The Georgia cracker. (Gainesville, GA.) 18??-1902, April 19, 1902, Image 8

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merchant, for earth, air and factory have all contributed to its stores. For the historian, hpre are priceless vol umes, ancient documents, rare por traits. For the antiquarian, a very mine of relics that can be found no where else. For the patriot here is abundant food for pride in a land which can produce so much and prom ise so much more. For the young there is inspiration and information. For the old, infinite satisfaction. No man, least of all a southern man, in justice to himself, can afford to miss this greatest of southern Expositions. Palace of Agriculture and the Palace of Commerce. The visitor Who enters at one end of the. shoe, and traversing the three great buildings, yrith their attendant colonades and exaedrae, passes out at the other end, will have walked an honest mile and have seen, in panoramic view, the products o: the world. A large anex to the Pal ace of Agriculture is given over to such state exhibits as those of Louisi ana, Oregon, Florida, etc. Facing the Cotton Palace across the Sunken Gar den stands the Auditorium, with its ivory walls, festooned and garlanded with tinted staff work. Fruit Its quality influences the selling price. -3 Profitable fruit growing insured only when enough actual and'FONSC PELLETS s thi modem mild power cure that compete!? Coea > work, without shock or injury to u Jpvtof ^7 srutem. Booklet* and camples free of any dealer J or oociplete treatment, Twenty-flae Doses, 25c. * I) v BROWN MFG. CO. /A V - NEW YORK /y/A Jxgbh. AND OREENEVli > R, Tenn, is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor good quality possible without Potash. Write for our fru books njo giving details. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93_Nassau St., New York City. Still beyond and to the right is the West Indian building, with its contents from Cubs and Porto Rico, which are giving our statesmen so many unquiet hours, and still beyond, is the glittering entrance to the ever festive Midway, where the lions roar, the barkers, bark, the spiel ers spiel, and night and day are as one. Neglect Means Danger- Don’t neglect biliousness and consti pation. Your health will suffer per manently if you do. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers cure such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says “De Witt’s Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea.” Robertson & Law. Editor W. A. Knowles, and Lawyer Seaborn Wright, of Rome, are both m the race again for the legislature, and it is safe tosay that each will do what he can to leave the other at home.— Exchange. Shot in His Left Leg. For all kinds of sores, burns,.bruises, or other wounds DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin diseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. None genuine but DeWitt’s. Beware of counterfeits. “I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun shot wound m my left leg,” says A. S. Ful ler, English, Ind. “It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kinds of remedies to no purpose until I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me.” Robertson & Law. Charleston’s Great Exposi tion Is Now In Full Bloom of Its Beauty. A Some good and thoughtful people think that we are having too many ex positions;-that the subject is exhaust ed, their usefulness at an end. But these good people are in the minority, and the great majority of our citizens, considering the wealth of our favored nation, our 80.00o,000 inhabitants, the infinite variety of our products and the diversity of our interests, think that we may well afford an exposition in some section of our country at least once a year. In no other .way ccyi the people of one part of the land be- •come acquainted with the progress, peculiarities and necessities of the oth er. So at least think the good citizens of Charleston and South Carolina, and they have proved their faith by mighty works. Relying absolutely upon their own resources, without the federal aid so freely granted to other communi ties no whit more deserving, they have created the most complete, sym metrical and beautiful show that our country has yet known, saving only the World’s Fair at Chicago. It marks A Lovely Prospect. Standing in the kiosk in front of the the band plays Auditorium, where these sunny afternoons, one may look far across to the gleaming waters of the Ashley and see through the trees the shinging facade of the Woman’s building, an ancient residence, but in perfect repair, which was once the home of the William Lowndes of Rev- As the eye follows olutionary fame, the course of the river it rests in suc cession upon the shining porch of the Illinois building, the red roof over the home of Cincinnatti, the Negro build ing, so full of suggestion and comfort for the philanthropist and the states man; the handsome house built by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com pany, and then rests with infinite sat isfaction upon the stately • facade of the Art Palace, with its priceless con tents; then on to the spangled dome, the graceful columns and long white porch of Philadelphia’s building and the charming Hispano-Grecian archi- and controls every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, make muscles elastic and