The Air-line eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1860-18??, April 04, 1861, Image 4

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i ifctorg. Hall County. R3 THB I.K iISI. .'K. lor I ii A J. i'ool M • /»r<*—Hon W *. Smith F.R • K - - N. .lohm"‘,n. X t’ 1 - l - I '• K J -VI! f .„«i 1.-. IMO ! • .11 t , . In. iiti/uot Ihi.l).J gubts. mmciAiiy,'.o iH'ST W .I!.—Sits thir l Morvlayr in \|.-r<-l, m l A.-ntemlier Judy. lion Nathan L. 'uirliin*. Clark — l. E. Bed win.,. ... . ja.aaion Court—Pits fn'i-tl. Mnnl„.v in Januurv and -)>'ly. —t..1,n l)”r --tey, W. P. Smith. Alexander !><•».. J. Daiia. Clerk —J. B.R-<lwinr. Return day* out tmenly day* before mck Court. OOtTVTY OFFICERS Ordinary —Ralph S. Uw. Sheriff.— Richard H. Waters. Deputy Sheriff —Ambrose Kennedy. County Rarer.tor —— Renton T. h iUianta Tax Receiver.—J. R U. Luelt, Tax Collector —lames E. Simmons. Coroner —lohn Pierce. Hoard of School Conmittiumrt. — Ralpti S. La*..)"hn E. (ledwiue. Inhn Dorasv. I>. IT. Frneer. • P. Smith, Alexander Heal, and J. W.' Daria. IAW DAYS AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 411th District —At Gainesville, on the first Friday in.each month . da.hee*.— Andrew .I Oavis and Jacob Eherliart. fififtrn District' —At Wilson's Court Ground, on the second Saturday in each month. Juetiee* —I,. n Hutchins. G. W. Johns . n . 413th Di.tri.t-At Roberta Court Ground on the Saturday ' n each month Juatieee. —jßmes M. Cole and William E. Cannine BH2n DtsTiCT —At t’linchem on die first r*at urtla. >'■ ' e til. Jueliree. Samuel O. Eraser tii I Villi:,m M. Vermillion. SSfiTH Dirtri t.— At V! 1 ryan’s Court G round on the the ‘ ■>. day in e .eh month Jutlice s . Martin nnd I dm Dow dey. 2fißrn Dmir- ' t I oln -re. o the fourth Saturday 1 am. month. Juntic'*. —Tho mas N. R. 1 ' .yton and Ira It. Gaines. 40Si. Dish.. at "entre. on the second Saturday M-mth. Jutticr*. —O. I. : i Wdliam S llar.ou 410th 111 • At l : .lion on the Courtl. Baturd- P. Walt 1 and I A. n sir Blotii lli Saturday in each montl. dn*tire o —Hm dersoi 484TH Ilf ■ - V < I'd-l'l'- S'- re. »t ! . fourth . o, ~-h ath s.- Wf I JtTllii Dim - ilion the third us-.nth. Ju*titn—\.C.. Baker 1 l.ittlelield. 61.9Til Dl» •• • ■ Gamp, ml the sec nnd H t )u..ntli. Justices. — Wii «l 1 vt i 1 ( g-ic!i 675th Dts- . third Sittll' ' Justice s.. — 11. aim Snf‘ r • i > 1 vi«. V PCX'! I) i»SI M X'MY.ItS Anno —W II IJu Hint . UHKSNirr Mountain—Am’iro-e Kennedy. (•A IN KSV I LLK, — . 0 ' ‘ Connor fl 1»vii,i ( i . A 7* C. Pmecy. HitO \! I. .MTA 1 N t nines Ue.Lerl* Polksvii.le John (' IfigliMMiitli. PopKAtt SpilKfMl.—-A. J Poole. Snow. 'lrkrk —James M Goal. Skit I ’ ‘ tntain —Ashford Quinn, .Si’gas .T \. Thomas. W* R r - Will’s M. Langford. TUT*! CHAYON. rSTABIsISHCO INJJ. THFC CRAYON, u periodical devoted to I he interests of American Art nnd Artists, , aims to place before the public whatever re lates to the progress ofthceountry in Point- j ing, Architecture and Sculpture; its objet is, to chroniclet' e pr.»duti<*ns of works of Art, | to provide discussions of its principles nnd to present a reflection of such aspects of so ciety as favor or retard the growth of hu man refinement. In fulfillment of this object, the pages of the Crayon are devoted t«» the most suggest ive Essays on Art of old and recent produc tion. to Reviews of Works of Moral nnd j Philosophical value. to able Translations, to native and foreign Correspondence, to select Tales, to Description* of Scenery, and to brie Abstracts of Current Literature, the nature and n ov elt v of the thought under these vari •u*h«adings detrending upon tee degree of in telligence in the community that fosters its publication. The Crayon originated in the desire to serve the ends cf Art and Artists, to given voice to beth nod a position amongst thecul tivating agencies of our country. 