The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 15, 1902, Image 7

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1902 c potter made a business Heston this week/ ■' g j Sanders visited the s toD exposition this week. c c. Sanders is a guest of her Mrs. Hugh Price Hinton, at - . ; . A Popular Salesman. Mr. Ike Lipstine, formerly with Biseman & Weil, has changed base and is now with Essig Bros., 37 Whitehall street, Atlanta, who handle a superb line of clothing, hats and gent’s fur nishing goods. He is a popular sales man and having formerly been a res ident of Gainesville, controls a big trade not only in Atlanta £>ut here and elsewhere. His friends wish him well. Look out for his announcement in The Ceackee before long. -r. iraiiter, eisewnere m this issue. He presents some facts in regard to guanos that are worthy the attention of every planter throughout Northeast Georgia. Mr. Parker is one of the largest dealers in fertilizers in this part of the state. As in everything else, he be lieves in getting the best guano, “the best being the cheapest” in the end. He handles such old reliable brands as “Armour’s Helmet,” “Golden Har vest,” “Columbia,” “Sea Bird.” and “Old Dominion,” all of which are man ufactured by the strongest and best concerns in the country. His terms are most liberal, as will be seen by a perusal of his advertise ment. The farmers of this entire sec tion should Call to see Mr. Parker be- D. Bagwell carried his lit- r to Atlanta Wednesday for Wilbur Smith oi sycamore, is . her mother, Mrs. M. E. Fields street. C. H. Pratt has returned home klahoma after a pleasant visit to rents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. White. j C. C. Sanders is at Crystal River, on a fisbiDff trip. He and Dr. >vare together and, np doubt they had a delightful time. W. W. Sloan, one of Hall’s best , DS) was in the city recently and i that m all probability he would , the race for tax collector this Has moved into their handsome new store in the Hudson block, West Washington street, where they will always be found with a Clerk’s. Wise Suggestion.. ; , “I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and feour stomach,’’writes M. S. Mead, leading, pharmacist of Attleboro, Mass. “I eould eat hardly anything without suffering several hours. My clerk sug gested I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which I did with most happy results. I have had no more truble and when one can go to eating mincepie, chees. candy and nuts after such a time, their diges tion must be pretty good. I endorse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily.’’.You don’t have to diet. Eat all the good food you want but don’t overload the stomaeh. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. Robertson & Law. - Sale of Palmour,Property. . Be sure to atiend the sale of the R.~ Palmour property next Thursday, Feb ruary 20th. There will doubtless be some good values as there will be no humbug or by-bidding allowed. Every thing is put on the block to the highest bidder and some choice lots are to be’ sold. Don’t forget to attend this sale next Thursday. lave you been vaccinated? Be care- feow you slap your friend on the For you may get knocked down. Lcinated arm is a pet that wont h too much teasing. * L friends of Col. S. K. Christo- L r are urging him to make the race representative, and he now has consideration. Time is too short to go into detail about our immense store, enormous stock and unsurpassed facilities for serving the trade of Gainesville and Northeast Georgia. We can best demonstrate these facts by serving you capably and accept ably in our new quarters. A cordial invitation is given the trading public to call and see us. Respectfully, m matter ■nld he enter the race he will make ■rely for his opponents. 1 l.A. J. Robinson has gone into Elsewhere ■auptcy, and Mr. S. C. Dunlap Jr., a dverti ■been appointed receiver of his as- Sacks, who c I Dr. Robinson moved . to Gaines- k°use in the ilast year from Dawson county S1( ^ e Public ■hassince built up a nice practice. some big rec I who visit hii Ivitations were issued Wednesday bargains. ■ valentine party to be given last _ ling by Miss Inez Langford at §0^ [home on Academy street. As she “Will won Icharming hostess no doubt the hhe friends ( Lion was a delightful one to all her ^Mebole! pds who attended. on account < r. Thomas M. Bell left Wednesday nervous pros f r Uy. V)nt “' pavaunah, where he will be a guest B [ t { ers ? ena ir. W. A. Winburn, traffic manager writes, “anc ae Central railway. He will return a new persoi ie* Monday accompanied by Mrs. Headache, , who has been visiting there for an ^D?zzy SJ !ral weeks. blessing. T R. Logan & Go., is the style of a