The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 08, 1902, Image 6

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THE GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1902, Call on N, N. Littlefield for high grade acids and guano. A SORE That yon cannot heal* If*yon have It get a box of Or# Dix on’s Compound Carhollc Salve and see how quickly you will get well. T CONDENSED STORIES. |%en Wm Plenty of Room Ashore Per the "Gentlemen.” X S. V. Oddie, secretary of the New York Yacht club, who died the Other d»y, was one of the first to make it understood to some of the members of the club that the inter- pstieaal yacht races for the Amer ica's cup were sailed for the benefit of the general public and not for the erdwnve amusement of a few Of fhe club members. When the races were first revived about twelve, years ago, all the newspapers did Hot go to the expense of sending Special -tugs. One representative from each paper was welcomed on the committee's tug, which was in charge of Mr. Oddie. One morning X Frederick Tams, a yacht design er, boarded the committee boat with two friends, who had not been in vited, and, looking around on the grou^ofnewspaper men, he said to “Why, there seem to he more re- I porters aboard than gentlemen." “Well," responded Mr. Oddie quietly. *there is plenty of room ashore."—Philadelphia Press. J Uncie Russ* New Hat. | “We may freely aiccord Russell Sage the distinction of being one of the most unpretentious of our great men," said Mr. X Edward Sim mons. “Nevertheless I once saw ,s a Pact 1 t'he sales of i) r ' COa « h %rop s total cotnbiij ed preparations 0 This of itself fiy a straw s d ( wind blows the trade, -tasif the remed ^erit? Hardly a ] in. the whole lot That during iq 0 i on s Rock Candy greater than the of all other Cong Gainesville nothing. It is or where the does it not seem sessed peculiar isfied customer for yourself. POP Rents The brick store build ing now occupied by the Gainesville Mdse. Co., on corner South Main and Broad streets. Building is two-story and basement, 50x165 feet, well suited for large wholesale business. Posses sion givenJPebruary 1st. Apply to ‘ - - P. N. PAREJ&iftli Gainesville, Ga. Trails domeAajivSeMicz Between New York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points North, East, South and West IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th., 1901 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. FINDLEY. Money Loaned On Farms, We make loans on improved farms, m Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of making payments on the principal sum For further information Lv Petetersbuigr, “ I 11 31 p m Lv Norlina " J 2 05 am Lv Henderson ** { 230 am Lv Raleigh ** j 346 am Lv Southern Pines " I 587 am Lv Hamlet “ I 6 30 a m | No 403 Lr New York, NYP&Nj f7 55am Lv Philadelphia “ I 10 20 am Lv New York, O D S S Co{ f6 00 pm L v Baltimore, B S P Co Lv Wash’ton, N & W S B | Lv Portsmouth, S A L Ry Lv Weldon Lv Norlina . “ - j Lv Henderson “ Lv Raleigh “ Lv Southern Pines ** ] Lv Hamlet *■* \ Lv Wilmington - “ Ar Charlotte ** i Lv'Chester 'i-r'i “ Lv Greenwood 1* Lv Athens ** Ar Atlanta J f ‘ Ar Augusta, C & W C | Ar Macon, C of Ga { Ar Montg’m’ry A & WP j Ar Mobile, L &N j OB'XSAJy Says He Was Tortured. “I suffered such pain from corns could hardly walk,” writes H. Robin son, Hillsborough, Ill., “but Buck- len’s Arnica Salve completely cured them.” Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by M. C. at any time, apply to SCHEDULE m EFFECT JAH J), jjqj ^Eastern Standard (75th (Meridian) Tia*. No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social circ No. 84 leaves 12,30 p; m. tor Winder, No^ leaves Stfft p. m. for Jefferson and * dal Circle. No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefferson, No. 87 arriveslfrom Jefferson 8,B a. a No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1# |a No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p, a No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,87 p, a SUNDAY TRAINS. No - 92 eaves 7,35 a. m. for Soda! Circle.| No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Sociai Circ ' 1 No. 98 leaves 4.-00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives8:45 a. m. from Jefferson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social circle No. 91 arrives 2,45 p. m. Sum Social Circle) 1 Connections. No. 82 connects at Winder9,30 a, m. for a& ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. No. IS connects at Social Circle with Ga.R,l for Augusta 10*26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55 a. s Arrive Augusta;ArriTe Atlanta !& mC ’ | No. 84 connects at Winder for Athens ani Atldnfca2,19 p. m.; arrive Athens2.5G p. m.; J rive Atlanta 3.00 p. m. No. 84 connects at Social Cirde for Augusta J .38 p. m.; arrive Augustai9.25p. m, i No.86 connects at Social Circle :V i u. 7.45 p. m.; arrive Atlanta 9.20 p. j Samuel C.Dotup,, Wecdverj -— | f630pm J 6 30 pm 9 00 p m { 1005 am 1133 pm 22 36 pm 12 55 a m ; 210 pm 120 am j 245 pm 3 02 a m | 4 27 pm 5 18 a m j 6 43 pm 6 45 am j 8 05 pm J—{ 330 p m 9 51 a m ; 10 45 pm 10 08 a m | 1120 pm 2fie. fiOc. 1 IlMlII 11 DrncEieta. