The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 15, 1902, Image 4

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Great Carnival In New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. lO.-New Or leans practically suspended busi ness today amd turned out more than half its population with a multitude of visitors to receive Rex, the king of the carnival, and his royal suite. His majesty came up the river on the United States ship Ranger early this af ternoon with scores of gaily dec orated river craft in his wake and amid the thunder of cannon and the screeching of steam whistles landed at the head of Canal street, where an immense crowd of peo ple greeted him. tfcrcugii EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS, The ice king hovered over several days this week. He ne^ forgets where we live. food. It gives instant relief and neve] ■ fails to cure. It allows you to eat al the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stocn* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It ean’t help but de yen good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co. .Chicago, TheSl. bottle contains tunes the 50c. siza It is said that we always have •‘good roads in good weather, anc bad roads in bad weather. ’’ Whether we ever have good roads or not, we do know our roads are bad now. Acworth Bank Robbed. Ac worth, Ga., Feb. 10.—Safe blowers got in their work here yes terday morning. About 2 o’clock the safe of the Lemon Banking company was blown and about $5,000 in gold and currency, a $5,000 Georgia state bond and a large amount of stock certificates were taken. The loss falls heavily on the bank and community. Your uncle Jim Smith is some thing of a sawer of wood himself, Gainesville’s two big cotton mills will soon be turning out cloth. Then things will “hum,” sure enough. It will be powerful good music, too. Gainesville has a few “Oom Hall’s,” herself. They are pr good watchers of the treasury, and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to. take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang It looks like the nigger* Rucker, is going to hold on to his job. He is of the same color as Booker. Pink Morton was most to pink. Albany is going to have her big chautatiqua again this year, have heard that Gainesville had one. once Bill Nye’s Criticism. It was in ’Frisco when Peter Jackson, the colored pugulist, was a feature in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.’ Bill Nye was to have lectured at the Baldwin theater, but was greeted by so small an audience that he excused himself and went over to hear Jackson talking of the pearly gates to Little Eva. After the performance L. R/Stock- well, the veteran actor, met Nye in the lobby of the theater, and he exclaimed: “Hello, Nye 1 l What do you think of Peter?” “Well,” responded the humor- est dryly, “anatomically he was In all probability the state and county primaries will be held in June this year. This puts it at a rather busy season for the £ farm ers. July would suit the people better. It looks like they all want to be sheriff. Some some say there isn’t much in the office, if you judge by what they got out of it. xnent and after doing this pour some on a soft cloth, and wran/ around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CUBE. 25c.* 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. IT MAV BE YHII have long been troubled with a nmning 11 IIIH I Dlu IUU sore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi can Mustang Liiiua ent and you can depend upon a speedy core. . Keep at work for Gainesville.; Every good word you speak in be half of your town will help it grow. Atlanta’s street railways have at last been allowed to consolidate. Atlantan’s must now get up a new issue to be injected into their municipal campaigns. For a perfect fit go to C. H. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, oyer Mrs. J. E. Jackson’s store. “The Artistic Tailor,’ Clothes cleaned and pressed or short notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS eleanep and pressed. All work giuj prompt a entaon. It looks like, after all the blow and bluster to pass a depot bill, that Atlanta is as far from get ting a new depot as it was before. We have never believed the rail roads would tie themselves up to the proposition. ance Agent. Office No. 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c eal estate. Haye in hand anythin* ou want in this line. Will make it onr interest whether you want to se r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompt paying companies once Oil wells are being bored ir several places in .Georgia. Nc doubt some one will soon make e rich “strike” in Hall*-as we al ways keep up with the*procession Touched Bank For $1,000,000. Detroit, Feb. 11.