The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 22, 1902, Image 6

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1902, Try us fora good clean- haircut? shampoo or shave. Always glad to see you. Lee Parnell. A SORE That you cannot heal* If*you have ft get a box of* Or* Oix- on’s Compound Carbolic Salve and see how quickly you will get well* Mrs; Mary Keese Dead. Mrs. Mary Keese, wife of Mr. W. J. ' Keese, died at the home of her husband in this city Thursday afternoon at 2 o’ clock of heart trouble. She was 45 years of age, and was a member of the Methodist church. She is survived by | her husband and several children. The I funeral services were held at the fami- ley home at 2 o’clock yesterday after noon, conducted by Rev. W. F. Qui llen. The remains were interred at the Waters burying ground on the Clark’s bridge road. A Preventative and Cure. To The Georgia Cracker: I send the following receipt from a Galifornia correspondent, which is said to be un failing as a preventative and cure for the dreaded contagion, smallpox: ‘"‘I herewith append a recipe, which has been used to my Knowledge in hun dreds of cases of smallpox. It will pre vent or cure though the pittings are filling. When Jenner discovered the cowpoxin England the world of science overwhelmed him with fjtme, hut when the most scientific school of med- the world, that of Paris, pub- That during i 901 theg on s Rock Candy Coi greater than the total of all other Cough pre] Gainesville market. Th nothing. It is only a where the wind blows does it not seem as if 1 sessed peculiar merit? isfied customer in the 1 for yourself. | dom£&mySEix>jc£ Between New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Atlanta, Hew Orleans and Points North, East, South and West Call on N, N. Littlefield for high grade acids and guano. What’s Your Face Worth. Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced-look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex ion. Only 25 cents at M. C. Browns Drug Store. IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th. f 1901 rag? seine m JWpp1 |M ^ lished the recipe, it passed unheeded. It is as unfailing as fate, and conquers in every instance. It will also cure scarlet fever. Here is the recipe as 1 have used it *to cure smallpox: Sul phate of zinc, one grain: digitalis, one graint sugar, one half tea-spOodul. Dissolve in a wine glass of . soft water or water which has been boiled and cooled. Take a tea^poonfiil every hour. Either smallpox*or scarlet fever will disappear in twelve hours. For children the dose must be diminished according to age. If countries would compel their physicians to use this treatment there would be no need of pest houses. If you value yourjife use this recipe.” If you think it wise to do so, you iray give the above’ to your readers. Hoping that it may achieve the result predicted by my correspon dent, I am respectfully, ' • Mrs. Roy B. Scott. SOUTHWARD Daily For Rent: The brick store build ing now occupied by the Gainesville Mdse. Co., on corner South Main and Broad streets. Building is two-story and basement, 50x165 feet, well suited for large wholesale business. Posses sion given February 1st. Apply to P. N. Parker, Gainesville, Ga. Lv New York, PRR } 12 55 p m Lv Philadelphia, PRR!. 329 pm LvBaltimore, PRR- i 545 pm Lv Washington, PRR ! .655 p m Lv Richmond. SAL Ry' 10 40 p m Lv Petetersbuig, “ 1 11 31 p m i/v Norlina “ j 205 am I/v Henderson “ J 230 am bv Raleigh “ ! 346 am bv Southern Pines ** i 537 am bv Hamlet “ I 630 a m’ . 1 No 403 bv New York, NYP&Nj f7 56 a tn bv Philadelphia “ | 1020 am bv New York, O D S S Co j |3 00 pm ‘ bv Baltimore, B S P Co { bv Wash’ton, N&WSBJ ——' bv Portsmoutl, S A b Ry! 9 00 p m 9 bv Weldon “ S 1133 p m by Norlina “ {1255 am bv Henderson “ 5 120 am bv Raleigh “ 1 302 a m bv Southern Pines “ ! 518 am bv Hamlet ** J 6 45 am bv Wilmington 11 { — —.—. Ar Charlotte ** } 951 a m bv Chester > “ { 10 08 a m bv Greenwood “ {12 07 p m bv Athens “ { 219pm Ar Atlanta J “ 1 3 35 pm Ar Augusta, C & W C J 510 p m | Ar Macon, C of Ga } 7 20 p-m ArMonlg’m’ryA & W P j. 9 20 om Ar Mobile, b & N | 255 am Ar New Orleans, b & N{ 780 a m Ar Nashville NC& St b!, 5 85 a nf Ar Memphis { 4 00 p m FINDLEY. ABB1YAL AND DEPARTUREOPTRin AT GAINESVILLE, GA ^ Schedule in effect jak 20,1901 Eastern Standard (75th (Meridian) Time, No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social Cite . No. 84 leaves 12,30 p. m. tor Winder. No. 86 leaves 3:00 p. m. for Jefferson and 8 cial Circle. No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 87 arrivesTrom Jefferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 gw No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p, ^ No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. No- 92 eaves 7,35 a. m. for Social Circle^ DEATH BY ARSENIC, The Way This Poison Acts Upon the Hi^pan System. When a single dose of arsenic in suf ficient quantity to be felt has been tak en, colicky pains, bowel disorder and perhaps nausea result. In tbe course of an hour after^a poisonous dose has been taken aj^ intense burning pain is felt in the esophagus and stomach. This spreads to the entire anterior por tion of the lower part of the trunk. A sense of Cdnstrictioh at the throat and an acrid, metallic taste accompany the j pain. Then vomiting and relaxation of | the bowels begin. As the case pro gresses the symptoms increase in in tensity. Then comes a thirst that wa ter will not allay, although