1t has nev er deviate from its early mission. While al lowing a suitable space to Art subjects, it has opened its co’umnsfreely t*» the discussion of other subjects having an important bear ing pon the growth of civilization. WYare rapidly increasing in population and wealth, constantly aspiring to the social standard of the leading f'nropean gitim s; we must con sequent’r see 'hat our nations Art \ \ not in ferior t 1 our - her ci viliziug factors, and not permitted t.* hdt in its developement. The Crayon has tit.' 1 to hold up a high standard • f Art, to < i.u ' > * :•> position lor Artists, and to awak > c to a sense of their practical »he community. Before 1 1 (h iyon, little was known * : ' -er'c-in Artist bey on«l their *»wr. ; : .u Is iml patrons; j their iulucu i s f rt wit ei>ut reference j to the S‘>uiv t'connection j witli the hi -s» ■ ■ ; ' c nation. To persevere in ' • - vi.; v,* h ivc taken nnd j pursued, sit:: I •ti •u. We, hope our ind--- v ' ;■>; • o icl.'v ird isi givl ing us re-'. : • . oi ing ourobj ‘t The tVI V'OJ !S ; ■ ! ,;; paper t a '■ rlof q bound in a*'. . t -<* c , r.-ui'l pul. i-hed monthly t* • . 11 ? ri'.ree LViiiars p-.-r an num '.'ava!*!<- ; n •!v in,-**. DCR V\T>. ’> cr Street, New York. ; (i! • mDERSNOI P»n ■ Q of ■ -i h Divisio : r l' ants are m ide i > * DiviC-.u ii M. gH't T and-• c • .cc ir~ din.: \ P't *i,, - . -al ' uin» ding Mi¥S. A. ISAACS, F.i.iiitma'ilr Uilliu<r. (OONN'I'.M.T’S (RON FRONT STORES,) Whitehall, near Alabama Street, Atlanta, (la. k L s-ornnent ot Bonnets. Head Dr. - -«• s, Bertha Oapes. Embroideries. Press T~n id Fancy Goods constant Ij on h n nr *o order at short not ice j Sapt 1 iy- Bbcning Dost. , .i.purtiiß niH.n hyforuthe h. .priutor- «< ‘The ultl-nt un'l h e ,f r . «■ ..klic.” tiefii finer up- n no I » urruv-ot pr-.mi«e*. They nmy "imply ■ (1,,. .. ~v .I,..jgn makini; tnr T'.st fur 1,.. ■■ ti. hue been f-.r the pa«t r re,,,,, ip, y „Hk» of ,lelit»l.lful amu.ement nu I .-n'.-rt inine iußtriictiun. Intfroatiug ..... ...,nilchoice sketchc. by the best wri '.T.. will iilwnvf be fr.HU'iiu thepost. Our «r fi.r the lust year lirt* b.-ei. genernl ., ,ckm.wle<li;e.l to be I*f the mo<t intere«t ■ ~t..meter*. »r»H «*« *les ; t-n n»t P> ttlh.w ~nv ( illine oIT if thi« re.pect— though any -mprovement i* b .r.lly poMihle. But the Pont to instruct- ft. will contain week* ly. Anafl-riciiß* ral department, el.oice r* ccipts, ilemestio and f'.reijfn news, the my ke'n and hank note list, letter from I'ana.'laneoaß information kr . hut to see exactly whit the P»*ti», write for sample number, which will be ennt gratis to any one desirous of suteeribinf? for a weekly pa per By the following list of terms you will «ee that the Rost is not only the best, but the cheapest of the weeklies, and that we offer splendid premium- to subscribers- Onr fngr*iving premium tbia yeariv thecelebra steel plate en-raytog of “A merry-making in the olden time.” This engraving was first issued by the Ran,lon Art Union. It, la thirty-six inches long by twenty-four inches wide—contains from thirty to forty figures, an l is one the handsomest, engravings now | before the American and British put,lie - i The publishers’ price for it is ft. c dollars I Our hook premium* are Lippincat.t ? r u moil* pronouncing x*t ycr on-j <*''*»>?