The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, March 29, 1902, Image 8

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SARAH much needed improvements: B< it resolved, that it is the senpe o State against , alias Sallie l the murder ^#^MAkE A CHEMIST^ y SINK OF YOUR BOW just because your liver Is not working p It does not need the violence it gets wi ur drastic purgatives down yourthroat. Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of % *** andTONIG PELLETS The pills to gently toufch. the lively and start the bile the right direction, and the^ pellets to tone the systei l 80 Nature's work will telL Booklets and sample ft, \ at all dealers** or complete treatment, Twenty-fiv e - J)o8e8|Jbr 25c* BRQWNMFG^ CO. 1 NElV'VORK. AND'GREENEVILLE, L TENN. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. > GERMAN KALI WORKS,* ^ 93 Nassau St., New York. MEETINGS AT PACOLET. A meeting has been in progress in the old hotel at the Pacolet mill, at New Holland, for about two weeks, conducted by Revs. R. P. Hawkins and .Frank Jackson, two well known Baptist ministers. Last Sunday a^committee from the First Baptist church of Gaines ville went out to the meeting and two converts were received for baptism. Again Monday night a committee went out and sat in conference and thirteen more con verts were received for baptism. Others joined later in the week. Rev. J. A.JWynne, pastor of the First Baptist church of Gaines ville, states that a Baptist church will be organized at Pacolet the first of May. There are, he esti mates, 150 Baptists now at the mill, and a regular church will be organized and a house of worship erected at an early date. Sick headache, nervous head ache, tired headache, neuralgic headache,, catarrhal headache, headache from excitement, in fact, headaches of ail kinds are quickly and surely cured with DR* MILErS* The Tattnall Times hits the nail on the head -'When it says : Dont forget that the farm is the place to raise supplies. The fel low who expects to get them out of stores, can’t hold up long. CITIZENS MEET. DISCUSS SCHOOL, STREET AND SEWER IMPROVE- \ MENTS. » Adopt Resolution Asking Mayor, and Council to Call Election on Bond Is sue for 855,000, Wlucli Shall be Expended as Follows: 820,- OOO for School Building; 810,000 for Streets; and 825,000 for Sewers. . A mass ipeeting of the citizens of Gainesville was held at the court house last Tuesday night for the .purpose of discussing three questions: a new school building, the improvement of the streets, and a sewerage system. A large number of people were present and the meeting was an interesting one. Mr. P. N. Parker was elected chairman, and Col. W. I. Hobbs secretary. By re quest, Mr. C. A. Dozier read the report oh the public school build ing made to the public meeting at the city hall last week by the com mittee ot ten citizens appointed by a former meeting to confer with the city council and city board of education about -the building. * Mr. D. E. Evans was -called on and for three quarters of an hour made an entertaining speech. He presented *a plan for a public school building which would cost about $10,000 and which, he said, Prof. J. W. Marion had stated would answer every requirement and be perfectly satisfactory to him. The building would contain 10,000 square feet of floor space and, giving each child ten square feet, would accommodate 1000 children. The estimate'of $10,000 includes the heating of the build ing., After Mr. Evans’ speech, Col. 'S, C. Dunlap got the floor and made a speech in favor of harmo nizing all factions and working for the up-building of Gainesville. He reviewed the history of the town for thirty years, and said it had grown in spite of us, but that the time had come when we had to erect a modern school building in which the children of the town could ‘ be educated.; that the streets had to be improved and made passable and decentthat, above all, a sewerage system h ad. to be pat in because the health and security of the people de - manded it. He urged that these improvements be laid upon a broad foundation, stressing this point particularly. In further ance of his ideas upon this line he proposed the following resolution, moving its adoption: Whereas, the City of Gainesville is now entering upon a new era and our increasing population de mands for our citizens additional educational facilities and other this meeting that the Mayor anc Council should submit tq the peo ple the question of issuing bonds as follows: In the sum of Twenty thousand dollars for erecting new central school building upon the site of the old college in the sum of Ten thousand dol lars for improving the streets in the sum of Twenty-five thou sand dollars for providing a sew erage system for the city, and the. Mayor and Council are respectfully requested {by proper ordinance or resolution to submit each of these questions to the people at the earliest possible time. . After liberal discussion by Messrs. J; M. Towery, W* B. Sloan, H. H. Perry, H H. Dean, J. N. Twitty, A. W. Van Hoose and Howard Thompson, the mo tion tp adopt the resolution was seconded, and was carried by a rising vote. After the adoption