it appar ently increases the stomach disturb ance. Tbe victim groans and writhes. Now he implores the doctor to save him. Then he pegs to be killed and put out of pain. The extremities become icy. Tbe pulse is small, feeble and fre quent, and tbe breathing is labored, embarrassed and painful because of abdominal tenderness. Tbe ^.surface of the body becomes dark and of that bluish color that medical men call cy- anosed. Violent cramps add their tor ture, exhaustion becomes collapse, con vulsions or coma ensues, and death ends the agony. This torture lasts sometimes from five to twenty hours. In some cases these symptoms occur, but in a modified form, and the doctor will apparently get the better of the disease. The remission will be but for a day or two. Then the abdomen will swell, and icy coldness will pervade the frame. Shivering will become-pro nounced trembling, then cramps, con* vulsions and death. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. ~ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time, gold by druggists. f6 30 pm 6 30 pm 1005 am 12 36 pm 210 pm 2 ,45 pm 427 pm 6 43 pm .8 05 pm ,330 pm 1045 pm 1120 pm 132 am 4 08 am 5 30 am Money Loaned On Farms* We make loans on improved farms, m Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of making payments on the principal sum at any time. For further information apply to ' R. P. LaTtnEr, Room 4. State Bank Building, Gaines ville, Ga. No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Sodai Grc No. 98 leaves4.00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives 8:45 a. m. from Jefferson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No. 91 arrives 2,45 p. m. from Social Cirde.* ^ Connections. No. 82 connects at Winder 9,30 a, m. for A& ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with Ga.8,1 for Augusta 10*26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55 a. * Arrive Augusta 2.25 p. m.; Arrive Atlanta 15 m. No. 84 connects at Winder for Athens h£ Atldnta2,19 p. m.; arrive Athens 2.50 p. m.; ar rive Atlanta 3.00 p. m. No. 84^ponnects at Social Circle for Augustas ,3> p, m.; arrive Augusta 9.25 p. m, - No. 86 connects at Social Circle * <. •. I J.45 p. m.; arrive Atlanta 9.20 p. Samuel C, Dotlap, * . Receiver as Six Cases of Smallpox. Six cases of smallpox have resulted from the exposure to George Mason, - the juryman. AIL those who have con tracted the disease were either on the Jury or were in the court house most of the time during t.he week. Those who have broken out with the disease are: S. S. Herrin and Ri ley, above Bellton; Sloan and Mark Roberts, near Flowery Branch; Albert Browning and Will Ramsey, H2ar White Sulphur Springs; Clay Burruss and Ira Gaines, in Polksville district* and J. J. Adams, near Chest- hut Mountain. Drs. K. A. Smith and J. W. Oslin have been engaged by the county authorities to treat the patients and have isolated each case. They are also vaccinating everybody, as near as they can, so as to prevent a spread of the disease. All of the patients are doing well and the disease appears to be of a very mild form. Green Hunter broke out with small pox in the city last Monday. He was immediately sent to the pest house j with his whole family, and all the ne- groes in the vicinity of. his home "have I been quarantined. With the car# and attention being given the disease and the near approach of warm weather it is believed it will soon be stamped out. 25c. 50c. IlfflllTI*! III! 1 Druggists. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." 800 pm 1123 pm 204 am 4 25 am 5 00 am N. N. Littlefield, deals in the very best fertilizers at the lowest prices. 3Hy bath rooms are warm aid comfortable at all tunes. Lee Parnell, the barber. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. * A Pleasant Lemon Tonic- Dr. H. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Is prepared from the fresh jnice of Lemons, combined, with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromat ic stimulants and blood purifiers. Sold by drug gist. 50c and $1.00 bottles. . For biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and foul stomach. - For sick and nervous headache and the grip. For pains palpitation and irregular action of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness. For loss of appetite and debility. Bath Rooms warm ble at -Parnell’s. Betw and Mitchell’s I Birds Are Like Human Beings. | Canaries, like human beings, vary very much in character, some cocks be ing so indifferent and idle that they will let the hen do all the work of building and rearing, while they them selves sit and plume their feathers. Others, again, are perfect gentlemen in their manners, waiting on the hen with a quiet courtesy and seeing that all she requires is at once brought to her. Again, the hens vary in disposition, some hens behaving in a quiet, modest way, attending to their young ones with regularity, while others are in a constant state of chatter with their husbands, pecking and arguing with them every time they go near. Thus we see that these little birds have their tiffs, and domestic quarrels, not unlike ourselves.—Chambers’ Journal. Marshall Sales. Georgia, Hall County:—WiH be sold at public outcry within the legal toms of sale on the first Tuesday in tank’ 1902, before the court house dwr Gainesville, Ga„ for taxes dne the wj of Gainesville, Ga., for ^ ie _^ ar the following property, Lv Hamlet, " } 9 40 p m ! 