The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 05, 1902, Image 8

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Tf. is said that no fewer than 1? officers of the garrison ofT’erze- miel, in German Poland, have committed suicide within three months. Neglect Means Danger. Don’t neglect biliousness and consti nation. Your health will suffer per nanently if you do. DeWitt’s Littl Sarly Risers cure such cases. M, B imith, Butternut, Mich., says “Be Vitt’s Little Early Risers are the mos itisfactory pills I ever took. Nev* r ; oe or cause nausea. 4 ’ Robertson & Law. A FIVE DOLLAR JOKE. Mr. Lee Fairchild, who fe o<mdag to the front as a humorist, visited San Francisco not long ago and, Kfce many literary pilgrims to the west determined to pay a visit -to Mr. Joaquin Miller, pdet of the Sier- '/ Tb* Urw Uttwt b* seotfy bik will be throws off ia the r ths oyetea a* tfcmuh time should byatonio that Nature may begin tM «j}* MORE COTTON anoTONIC PELLETS Ponn the tBOderft mild power cure that completely the writ, without shock or Injury to ai^.p&of | k ®y»ton. Booklets and samples free oi any deal ei & complete treatment, Twenty-Jfce Doees, 25c. BROWN MFC. CO. , NEW YORK A 1 AND OREENEV1II P, TENN. HDueling among the students at Jena has been forbidden by the vice chancellor of the university, who has also broken up the col lege fencing club.3 More Potash leading to the poet's side hill her mitage. It was evening when he started. The night had settled, and the moon was up when he arrived. He paid the driver and was about to open the rustic gate to the fa mous home when the cabman said dryly: # "I suppose you know that Joa quin is not in California at the pres ent time." The humorist thought quickly and, smothering his indignation, re plied: "Oh, yes, of course; I merely wanted to see how his place looks by moonlight."—Saturday Evening Post. • Camphor Eaters. The latest fad among the fashion able women of the country is cam phor eating. The idea seems to pre vail that this gum, taken in small and regular doses, gives a peculiar creaminess of complexion, and scores of young women buy it for this pur pose. The habit is, moreover, very difficult to cast off, for camphor produces a mild form of exhilara- ia the Cotton fertilizer improves the soil; increases yield—larger profits. Send for our bode (free) explaining how to get these results. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Shot in His Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. Nolle genuine but DeWitt’s. Beware of counterfeits. “I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound In my left leg,” says A. S. Ful ler, English, Ind. “It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of remedies to no purpose until I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me.” Robertson & Law. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Charley Tanner left last Saturday for Washington, D. C., where he has a good position with Mr. D. W. Zerby, contractor for Geo. H. Cutting & Co. Miss Emmie Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. W. L. Thompson, who been teaching school at Union Hill arrived in the'eity Monday and placed herself under Mrs. Fields and Miss Candler for in struction. Mr. T/S.f Littlefield of^Dahlon- ega, formerly of Gainesville, spent a day or two with friends in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel V. John* eon of near Buford, were in the city last Saturday doing some shopping. Mr. Johnson is one of Hall’s most successful planters. ■ ■ - ' < Mr. John R. Brown was in town this week from Charlotte and was warmly greeted by his friends. He is one of Inman, Smith & Co’s, best salesmen. The ladies of the Presbyterian church realized about $27 from their Easter market given at Dix on’s drug store last Saturday. They had liberal patronage and were gratified at the amount realized. Fire destroyed a tenant house of Mr. J. W. Large’s at Gower Springs last Sunday night at 9 :30 o’clock. The loss amounts to about $50. How the fire orignia- ted is not known. The flames •were seen by a number of people “in the city. Interesting services were held at the First Methodist, Presby terian and Episcopal services last ^Sunday. The pastor’s of the Above named churches filled their pulpits, preaching strong ser mons appropriate to the occasion. The churches were nicely decora ted and were attended* by large congregations. On account of the absence of the pastor at Rome, no services were held at the Jiret Baptist church. Last Sunday night the Epworth League held an Easter league ser vice at the ; First Methodist church, an interesting program being rendered upon this occasion. All who took part in the program, especially the children, acquitted themselves creditably. The fire department was called out at noon last Sunday to put out a fire on a tenant house at Dr. Bl EL Green’s. But little damage was done on account of the quick and effective work of the fire de partment. Mrs. C. E. Lambdin and Miss Annie Lambdin returned home to Barnesville Wednesday atter a visit of several weeks to Mrs. A. S. Hardy. ' ; AN OLD irritable individual. “ C 1 /“*Y T’Y T“? If ““patience or fanlt-findinj 8 l-C M ever excusable it is when the J.X. J—J *^t nr f d J , ya?eatmg m dpato, I l ! It is trmy discouraging to find mouths of diligent and faithful use of external remedies that the remains as defiant, angry and offensive as ever. Every chronic son matter on what part of the body it comes, is an evidence of some nrev constitutional or organic