** ‘P II " ci I Dicfinnarv »rthe World, f.nd tlif-quallv famoim Webster’s new pictorial quarto Die , tio .ary . . „ I TERMS—Single copy S?; It. 3 ; four copies. $.5; eight C'.f-ies *10; thirteen ! copies sls twenty-copies $211: To the get -1 ter up of a club of eight, or either of the j larger clubs, we send a copy rntts. One j copy of the Rostand Arthur’s Mugnune will b» s»nt for !».d SO. For one copy of the Rost yearly, and one of the magnificent cogru vsng, “A merry making in the olden time. AS 00; for a club ~f thirty copies of the Rostand thirty dollars, we will send us a premium the magnificent en;raving. *• A mery making in the ..Men time.” gratis. . ... a club of forty nnd forty dollars, we wit! send the Engraving and « copy extra of the ! Rost also Any nu mber of a clnhran h ive ! .lie engraving sent him on payment of three dollar- extra. The engraving will he wrap ! ped carefully carefully on a rollir. nnd *he j ! postil to prepaid Every pains will he taken , I ... insure its safe inns Mission. ’-Ve will send one copy of eitl. the Dictiooar or the 1 --.xetteer for *ix dollars; or. on the receipt .. fi/*■ new subscribers and to 101 lr- we •yill give either-f the above wnrl-s as re. TI i- pri re f (he ibove w »rk - r i sfi SO Ad dress Df.aoon Sl Pethsov. j No 319 Walnut street, Fliiladelpl.i. Tlii‘ Stuilont’s AritliniPlic; \ PRACTK *A Is WORK ON' THE 'truer sf Xumfecrs. DKkIONKD FOR T U EOF SCHOOLS 1 Vivii e Stuilentst. Farmers. Me •hatiies Alerclmnts and I.iki ncss Men Get.erslly ; WITH AN APPEJKTDIX, ..tit anting F.f.hal Forms, sticli as Notes, Receipts, Deeds, Wills, <Stc. nr M R CALDWEI.L & W W EVERETT. jrAp* Apply to J. R. Boone, Gainesville; W. N. White or J H. Christy, Athens (In' Frehnary lti, 18(11. -TO 2m. ' SLMiER SEWING MACHINES. The marked and over extending) popularity of SING Kirs SEWING MACHINES,: both in America and Europe —in such us best to establish tlu ir *uperi<»rit y over all others j iu the market. Sewing Machines— so eaHc'l f —may be bought, it is true, for a smaller . amount of dollars, but it is a mistaken econ omy to invent anything iu a worthless or un reliable article, and those who will do so must abide the consequences! ginger’s New Family Machines. Is OKDKR TO FLACK THE REST FAM ILY MACHINES IN THE WO’U.I) WITHIN TIIK REACH OF ALL, WE HAVE REDUCED OCR LETTER A, OR TR A NSEVERSE SHUT TLE MACHINES, BEAUTIFULLY ORNA j Ml. NT ED, TO SSO. Singer.s 2’N“- I «ri'i 2 Standard t’hutitle M abilities, both of application ami rapa city, ami popular both in »be family r.nd th* manufactory. Prices (reduced, respectively fromsl3s to $!)0 and $lO9. Singer's No. 3 Standard Shutter Machine F«»r Carriage-Makers nntl heavy leather work. Price, complete, S I 25. Als », to complete the list, an Entirely New Article, unequalled for manufacturings purposes;— Noiski.kss, Kapip, and capable of every kind of work! Price, (including iron stand and drawer-,) sllo—chekper at that in view of it* vi.ue than the machines of nay other maker as a gift. \ll of •'inker’s Machines make the inter* locked stitch with two threads, which is the best st-itch known. Every person desiring to procure full and r» lialde information aho jewing Machines, their sires, prices, worn j o g capacities, and the be*t method f par ch can obtain it by sending for a copy if / J/ Singer d* Co's Gazette, which is a i autiful pictoria! paper entirely devoted to r iie subject It mil hs supplied gratis. I. M SINGER h CO, 458 Broadway N Y. ! 