an ^ ee ^ ^y 1 firm recently opened for business Dee< hePfeffer block on South Main A deed wa set, next door below Boone Mdse, of the Super Mr. J. R. Logan, the head of the g amue i q, j) b, is a well known business map ffia Electric I his many friends wish him great shoals on th , cess in his new stand. consideration Ir. John A. Pierce, who has been at for the new tollton for eight or ten months, er plant is tc ere he built two nice churches, one Indications s the Presbyterians and one for the pushed rapid is&palians, returned home Saturday. Gainesville 1 built two excellent structures at an up-to-dat rrollton and was highly compliment- opon his work by both church com- -A. ttees and the public generally. Lately sta V. could not dij Carpenters are this week putting , Q f Dr. Kmg’i A Raging, Roaring'- Food Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. “Staifthng waist deep in icy wa ter,” he writes, “gave-me a terrible copgh and cold. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live, Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discov ery and was wholly cured by six- bot tles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all. Throat and Lung trou bles by O. Brown. Price 5oe. SMITH-THOMAS GAINESVILLE, GA. Postponed Action. The city eouncil did nf>t act upon the question of .a new public school building at the regular meeting Thurs day night on account of the absence of alderman Staton, * who could, not, be present. It is presumed that the mat ter will come up at the. next regular meeting. It is claimed that more votes were counted in the recent Havana election than were cast. “Better annex Cuba. She is one of us already,” says the Savannah Press. - Nag & Bro’s., store, and otherwise proving it, and making of it an up- pate store-room. The walls and png have been freshly calcimined W when all the interior work is com ped the store will be one of the best the city. Canning & Bro.,^ are pre- Rgtodo a much larger business In'all kinds Clothing. We must have rooja for onr Spring Line and therefore we will sell at Cost all the heavy goods such as Heavy Suits, Overcoats, and Men’s .and Radies’' Under wear, La dies’ Jackets and Capes. These goods must be sold at once. Come and take advantage of this line. You will save money when % -- ■ - / y v ** you come —- “Write to your congressman* tell him you want the Nicaragua ca nal?” cries the New York Journal. “No, no 1 ’ answers the Norfolk Landmark;“tell him you want a bag of vegetahlekeeds. You’II be mpre ^apt to get it.” , ; room for ail pupns. xne xeacuers <*uu pupils have become adjusted to the new conditions and are hard at work. The remainder of the term will be taught in the auditorium, it ’having been deemed best to conduct the school all under one roof rather than" to have it divided. The pupils now do their studying at home, the lack of room only permitting them to recite at the auditorium. Stepbed Into Live Coals. “When a child I burned my foot frightfully,” writes W. H. Eads of Jonesville,Va., “which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by M- C: Brown. 25c. Burglars At BeUton. Burglars broke into the store of Mr. A. J- Carter at Bellton last Saturday night and blew open his safe, destroy ing it. They failed to get any money fhprp was none in the safe No clue A Furniture Factory. P* A. 0. Additon of Flowery Branch, Jats to move his furniture factory h that place to Gainesville. He is ^ doing a nice business at Flowery ^ch and is making money. How- | er i lie has outgrown his quarters and for three reasons he wants IIDove t° Gainesville, viz: 1st., to se- ^competitive freight rates; 2nd. to >rease bis output and get nearer the I 1 ® %ests above Gainesville: 3rd., locate his own children and permit ^ e ffiployees to educate their children.' r * Additon is now working 35 or 40 111 his factory, and if he moves ^he wants to at least double, his fi/vi 668 ' an d turn out more goods.. A Monster of Fat. In yiadosta, Ga., recently , a hog was killed whose gross weight was 1,260 pounds; his net weight was 955 ✓pounds.. Each ham weighed 102 pounds. This f at nionster pro duced 510 pounds Of lard, or nearly, a tierce and a half—enough to last a. smalFfamily about four years. Be sides the lard, there was nearly a wagon load of sausage from this one pig, to say nothing of big dish- pans of hog’s head cheese, liver pud ding and other products. A New Way to Dun. A Rochester (Mich.) physician re cently caused the following card to he inserted in a local paper: Wake up! Change cars! Don’t you think you have been carrying my money long enough? Come in and secure my autograpn on a receipted bill. You will feel better about it, and I assure you the feeling will be mutual. Very truly yoters,