of the Dun lap resolution, Col. J. O. Adams presented the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Be it resolved, by the citizens and tax payers of the City of Gainesville in mass meeting as sembled, that we fully approve and endorse the acts and policy of the school board m its efforts to provide a suitable new, modern school building for our . public schools. Second: Resolved further that we recognize the ability and patriotism in organizing and bringing up our public school sys tem to its present high standard, and we look with disfavor upon any proposition to abolish sa board or to remove its members from office. * Third: Resolved further . that the ordinance providing for the establishment ot our public schools, and for a board of educa tion is, in our opinion, a wise and proper ordinance, and one under which our schools have prospered and given universal satisfaction, and we disapprove of the measure now pending before the mayor and council for the repeal ot this ordi nance, and respectfully ask that it be withdrawn. JhdgeJ. B. Gaston seconded the motion to adopt the resolution, and it was adopted by a rising vote. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. The case of the Sarah Jane Ward, Hicks, charged with of Sallie Simpson, was called Wed nesday evening‘about 3 o’clock. The evidence was finished by 7 o’clock. The argument com menced Thursday morning at 8 o’clock. At tihree o’clock Thurs day evening the case went to the jury and at eight o’clock returned a verdict of not guilty.—-Banks County Journal. THE ICE FACTOBY. ; \ i -f ‘ * v • r • • >' . The ice factory is being put in shape so as to begin at an early date the manufacture of * ice for the summer months. The ma chinery is being overhauled anci repaired, and in a few weeks the factory will open up for business Last year this enterprise did wel and, no doubt, it will be success fully operated this season. Wireless Telephony. Not content with threatening to put telepraph wires into tne lum ber room of things outworn, the geniuses of electrical invention are struggling with the more intricate problem of wireless telephony. In a recent experiment near Wash ington it was apparently demon strated that messages by telephone ccul'd be conveyed a distance of three or four hundred yards with intelligibility. The Philadelphia Record remarks that if there is to be no limit to this sort of thing some startling commercial reor ganizations may be in order before the new century shajl have far ad vanced. The* dispensary question about to take the place of the pro hibition question in this state. Oh, high license is the proper so lution of the liquor question—and is bound to come sooner or later— and there is no question about that.—Darien Gazette. Georgia is going to^have a num ber of fairs the coming fall. We hope the managers will pay more attention to home products and not so much to the little side show humbugs. A real agricul tural fair with no midway attach ment would be an innovation. MALARIA lm £ m En&tqy. So Hi and or the filthy sewers and drain pipes of the < Iranian system is the same. Means conies froi marshes of and towns, These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lungs and takes by the blood, and the foundation of some long, debilitating illness is 1 Chills and' fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid and enlarged liver Hi troubles, jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible! Malaria. Noxious gases and unhealthy matter collect in the system bee the liver and kidneys fail to act, and are poured into the blood current i it becomes so polluted and sluggish that the poisons literally break 1 the skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various eruptions ofl indolent character appear , depleting, the system, and threatening life it The germs and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body andtfe the life-giving properties of the blood, rendering it thin and watery,] be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can be get rid of Malaria and its effects. S. S. S. does this and quickly produces an < change in the blood, reaching every organ and si latlng them to vigorous, healthy action. 3. S., possesses not only purifying but tonic and the general, health improves, and the i increases almost from’ the first dose. There is no Mercury, Potash,. or other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable reme Write ns about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you] their advice to regain your health. Book on blood and skin diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT. We have made arrangements] to handle the celebrated... . Grandeur Flour The best and most satisfactory flour on the market Will sell same in any quantity at the Lowest Prices. Rl.ANKR’S CANDIES. In Pound, halt pound boxes and in any quantity open The peer, of any candy sold in Atlanta. Royal Scarlet Canned floods. Chase and Sanborn’s HEINZ’ CELEBRATED PICKLES. Georgia- Largest and finest stock of GROCERIES - In Northeast WATCH FOR OPR DELIVERY f A60j TOOH lOSSY BACKIFYOOARE HOTSAT0S MXOH’S OLD STAND, or..Bradford]® Washington Sts 1