trouble, and that the dregs of these dise remain in the system; or, it may be that some long hidden poison—pd Cancer—has come to the surface and begun its destructive work. ^ The blood must be purified before'the sore will fill up with healthy- and the skin regains its natural color. It is _ through the circulation that the acrid, corroding /[ A factory in Magdenberg for making fodder for cattle by dry ing the leaves heretofore wasted by beet sugar ^makers has proves financial- success. Saved Many a Time. Don’t neglect coughs and colds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously at this season just because people are careless. A dose of One vlinute Cough Cure will remove a!3 danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at nee, Sure cure for coughs, colds, jroup, grip, bronchitis, and other rhroat and lung troubles. “I have ised One Minute Cough Cure several years,” says Postmaster, C. O. Dawson, Barr, Ill. “It is the. very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and L warmly recommend it.” The chil dren’s favorite. Robertson & Law. fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it y irritated and inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and few) K invigorate the stagnant blood when all sediment or S other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to! diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to Imi healthy and natural look; the discharge ceases and the sore beak « Several years ag-o, my wife had. a se- ,, ^* ^ <H |b r were sore leg and was treated by the that is guaranteed entirely to best physicians hut received no benefit. table. Itbnilds np the biood-j Our drug-grist advised her to try S. S. S., tones up the general system as which she did. Fourteen bottles cured if her and she has been well ever since. other medicine does. If yoaM J. XL 2£AROXil>, 22 Canal St., a Sore of any kind, write nsasij Cohoes,N.Y. the advice of experienced! skilled physicians for which no charge is made. Book on Blood and 1 Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Gtl tion and stupefaction, and in many instances where very large doses have been swallowed the habit has become a sort of slavery. These camphor eaters all have a dreamy, dazed and very listless air, and in most of them there is an ever pres ent longing to sleep or at least to rest. Extreme weakness generally follows the taking of regular doses, and* cases have been*seen where it has been almost difficult to tell the effect from those of alcohol. As to the complexion, if a ghastly pallor An engine of the great north ->rn railroad in England, whic* •vas built m 1870, completed it INTERESTING His Negative Side. Eli Minch, known as the "learned farmer," of Bridgeton, H. J*, who died the other day, recently made the following confession: "I have never been married or in love, never smoked, chewed or touched a drop of beer or other intoxicants; never played dominoes, checkers or cards Women are more and more pat ronizing life insurance, and many of the companies maintain a wo man’s department, presided over by a female superintendent. The statistics indicate* that business women and women of great wealth are the principal patrons. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have made arrangements] to handle the celebrated. . . Grandeur Flour of any kind and cannot tell one card from another. I I I have never been to a play, even in church, or a circus: never saw the inside of a saw the inside of a theater, have never skated with a girl on the ice, although I was when a boy considered quite a skater, and I think few men experienced the pleasure that I did when a young man." ; The Ways of the Walking Stick. An excited controversy is raging among the young swells of Paris as to the disposal of one’s walking The best and most satisfactory flour on Will sell same in any quantity at the Atlanta to the disposal of one’s walking stick when making a call. M. Le Bargy, the well known actor, de clares-that a walking stick is a vital necessity to help out conversation. f you may "In the play," he says, see it swinging backwar ward when I am anxious, affection ately caressing my collar when my mood is.endearing, vibrating with Feel your pulse a few minutes. Is it regular? Are you short of breath, after slight exertion as going up stairs, sweeping, walking, etc? Do you have pain in left; breast, side or between shoulder blades, chok ing sensations, fainting or smothering spells, inability to lie on left side? 'If you have any of these symptoms you certainly have a weak heart, and should immediately take I leave the room dejected." In the .neighborhood of the cent sub*way explosion in York there are re- New physicians ihan in any other part of the r city, and hundreds of them were avail able for emergency doty within ihree minutes after the dynamite went off. Heart It is said that in prehistoric rimes the Incas of Peru built roads that extended from the tropically heated valleys up the mountains to the regions of per petual frost, using the natural asnhalt rock, and these roads are Mr. F. H. Oaks of Jamestown, N. Y., whose genial face appears above, says: “Excessive use ol tobacco seriously affected iny heart. I suffered severe pains about the heart, and in the left shoulder and side; while the palpitation would awaken me from rav sleep. I began taking Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure and soon found permanent relief.” Sold by all Druggists, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Eikhart, Ind.