The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 29, 1902, Image 6

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Call on N, N, Littlefield for high grade acids and guana TAX NOTICE day is a shining brass tablet. It was there placed by members of the congre gation in token of him who Is described upon it as “The Faithfjal Sexton” and whom they •‘gladly recall for his fideli ty, his generosity and his stainless in tegrity." it is next to the bas-relief which commemorates the virtues of the Illustrious Cadwallader D. Colden, once mayor of New York—what greater posthumous glory would Brown have craved?—and is not less conspicuous than the old tablet on the opposite side which was erected to the memory of Henry Brevoorh whose family was de rived in •‘unbroken descent from the colonists of New Netherlands.”—Ladies’ Home Journal. is a F, on s Rock Candy p ori than the tote! : of axl other Cough prep t-amesTille market. nothing. It i s only a where the wind blows does it not seem as if tl sessed peculiar merit? isfied customer in the a for yourself X will be at the places mentioned be low, at the time specified, during the month of April, for th<? purpose of tak ing tax returns: * Wilsons, April 2—9 to 11 a. m. Oakwood, April 2— 2 to 4 p. m. Flowery Br’ch,April 3-—10 a.m. to 2 p.m. H. H. Beard’s, April 3—at night. For Rents The brick store build ing now occupied by the Gainesville Mdse. Co., on corner South Main and Broad streets. Building is two-story and basement, 50x165 feet, well suited for large wholesale business. Posses sion given February 1st. Apply to • P. N. Parses, Gainesville, Ga. YORK’S eccentricities of new MOST NOTED SEXTON yor Maiay Tears He Ministered to tbe Aristocracy ofV the City at . Grace Church, and His Name Adorno a Tablet on It« Walla, ' It used to be said that a stranger who was visiting New York for, the first time and asked his hotel clerk for ad vice as to what he should do on Sun- day morning Would find his doubts Quickly reduced to the alternative, “Go pver to Brooklyn and hear Beecher” or "Go to Grace church and see Brown.” No prelate of the Episcopal church was go widely known either in or beyond his this valiant CURES WHERE ALL ELSE. FAILS. Best Congb Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by- druggists. Some people find it easier to pay com pliments than bills. JAk 20 I90J I" No - 82 leav es 7:17 a. m f or w . Tsk No. 841eaves 1 2,30p. ni , { o r ^ Circ No.8Sl«v raSai) ' dal Circle. J^ermaaai No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m, for No £ arri ' es:f ™ n 8,«t" a No. 85. arrives from Social CirdM » No. 83 arrives from SdcM<2fe>!f “ No. 8i arrives fr 0mS0daI ^H^ Sunday trauj s ^ No 92 eaves7,35a.m.for Soriairu No. 06 leaves 3.40p. m.forSodaiS?' • No. 08 leavesA-OO p. m. for No. 00arrives8:45a.m. No. 97 arriyes lOaia.m-.r^^ No. 01 arrives2,45p.m. Connecxioss, No. 82 connects at Winder 930 .. J ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. ** No. 82 connects at Social Circle with c . for Augusta 10-26 a. m For Atlanta 11 gf*. Arrive Angnsta 2JS No. 84 connects at Winder for Athens, Atldnta2,19p. m.; arrive Athens 2.50 p m. rive Atlanta 3.00 p. m. No. 84 connects at Social Circle for Aum* p. m.; arrive ugnstai9.25p.m. No. 88 connects at Saciil iircu „ 7.45 p. m.; arrive Atlanta 9 20 p. m* Samuel CDcitupl money LoauedOn Farms, We make loans on | improved, farms, m Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of making payments on the principal sum at any time. For further information apply to R-P. Lattneb. - Room 4. StateBank Building, Gaines ville, Ga. New York diocese : guardian of old Graces whose income, ft was estimated, was greater than that of any man in the cloth and whose power in society was even more feared : than that of any bishop. He received his appointment as sex ton from the Rev. Dr. Thomas House Taylor, and, while Dr. Taylor has been long forgotten, Sexton Brown is still almost as much remembered in the great city as Jim Fisk, A. T. Stewart or Charles Delmonico. * Brown would cultivate the acquaint ance of head waiters and cooks, secur ing the latest information as to the social plans of their masters and mis tresses,, and whenever he learned that a party or a ball was under considera tion he would offer his services to de liver the invitations or look after the comfort of the guests or superintend their arrival and departure in their carriages. Beginning in this humble way, it was not long before he gained the good will of distinguished patrons. His authoritative manner, too, was w admirable'for such occasions. Indeed the host himself could, hardly issue a command to his menials with the suavely peremptory emphasis which Brown employed. Such was his de portment and such his trustworthy seal that It was. said that no one in Grace church could be properly feasted - or burled or could even say his prayers without the assistance of Brown, and eventually it became something like a dictum in a large portion of society that nobody could be married in New York in truly first class style unless Brown's presence blessed the bridal party. Nor did any detail that might be wanting for the personal comfort of the congregation escape his vigilant eye. It was a habit of old Peter Stuy- vesant, fpr example, to keep in his pew a thermometer. As soon as he had tak en his seat he would consult it. One winter morning when the temperature was extremely low