The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 15, 1902, Image 7

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prr •- : I ; -—~ and bad points of ■SHOES,. • anel we ncvcr bay those wliicb are tlie least snspi* cions. Only the best of each kind or grade get in to oar stock and the increasing number of custo mers prove that oar eflPocte to sell Fine Footwear at reasonable qrices are appreciated. Onr“Foot-Glo¥e” $360 sIidb lor 1D3I1, are gaifeateed to ba as g39il as others sail for $500 It will certainly be toyonr interest to call and examine this shoe. - cent stock ot spring suits ana tii ■ : ''i pants, consisting ot all the new s 0*' ideas that combined tailoring Y'. ability is capable of producing. : \-- ■ . “WHAT AND WHERE TO BUY” is a question which you will begin to consider seriously in a very short time. To clear your mind and to guid you aright, we say to you now that, this is the place for you to get properly rigged up in the latest and best. It is perhaps useless tor us to add that your spring outfit purchased of us, while it will be correct, will not necessarily require a greaT ouTlay of money. in our silk department we have a complete line of. plain taffetas, corbed waist taffetas, and dress foulards, epibyacing all the latest and most exclusive designs, ranging in price from 40ets per yrd up. We will ae specialy pleased to have the ladies call and examine these goods. French and Italian lawns, linens and dimkers are the prettiest in town, and another beauty about them is, that you get good values for so little tnonay. Our display of embroideries, laces and insertions will compare favorably with those of the largest city stores. This departmentis our special pride. We have everything- for the of SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. Hosiery! Hosiery! J H Just now the busy house-wife does not care to be troubled with so much “darning 1 is money, and a small amount invested in our jadies, misses aud children’s hosiery much annoyance, and provide you with an abundance of this line of goods. We have and sizes. ; r- The largest line by far ever shown in this market, now is the time to buy. ; Come early department of this big store which is now receiving more attention. than another, it is our grocery room. Here you will find all that is fresh and best in staple and &pey We are anxious to do the grocery business of the town, and if prudent buying, careful attention and prompt delivery count for anything, your trade Will be ours. Mr. Walton V. Wail was here a dav or two this week. Miss Carrie Gaston was a visitor in Atlanta this week. ANNOUNCEMENTS, FOR RENT—A comfortable five room house, surrounded by eight acres of orchard, vineyard ahd large garden. Also barn, stable and shop, situated on wood’s, mill road, within city limets* Fine view, and pure soft water, also another three room house. Apply toE. O. Peterson, Gainesville, Ga. Gunther’s caramels are the best, Come to see me for your barber work. Lee Parnell. R. Smith has a good two horse wag on for sale. . FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election for Solicitor General of the North Eastern Circuit, subject to the Democratic pri mary. W. A. Charters. When you start fishing go by Palm- our Hardware Co’.s and get you some Hooks, Lines etc. ,A Mr. W. E. Crockett spent last Sun day with home folk’s at Marietta. Mr. Bentley Gaston, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here as a * guest of his father’s family, Judge J. B. Gaston. Miss Calvin, of Augustr, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Hafer.' Mr. L. Q ? Allen of Buford, was a vis itor to the city this week. Mr. Ralph Webb was in the city visiting friends a day or two this week Miss Mary Goolsby of Carlton, is in the city a guest of the family of Dr. W. «G. Ham. \ Mrs. J. E. Jackson returned from a business trip to New York last Wednes day morning. Mr, John O. Davies, a well known traveling man, of Newnan, was in the •city Thursday. Mr. Ike Lips tine, of Atlanta, arrived in the city Thursday, and was warmly greeted by his numerous friends. A dance was given at the Horse Guards armory last # Monday evening, •quite a number of young people being present to enjoy it. • Mr. George P. Estes left' last Monday to spend two or three weeks in New York city. He will devote, his time to the purchase of spring goods. Mr. Guy Clopton’s friends were glad to see him down. town Thursday. It was his first trip to the square since he broke his arm several weeks ago. Messrs. R. E. A. ndoeand HP. Bell have gone to New York to make their spring and summer purchases of goods. These gentlemen are up to-date mer chants and will select a pretty line of d r v goods, etc. Mrs. H. P.Farrow. who was detained in Atlanta several weeks by the scarlet fever among her