The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, February 22, 1902, Image 8

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Obeyiiig Orders Literally. The following story is told of a negro recruit who challenged the officer of the day: “‘Halt, dar! Who’s dak?’ The answer was, ‘Offi cer of the day.’ Again the sentry sung out: ‘Halt, dar! Who’s dat?’ The officer then asked him what in Sam Hill was the matter. Why didn’t he know his orders ? The ne gro said: T does know mah orders. Sallow, v Bilious People yneed a gentle stimulant for the liver Mwand a tonic for the system. This essential^^ W combination is found in Mb Baffin’s LIVER Pius ’ n^ANDTONIC pellets They do the work completely and thoroughly, and make strong men and women of invalids; they Fruit Its quality influences the selling pric6. J9 Profitable fruit growing insured only when enough actual assist Nature to a healthy normal condition, and j * jish disease in a natural, easy way. $5ea J box from all dealers. Write for Free A Sampled BROWN MFC. CO. MA NEW YORK ^ AND QREENEVILLE, TENN. W/ is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor good quality possible without Potash, Write for ousdree books giving details. GERMAN KALI WORKS,’ 93_Nassau St., New York City. Blacksburs King’s Mt. Gastonia... Charlotte.. 1 A Household Necessity. A family medicine chest is one of the necessities in the household, and every housewife should understand how to use its contents. There should be a place for keeping all the bottles and packages together, al though it he nothing better than HE HASTILY DODGED BEHIND A TREE. Pe sargint done tole me to halt you three times and den shoot yoW And, with that he cocked his rifle* Thereupon the. officer hastily dodg ed behind a tree, from which retreat he succeeded with difficulty in per suading the recruit not to shoot." Any Cord Would Do. General B&llington Booth of the Volunteers of America told a story at the meeting of his organization of a prayer meeting held on the east side during a mayoralty cam paign, says the New York Commer cial Advertiser, in the midst of a prayer, he related, one pious brother though it he nothing better than an upper shelf in the closet or pantry. Then they can be found without loss of time, which is not the case where the bottles are left scattered about on the windows and mantels> The home medicine chest should contain a bottle of camphor, some -good liniment, a few doses of qui nine in capsules,.; sweet oil, castor oil, paregoric, flaxseed, mustard, sul phur, vaseline, limewater and vari ous other things that have been tried and found good. Should any member of the family be severely burned cover the burned portion with linseed oil and lime- water; then wrap it with cotton wool. Allow it to remain twenty- four hours. Curtains and Draperies* Few things give so great an air of comfort to a home as pretty cur-* tains and draperies, and they are useful for many purposes. Besides their decorative aspect, they shut out draft and exclude dust. The curtains, for instance, used in lieu* of a door to the homemade ward- Tobe protect the dresses within from soil, while giving charm to the ap pearance of the bedroom. There are many women whose first task when house moving is to ar range the window draperies, because, as they say, when once those are completed the house will begin to look like home, whereas the finished room devoid of blinds and curtains looks bare and cold. \ The fashionable m&teriU3£ f?r heavy curtains are plushes and plushettes, serges, tapestries and brocades for the sitting room, while for the bedroom art linen is prefer red or fancy cretonne. Front Door Mirrors. Recently in passing through, pos sibly the prettiest village, in the Gots wolds I saw an excellent idea that might with advantage be intro duced elsewhere. Withm the knock er on the front door, which in this instance was about on a level with the face of the visitor, was placed a .small convex mirror. Supposing Hie visitor is paying a call of either congratulation or condolence, how advantageous must it be to put the right expression on his countenance, -either festive or doleful, before he ^knocks at the door.