The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 15, 1902, Image 4

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the GEORGIA CRACKER, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1902. The newspaper today, says an exchange, is the greatest factor in civilization. Take away a news paper and you would take away the greatest preacher, teacher, assistant to justice, deterrer of criminals, patriot, statesman, than it has been possible for man to devise. Nervous weakness or palpita tion of the heart indicates disorder in the stomach and indigestion. Pbickley Ash Bittebs is a wonderful remedy in such cases Mexican flustang Liniment oiMttearttejarface, but goes in ttuwK . Digests what you eat. This preparation «ontains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been Secretary Long has at last re signed from the cabinet. If he had only gone long ago. cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the itoa* ach, relieving all distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to taka It cleanses, strengthens and regulates the stomach, liver and bowels, removes the case of the heart symptoms and builds up a strong and vigorous body. Dr. E. B> DIXON & County politics are warming up. The candidates are announcing right along. Mr. Candidate, don’t hesitate; get in the push. Prepared only by E. O. DrWitt&O©., Ohtaaga The SL. bottle contains VA ttoaeuthefiOc. elea During the last fifty years the suicidal tendency m England has grown into a formidable disease. The growth, too, has been contin uous. Suicide has steadily in creased 200 per cent. Unhappily, too, the growth has been most rapid in recent years. Col. Ed Blodgett has been ap pointed postmaster at Atlanta to succeed the late Major Smyth. No doubt he will make a compe tent and worthy official. Up-to-date, Carter Tate has no opposition in this district. It was thought tor awhile Gov. Can dler would run against him, but maybe he has something bet ter in view. Most likely. For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore-'T' ness of your body there is nothing that will drive out the pain and in flammation so quickly as Prince Henry sailed for home last Tuesday. Don't you reckon his stomach is lined with copper? -Gainesville is constantly grow-? Ing, : New people are constantl y coming in and hew enterprises are constantly going, up. How’s This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any pase of Catarrh that can not he cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all The president has never yet lost any of his “strennousness.’ He bucks as much as ever, and seems dbtel'hiined t6have]hi8 way. The South is making wonder ful strides in industrial develop ment. Her people are doing more than.ever to develop her indus tries. " , 7 -.';. . t If you cannot reach the spot your- | self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. • Mexican Mustang Liniment overcomes the ailments of horses and all domestic nnimnia Jq f ac * it is a flesh healer and pain killer no matter who or what the patientm The farmers need good weather, and they will likely get a plenty of it before long. West & Tbuax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Waldino, KnsnrAN & Mabvut, Wholesale Druggists, Tol edo, O. We will not attend the corona tion of King Edward. Strictly domestic reasons, and not fear of foreign complications. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. The Boers continue to give the British great trouble. It is an m .holy war, and one the people over the world generally hope to see brought to an early end. For a perfect fit go to C. H. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs. J. E. Jackson’s store. “The Artistic Tailor.’ Clothes cleaned and pressed oi short notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS cieanen and pressed. All work giuj Col. R. T. Nesbitt is now trying his pitchfork upon the hide of Commissioner 0. B. Stevens. Wonder if he thinks it’s pretty tough? A good many country editors are to be in the next legislature. Ten to one they’ll make better representatives than the lawyers sent there. ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c eal estate. Have in hand anythin} ou want in this line. Will make it our interest whether you want to se r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompt Trains .from Atlanta, for Lula, Toccoa, Greenville, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Washington and East, pass Gainesville: No. 36, Fast Mail (daily) 2:28 a. m; No. 12 {daily) 10:37 a. m ; No. 38, Limi ted (daily)^2:2& p. m ; No. 40, Express, (daily) 2:45jjp. m; No. 18, Be*le (except^Sunday) 7:33 p. Teddy is now pretending to fight the octopus. He will make a “feint” at it, we suppose. There are no Estill, Guerry or Terrell clubs up this way. There’s no use for any, the boys are all for Estill. prompt a ention, J. B. Thompson. The state democratic executive committee has been called to meet in Atlanta March 29th. It looks like an early primary will be called. Dunlap aid Thompson. INSURANCE AGENTS. R. SMITH Jim Smith aint going to be m the race for Governor. He just