the furnaces of the church got out of order, and Brown’s assistants were able to force through them only enough heat to lessen the chill a little. It occurred to Brown that the condition of the atmosphere would not be conducive to either the piety or the comfort of the aged Stnyvesant When the old gentleman arrived with in the porch of the church, he was shivering with the cold, but without attracting his attention Brown, who knew that the first .thing he would do would bes, to’ step into his pew and ex amine the thermometer, slipped in ahead, pressed one of his fat fingers to the little glass bulb and chuckled as he saw Jhe mercury ascend to 72. When Stuyvesant reached the pew, he con sulted the thermometer as usual, look ed around wonderingly, but evidently concluded that the church must be warm enough and that therefore it must be himself who was- cold. Brown's funeral was marked by much of the pomp and circumstance which he himself had so often provided for the rich and the great. The wits said that it was the first in forty years that had been a perfectly correct per formance without his Individual guid ance. He bad died in the little town of Brandford one August night in V&O. There he bad been in the habit of tak ing his summer rest. He had been overcome by the heat while attending a wedding at Brandford. and that sum mer he complained, probably for the first time in his life, of 111 health. One of his orders was that his body should * be placed in a casket of polished Span ish cedar. — A more ponderous casket had never been carried up the aisle of Grace " church. It was rich with silver and velvet. It was so heavy—its interior bring large enough for two t ordinary corpses—that the eight Knigkts Tem plars who bore it into the church al most staggered with their burden. TJpon It lay their cocked hats with wav ing ostrich plumes, Within the chancel stood four of the clergy, in the pews . were the representatlves of somegof the proudest families of the city, and a long line of men and women filed into the church showing all the signs of sor row for an old friend and neighbor. On the left hand side of Grace church as one turns after entering the porch under the bell tower and near where Brown was wont for more than a gen eration to take his statlon every_ gun- A Victim of Draconian Law. Father (who has caught Patrick steal ing)—I thought’you knew better than to. commit a theft You'know how the law punishes people for small offenses? Patrick — How about yOu, father, when you stole mother’s heart? You never got punished for that Father—I got a very severe punish ment my son. I got penal servitude for life, and I am doing it now.—Tit- Bits. No Hope For Him. Fair Visitor—What is this poor man in prison for? jailer—For the murder of his wife, ma’am. V Fair Visitor—Oh, whaf a pity! But isn’t he sweet though? Jailer—Yes, ma’atm He's too sweet to live.—Chicago News. Genuine stamped' C. C. C. Never sold .In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something fust as good." N. N. Littlefield, deals in the. very best fertilizers at the lowest prices. . Suited tlie Action to the Word. "I was to come on the. stage stealth ily and say ‘Hist!"' explained the fledgeling actor. “And”- “And I said it, and I was,” he mourn fully concluded.—Baltimore American. MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic- For bilkrasQ ess, constipation* and appendici tis. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heattfail- ure. For fever chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Flixir* Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Flixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons combined with other, r vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above-named diseases. 50c. and $1.00 bottles at druggists. Preparedonly by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. At the Capitol- I a»u in my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from indiges tion, constipation and ' biliousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these dis eases, and got n© permanent relief. About one year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form. I became very weak, and lost flesh rapidly. I commenced using Dr. Between New York, Madelpi, more, Wastungton, Richmond, tt Hew Orleans and Points M, South and West. Surgeon’s Knife Not Needed. Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once remov ing the necessity for dangerous, pain- sul and expensive operations. For burns, wounds, bruises, No matter how much money you may have, if you are poor in character that means poverty forever*—Ladies* Home Journal. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. icalds, cuts. and skin diseases it is upeqnalled. Beware of Counterfeits. ROBERT SON & LAW. A thousand times better are the men who do than the weaklings .who only know. IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th. God Wills It” I’ve burned out the candle o' the Lord’s mercy an’ bio wed the ashes in his face.—“The Sign of the Prophet.” * It is as bad to slave at work,as to slave at pleasure, but God may forgive what people cannot help.—“Lazarre.” Nature works not for man’s enjoy ment, but for her own satisfaction and “Our National Parks.” SOUTHWARD Daily It is said« that there are t thousand candidates now hov ing for office in this state. Th estimate is entirely too small- ten thousand is more like it—ai there may be more, says^ Di< Grubb. * Bv Hew York, PRR ! 