The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 08, 1902, Image 8

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Where To Gq For The Summer. • - - vS. Lawyers to Fee, Pa. Singers to Alto, Ga^ Bakers to Bakes, Pa. Jewelers £o Gem, Ind. Babies to Brest, Mich, Smokers to Weed, Col. Printers to Agate, Col. The sleepy to Gap, Pa. The idle to Rust, Mich. Cranks to Peculiar, Mo, Poets to Parnassus, Pa. Deadheads to Gratis, 0. Florists to Rose Hill, La. Mendicants to Begg, La. Perfumers to Aroma,Jill. Smalt men to Bigger, Ind. Paupers to'Charifcy, Kan, Actors to Star City, Ark. Plumbers to Faucett, Mo. Old maids to Antiquity, 0. Tramps to Gaubtown, Pa. Bankers to Deposit, N. Y. Widowers to Widow* Fla. Apiarists to Beeville, Tex. Farmers to Corning, N: Y. Brokers to Stockville, Nev. Hunters to Deer Trail, Col. Prize fighters to Box, Kan. Lovers to Spoonville, Mich. Debtors to Cach City, Kan. Chiropodists to Cornie, Ark. Carpenters to Sawtooth, Id. Politicians to Buncombe, Va. Sewing girls to Scissors, Col. Cobblers to Shoe Heel, N. C. Grocers to Coffeeville, Kan. Sports to Race Track, Mont. Dry goods men to Calico, Col. The ‘boys* to Midway, S. C. ! GOST OF THE COMMON SCHOOLS IN GEORGIA. The cost^of the common schools alone in Georgia for the year 1900 was $1,396,681.91, paid out as fol lows : County commissioners, $62,- 074.41; boards of education, $10,- 827.41; postage, etc., $10,228.97: school supplies, etc., $71,028.67. This is a big sum, but the state school commissioner asks that it be increased from year to year. This amount could easily be re duced without any injury to the schools or the teachers, by abol ishing hoards of education and let trustees in each mialitia district be appointed to look after the schools with the couuty school j commissioner.—Dahlonega Nug- i get. | Govern Candler Ill With Grip/ Governor Caadler is still con fined to his bed at the mansion, and for the first time in forty years called in a physscian. The governor is suffering considerably from the effects of the grip, and it may be several days yet before he can return to his office. He is carrying on the business of the state at the mansion, however, and his correspondence is not allowed to get behind. There have been many messages received at the mansion today inquiring about the condition of the chief execu tive, and it is the sincere hope of all the capitol officials and the friends of Governor Caudler that j fie will soon he able to get out again. He is somewhat improved today.—Monday’s Atlanta Journal MORE COTTON More Potash In the Cotton fertilizer improves the soil; increases yield—larger profits. Send for our book (free) explaining how to get these results. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. ANNOUNCEMENT We have made arrangements] to handle the celebrated. . . In Pound, halt pound boxes and in any quantity open The peer of any candy sold in Atlanta. eyes very big and her arm raised tc protect her little nose. “Why, Violet, what is the mat ter ?” said her mother. “Oh, oh, oh!” sgbbed Violet. “The nasty fly! He will sting me! again they couldn’t tell with the dresses off which was Be&ss tiL which was Maud. And how sad those dollies .would have felt with the wrong parents I Jane was just going to cry about it and Harry was already crying when Aunt Clara came. She turned the dollies over, and on each dolly’s back was a little string with a bead on the end of it. Aunt Clara pulled the string on one dolly, and the dolly said, “Mamma!” “That must be Maud,” said Aunt Clara. “She is calling Jane.” Then she pulled the string on the other dolly, and the dolly said, “Pa- pa!” “That must be Bess,” said Aunt Clara. “She is calling Harry.” Wasn’t that the kind of an aunty to have ?—New Orleans Times-Dem- ocrat. The Nasty Fly. You see this funny little girl in 4he picture. Well, what do you think is the matter with her? Shall I tell you ? She is frightened at a wasp which came buzzing round. And her screams—you should just have- heard them! And her mother and nurse and the cook all came running out to see what was the ■matter with her. They found her Jammed tightly into a corner of the porch with her requires physical and mental ability of a high degree to withstand us hard labors. The high tension to which the nervous system is constantly subjected, has a depressing ef fect, and soon headache, back ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, etc., develop in severe form. Such was the case of Mail Carrier S. F. Sweinhart, of Huntsville, Ala., he says: “An attack of pneumonia left me with muscular rheumatism, headache, and pains that seemed to be all over me. I was scarcely able to move for about a month when I decided to give In Northeast Georgia, Pills two weeks I was free from pain and gaining in flesh and strength.” Sold fey all Bragg lots. D*. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Why Not Buy Your Women Hermits In Russia. Among tne villagers on the Volga in the province of Samara a curious sect of women has mado Its appear ance. It was originated by an elder ly peasant woman in Soznova, call ed the /'Blessed Mother.” These women have fled from the villages around into a remote district, where they live singly in holes dug ont of the face of the hill. They lead a life of fasting and prayer, and be lieve themselves called from the world, which they think is shortly about to perish in a general con flagration. The “Blessed Mother” has “ten wise virgins” as a sort of bodyguard* and the sect believes that these XI women are possessed of miraculous powers. *— Londc Globe. TIGER DISC PLOWS,• SINGLE PLOW STOCKS & PLOWS* JLLICULTIVATORS, LITTLE JOE and ROMAN H HARNESS, SADDLES.»COLLARS & BRR> WHEELBARROWS, SHOVELS, HOES, BELTING, MILL SUPPLIES. HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE* Can Get EX ACTLY SUITED. Our Prices Wifi . Palmour Hardware Co DINKINS OLD STAND. Nerve Reauired. Perdita—Did you say, “This Is so sud den r Constance—I didn’t have the .nerve. You know how he stutters.—Chicago Record-Herald* ...