supple, the bones strong and the flesh firm- bat this life fluid is pollute, or poisoned and loses its nutritive, health sm ing elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers resti in premature old age and disease. Any derangement of the blood <ra shows itself in an ulcer, sore, wart, tumor or some other trouble growth upon the body, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains become ala constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities. S. S. S. being purely vegetable, is the safest! best blood purifier for old people. It does not si or hurt the system like the strong mineral feme ailments disappear. S. S. S. is just such a tonic as old people need! improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If there is any herd tary taint, or the remains of some disease contracted in early life, S. S.l will search it out and remove every vestige of it from the system. Write ns fully about your case and let our physicians advise and hej you. This will cost you nothing, and we will mall free our book on biaj and skin diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta, (0, Paface of Commerce, tectural gem which bears the proud name of New York. Beyond the wa ters of Lake Juanita rise the walls of, the buildings devoted to Machinery and Transportation, and where lake and river join is the Interesting exhib it of the United States Fish Commis sion, housed In a structure built for the special display of fish, their man ners and customs. No more delightful and profitable hours can be spent than those which are devoted to this build ing, for here you see the fish at home and follow him from egg to excellence, so to speak. Besides all this, there are the buildings devoted to Minerals and Forestry* those of Alaska and Guatemala and the noble structures dedicated to the sovereign states of Pennsylvania and Maryland. It is a grand picture and one to which print ers’ ink cannot do justice. Imagine this Ivory City, if you can, then flood it with golden sunshine, like the splen dor oLGod’s smile, bend over it a blue Italian sky, people it with happy met and women, fan it with softest airs stirred by sweet music, and you have some Idea of the joys that await you in the Old City by the Sea. At this Exposition no map or wom an can feel that he or she is losing time or money. There is so much to Cotton Palace. x4tn epoch for our sister state and her beautiful seaport city, and its good ef- * fects will be felt throughout the whole Jouth. It presents to the world, as nothing else could, the characteris- -tics which are destined to set our sec tion of the Union in the most con spicuous position in the great indus trial procession of this Twentieth ce* *ury. and you will In Pull Bloom of Its Beauty. The Expositon is now complete and In the full bloom of its beauty. The location could not be improved upon for all the natural accessories of land and water. Just within the city lim its, upon the eastern bank of the Ash ley‘rive*; where hoary live oaks sway their knotty boughs in the gentle ocean breezes, a gently sloping plain has been adorned by the best efforts Of the landscape gardener and the archi- tect. Beautiful flowers, swaying palms, soft' green grass, gleaming stainafy, splashing fountains and varicolored electric lights combine, with the har monious delicately tinted colors of the stately buildings, to make a picture ever pleasing and never to be forgot ten. • ; * , The buildings themselves display a modern adaptation of old Spanish architecture and on every hand may be found suggestions of old Madrid, Sev ille and Barcelona.. The central fea ture, the Court of Palaces, contains 1,- ooo,000 square xcct, _ Built in horseshoe shape about the lovely Sunken Garden, with its lake, bridges and fountains, this Court Is an audaciousand singularly successful conception of the architect. The Pal aces are three in number—the Cotton Palace, the largest of th.e three; the Nowhere. kills, not necessarily suddenly, but SURELY. It preys upon the intellectual powers more than we realize. It consumes the vitality faster than nature can replenish it, and we cannot tell just what moment a temporary of complete aberration of the mind will?result. Headache and pain should be promptly re moved—but properly. Many pain cures are more harmful than the pain. Beware.... If you would be safe, take Where can you find a superiointo these goods? And there’s the best and most satisfactory flour on the n you a sack, we know you’ll come back again. * Other things are here in profusion-in more complete line of Miles* JF dJUI A Ai£&* M As a result of neuralgia I lost tn*.' sight of my right eye, and the pain L have suffered is incomprehensible, be ing obliged to take opiates almost con tinually. A friend gave me one of Dr.. Miles’Pain Pills and it promptly re lieved me. I then purchased a bes and now my trouble is gone. They have also cured my daughter of nervous headache, and I. heartily recommend them to others.”—W. J. CORLEY. Bre- mond, Texas. Sold by Druggists. a§ Doses, 25c. Dr. Mites Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. We can and will please you if you’ll only give Palace ef Agriculture. "a see, so much to he learned, that few of us have the time to .do it justice. Here is food for the student of racial and industrial problems. Here is sug gestion for the manufacturer and the