The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 15, 1902, Image 5

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1902 At The' Age Of 105 He Dies. Chattanooga,| Tenn., February 10.—(Special.)—William Green, familiarly known as “Uncle Bil ly*” isfdead here,faged 105. He was born in^County fjLimer- ick, Ireland, and came to America in'1858, landing at^Charleston, S. C. Three years later he drove in to the interior of Georgiajwith his wife and engaged in truck farming. He came 4o Chattanooga,in 1864 and had lived here since. When h# was 80 years old he ran as ex press messenger on the Southern railroad between Chattanooga and Brisjbol. His hearing was perfect to the day of his death * and eye sight but slightly ' defective.' He breathed the air of three different centuries. He married when 55 a girl 18. The widow : is still living. 7 figStfpOUBUS" Tit&Zg* Set- %pgon file and prove this S rti0sf to hee foot, not a C boast* When a medi- been suGGessfuS in ! ! s0 tnany women, you at well say^with&ut ft*y~ pi# / do not believe it Help me-” himself, "is that what they call a cutaway coat ?" One day little Ethel was watching her father grating horseradish when she suddenly exclaimed: “I can't Vatch you any longer, papa. It makefc my ,eyes sweat." . Much to ,the astonishment of her mother, a little four-year-old miss recently concluded her evening pray er as follows: “Please, Lord, make me a good girl, and if at first you don’t succeed try, try again." Mamma—Now, Willie, here’s your medicine and here’s the dime your papa left to pay you for taking it. Willie (aged five)—-Mamina, you take the medicine, and I’ll give you half the money. - ' . ' - . % f< Mamma,” said small Tommy, “hasn’t papa got a queer idea of n AOTrAu r' INDIGESTION Constipation, Bloating after eating, Heart burn, Nervous Weakness, Impurities in the Blood and every disorder iri the . Kidneys or Liver is set right by It brightens the eye, steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath, brings color to the cheek, creates appetite, makes the body strong and the brain active. * SOILD AT DRUG STORES, PRICE, $1.00. The family that keeps on hand and uses occasionally the celebrated Prickle y Ash Bitters is always a well-regulated family. Dr. E. E. DIX ON & CO. stable Compound r jMtivo cure for all those painful Ailments of Women. hjfll entirely cure the worst forms of The South-haters in congress are working day and night in an effort to do something to humil iate this part of the country. How ever, these brainless creatures will not be allowed to do anything rash as there are still a -few decent re publicans left in congress.—Ex. Complaints, all Ovarian troubles, lation and Ulceration, Falling and >ments of the Womb, and consequent SPECIAL AGENTS, E. E.. DIXON & CO I Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted Change of Life. . Your medicine cured me of ter- Paderewski’s fame as a {pianist is world-wide. We shall shortly learn something respecting his tal ent as a composer of grand opera. There will be piesented m New York offFriday night next his first, effort in that direction. The opera is called “Manru,” and deals with a gypsy romance m the mountains between Galicia and Hungary. Great things are predicted for the production, and exceptional preparations are being made for the initial performance. It is hardly to be expected, however, that the talented Pole will take as high rank as a composer’as he occu pies as an interpreter of composi tions, since nature seldom ^vouch safes to a man to excel in more than one thing. A Feminine Snerloek. WZ2 Mrs. A. - Why m the world do you leave that little puff of powder on your chin? Mrs. Z.—rFor my hus band to blow off. You know he is such an observing r man. 11 Mrs. A-—Is there any reason why you BbouIdfwish|him*to blow it off? Mrs. Z.—Yes. I can detect his breath.—Chicago News. Educate Tear Bowels With Casc&rets* Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money- The last aerial invention is a cruiser to navigate the air. It is built of aluminum, weighs 40, 000 pounds and will be navigated by a crew of eight mon. It can accord ing to the inventor, scud over ships and towns, drop bursting things out ot Befiections of aBachelor. Talk is so cheap that it is the only thing in this world you don’t have to buy. When it is a question of advice nobody will play the game of fol low the leader. There are several thousand roads that lead into trouble—and hot one that leads out. Everyjdollar that a man lends is a dollar invested in getting in formation about the man you lend it* to. A man’s views on the excise question sound somewhat different at home with his wife listening from whatfthey are in a down town bar-room.—New York Press. rible female illness. The Worm Turns. lA Concord Sq M , Boston, Mass. Backache. has cured more cases of Backache and sorrhcea than any other remedy the d has ever known. It is almost infallible nch cases. It dissolves and expels ors from the Uterus in an early stage jvelopment, and checks any tendency ncerous humors. $100 Reward, $IOO. The readers of this paper will r be pleased to learn that there is^at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only postivecnre known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers, that they offer Gne Hundred Dol lars lor any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials'. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolej do, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. , Your Vegetable Compound re moved a Fibroid Tumor from my womb after doctors failed to give relief. Mbs. B. A. Lombard, Westdale, Mass. earing-down Feeling nb troubles, causing pain, ■weight, and [ache, instantly relieved - and perma- iy cured by its use. Under all circum- ses it acts in harmony with the laws govern the female system, and is as iless as water. g|? the second bottle. Your medicine % cured me when doctors failed. Mrs. Sarah Hodsteix, 3Davis Block, Gorham St., Lowell, Mass. Irregularity, “See here, Jones! How do you account for the fact that you were late in getting to the office this morning?" “I don’t account for it at all. I’ve succeeded in getting another job." ^Turned Down. “Of course," said Miss Goldrox’s lover, “I realize that your daughter is an heiress, but I assure you that I would be just as anxious to marry if she were a pauper." “That settles you,’’ replied her father. “We don’t want any such fool as that in the family.’’