The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 05, 1902, Image 5

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think that a later date would have been preferable. It would bave afforded more of a popular verdict, and less opportunity for ‘•snap judgement.”—’Savannah News. COTTON. — jfc® Cole’s Cocton Planter Will Save Yon 81.00 1 on eVery acre you plant, g COLE’S COMBINATION PLANTER Is positively and absolutely without an equal as a Money and Labor saver. Plants Cotton, Corn, Peas, etc., as well and even better than any seperate special machine ever bnilt. We prove it in your own field at onr ex pense. Write for full information. THIS COLE MFC CO., CHARLOTTE, H. C. AAiJLJLAaJL WJLJLkljust begin- ning to be appreciated. Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue tells aU about it as a forage crop for seeding with Cow Peas. Also about all other Southern forage crons including Teosinte, Sorghums. Pearl or Cat-tail Millet, Rape, Beggar Weed. Vetches, Soja Beans and Velvet Beans. Catalogue mailed free upon request. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, RICHMOND. ■ - VIRGINIA. is what your name added* to our list at once GAINESVILLE, GA ' mw*. INDIGESTION Constipation, Bloating after eating,'Heart* bum. Nervous Weakness, impurities in the Blood and every disorder, in .the Kidneys or Liver is set right by PRICKLY ASH BITTERS THE SYSTEM REGULATOR It brightens the eye, steadies the nerves, sweetens the breath* brings color to the cheek, creates appetite, makes the-body strong and the brain active. SOLD AT DRUG STORES, PRICE, $1.00. The JAugusta Chronicle say that the newspaper is called on to help every interest in the commu nity, but does every interest in tfie community think about help* ing to support the newspaper? The* Sparta Ishmaelite says that cheap things are not* always the least valuable. For’instance, an ounce of arbitration is worth more than a pound of litigation, and it is several thousand per cent, cheaper. You, with jour dangered gift of aeora. Would seek to make true love forlorn; Yet know where’er your wish may rov* That love is life, and life is tov»t The Date of the Primary. SPECIAL AGENTS. E. E. DIXON & CO Many members ot the last leg islature collected their per diem aud went to their homes before that body adjourned, and conse quently measures of great impor tance were defeated. Men who will not stay in Atlanta and at tend to the work they are paid to attend to, should not have another chance to neglect their duties. Home is the place for them and not Atlanta.—Darien Gazette. The Ocilla Dispatch says:. Col. Estill’s canvass is the most re markable m the history of the state, and should he be elected governor, which is not improbable, it will doubtless s.tnke stump speaking a powerful Bolar plexus blow. The Polynesian islands are scattered over 11,000,000 square miles of sea, but comprise alto gether only 170,000 square miles of land. Commissioner of Agriculture Stevens advises the people to pay more attention to apples. He says that the northern and north western section of the state is par ticularly adapted to the cultiva tion of apples. He says the ap ple crop is a better one than the peach crop. ' The state primary election has been ordered for June 5 by the Democratic State Executive Com mittee. That early date seems to have commended itself to the pol iticians with such force as to se cure its selection, notwithstand ing the friends of some of the can didates held the opinion that a la ter date, with more time for a dis cussion of public affairs aud a more convenient day for the far mers to go to the polls, would have resulted in a fairer deal to all parties concerned. In early June the farmers will be busy in their fields. They will have lit tle time for politics or elections. The crops must be cultivated. A day lost then is lost for gpod. Later, when the crops have been laid by, the farmers will have more time and more inclination for politics. For this reason we m. “ I was very poorly and could* hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feet perfectly well.”—Mrs. N . S. Swin- ney, Princeton, Mo. •Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time, why? Your blood is im- S ure, that’s the reason. ou are living on the horde* line of nerve ex haustion. Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. $1.90 a bottle. Alt insists. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. He knows all aboutthisgrand old family medicine. Follow his advice and we will be satisfied. . J. C. Ateb CO., Lowell, Mass. The Yatician is not a single building, but an accumulation of buildings, stretching over an area of IB 1-2 acres. They were begun about the year 300 and have grown gradually. Economy in Baking;. There, is more dependent upon the baking powder, so far as economy in. making biscuit and cake is concerned, than in any other one thing. The cheap alum > baking powders average about five per cent, of leaven ing gas. Therefore it will take three times as much alum powder to raise the same cake or biscuit as it does of the Royal powder for instance, which is a cream of tartar powder .with three times the leavening strength, so the actual cost with the . alum powder is the greatest. Further than this, how ever, the cream of tartar powder makes the finest kind of food, while the alum powders frequently fail when all the eggs, flour and butter used are wasted. The greatest economy in the use of a baking powder like the Royal is in the healthfulness of the food it makes. It saves in doctor’s bills many times its cost over a,lum powders. W. R. DEXTER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND DEALER IN All kinds of funeral furnishings, nice teams and prompt attention given to all calls either day or night. Parlors and ware rooms on South Bradford street di rectly in front of court house, GAINESVILLE, GA How Are Yoar Kidneys V Ur. Hobbs’ Sparagus Pills care all kidney ills. Sam* ole free. Add Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V • SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs OctPYRlSHTS &c. Anyone Sending a sketch and description may- quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probablypatentable. Communica tions stridiy confidential-. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents teken through Mumt & Co. reeet73 voecial notice, tv itbout charge, hi the V handsomely illustrated weekly, culatiou of any scientific journal. •*' " "old Largest cir- Terms, $3 a ■ year f ou r months, $L 8o”ld by all pewsdealers. 361Broadway,$gy|f YOfft Oranch Office ? St*, t J ’**sb.5rftjton« D. C-