The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 01, 1902, Image 7

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SATURDAY MARCH 1, 1902, I jlpg much SHOE SEUINt I 1 and shoe buying: has lea (I '! 1 \^% ed us a lot about tbe je« f- - "■ ■ ~-~l and bad points of SHQlds, ■ and we as ever buy those which are thdleast sus cions. Only the bt^st ofeach kint| or grade Met to our stock: audr tbe^-ihcrea^n^ 'number of cus The Southern and G. J. and S. \| railwg^sf^ire bringing us from it \ ,TX ^hfe largest clothing makers of 1-1 i the United States a magnifi^ / ||J cent stock of spring suits and ,-rMf fe§§ pants, consisting of all the ne.w ** | V\ l ideas that combined tailoring ability is capable of producing. “WHAT AND WHERE TO BUY” is a q you will begin to consider seriously in a ve To clear your mind and to guide you arij you now that this is the place for you to rigged up in the latest and best. . It is pi for us to lid that your spring outfit pui while it will he nnfrpr^ will tint necessa. grea In our silk department we 1iTvT* , *TT r UiH.plTfr ]ii waist taffetas^ and dress foulards, embracing all tbe designs, ranging in price from 40cts per yrd up. We have the ladies call and examine these goods. mon French and Italian lawns, linens and dimitms lire the mother beauty about them is, that you get gcxxTvalues for t Our display of ejmbroideries, laces and insertions will ;hose of the largegt-icity^t^Fes, This department is our special pride. We have everything for the * of SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. iosiery! ; Hosiery! Hosiery! Just now the busy house-wife d^M^ftot^are to be troubled with so much “darn ing”. I Time . money, and a small amount iuvested in oulNjadies, misses and children’s hosiery wiljl save l uch annoyance, and provide you with an abundance of this line of goods. We have aU colors ad sizes. ' .; . The largest line by far ever shown in this market, now is- the time to buy. get the ehoise of patterns. ‘ GROCERIES! GROCERIES! GROCERIES! b which is now receiving more attention than another, it is our grocery room. Here you will find all that is fresh and best in staple and fancy grocery business of the town, and if prudent buying, careful attention and prompt delivery count foriqnything, jour trade will be ours. Mr. J. C. Hill, of Greenville, S. C.. Is here a day or two this week- fir, t. C. Candler was in town several iys this week from Atlanta. Bay “Foot Glove*’$3.50 shoes from Ifth-Thomas Co. Hr. W. R. Dexter returned home to ly from Augusta, where he has been r several weeks. Mr. Geo. S. Johnson says he is in the lee for sheriff, his being about the penth entry up to date. Hr. Dean Wilbanks, of Banks county Is been here this week trying to buy pome for the purpose of moving here. Mr. Calvin Holmes, of Atlanta, spent pt Sunday in the city with his sister, psLeize Holmes, ott Race street. Mrs. C. C. Staton has been quite pt for several weeks, hut her friends 3 pe for her early and complete recove- ANNOUNCEMENTS, .Had. Nine Bottles And Two Jugs. There was a wholesale capture of whiskey in the city last Wadnesday afternoon, George Duuagan, Geiorge Johnson and A. L. Dunagan having been arrested at Looper’s wagon yard with nine bottles and two jugs, each of which contained an amofint of the stuff. They were located by Policeman Bag- well, and he was assisted in the arrest by Policeman Smith. At 4 o’clock that afternoon Geo. Johnson was tried by MayOr Parker, but as there was not sufficient evidence to convict he was acquitted, and the cases against the two other defendants were not prossed. The police officers got the whisky, but they pulled the crowd just a little top soon, as they failed to secure quite enough evidence. They skinned out in a hurry after the Mayor let them go. Lost Boy. Cornelius Brown, colored, 12 years old, about 5 feet high, left Gainesville over the G. J. and S.. R. R. Thursday Fedruary 20th. with a drummer and has not since returned home. When last seen by me he had on a red striped sweater. He has big scar on right side of head, vaccination scar on left arm, and has downcast countenance. Any information as to his where-abouts will be duly appreciated by his motner, Georgia Brown, col., Gainesville, Ga., FOR GRIP, COLDS, ETC,. Dr. Dixon’s Roqk Candy Cough Syrup, taken in con nection with Cripsules, is the remedy. It will cure as certainly as water will put out f i re. Can be taken by anybody regardless of age, color, or previous con dition, 25cts. each per bottle. Mr. W. E. Crockett came home from Gainesyille Saturday to see home folks, returning Monday.—Marietta Journal. Mr, Bob Dodgen. of Gainesville, was here Sunday. .Bob says he is doing a fine business m Gainesville*.