'dr M. COUPON. Agent for Singer & Cos., '4 Broad street. Augusta, (da. N v. 23, 1860 —lft—ly Til CO NSTIT T TIO N A LIST. Augin a 1 (r • rg• r*. is re of tlie most desiraMe pap »s nb’ished in the South. In ■neve al ,»n,l nt ws department, no labor is sp 11 •' and to give tie earliest and most accu rate intelligence from all quarters. Itstel e.'rapbic column is filled with ample and telia'de information «»f (occurrences nt idt the political and commercial centres. In politic* the Constitutionalist is thoroughly Southern. It advocates a Southern Confed eracy as the only sure and safe guardian of the rightsof the South. Terms—Daily Constitutionalist. $6; Tii \\ eekiv. .S'4; Weekly S3. Nrvpaperwill he si nt on less the cash accompanies the order. Specimen copies sent when asked for. jas. Gardner. [Proprietor. TBB &IM -2a2 ft ® J; r 11 E Yl l«-l AE E u«EE, .1 3km IBnkln 30rast|aptr P’-blished at Gainesville Geor'na, By W. 11. Mitchell, V> EBPECTFDLLYsoIicit* a shnr, of th ii patronage of the people of Hall i.ndthe adjacent counties. The Eagle will be Untrammelled b- Part** Tie ! And will have little to do with politics, ex cept os news. While the editor doe 9 not wish to dictate to the people how they shall ♦.hink, or for whom they shall vote, be never theless will feel it his duty to keep his rea der** informed of whatever may occur, wor thy of their consideration during the present Presidential Campaign. The chief object of the Eagle will be to pisseminate useful information of all kinds. Encourage Internal Improvements \nd to -advance the interests, end express the sentiments of the people of Northern Georgia; nnd this we hope to accomplish, not by promoting internal political dissen sions upon idle questions of distant or doiiMfnl interest, hut by striving to bring about n generous and beneficial unanimity ni sentiment on matters of nearer and clear er utility. •TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. JSS S2 00 per annum invariably in advance Ministers of the Gospel nnd School Teach ers. Trill be fuinished with the paper at l .C O Advertisements inserted at the rate of one l«d iar per square of ten lines nr le«s. for the fir.<r. and fifty cents for each subsequent in sertion . \nnouncements of county candidates, $5 00 \miGiinreraent of District candidates. 10 00 CONTRACTS. Till be made with advertisers upon the f-d low ing tenns : **quarf j .$ 10 I column 1 year, $ 30 j “ “ ... 15 h “ “ | 3 “ ... 20 | l “ •• 100 ! “ ... 25 J Do’ible Column 16C Vcurly advertisers will have the privilege of changing quarterly \i.l COMMUNICATIONS *v. vo FOR rnr iR cbject the I‘romotiok or private in run htj>. (whether in nnliiics or business.) tf.s CKXTS PKR LINE. IN ADVANCE. Ml n lvertisemcnts handed in without in -rrnction as to the number of insertions, will *«»ntinned until ordered out ami charged it those rates. