The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 22, 1902, Image 4

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1902, With a population of 4, 780,000 the Argentine Republic possesses just 5, 081,000 horses. It is the only country in the world that has a horse for every inhabitant. A profitable experiment has been made in growing chestnuts ARE YOU WISE A many people suffer ni . ■ ance. They don’t know that. Digests what you eat* This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food, it gives instant relief and never agricultural use. One hundred thousand young trees were grafted with the large European chest nuts. Norway’s population is the smal lest in Europe, compared with, her* area. Each "of her inhabitants could have 40 acres of land, while the Briton would, have to be con tent with less than an acre. food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating; Procrostination sometimes means small pox. Better be vac cinated now. State Treasurer Park will likely have no opposition, bat the three cornered race,, for State School Commissioner ^will be lively with Glenn, Merritt and Beck. Most of the teachers in this section will support Glenn. “C. C. C.” on Every Tablet Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never cold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, ioc. If for any reason Prince Henry should prolong his visit in this country there would likeljr be a rapid advance in the pretzel mark et. Supply sometimes falls down on demand. . and a sttre way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonfnl of Mexican Mustang The Atlanta .papers claims to be fair and impartial as between the candidates for Governor, but if their campaign stories are not in Terrell’s interest we cannot read with understanding. How ever, it is a rare thing that the It is said that Hon. John Hol der, the handsome statesman from Jackson, has a congression al bee in his bonnet. Wonder if it is buzzing for this year, or for two years hence? what about it John? Trains from Atlanta* for Lula, Toccoa, Greenville, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Washington and East, pass Gainesville: No. 36, Past Mail (daily) 2:28 a. m; No. 12 (daily) 10:37 a. m; No. 38, Limi ted (daily) 2:25 p. m ; No. 40, Express, (daily) 2:45 ’p. m; No. 18, Belle (except Sunday) 7:33 p. and with this gargle the throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini- ? ment and after doing this porn* some on a soft cloth and wrap/ around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CUKE. 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. _ With the Hon. Jim Smith in the race for Governor things will become more complicated. His announcement would mak& “pow erful interestin readin.” ITMAVDC VAII -have long been troubled with a running SI Ivin I I UU sore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi can Mustang Lilnraent and you can. depend upon a speedy cure. . Joe Terrell made the first speech of his campaign at Canton last Saturday. Following his usual custom, he failed to say anything. Did you ever see a fellow who wanted to run for a political office, but didn’t know whether to make the race or not? We have—just lots of ’em. For a perfect fit go to G. H. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs, J. E. Jackson’s store. “The Artistic Tailor.’ Clothes cleaned and pressed oi short notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS clean eo and pressed. All work giu] prompt a ention. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur Its one thing to say you will not attempt to dictate who your office shall be, anc successor m another to try and land your man. Wouldn’t it have been awful for a man with a large thirst to have followed in the wake of that Cook County Club? He would have thought the prohibitionists were in charge of the line. The farmers who* raised plenty of home supplies last year won 1 \ have to buy high priced Western corn and meat this year. The farmer that did n’t will catch it. R. SMITH individually The German grammars have been doing a. land, office business since the announcement df Prince Henry’s visit. Can’t you say it— “Hoch l Lieber Heinrich I Hoch!” So far as we are concerned we are in position t dispute the statement that An drew Carnegie is giving inone; away. $IOO Reward, $IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is"at least one dreaded disease that INSURANCE AGENTS. science has been able to cure irC all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Core is the only postive cure known to the, medical fraternity'. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution, and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers, that they offer One Hundred Dol- LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND SURETY BONDS. We hope to see Gainesville have the best streets and sidewalks of any city of her size m Georgia, in a few months. The city author ities are going to work to this end. Don’t forget our advertisers. Trade with them always. OFFICE: DUNLAP BL’DING. Phones 35. *, Unless you have traveled over good roads you cannot appreciate how valuable they are to any community, county or state. We certainly need far better roads m Hall. money to loan. Te procure real estate loans for fiw rs payable in installments a sr eent interest. Call and see DuutAF & PlCKBELk Gainesville, Ga. Gainesville, as every citizen knows full well, needs a splendid sewerage system. Saved Him From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning make life intolerable. No position is comfortable. The torture is unceasing. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is un equalled. J. S. Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: “ From 1865 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me.” Beware of counterfeits.- Eobertson-& Law. j We hope to see -the present administration do the right thing by starting to work on this much needed improvement as early as practicable, tfhe way to do a thing, as some one has said, is to do it. , Like Georgia, South Carolina refuses to change her ' sessions of the. legislature from annual to bi ennial meetings. The average egislator would get overcharged and “bust” in two years: j Charleston ana Account of South Carolina ter State, and West Indian I position. For the above occasion Georgia Railroad will sell ro trip tickets at very low rate. Three Daily Trains between lanta and Charleston. Through sleepers on trains ing Atlanta at 3:00 • m., and Charleston at o. 11:00 o’clock p. m. ules, dates of sale and i tickets ask agents Georg road or the undersigned. C. C. McMillin, A. & <If* n a p T> G.P.A. Governor Candler said two years ago, “When the buds begin to pop things will be lively.” Yob, but we know of some Buds who popped too soon. Hall county must send her very jest men to the legislature. . 'Her citizens must not forget this. Isles, no less than 24,000,000 quar- The Kansas City Journal thinks ters comes from abroad, for which it very queer that no statesman has nearly 40, 000,000 pounds is paid, yet introduced a bill in congress to V—— make ground hog day a national So many Ohio banks have been holiday. This is unfortunate, as in robbed recently that a bill has such case everybody might turn been introduced in the legislature out and shoot the pesky varmint fixing the penalty of life impris- before he gives us such another onment for persons convicted of spell as we have been having this robbing or attempting to rob a | February. j j safe .-Augus ta Chronicle. Senator Steve Clay apparently fears no opposition this time. If he did he could just turn his pompadour on it and scare it out of business. M 1 rallfered the torture* of the damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with whioh I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the itown of Newell, la., and never found anything to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man. ” O. H. Ksitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la. If Fleming duBignon had stayed in the race, in all probability, he would have been Governor. As it is, his fellow townsman and neighbor, John Holbrook Esfcill, will be the next chief executive of the Empire State. ^ For a clear complexion, bright spark ling eye and vigorous digestion, take Prickeey Ash Bitters. It puts the sytem in pertect order. Dr. E. E. DIXON & CO. It is estimated that there are nearly 250,000 voters m New York City who decline to become iden tified with either of the great par ties, while there are even more who take no part in making nomina tions.—Augusta Chronicle. C. P. Q° Xj Gen’l Agt* Athens- C.McHni* F. & P- A- M» c0D ' A C. T. When the breath is foul and the ap petite disordered, PricklEy Ash Bit ters is the remedy needed. It purifies -the stomach, liver and bowels, sweet ens the breath, promotes vigor and cheerfulness. Dr. E. E. DIXON & CO. An employee in a French to bacco factory has invented a ma chine which makes the head on cigars after they are rolled, and does the work of a dozen hands. Frank Weldon says railroad passes will soon be a thing of the past. The sooner the better for $11 concerned. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, JTaite Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. lOo, 36c, 60©. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Wwtfal lUwly CompMMj, treed. IiwTtrt. Sll iranteed by all drug* B1C Tobacco Habit.