—Marietta Journal. Be sure to keep up with Smith-Thom- as Co’s., advertisements ip this paper. They are offering some great values, and it will pay our readers to pay this firm a visit when out shopping. Dr. E. B. Dixon, who has been sick for a month or more, left this week for St. Augustine and Palm .Beach, Fla., to spend sometime in the hope of being benefited. His friends wish for him a pleasant time and a speedy restoration to health. . Strikes A Rich Find. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility,” writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster, N. H., “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife ih excellent' health lor years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigora- tor for weak, run down women. No other medicine can ta&e its place in our family.” Try them.- Only 50e. Sat isfaction guaranteed by Mt C. BROWN. Tom Sanders Fined SSO And Costs. Tom Sanders, who runs a negro restaurant on Spring* street, was fined $50 and costs by Mayor Parker Wednes day afternodn for selling liquor- San ders got mixed fip. with M two Daw son county blockahers' Tuesday and as a result he was convicted of selling, liquar, He appealed to the council, bntas not enough members were pres- sent Thursday night to try it, the case went over to* the next regular meeting. Could Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, cropp, grip, bronchi tis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure*. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only- temporary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflama- tion and removes the cause of the dis ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. “One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it, 7 ’ says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. “My wife eould not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family.” ROB ERTSON & LAW. - . Mr. Sam Dunlap Jr.., is wearing a badly sprained knee as a result of a playful tusselwith Mr. Howell Abbott last Tuesday. They were wrestling, and Mr. Dunlap’s leg got caught under Mr. Abbott’s body as the latter threw the former. - - . - "v Hon. John H. Pierce was in town one day this week, and was warmly greeted by his friends. He never miss ed a roll call during the two terms Jie was in the house. Mr. Pierce will like ly be in the race for representative again, and has many warm friends who will support, him. Dr. C. E. Bowman, president Of Emory college, preached* interesting sermons at the morning and evening services at the First Methodist church- here last Sunday. A collection was taken amounting to about $50 for the new science hall to be erected on Emory college campus. Practically Starving- “After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble,” says J. R. Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent; of Macomb, I1L “Be fore using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she cpulfi not eat an ordinary meal with out intense suffering. She is now en tirely cured.. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give re lief.” You. don’t have to diet. Eat ahy good food . you want, hut don’t overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure will always digest it for you. ROBERTSON & LAW. ' Boyd—Edmondson. At the residence of Judge F. M. Loden, who officiated, last Sunday afternoon,- Mr, John Boyd and Miss Gertrude Edmondson were happily married. A few intimate friends of the bride and groom were present. The young people have the best wishes of a host of friends, Married Last Sunday. Mr. A. A. Smith, of Buford, and Miss Lizzie Irvine, of Gainesuille, were marr ied at the home of the bride’s par ents on Green stree, last Sunday after noon at 4 o’clock, Rev. L. A. Simpson officiating. Only a few friends and relatives were present, the marriage !, owiug to tha Made Fine Address. Tho annual alumni address of the Decora literary society of the N. G. A, college at Dahlonega was delivered last Saturday evening by Mr. B. G. Parks, of Gainesville, who chose for his subject, “What Hath God Wrought. The address was an excellent one, re flecting great credit upon the bright young lawyer who delivered it. Mr. Parks is a 1900 graduate of the college. Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, purga tive pill has been exploded: for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are per fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleans the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. On ly 25c M, C. BROWN’S Drug store. being a very- quiet one, recent death of a relative of Mr. Irvine’s family. . The groom is a son of Hon. W. T* Smith, of Buford, and is a successful young business man. The bride is an accomplished young lady, and has nu» merous friends. JFor Sale: Two pairs good mules, wagons and harness. Jno. A. Smith Mfg Co., . : . Gainesville, Ga* II. • Smitti has eight store counters and table for sale. Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, 10c, 25c, It C. QJ., druggists ref wd moae|» pSQ 21 m. -- Ig S3