The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 12, 1902, Image 6

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CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, „ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. With all the new effects to he found in any first-class up-to-date Clothing and Men’s Furnishing establishment, having bough : early, thereby securing the nobby and snappy styles that the well dressed trade calls for. . Besides the superior Quality our clothing carries the STYLE, FIT, AND FINISH That is rarely found in ready-made Clothing. It is getting, to be no trouble to sell the tirade who has worn one of our Suits, as he is satisfied that it will hold up and wear because it is cut and made to fit. Our long and careful study of the woolen and manufacturing , - O ~ _ • • • . 4 yx 4 * » 1 arkiyalam„ EPaki(isE 0 AT G^Sli^vlLLE, GA. jj . Standard (73th No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for , - No. 84 leaves 12.300^1^^ No. 86 leaves 3K» p. m for ZT*' dal Circle. 0r Jeffer sw No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for leff _ No. 87 arrives from Jefferson 818 ' No. 85. arrives from Social Cirde^ No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4. tf No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8 ft SUNDAY TRAINS No- 92 eaves7,35 a. m. for Soil o,v, No. 96leaves 3.40p. No. 98 leaves 4.-00 p. m. for Jefferson ' No. 99 arrives 8:45 a. m. from j ef} ^ No. 97 arrives 1050 a.m. froJtS No. 91 arrives 2,45 p. m. froaSodal 0 Connections. No. 82 connects at Winders), m ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with r for Augusta 10*26 a. m For Atlanta It 5 Arrive Augusta 2.25 p,,m.r Arrive ah',, It Girdles The Globe* The fame of Bueklen’s Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It’s the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches Pains and all Skm Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at M. C. BROWN’S. Dlonej Loaned On Farms, We make loans on improved farms, in Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of making payments on the principal sum at any time. For further information apply to R. P. LaTtneb. Room 4. State Bank Building, Gaines ville, Ga. ** Teachers’ Examination. An examination will be held in the city hall Saturday, May 3rd for teach ers desiring to make application for positions in the city schools for the en suing term, the same to commence at 8 a. m. and close| promptly at ~5 p. m. J. W. Marion, Supt. City Schools. market teaches us that we need not fear competition in the Cloth ing business, and especially not to abuse our friends who depend on us for real value. We are on the ground and are here to stay, nd think more of you than any one else. * Worn Dnzgslsf*. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who hies to sell "something just as good.'* Strikes A Rich Find. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility,’’ writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster, N. H., ‘ ? Nc remedy helped me until rbegan using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are PICKWICK System KU^br-ahope clotffincJ . for Hard-To^Rf-Nen HAND-MADE Egypt’i Veiled Women. The tasmak, or veil, may be black or white, long or short, plain or embel lished with rows of drawn work oi tucks and of any sort of fine, soft ma terial. The women of the middle and lower classes wear for the most part black veils from one to three feet long. Those higher in the social grade wear white ones, * and occasionally they reach to the hem of the dress. These are held in place by a metal tube that Is fastened over the nose and lower part of the forehead by cords securely tied behind. When worn with this ha- bara in the orthodox fashion, there is nothing visible but the woman's bright black eyes, which see everything going on. The tasmak and habara are cap ital disguises, and a woman may flirt to her heart’s content without fear of being discovered, provided she is not followed to her home.—Philadelphia Bulletin. just splendid for female troubled; that they are a grand tonic and invigora- tor for weak, run down women. No other medicine can taxe its place in our family, “ Only 50c. Sat isfaction guaranteed by M. G. BROWN Get^No New Street. The petition for a new street run ning from Green to Race was tabled in council Thursday night, which means that no new street will he opened there soon. Grossman, michaelso&y a* e° makers- new york. NOW COMING DOWN TO FACTS IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th., 1! Wants to Help Others. “I had stomach trouble all my life, says Edw; Mehler, proprietor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., ‘‘and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment’s peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia SOUTHWARD You well know that we fit all sizes and shapes; but if your taste is not met through our stock we can make you a suite to order from $18.50 to $50. So dont say you cannot be pleased in your own city. The corps of tailors we have worked, and the years of experience we have put in with the firstrclass trade, will convince you at once that we know better how to seirve you, and know better what you are get ting, than if we had only handled ready-made Clothing. Should our extensive Trouser Department, which carries all sizes and prices, and most of them sold with a positive guarantee not to rip, buttons to come off, etc., we make them for £3-50 to $15. F'or a stylish hat, we handle the celebrated Guyer & Madison Hat, every one guaranteed. You will not be in it if you don’t wear one. To look in at our store will convince you that we have the Ties and Shirts for Spring and Summer. The most perfect fitting col lar is sold at our store. We will not mention what our midsummer stock will embrace, bnt if you cannot be pleased here it will be your own fault. Hamilton Carhart’s Union Made Overalls for sale here. YOURS, FOR BUSINESS, Lv New York, P R R !»