled in the aisle, and finally. FstMa No. iio. Daily. Lv. N.Y.,Pa.B. “ Ph'delphia. Baltimore.. Wash’ton.. ANNOUNCEMENT We have made arrangements to handle the celebrated. . . Lv. Danville. Chimneys That Lean. “It’s just this,” said the man with the restless eye, who was gazing sky ward—“some ten years ago some man who had a grudge against me, I guess, called my attention to the fact, if fact it be, that if a chimney leans at all it always leans to the east. “I didn’t believe It, and I can hardly believe it yet, but I’ve spent hours and days and week^ and months squinting at chimneys from car windows and from sidewalks, but I’ll be darned if I ever yet have been able to discover a leaning chimney that didn’t slant to the east. I’ve looked at factory chim neys, hotel chimneys, farmhouse chim neys and city house chimneys, and they all, like the adobe gods on the temples of Yucatan, bend their heads toward the rising sun.” And 'the man with the restless eye once more began an inspection of the sky line.—New York Telegram. The best and most satisfactory flour on the market. Will sell same in any quantity at the Lowest Prices. In Pound, halt pound boxes and in any quantity open The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. “ Cornelia... 8 46a JigSj “ buhl 4 08a Sfflii 81 “ Gainesville 4 29 a 8 27p 82s3 i “ Buford 4 57a 9Wi|! " Noreross. 5 27a 934p!| At. Atlanta^ETj 6 10 a 4 55 p 10 Epj i ** Atlanta,CT| 5 10a 3 55p 9By! Between Lola and Alien* No. 13. STATIONS. '...Lula .Ar Maysville “ Harmony “ HEINZ’ CELEBRATED PICKLES Alt. Athens .Lt Note close connection made a; Lai* main line trains. **A” a. m. “P” p. m. “M” noon. “Fs Chesapeake Line Steamers in daily e between Norfolk and Baltimore. How to Imitate a Singing Bird. According to La Nature, with any glass tube whatever it is possible to easily reproduce the song of a bird, lt suffices to rub the tube lengthwise with h piece of wet cork. In order to imi tate the song of a bird the cork must be moved with a varying rapidity, now slowly, now rapidly, and abrupt ^stop pages must intervene. The experiment can be made more simple by rubbing an ordinary bottle with a piece of cork. .band pocket ot his overcoat. After al most superhuman* difficulties, in the process of which it looked as if the boy might get himsel Nos. 37 and 88—‘‘Washingtonand&ratiw era Limited.” Solid Puimantrain, posed exclusively of finest Pullman ejjms Of latest design, through between Kefi S d Atlanta. Through Pullman sleeping 9 tween New York and .New Criea?| Washington, Atlanta and Montgomeiy ~ ■o between New York and Memphis, da« Jngton, Atlanta and Birmingham. Pullman Library observation cal’s heta^es-j con and New York. Gentlemens*®! between Atlanta New i'orfc ttonaj. serve all meals enroute. ^ I cars between Greensboro M£ *Jf 0;< "~r’. coach, service on this train. Theae tajhg stop at Oainesvill ,Lnla, Tocms.- 6 ". ssassrsfa s yond and for and froti Greenvilie, and SpartonburgColtunbia to** y.* l Nos. 33 and 34- “Atlanta sndjfo* i wrapped around an invisible axis several manner, that be could never again, he produced another penny, plentifully wadded iu woolen lint fce- Jonging to the overcoat. A couple of elderly men who were reading papers side by side at the end of the car began to get nervous. They pushed back their spectacles and stud ied the boy’s movements anxiously. “Fare, there, son!” said the conduct or. The boy gazed reproachfully at the conductor* stuck the two found pennies In his mouth and continued his weird exertions to assemble his fare. He unbuttoned his overcoat by the simple process of giving it a yank from bottom to top, and then he dug into the right hand pocket of his jacket. That pocket, too, seemed to be lining less, and the boy had to grope through it like a eat clawing for the exit of a bag. At length he got to the end of it, and an expression of acute relief cross ed his freckled features. The band was wedged in so tightly that be had about as much trouble in getting it out as'he had had in getting it In, but it clutched another cent when It finally made its appearance. This went into his month to join the other two. At this point the two elderly men coughed violently and scowled at the boy as if to say that they wished the infernal business were done with, but the others who were watching the boy’s moves looked sym pathetic, *; If » The boy next began a laborious ex ploration of his right hand knlcker- bocker pocket, from which be pro duced" and bestowed in his overcoat pocket many articles peculiar to boys— marbles, a .piece of wax. a rusty look ing knife, two or three printed cellu loid buttons. lines in such a get right Iso In Northeast Georgia MMB Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition—i3 sluggish, weak and unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and. great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from In’ mJrW? A CONSTANT DRAM effetematter. UPON THE SYSTEM, <n lii train ftroueh from "“gSa Francisco without^ change. ^ ] Greensboro with Pullman cars on thi3 .J odd and Charlotte. Ample coach aecommadations for * ce31 ^§Sfc85 and 86-“Uni t eiSt3te5FgX^ BOlid between Wasaington nn is 22£ h between New \oi* and te&e&J lanta and Montgomery jji^gd 13 * mingbam and Richmond- •M’SFTsom igi.'SJS Exclusive Pullman T 106 * Third Vice Palmour Hardware Co. Gainesville, Ga else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B. Talbert, Lock Box 245, Winona, Miss., iays: “ Six j'ears ago my leg from the knee ta and it made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well man ever since.” S 4P^ is the only purely veg- etable blood purifier Njpk known —contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. if your flesh does hot heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood i s in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about j our case. We make no Charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, GA. and so on—and at the very bottom of this salvage was yet another penny. All the other passen gers except the two elderly men breathed sighs of relief,, but they want ed to read their papers, and yet they couldn’t while this boy was engaged in his eventful search, with the chances about even whether he’d 'win out or not. “Fare now there, kid!” said the con ductor, once more tackling the boy. The boy handed him the four pennies sent free. OWeat jlaau Patents ^afeent^o^n, A handsomely ealation of gold |} year; font months,° ■ H J |j mm TTrancll OffiCO- Cutaway Harrows, Tiger Disc Plows. Genuine Oliver Flows and Plow repairs. Steel Beam Plows of all sizes and prices Belt- ing Pipe fittings, Mill supplies. Winter Lap Robes, Saddles, Harness, Bridles. Etc. We will save you money on anything in our line. 3§j