grand-children, at Mrs. John Cooper’s, has returned home. The lever was of a mild type, but the authorities in Atlanta are very rigid in the enforcement of their quarantine regulations, and in this instance kept it up about nine weeks. ] Try ParnelFs barber >, shop for a good clean shave or haircut. Mr. Cicero Cagle was in town yester day shaking hands with his numerous friends. Tite. t Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, be tween Gunther’s and Mitchell’s. Tot Causes Night Alarm. “One night my brother’s baby was taken with Croup,” writes Mrs. J.C. Sni der,; of Crittenden, Ky., “It seemed 5: would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our chil dren from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve.” Infallible for Coughs, Colds. Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at M. CL BROWN’S. Our boys are glad to show you our new line of Garden hoes.- If the price ain’t right don’t buy ’em. Palmoub Hardware Co. for tax receiver. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re election for Tax Receiver of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. John W. Cox* R* Smith has eight store counters and table for sale. Charley Perry, who has been in New York for some time, is at home on a visit to his father, Col. H. H. Perry. Rev. and Mrs. J, A. Wynne, Judge and Mrs. G. H. Prior, Col. W. I. Hobbs Dr. M. M. Riley and Col. Jj -C. Boone will go to Rome, 26th instant, as dele gates- to the^ State Baptist Convention, from the first Baptist chureh of Gaines ville. Gunther’s bread is pure and whole some, made with purely vegetable fer mentation. Fresh every day. Nice hot or cold baths, while you wait, ar Parnell’s barber shop. AN INTERESTING CONTEST. Some months ago that live, up-tc- date firm of J. B. Mathis & Co. inaugi - rated a contest which not only proven interesting to themselves and the con testants, hut profitable to the tradim- public as well. The contest has close 1 and the result announced, and thi-. firm has been warmly complimented or all sides for this progressive movement, which has resulted so advantageous! v to their customers. Those who won the prizes were as follows: |g| Wood & Co., of Talmo, Jackson county, won the horse, their nnmber being the winning one, 134. Thf horse is an $160 animal, and Wood & Co., have won a splendid prize by patronizing J. B. Mathis & Co. Their receipt for the horse is on exhibition in Mathis & Co.’s show window. The buggy and set of harness was drawn by ticket No. 3831, held by Col. Fletcher M. Johnson of this city. . He, too, is feeling good because he bought goods of J. B. Mathis & Co. Charles Johnson, 'Colored, drew the ladies’ silk lined jacket, his number being 1302. He lives about four mile* from Gainesville. Mr. John Whelehel, who lives near New Bridge, drew the gun, he holding the lucky ticket, No. 3833. The hunting season closes today. The bird hunters have had a good dqal of fun during the season, and regret that they must close their sport. However, the law says they must stop. Eat Gunther’s home made candies, cream peanut, taffy and others. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Hall county, subject to a Democratic primary. J. A. Lyle. Judge W. N.' Dyer is making some noteworthy improvements in his prop erty, the old Cobb place. He is build ing several new houses, one of which will he especially fitted np for his own use. He will spend a mep sum of mon ey in doing this work, which will not only enhance the value of his own property, but that adjoining it as well. Mrs. W. F. Findley has been quite seriously sick this week, but she was somewhat improved yesterday. Were Quietly Married. Mr, W. A. Ramsey of this city, and Miss Minnie Dunagan were quietly married at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Zeke Dunagan, last Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. J. B. Boyd officiating. The young people have many friends, all of whom extend to them heartiest congratulations and best wishes, Old Soldier’s Experience. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: “My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor’s treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King’s-New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health”. Thev always do. Try them. Only 25c at M. C. BROWN’S DRUG STORE. Forks, Spading Forks, Garden Hoes and Rakes. See Palmour Hardware Company. Mr. John H. Turner has moyed into Dr. E. E. Dixon’s house, next door to Col. W. I. Hobbs, on Race street. LOST: A jet cross breast pin tipped with gold. Suitable reward if same be returned to Robertson & Law’s drug store. Elsewhere in this issue appears the statement of the State Banking Com pany, which is shown to be in excellent condition. This is a strong institution, and one of Gainesville’s best enter-