—London Graph- FstMa No. 35. Daily. ANNOUNCEMENT iV. Gre’nsboro ix. Charlotte.. »v. Gastonia... “ King’s Mt.. w Blacksburg * Gaffney,... I Spar’burg. “ Greenville. “ Central.... * Seneca..... * W*minster. * Toccoa..,.. The best and most satisfactory flour on the market. Will sell same in any quantity at the Lowest Prices. S CANDIES said: “Oh, Lord, we pray thee that the Democratic party may hang togeth er in the coming election." “Amen f Answer prayer, Lord," put in a [Republican who was near. “But I do not mean it as the Re publican brother means it, Lord. I pray that we may hang together in concord and accord," continued the Democrat. . “Amen, Lord," again said the Re publican. “Any ’cord, so long as they hang." Wouldn’t See the Joke. " Henniker Heaton, member of par liament for Canterbury, was recent ly asked by the archbishop of Can terbury “of what advantage is the presentation of the freedom of a city to its recipient ?” “It enables him to open a public house, your grace," was the reply. “How shock ing!” rejoined Dr. Temple, who did not cho*«a to see the joke. The most forlorn looking object In this world is a man guest around the bouse in the daytime.—Atchison Globe* In Pound, hall pound boxes and in any quantity open . The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. 8 15p 3 15pLv...Lula...Art 2lari 7; 8 45 p 8 45 p “Maysville" 145p 7! 6 04p 4 02p “Harmony 1 * 128p T( 8 45p 4 45p At. Athens Lv 12 45p oi Note dose connection made at Lula *f main line trains. «A” a- m. “P” p. m. “JT’noon. “Frig Chesapeake Line Steamers in daily sen between Norfolk and Baltimore. Nos. 87 and38—“WashingtonandSouttm «rn Limited.” Solid Pnlmantrain, cemgcc latest design, through between Lev Yc A Good Hearted or in other words, men with good sound hearts, are not very numerous. The increasing number of sudden deaths from heart disease • daily chron- icled by the m jHk press, is proof jfluv jftSk mg prey a- A . lence of this dangerous complaint, and as no one r 's can foretell just when a fatal collapse Jm A * Kreamep. wilh occur, the danger of neg lecting treatment is certainly a very risky matter. If you are short of breath, have pain in left side, smothering spells, pal pitation, unable to lie on side, especially the Jeft, you should begin taking MwHeapCure. J. A. Kreamer of Arkansas City, Kans., says: “My heart was so bad it was im possible for me to lie down, and I could neither sleep nor rest. My decline was rapid, and I realized I must get help soon. I was advised to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, which I did, and candidly believe it saved my life.” Dr. Mile*' Remedies are sold by all drugi'ats on gvarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, CUTAWAY HARROWS’ STEEL BEAM TURNERS. Her Sorrow. ^She—Harry, you said something last evening that made me feel so bad. He—What was it, dearest? She—You said I waa one of tbe sweetest girls in all the world. He—And aren’t you, darling? She—You said “one of the sweetest.” Oh, Harry, to think I should live to know that I have to share your love with another! ; ^ ^ TIGER DISC PLOWS,* SINGLE PLOW STOCKS & PLOWS, expe$5®1 .TERRELL CULTIVATORS, LITTLE JOE and ROMAN HARROWS, V HARNESS, SADDLES, b COLLARS & BRIDLES, WHEELBARROWS, SHOVELS, HOES, ETC. BELTING, MILL SUPPLIES, HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE, ALL KINDS Where You Can Get EXACTLY SUITED. nOXrOur Prices Will TICKLE YOU. An Old Hand. “What was the first thing your hue- band said when you got started on your wedding journey ?’* “ ‘Excuse me while I go forward and have a smoke.* You know it was the third time for him.**—Chicago Record- Herald. - Experienced. He—Your friend, Miss Dashway, has ^uite a military air about her. She—No wonder. She has participat ed in no fewer than seventeen engage* nents.—Chicago News. lions stnellycon a Sc sent frea fgggf tBrou «££§&£%fey DINKINS OLD STAND No.lL Ex. Sun. No. 13. Daily. STATIONS. 8 lop 8 45 p 6 04p 9 45p 315p 8 45 p 402p 4 45 p Lv...Lola ..At “ Maysville “ “ Harmony “ Ar. Athens JLv