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good." MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR- NORTHWARD | Daily' - \ ' | No 402 LV Memphis, N C <St St Lj 100 p m Lv Nashville, {10 55 p m Lv New Orleans, L & N | 745pm Lv Mobile, L&N { 1220am Lv Montgom’ry A & W PI 6 20 a m Lv Macon, C of Ga I 8 00am Lv Augusta, C&WC { 940am Lv Atlanta. J S A L Ry , { 1200 n’n Ar Athens, ** | 248pm Ar Greenwood “ I 4 50pm Buying a. Title. It is not expensive to become a noble In Bavaria. To be made a simple r von” costs a matter of £75, to be raised to the "ritteratand” £100, to be made a "freiherr” £258, to be made a "graf” costa £500, while to be made a prince only costs £1,000. These prices are only tor one person, but the government kindly maxes reductions In the case of whole families wishing to turn noble all at ones. Thus for £2,000 or £8,000 a •mail family can be made prinees, though they are only permitted to use their title within the kingdom of Bava ria. take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above-named diseases. 50c. and $1.00 bottles at druggists.. - Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. At the Capitol- I am in my seventy-thirefyear, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from indiges tion, constipation and biliousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these dis eases, and got n# permanent relief. About one year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form. I became veiy weak, and lost flesh rapidly. I commenced using. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon {Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly re stored, and now I feel asyonng and vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. T- ALLDRED. , Door keeper_G eorgia State Senate, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. { 643pm { 4 25am { $ 30 p m { 5 00 am j 3 30pm {-. j 9 50 p m J 810 am j 1095 pm ! 9 03 am Digests what you eat A Fireman’s Close Call ”1 stuck to my engine, although evi joint ached and every nerve was ml mttl, noin n nmtos P. W "RpIiATTr 1130 am 100 pm 2 00 pm with pain,” writes C. W, Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington Iowa.. ”1 was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and, after taking it, I fell as well as I ever did in my life.” IS eak, sickly, run down- people always gais new life, strength and vigor from the-’ use.’ Try them. Satisfaction guarao teed by M. C. Bbowr. Price 50 cents HttU, Troubles* As it is ®nly bow and then that * have & landslide, while we are eont s ually annoyed by the dnst which s- In at every crack and door ana ^ 4ow, so It Is only now and w» hare a crashing trol * ! ,, * r ‘ J, «re perpetually annoyedtarBff £ cares and vexations.—>v ee quet. _________ Bis Mlsfortmie* _ Teacher-Try to remember m ton. the poeL was bhnd. Do y yon can remember ft? j Bobby Smart—Tea ma^ Teacher—Now, what was m great misfortune? i Bobby Smart—He was a lumbus COJ Journal. Thtjr Wer* fltayttra. After a dinner given by Stephen Price of Drury Lane theater, all the .guests but Theodore Hook and the Bev. Edward Cannon retired. Price {was suffering from gout, but as they disregarded his hints to retire he stole off and left them in high talk. On the following morning Price in quired of his servant, “Pray, at what time did those gentlemen go last night?” “Gopsir?” replied John. "They’re not. gone; sir. They have just rung for cof* Ar New York, “ { 8 40pm J 8 00 am { No 44 I No 66 Lv Hamlet, ** { 9 40 p m { 9 20 am Lv So'tbernPine*, *' j 1032pm j 1009am Lv Raleh?b, “ } 12 28am { 1207pm Lv Henderson, ** { 144am { 127pm Lv Norlina, •' ** . { 210am { 215rpm Lv Petersburg ** . j 4 09 a m | 4 43 pm Ar Richmond. “ [ 4 56 a m i 5 35 pm Ar Washington, PRR j 845am J 9 30pm Ar Baltimore, PRR {'1008am { 1125pm Ar Philadelphia, PRR { 12 27 p ni ! 2.56 am Ar New York, PRR } 315pm J 6;30am Note^fDafly Except Sunday, Gaineeville, Jefferson and Southern ‘.trains make connection at Winder with Seaboard Air Line Railway to and &om all points North, East, South and Southwest—Vestibuled Limited Trains. tiCentral Time, g Eastern Time. X3. IAGE STRAIGHTENED UP. him in Nassau street with just the suspiwe*. of a swagger. As he came out ot his office building an irre- prearsfWu street urchin ran along the howling to - a comrade: ‘“Hi, Dinny, yonr Uncle Kuss is wearm* a new hat P Skge straightened up per ceptibly no doubt with secret pride."—Nw York Times. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recomm end it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’s troubles. MRS. S, A. GRESHAM.. Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops. Cures all Cbughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorhage, and : all throat and lung diseases. Elegant reliable. 25c at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley Atlanta, Ga. A teoteh Cynic. A young Scotchman was once halt ing between two loves, one possessed of beauty and the other of a cow. In despair of arriving at a decision he ap plied for advice to a canny compatriot, who delivered himself thus: "Marry the lass that has the coo, for Surgeon’s Knife Not Needed. Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once remov- fng the necessity for dangerous, pain- sul and expensive operations. For icalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it ig unequalled. Beware of Counterfeits. ROBERT SON & LAW. Didn't Lose Much. Odlond -William Greene Sterett of Texas, Washington and the world in general used to sit in a poker game in his native state, where it is related the passions of the players were frequently expressed by violent means. Casualties in Texas poker § games were not uncommon in those days. Tbe enemies of Colonel Ste rett relate with glee that on one oc casion iust as the morning sun was reddening the horizon the warrior emerged from the game and into the street with a haggard and harried look. A friend, or perhaps an ene my, meeting him at the crisis, clap ped him on the back and said: “Well, Colonel Bill, how much did you lose?" “Not very much," replied Colonel Bill wearily; “$8 and an uncle." In Line With Marconi. Hugh McLaughlin and several of his friends were chatting together, in the Willoughby street auction room the other day when the con versation turned to Marconi's feat j of sending a wireless telegraphic message across the sea. ‘“There was a reporter in here to | see me about that a few days ago," j remarked Mr. McLaughlin. “He wanted to get my views on the sub ject for his paper." “I dare say you gave him some thing interesting," said one of the group. | “Well," returned Mr. McLaughlin .*lowly, "I got right in line with Marconi anyway. I gave the report er a wordless interview."—Brooklyn Working 24 Hours a Day. There’s no rest for those tireless lit- ile workers—Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Tor- fid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Head ache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or Small, taste nice, work won- weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at M. C. Brown’s. A Thirty Dollar Tenor. The recent order of E. H Harri- man, chairman of the board of di rectors of the Union Pacific rail road, that persons who are ejected from trains for not paying their fare must be treated tenderly and with consideration recalls a famous order of Chauncey M. Depew when he first became president of the I New York Central. Brakemen on the line were instructed to call off the names of stations in a “clear tenor voice." One morning Mr. Depew received a letter from a young man in Pough keepsie asking: “What sort of a tenof do you ex pect for $30 a month ?" Under Cover of Darlenes*. The minister of a Scotch parish was going from borne and procured the clergyman of a neighboring parish to officiate on Sunday. His servant, who was also the beadle, was sent over to the station to drive the reverend gen tleman to the manse. ' When the train arrived, the beadle asked him to wait awhile, as be had some messages to do before he went. It was two hours before he returned. The good man was furious and threat ened to report him to his master. "Weel, sir, ye can dae that if ye like,” said the beadle, "but he tell’t me himser to wait till it was dark Artlstlo House Furnishing. The secret of success in artistic louse furnishing is the harmonious jlending of wall and floor covering with the woodwork rather than in discriminate following of the latest style. For instance, red wall cover ing is fashionable and combines most effectively with woodwork in dusky Flemish oak, but is thorough ly unsuited to golden oak, which calls for a dull, soft blue in burlap or cartridge paper. Kitchen Maxims. A good manager looks alie&d. There is no work like early work. Clear as you go. Muddle makes more muddle. Spare neither soda nor hot water in washing up greasy articles. Dirty saucepans filled with hot water begin to clean themselves. Not to wash plates and dished soon after using makes extra work. or LIVING COMES FROM HOME-LIKE cuts a big figure in the house-hold happiness. Find a I nished, and you will be pretty sure to find real honest ct Different people haye different needs and tastes in one wont suit another, I study the needs of everyone, ai •e. What £ tccordingiy You can get just what you are oox ng for from me the lowest. , r . . To Take Off Wax Candle Grease. Have an iron made very hot; put a piece of clean blotting paper over the grease spot and hold the iron dose to it, but do not let it touch the paper. The grease will be drawn into tne paper and removed from