12ap po Bv Philadelphia, PRR! 329 pd Bv Baltimore, P RR ! 54a pm Bv Washington, PRR! 6aa p m Bv Richmond,SAL Ry! 1040 pm Bv Petetersbmg, “ ! U ® P m BvNorlina “ } 205 am Bv Henderson “ j 230 am BV Raleigh i am Bv Southern Pines “ ! 537 am Bv Hamlet “ { 630 am | No 403 Bv New York, NYP&Nj f?55am ■pfiiladelnhia ! 1020 am Mozley’s Lemon Elixir* Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recomm end it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’s troubles. MRS. S, A. GRESHAM. Salem, N. C. her own glory. Time has kindlier uses for his scythe than cutting short human lives. His chief use of it is to cut off the tops of human memories.—“The Usurper.” Mozley’s Lemon' Hot Drops. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant reliable. 25c at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley Atlanta, Ga. An old Georgia negro asked for a divorce on|fche ground that his wife was Bv Philadelphia r Bv New York, Q D S S Co| 13 00 pm Bv Baltimore, B S P Co { Bv Wash’ton, N&WSBj — LvPortsmouth, 8 ADRyj Bv Weldon BvNorlina Bv Henderson Bv Raleigh Bv Southern Pines « Bv Hamlet Bv Wilmington “ At Charlotte Bv Chester ‘‘ Bv Greenwood * t Bv Athens AT Atlanta t At Augusta, C & W C At Macon, Cof Ga Ar Montg’m’ry A & W P Ar Mobile,B &N Ar New Orleans, B «- Ar Nashville N C& St B Ar Memphis ' should have money*, uncounted money, in a coal scuttle, "let us say, with* a con venient little fire shovel close at hand. —“The Last of the Knickerbockers." Lovers of love are not lovers only. They are artists in emotion, always in quest of a still more subtie sensation, a Joy more intense, a grief more bitter, and are unable to remain' faithful to a monotonous fidelity, a tender, constan cy.—“The Screen.” ho longer able ter rise up airly in de mawning’ en stir roun* en make a livin for him l w — Stanton, The millinery openings attract ed the attention of the ladies Tuesday and Wednesday. There were many pretty things on dis play, and the milliners sales were quite satisfactory. 951 am 1008 am 1207pm 219 pm 335 pm 510 pm 7 20pm 920 om i 255 a®! 730 a® 1 535 am! 4 00 P ®' What Grant Saw In Canada. Lord Dufferin when viceroy of Cana da, paid a visit to. Washington while General Grant was president. He cas ually asked the president whether he had ever been in Canada. The reply was a striking example of General Grant’s brusque outspoken ness, “No; I have never set foot on Ca nadian soil, but I have approached near enough to its shores in a steam boat to see the grass growing in the streets of the Canadian towns." V Lord Dufferin saw that General Grant shared with many of his coun trymen at that time a common misap prehension in regard to the resources and destinies of Canada. — London Seven Years in Bed. •‘Will wonders ever cease?” inquire the friends of Mrs. L- Pease, of Law rence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debil ity ; but. “Three bottles .of Electric Bitters enabled./ne to walk,” she writes, “and m three months I felt like a new person.” Women sufferingfrorr headache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guarJS anteed by M. C. Brown. Only 50c. northward^ I No 4(8 • NC& Stir! * J10 55P®; »sns,B&N | jgal'ffll. , &N JftSam! frvA&WP! ! 803a©! Ar Greenwood j g^pm, Ar Chester, „ 630 pffl! 5 ' Bv Charlotte <( 330p©«~r Bv Wilmington, j a5Dpm» 8 Bv Hamlet, ^ lOSP® {u! Bv So’them Pines,j Bv Raleigh, „ j 227am. A, Henderson s ».»! Bv Norlina, SAB«y j 4202©! 5■ Bv Weldon, « 700am. Ar Portsmouth, * * » 0 Ar Wash’ton, N & ^ s R j {{6 Ar Baltimore, B S P Co * i fl^ Ar New York, oD SS J\ \ Ar Phila’phia,NYP& N | ^fiopm! Ar New York, I *£]!-; I 940P®!iO Bv Hamlet, ,, ; 10® I jji Bv SouthernPiues, (( , 5228am • j Lv Raleigh, „ • 144affl] ? FOR GRIP, COLDS, ETC,. Dr. Dixon’s Rock Candy Cough Syrup, taken in con nection with Gripsules, Is the remedy. It will cure as certainly as water will Can betaken Marshal Sales Her Opportunity. "Mrs. Weeds,” said Mr. Binks, “I asked your daughter to marry me, and she referred me to you.” “I’m sure that’s very kind of Susie; - rat, then, she always was a dutiful wfi.1 Poollir XI. Uinta T hadn’t Georgia, Hall county:—Will be sold at public outcry «withnf the legal hours of sale on the first |Tuesday in April, 1002, before the Court house door in Gainesyille, Ga., for taxes due the city of Gainesville, Ga., for the year 1901, the following property, to wit: One vacant lot corner of Mott and Summit streets in city of Gainesville, Qa., fronting on Mott street 140 feet andiron ting on Summitt street 74^ feet, bounded on other sides by prop erty of W. C. Armour. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the city of Gainesville, vs. Wing Leon for t^xes due the city of Gaines- il]e for the year 1901. B. H. Pares, Marshal. Really, Mr. -r .. .. hadn’t 1 bought of marrying again at my time of life, but since you insist suppose we make the wedding day the 20th of this month.'V?N6w York Press. put out fire 3y anybody regardless of age, color, or previous con dition, 25cts« each per bottle, A Temperance Story,,,. ‘•You seem rather hilarious today,” 1 he lathe remarked to the buzzsaw. “Yes,” replied the buzzsaw; "the man who runs me brought some whis ky into the shop with him a little while ago.” “Well, I took two or three, fingers at his expense/’—Philadelphia Press. Twentieth Century .Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. > ■m