—Vice Presi dent Frank C. Andrews, of the City Savings bank, which has been in the hands of State Bank Commis sioner Maltse since this morning, was arrested yesterday and ar raigned last night on the charge of “wilfully, fraudulently and knowingly” securing from the bank, without security and with out the knowledge of the directors, a sum exceeding $1,000,000. Gainesville’s new railway—rfche Charleston, Augusta and Ghatta- nooga Air Line—-hasn’t been; en tirely lost in the shuffle. It will be here some ttay, even if it don’t come exactly on schedule time. J. B. Thomson, South Georgia is going to stand by-Estill, reports of the politic ians to the contrary notwithstand ing. And north Georgia isn’t going to be far behind herself. Dunlap aid Tloip INSURANCE AGENTS. R. SMITH FSRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, ANfr SURETY BONDS. Rome’s dispensary fight would lead one to believe that town- is a powerful muddy place from the amount of mud being slung around. The “log roller OFFICE: DUNLAP BL’DING. Phones 35. new fife and vigor by taking MO~TQ-BAG, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over SOO. OOG cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING During the last year Paris con sumed 800 tons of snails. The an imals are bred in Burgundy and Savoy, where they are kept in in- closnres formed of tarred palings, which they cannot climb over, MONEY TO DOAN. Tq procure real estate loans for rs time, payable in .installments a sr cent interest. Call and see ns. Dunlap & Picked Gainesville, Ga. Mr. Terrell knows a live wire when he sees one. He didn’t dare tackle Mr. Guerry in joint debate. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas- carets Candy Cathaftic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in m druggists* sec. Saved Him From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning Elberton had a $100,000 fire last Sunday. It pays to have a good fire department all the time, and Gainesville is singulary blessed in this respect. make life intolerable. No position is comfortable. The torture is unceasing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is un equalled. J. S, Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: ** From 1865 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me.” Beware of counterfeits. Robertson & Law. RateSr Bess—“I’ll tell you a secret if you’ll promise not to repeat it.” Nell—“All right. What is it?” 3ess-‘T’m engaged to be married. Nell-“Oh, there’ll be no harm in my telling that. No one would be lieve it, Your uncle Allen tried that one eye on the Charleston exposition this week. Both are still doing business at the same old stand. For the Housewife’s DesK. A series of gayly covered books, bound \n scarlet leather, are found in the smart stationery and leather goods shops. They make nice pres ents for the busy housewife, who has to observe system and order in the management of her household, as her husband does in the running of his business. These books are so prettily hound that they make a gay showing on the writing table of my lady, although there is nothing friv olous or flighty about their con tents. A large flat hook is the din ner record. This is an aide memoire to the hostess, who cannot be expect ed to remember whom .she invited and who declined and accepted her invitations during the dinner giving season. The recipe book, the house hold expense book, the expense book and all the other handy and busi nesslike arrangements to facilitate the smooth running of the modem home are to be had in convenient form. ik - --- — ~ -~—~ The Negro's Alleged Friends. Washington, February 10.— The second caucus of the house republicans to consider the ques tion of action looking to reducing the congressional representation of the southern states which abridge the suffrage was held in the h8ll of representatives tonight, but a quorum was not present and after two and a half hours of discussion the caucus adjourned until next Monday, without ac tion. It requires 101 republicans to constitute a quorum of the* cau cus, and at no time tonight were over ninety-five ^ republicans in attendance. For a clear complexion, bright spark ling eye and vigorous digestion, take Prickley Ash Bitters. It puts the system in perfect order. Dr. F- E. DIXON & CO. ■Chicago Daily News, Fire has destroyed millions ot dollars worth.of property in dif ferent parts of the United States this week. The man who pays the most insurance premiums is always least hurt. and 11 % I at 8:1° 8 i I For 3cnea I and 1 ____ Georgia undersigned. I A. G. fA«® oS I 6. P- 1 }a. I C. B- CoX ’ I Gen’ll | Athens, j S. F. J Jfac° a ' I J. A. 1*** I C. T- ‘ 4 - I ing Atlanta at 3:00 m., and Charleston 11:00 o’clock p. d ules, dates of sale tickets ask agents road or the w— C. C. McMnuN, G. A. P. D. Augusta, S. E. MaghJs, Gen’l Agt. Atlanta. E. P. BonnKR, U. T. A. Macon. L. H. Hitt, U. T. A. Atlanta. Ga. If you haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day, you’re ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, m tbe shape of vio- « m. 1 f» _ ill tr. /I n n (va«*A11 a Tho flmAntn. Estill is climbing up at a Irate that surprises some of the boys. Why, he is hardly f started yet, and you had better "get on to the band wagon before it gets too crowded. lent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smooth est, easiest, most perfect-way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to take CANDY WWM- CATHARTIC „ Trade with those who advertise in The Cracker. They appreci ate your trade enough to ask for it and, besides, those represented in these columnsjare reliable and will treat yo a right. EAT J EWI LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 25, per box. Write for free sample, and booklet on Health. Address 8TKRL13G REMEDY COMPANY, CHICAGO er HEW YORE.