9 20 am Lv Southern Pines, ** J 10 32 p m | 10 09 am Lv Raleigh, «* * 12 28 a m J 1207 pm Lv Henderson, ** j 144am | 127 pm Lv Norl na, ** { 210am j 2 15 pin Lv Petersburg “ J 4 09am { 4 43pm Ar Richmond. “ .{ 4 56am { 535 pm Ar Washington, P R R } 8 45am J 930 pm Ar Baltimore, PRR j 10 03 a m j 11 25 pni Ar Philadelphia, PRR } 12 27pm J 256 am Ar'New York, PRR j 315pm ,» 630am Note-fDaily Except Sunday, * Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern ; trains make connection at’Winder with Seaboard Air Line Railway to and from all points North, Fast, South and Southwest—Vestibuled Limited Trains. ^Central Time, g Eastern Time. For fevers' malaria and chills, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic reg ulation, take Lemon Elixir ' Lemon Elixir wili not fail you in any of the above-named diseases, all of which arise from a 1902, before the court house door Gainesville, Ga,, fortaxesduethefflj to wit: j in the city ® °Hall county, Georgy hnndred and tan Ie “ is street in said with M f s. Wgjg et, thence with saia torpid or diseased liver, stomach or kidneys. At the Capitol- I have just taken the last of two bottles of Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, indigestion with diseased liver and kidneys, The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest medicine I ever used. J. H, MENNICH, Attorney J Smell by the Yard. I TEe method of measuring smell I adopted by M. Berthelot opens a wide field for investigation. A bot tle is filled with the odor of an odor ous substance, which is weighed be fore’and after to determine the- puantity of vapor, and measured fractions of this vapor are then poured from bottle to bottle until [ just enough remains in onq to ex cite the nerves of smell. With iodo- I form the quantity was three-eighths of one-millionth of a grain, while a thousandth as much more would probably suffice. Odd Prison Sign. . On the northwestern end of the j high stone wall that surrounds Mo- I yamensing prison there are painted in huge letters these words; “Five thousand dollars^ reward for the discovery of the man who invented work.” J The sign has been on the wall] for some years, and passersby, when they perceive it, laugh, for it seems somehow in its sentiment appropri ate to a prison and to the sort of men who occupy prison cells.—Phil adelphia Record. Mexico's Navy. Mexico has the smallest navy in the world in proportion to her pop ulation. Twelve million people are protected by a fleet of two dispatch President National Bank. Automatic Clocks. Four new self-winding clocks have been installed in to the following places: Western Union Telegraph office; Gainesville Telephone, exchange; G. J. & S. railroad depot and W. H. Summer’s Jewelry store. They are wound and set automatically every hour, each hav ing an electric battery attached to the Western Union wire, which docs the work. W. H. Summer’s clock was not mentioned in the Eagle’s account of their installation, but he has one and not only that he has for sale an auto matic clock which winds itself every seven minutes. He also lias cuckoo clock, which is not attached to the wire but it runs all the time. It will be ab- served, therefore* that he not only has ail kinds of clocks and all kinds of time a ad is always on time. He is the “old i-eliable.’ 1 To Cure tlie Stammerer. It is said that stammerers rarely If ever show any impediment of speech when speaking in whispers. On this fact a method of treatment has been advocated, which Is as follows: For tbe first ten days speaking is prohibited. This will allow rest to the voice and constitutes the preliminary stage of treatment. During the next ten days speaking is permissible in the whisper ing voice, and in tbe course of the next fifteen days the ordinary conversation al tone may be gradually employed. OF LIVING COMES FROM HOME-LIKE The Right Way to Bake Potatoes. | Wash and clean the skins of the | potatoes without breaking. Put them on the grate in a moderately heated oven. If the oven is too hot, the skins will at once harden, forming a nonconducting surface, preventing the escape of water. Potatoes baked in this way are heavy and waxy, in digestible aad unpalatable. As soon as the potato is soft upon slight pressure of the finger remove it from the oven. Take it in your hand, tyhich should be protected with a napkin or towel, and care fully work the potato as though you were mashing it in the skin, being very careful not to break the skin. When the potato seems soft and mealy throughout, put it back on cuts a big figure in the house-hold happmess. Find a home t nished, and you will be pretty sure to find real honest comfort Different people haye different needs and. tastes in furnit one wont suit another, the needs of everyone, and buy Mrs. Elizabeth Wood. Dead. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. F. C. Hunt on West Broad street, yesterday afte r- no5n at 12:20 o’clock, of pnenmonia. She was 75 years of age. the funeral You can get just what you are looking for from me the lowest. Job Coudn’t Have Stood It If he’d had Itching Piles. They’re terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve will cure the worst case of p.les on earth. It has cured thousands. tC Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions i r/s the best salve in the world. Price 252 a box. Cure guaranteed. S°ld by M. 4k Brown, the grate in the oven, and so contin ue until all the potatoes have been subjected to this process.—Ladies , Home Journal.