The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 29, 1902, Image 7

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The Southern and G. J. and S.railways are bringing us from the largest clothing makers of the United States a magnificent stock of* spring suits and pants, consist ing of all the new ideas that combined tailoring ability is capable of producing. WHAT AND WHE RE TO BUY” is a question which you will begin to • consider seriously in a very short time. To clear your mind and to guide you'aright, we say to you now that this is the place for you to get properly rigged up in the latest and. best. It is perhaps useless for us to add that your spring outfit purchased of us, while it will be correct, will not necessarily require a greaT ourlay of money. cious. Only the best of each kiad or grade get in to our stock end the increasing number of custo mers prove that our efForte to sell Fine Footwear at reasonable qrices are appreciated. Our “Foot-Glove” $3.50 >hae for man, are guaranteed to be as good as otters sell for $5 00 It will certainly be to your interest to call and examine ttis shoe. —.. serious In our.'silk department we have a complete line of plain taffetas, corbed waist taffetas, and dress fonlards, embracing all* the latest and most exclusive designs, ranging in price from 40cts per yrd up. We will ae specialy'pleased to have the ladies call and examine these goods. French and Italian lawns, linens and dimiters are 'the prettiest in town, and another beauty about them is, that you, get good values for so little money. Our display of embroideries, laces and insertions will compare favorably with those of the largest city stores. special pride. We have everything for the “dressy” man in the way This department is our of SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. Hosiery 1 Hosiery! Hosiery! Just now the busy house-wife does not care to be troubled with so much “darning”. Time i s money, and a small amount invested in our jadies, misses and children’s hosiery will save much annoyance, and provide you with an abundance of this line of goods. We have all colors and sizes. - -• • . .. • In order to move our stock of mattings promptly, we are offering a reduction of 25 per cent off our regular prices. t ANNOUNCEMENTS, FOR THE SCHOOL CHIL DREN Wiio have tlsat troublesome itching eruption now pre vailing: Tiy Anti-ltch. Clean and quick. 50c. bottle. lr. B. G. Parks of Gaidesville, was nitted to practice in the United ites court in Atlanta last Tuesday. Gunther’s caramels are the best. Come to see me for your barber work. Lee Pabnell . R. Smith has a good two horse wag on for sale. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL. I> respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election > for Solicitor General of the North Eastern Circuit, subject to the Democratic pri mary. ' <■ W. A. Charters. When you start fishing go by Palin- our Hardware Co’.s and get you some Hooks, Lines etc. ailes Allen, aged 70 years, a good l-time negro, died at his home on gh street last Monday morning. tfrs. Campbell, of Atlanta, has been the city for several days visiting her ter, Mrs. H. N. Merck, who has been ite sick. •** . tfrs. D. H. Dougherty, of Atlanta, 3 been in the city this week visiting r sister, Mrs. J. E. Murphy. Hr. John F. Little, who has been it at home for some days with a car- ficle on his heck, is about well Again l will resume traveling next week the McNeel Marble. Co. Try Parnell’S barber shop for a good clean shave or haircut. Tile Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, be tween Gunther’s andiMitcbell’s. R. Smitll has eight store counters and table for sale. Practically Starving. “After using a few bottles of TECodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per fect and permanent relief frorp a severe and chronic case of trouble,” Says J. R, Holly, real estate, insurance and. loan agent, of Macomb, Ill. “Be fore using 1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat ah ordinary meal with out intense suffering. She is. now en tirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to' give re lief.” You don’t have to diet. Eat any good food you want, but don’t bVerload the stomach. Kodol Dyspep sia; C|ure will always digest it for yon, ROBERTSON & LAW. Gunther’s bread is pure and whole some, made with purely vegetable fer mentation. Fresh every day. ;: Our boys are glad to show you our new line of Garden hoes. - If the, price ain’t right don’t buy’em. Palmour Hardware Co. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for=re-election for Tax Receiver of Hall county, subject to the action of the democratic party. John W. Cox. Nice hot or cold baths, while wait, ar Parnell’s barber shop. Could Not Breathe.' Coughs, Colds, croup, grip, bronchi tis, other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One, , Minnie Co^gn Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is dot a mere.expectorant, which gives only- temporary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflama- tion and removes the cause of the dis ease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. “One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it,” says Justice of the Peace, J. Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. 'Eat Gunther’s home made candies, cream peanut, taffy and others. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Receiver of Hall county, subject to the. action of a Democratic primary, M. McNeal. ‘ Are you ready for your Digging Forlss, Spading Forks, * (Garden Hoes and Rakes. ; See. Palmour Hardware Company.. And now it’s Mr. Terrell’s turn in Hall. The othter candidates have been in “our midst. ” Mrs. N. H. Mineey. . Mrs. N. H. Mineey died at her home in the Fork district 21st. I hereby announce- myself a candidate -for; Sheriff of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Aaron W. Pass, instant, of consumption, age nineteen years. Her remains were interred at Antioch last Saturday afternoon, Rev-. W. F. Quil- lian conducting the funeral services. She is survived by p her husband and two children. • - - Mr. Mel J. Charles announces this Seek for re-election as Tax Collector all county. He has filled this of- fe very acceptably, and is a popular pcial whose efficiency and aceomoda- pn make him a winner every time. Mr. B. R. Williams of Flowery ranch, asked the United States court adjudge him a bankrupt last* Tues- iy, and Judge Newman appointed pi. Lesbej,* D. Puckett of Gainesville, (receiver and he spent a day or two [Flowery Branch this week taking \ inventory of Williams’ assets. [Mr. Jot S. Allen announces in this sue for clerk of the Superior court. 3 is a well known citizen, is capable taking care of the office and has &ny friends who- will work for his 'Urination, Mr. Allen made the race '0 years ago and piled up a vote editable to any man. I hereby .announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Hall county, subject to a Democratic primary. J. A. Lyle. for election for Sheriff of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. G. J. Hanes. Stole a Mattress. Will Wade, coli, was arrested by Policeman Truman Bagwell Thursday for stealings mattress from Mrs. B. F. Simmons. He-had beeii at work there and stole the mattress and carried it to an out-house, near Mrs. Mulliken’s on North Bradford street/ where it was ABOVE SEA. AGRICULTURAL College Main Building. A Poor Milidnaire Lately starved m London because he .could not. digest his food. Early use of Dr. King’s New Life Pills would have saved him.; They strengthen fthe stomach, aid digestion* promote as- lmilation, improve appetite. Pnee 25e. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by M. C. Brown, druggist. * FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Representative, subject to a Demo cratic primary. John h. Pixrce. • Col H. W. J. Ham For Senator. .It is understood that Col! H. W. .J. Ham is seriously considering making the race for State Senator from this, the Thirty third, district. Some of -his friends are urging him to enter the race, it is said. If Col Ham makes the race there will be probably three can- didates, viz: Mr. Robert F. Quillian, already announced,. Mr. Frank T. Dayie and Col. Ham. The centest would be lively with these three in the. field.. thl old reliable Buist’s garden and flower seeds. If |>u want to be sure of ’a good stand | w Buist’s seeds. For sale in bulk ^ packages by | Robertson & Law, druggists. Mr. T. P.[ Hudson has returned home from a business trip of sev eral days to Columbus and points in Alabama. , ,