—Phila delphia Press. One of the Drawbacks. “I wish I wasn’t a boy for about half an hour," he said as he looked out at the snow. “Why ?" they asked. “Because," he .answered, “girls don’t have to shovel the snow off the walks, and in half an hour it’ll all be done."—Chicago Post. pressed or Painful Menstruations, Weak- of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Debility. , It is a grand medicine. I am thankful for tlie good it has done me. Mrs. J. W. J., 76 Carolina Ave., Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. An Ohio man has issued a nov el challenge to the world, for a contest to befheld in Pittsburg or Cleveland.^The challenger, A. M. Milleijjy name, asserts that he can eat more sugar than any other person in the world, and that he is ready fto gdefend hisr title as champion against all comers. He is willing toJwager a^snng sum of money that he will put away more sugar within j i time Jf or more The gathering of Democrats in New York on the 22d. from all parts of the cquntry, will be one of the most important meetings held in many years, and much good will result from it. It is high time the Democrats were getting together arid pulling together*—-Darien Ga zette. i _ Favorite Bearly Everywhere. Constipation means dulness, depression, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt’s Tittle Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorr ough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. Robertson & Law. In Louisville thejother^day, .says the Savannah News, a news paper reporter approached G-eri*. Fitzhugh Lee. “What do you think. —’’ began the reporter. That_ was^ as far he got. General Lee held up his hand. “I don’t think ,” he- said. “The fact is, I am not al lowed to think. I am an officer in the'United States Army. )izzirtess, Faintness, reme Lassitude, “don’t care’®,and »nt to be left alone"” feeling, excrcabil- irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, ilency, melancholy, or the “blues,” and (ache. These are sure indications of iiale Weakness, some derangement of the , I was troubled with Dizziness, Headaches, Faintness, Swelling limbs. Your medicine cured me. Mbs. Sabah E. Bakeb, Bucksport, Me. lie whole story, however, is told in an strated book which goes with each hot- | the most complete treatise on female jiplaints ever published. sugar without a time limit, than any other person alive. The sugar trust ought to encourage the contest, since it will not only strengthen the market at certain grocery stores but may prove elevating to some ot the con testants. Some of 4'them, indeed', , For eight years I suffered with womb trouble, and was entirely cured by Mrs. Pinkbam’s medicine. Mbs. L. L. Towne, , JLl. XI. XOWJlii., Littleton, FT. H. Backache of either sex the Vegetable jpormd always cures. The Vegetable Com- [rih F Pinkhom’Q 1 pound is sold by ail P» Pills cure I maiffin* form oTBlfa tajlta I SpVrf e s!?ob.° n re ‘ ®I neadacno, 25c. 1 Correspondence freely answered. Ion can address in strictest confidence, PH E. PISKHAH MED. CO., Lynn, Mass. The Model Farm. “Does your son know much about farming?" “I should say he does," answered Farmer Comtossel. “He says he reckons he’ll go to town an’ make about a million dollars an’ then cum back an’ run this farm proper." —Washington Star. Bias. Minnick—Oh, ; you’re prejudiced against^him. There’s this much about him anyway—he wouldn’t stand idly by and hear a friend abused. Sinnick— Certainly not. He’d join right in. - Consolation* Miss Gnshlere — How torturing, how fearful the thought must be to know she has upon them, and put business, COTTON, ft Cotton Planter Will Save Yon. Sl.OO Jon every acre you plant. |’S COMBINATION PLANTER ^lively and absolutely without an ^ual as a Money and Labor saver. Cotton, Corn, Peas, etc., as well 4^ even better than any seperate “Peeial machine ever built. If 0 !® h in your own field at our ex- Write for full information. ? C0LE CO., CHARLOTTE, 3T. C- When the breath is foul and the ap petite disordered, Prickley Ash Bit ters is the remedy needed. It purifies the stomach, liver and bowels, sweet ens the breath, promotes vigor and cheerfulness. Dr. E..E& DIXON & CO. The liniment bottle and flannel strip are P familiar objects in nearly every household. They are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight*old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in tlie battle with this giant' i Jjy disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers / * would be in modem warfare. Rheumatism is caused, by an acid, sour ^ condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the joints, muscles jnd nerves, arid liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured Until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream —, — of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which . Doctor—“I can tell by just look ing fit you that you need to take more exercise. Yon nead a seden tary life. What is your occu pation?” Patient-“For ten hours a day I give a window exhibition of one of those home—exercising machines."—Judge. - Clubberly—“ Well, I hear that Raker has run off with another man’s wife. It will ruin his chance tor the senate if he keeps this thing up. Why, he won’t be able to get into anything;” Casletom—“No; p UNERAL DIRECTOR ’ and dealer in ^ j n ds of funeral furnishings, ea mg an( j p rom p£ attention U p ca ^ s ei ^^ er day or • parlors and ware rooms f Bradford street di- n 1Q fr°rit of court house, 'Gainesville, ga for a great singer lost her voice! Mr. Praclere—It’s much more tor turing when she doesn’t know it. Crucial Test* Laura*—Yes, you see, she told him her father had lost all his wealth just to test his love for her. -v:*; • Ada—And then? . ' Laura—Well, she will know Let* Kjy KOJ KOI S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but ^ ^ ^ is a perfect vegetable blood purifier5 and most exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write.about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.