* P Lv Philadelphia, P R R I 3 29 p Lv Baltimore, P RR I §4p p tv Washington, PER ! P Lv Richmond. S A L Ry j 10 40 p Lv Petetersbuig, 1 , llal p Lv Norlina “ I 205 a tv Henderson " \ ^ a Lv Raleigh I f *7 * Lv Southern Pmes | 537 a tv Hamlet “ i 630 a Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trouble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic* For bilious a ess, constipation; and appendici tis. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heattfail- ure. For fever chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons combined with other . vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail you in any of the above-named diseases. 50c. and $1.00 bottles at druggists. Preparedonly by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. At the Capitol- I a-n in my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from indiges tion, constipation and biliousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these dis eases, and got n@ permanent relief. About one year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form. I became very , weak, and lost flesh rapidly. I commenced using Dr. Mozley’s Lemon {Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my appetite and my digestion were perfectly re stored, and now I feel as young and vigorous as I ever didin my life. * v - L. T- ALLDRED. Door keeper Georgia State Senate, sufferers ” Kodol Dys Cure cures all stomach troubles, don’t have to diet. Kodol Dys Cure digests what you eat. Rob & Law. Lv Philadelphia “ ! lU^uam Lv New York. ODSSCoj f3 00pm Lv Baltimore, B S P Co 1 Lv Wash’ton, N&WSBl Lv Portsmouth, S A L Ry j Lv Weldon M Lv Norlina ‘ Lv Henderson \ l m Lv Raleigh „ ,* f | S LvgmtheraPmes “ Lv Hamlet « A Lv Wilmington “ I - ’ Ar Charlotte “ 1 951 aa Ttr rhPcter “ J 1008 am Lv Chester „ 1 12 07 p m Lv Greenwood • • 1 g 19 g m Lv Athens I i35om Ar Atlanta X i Ar Augusta, C&WC » ® Ar Macon, CofGa ! ' ^ p Ar Montg’m’iy A & WP[ Ar Mobile, L & N j Ar New Orleans, L & N, ‘ ^ Ar Nashville N C& St L! 5 ?o a m Administrator’s Sale. Georgia—Hall County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in May, 1902, at the court house in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, situated in said Hall County, to-wit: A nice three (3) room dwelling-house and lot, corner of Lee and Washington streets, Gainesville, Ga., adjoining lands of R. Smith, D. ScoUfield and oth ers. Good neighborhood, close in, and situated on the Dahlonega Electric Railway line. Terms cash. This April 7th, 1902. Waterman, Burnett & Co It Dazzles The World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. It’s severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored, to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay fever, Hoarseness and whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by M. C. BROWN who guarantees satis faction or refund money. Large bot tles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. L. O. Barron, Administrator of Mrs. M. F. Barron, deceased. NORTHWARD Dailv No MS lOOpm 10 55 p 311 745pm 1220am 6 20am 800am 940am 1200 n’fl 248pm 450pm 643pm 630pm 330pm 950pm 1055pm 100am 227am 310am 420am 700am Agricultural. College Main Building. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, Is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recomm end it for, and I have used many kinds for woman’s troubies. MRS. S, A. GRESHAM. Lv Memphis, N C <5t St L! Lv Nashville, 1 Lv New Orleans, L & 2* [ Lv Mobile, L & N ; Lv Montgom ry A is. w r, Lv Macon, CofGa 1 Lv Augusta, C&WC s Lv Atlanta. + S A L Ry j Ar Athens, Ar Greenwood <c Ar Chester, * * Lv Charlotte* Lv Wilmington, “ Lv Hamlet, “ * Lv So’them Pines, “ Lv Raleigh, Ar Henderson J Lv Norlina, SALRy j Lv Weldon, „ Ar Portsmouth, ‘ Ar Wash’ton, N & W S R« Ar Baltimore, BSP Co ! Ar New York, ODSSCo, Ar Phila’phia, N Y P & N, Ar New York, • TAX NOTICE I will be at the places mentioned be low, at the time specified, during the month of April, for the purpose of tak ing tax returns: Dunagan’s Store, April 12—at noon. Bowdre, April 14—-9 to 11 a m. Lula, April 14—3 to 4 p. m. Bellton, April 14—5 p. m. Polksville, April 15—11 a. m. tol p. m. John Ervin’s, April 15—at night. Miller’s store, April 16—10 to 12 a. m. Quillians, April 16—3 to 5 p. m. Big Hickory, April 17—9 toll a, m. Murray ville, April 17— 2 p. m. Bark Camp, April 17—4 to 6 p. m. Austin Lathem’s, April 17, at night. H. M. Conner’s Sr., April 18—9 to 11 a. m. Fork, April 18—2 to 4 p. m. A. J. Thompson. April 19—at noon. Whelchel, April 19—2 to 4 p. m. Note: All taxable property owned the first day of March, 1902, must be retnrned for taxes at its true market value. John W. Cox, Tax Receiver, Mozley’s Lemon Hot Drops. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Spre Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant reliable. 25c at druggists. -Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley Atlanta, Ga. Editor Georgia Cbacheb: Please allow me space in the columns of The Cracker to say that on account of the lateness of the season I will not be in the race for Clerk of the superior court/i I desire to sincerely thank my friends for their encouragement, but for the present I must serve them in a more humble way than entering the race for Clerk. Respectfully, Ulysses C. Bowman. B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; good moral and religious influences. Cheapest board in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepare atory class. Co-education of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President. Tos. S. Stbwakt, A.M. A False Bamor. The rumor which has gone abroad to the effect that I had beaten my wife, is untrue. I do not know who started the story, but I desire to state that my friends may know the truth that it is entirely unfounded. J. L. Whiteey. Attention is called to the advertise ment of the J, E. Murphy Co. This firm is wide-awake and up-to-date, and handles an excellent line of goods. Be sure to call on them for what you need in their line. i 1032P® | ggri 144a® Jg 210am, Jg . 409am | |g, | 456am, ^ 845am | 10 <£ a ® ' 2# j 1227pm, g30; 3lap® * •*C M With a Tail. The “C” with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. The Brewton (Ala.) Gauge says: “If the next president is to be a Democrat it will be neces sary to nominate a man who is on speaking terms with the whole