did it to scare the boys a little. They can’t say he is any fool—he swings onto-his money too well for that. lotte, etc. for Atlanta, etc., pass Gainesville: No. 35, Fast Mail, (daily) 4:29 a. m; No. 17, Belle, [(except Sunday) 7:20ja. m; No. 39, Expressi(daily) [2 :45 p. m/ No. 37, Limited, (daily) 3:30 p. m; (daily) 8:28 p.m. Through trains for Washington, New York, |etc. Connections at Lula forJiAthens, at Toccoa; for Elberton, at Greenville for Col umbia, etc., at Spartanburg for| Asheville,{[Columbia, Charleston, I etc., and at Atlanta for all points North, West and South. LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND SURETY BONDS. There are still strikes and strikes in the north, east and west. It will be a sad day for the south when strikes are of frequent occurrence down here. We hope the day will never come. OFFICKs DUNLAP BL’DING. Phones 35. We hope all those candidates will come across. Their friends are not doing their duty, or they would have had them adnounced leng ago. \ . MONEY TO LOAN. 7q procure real estate loans for fire rs time, payable in installments at sr cent interest. Call and see ns. & Pkxbell* Gainesville, Ga. Mr. Wm 'ling hang is now charged with frand. We always did think he was a frand. Since 1866 we have increased our yield of wheat nearly four-fold and our yield of corn has more | than doubled. In 1900 the pro duction of cotton was sixty times larger than in 1800. The trustees of Wesleyan Uni versity, Middletown, Ct., the old est Methodist college in the coun try, have given their official sanc tion to a bicentennial celebration of the birth of John Wesley, to be held in June, 1903. Col. Estill is making more votes than either Terrell or Guerry. All that he needs is a little more time to get around to all the peo ple in the state. A Farewell. My fairest child. I have no song to give you— / No lark could pipe to skies so duU and gray— Vet, ere we part, one lesson. I can leave you For every day: Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever; Do noble things, not dream them, all day long. And so make life, death and that vast forever One grand, sweet song. —Charles Kingsley. Prickly Ash Bittebs cures disease of the kidneys, cleanses and strength ens the liver, stomach and bowels. DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. Charleston ana neuu« Account of South Carolina In ter State, and West Indian Ex position. For the above occasion the Georgi Rvailroad will sell ronn trip tickets at very low rates. Three Daily Trains between At lanta and Charleston. Through sleepers on trams lea ing Atlanta at 3:00 and m., and Charleston 5:10 i 11:00 o’clock p. m. For ales, dates of sale and hm* ° tickets ask agents Georgia road or the undersigned. C. C. McMilun, A. G. jACKBOIf G. A. P. D. a P> A - Augusta, Ga. S. E. Ma&h.I'j c -,, D ;£ 0Z ’ ’a®. Atlanta. E. P. Bonner, W. C.McMiu®> *•■*•*• L.H.H*T J. A. Thomas. U. T. A- C ' T *. A a no Atlanta Hereafter the grip won’t hurt much in this country. It tried the Governor and came pretty near being subdued. j Several wealthy members of the j American Club of Havana have organized the Havana mardi gras company, the purpose of which is to give in that city every year a spectacular carnival like those given in New Orleans. Dredging rivers in gold-bearing countries for gold has become a great industry, and dredges of wonderful power and capacity are being built to dredge sixty feet i below the water line and to reach j 60 feet above it, along the banks. Where can you invest money more profitably than by buying a bottle of Pbickly Ash Bittebs—you get • four for one. A kidney medicine, a liver tonic, stomach strengthener and bow el cleanser. Four medicines for one dollar. DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. The moonshiners won’t hate to go to Atlanta now. It will be a treat to them to visit the new government prison there. It is said to be a “dandv.”'; ning to be appreciated. Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue tells all about it as a forage crop for seeding with Cow Peas. Also about all other Southern forage crops including Teosinte, Sorghums, Pearl or Cat-tail Millet, Rape, Beggar Weed, Vetches, Soja Beans and Velvet Beans. Catalogue mailed free upon request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - - VIRGINIA. worms It’s not the want of money, but the lack of at—that’s why many folks don’t do wonders. M A tape worm eighteen feet long al least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people." Geo. w. bowlis, Baird, Mias. We hope the proposed change in the currency laws will be felt down this way. Right in this spot, and we won’t care. It looks like Judge Kimsey will have a walk-over. Worse things could happen. _ Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, tte, 60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, Sew York. 313 Wheelbarrows are pretty good things around a place. You can get a good one with steel wheel from Palmour Hardware Co. for $2. Don’t vaccinate for tun, but for effect. There’s no fun m it. We’ve tried it. Sold and guaranteed by all drag- gists to CUXJE Tobacco Habit.