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. .'v«l«'S of Land anti Negroes, by Adminis tr it'-rs Si c. are required *o be held on the j - *' Tuesday in the month, at the Court House in the county in which the property is situated. 7 Notice of those «ale« must bp given in a public gazette forty days previous to thedav f mxU. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner ten days pre vi«>us to thed iy of sale. Notice to The dehtors and creditors Rtt jtr ntust be published forty days Notice that applies lion will be mndetn chJ Oour* for leave to sell Land nntl Negro must l*e publiMhe-d two months. A Citations for Letters of A j i turtlianship. &c.. must h*« publivh»*d dayn; for Dismission from Administration, monthly, fur six months; Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules fe*r foreclosure of Mortgage niu*-t be published monthly for four months ; for es tabl isb ing lost papers, lor the full space of three manths. j Publications willalwnv* be continoed ac cording to these, the legal requirements, un less otherwise ordered,at the following RATES; Citation® on Lettersof Administration, $2 75 Citations on Dismi-sory ftopw Admin istration 4 50 | Citations on Dismissory from Guardian- I ship 300 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 i Notice to debtors ami crecitorn 3 00 j Sales of Personpl Property, ten days. , l square 15*' Sale* of Land or Negroes by Executors 500 Estrays, twoweeks 150 For a man advertising his wife (in advance 50 00 IV. 11. illitcliell, Editor and Proprietor. Cherokee Sketches As soon as Che bona fide subscription of ] the Air-Line Eagle \ \ itor proposes to coek i V\ Cywf* mence the publication ,l!<er^g °f sketches ■ frontier fr-m the ' year 1700 to the end of the Cherokee war of Georgia and South Carolina, which commenced in 1760—from original documents in the arebites of South Carolina, and other equally reliable sources, Hu WARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. t benevolent Institution established by A special endowment, f»>r the relief of the r ick and diseased, afflicted with virulent and : epidemic diseases, ami especially for the j cure of diseases of Ihe sexual orgaus. Medical advice given gratis, by the Act*- 1 ing Surgeon t<» all who apply by letter, with i description of their condition, age oceu- ? pation, habit-* of lffe &c , and incase of j extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free . of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermntor i rhrfc i, and other Diseases of the Sexual Or gan*. and on ‘he new remedies employed in ; the Dispensary. sent to the affl'Cted iu seat 1 ad envelopes. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, for Report or treatment. DR, J SKILLIX HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon. Howard Association,No, 2 South 9 Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order vfthe Directors* EZRA D. HiRTWELb, President. Q EO..FAIRCHILD, Secretary. oODOO COPIES NOW SOLD. IcDrrrtiof 's H.alnijrr, AND Cotinf=ellor in r?n(=inf'f=s s ' BY F * ANK ri?oßßYf or - - h it'Tir;. rnrx bar. It T • Ver tiow ■** -n Partnership T 1 ■'*■”*•« and -°nersl forms for "■wi>i>n*a of all k»n ?a R)l]« of Sale, Lea«p« and Petitions. It btu Tor Ro\y 3r .r- *•-> Dopr?* and Vnrt A 1 • V,*T , Powi'f- of \t fnrnev N «*es an 1 -f Frrhang# 4 , T?ec»-into and Roteac«»« l lt Txli.s Vo»- T*he T r n*> rt>#» "’ol* »o\ Ion of Debts w*th »* t s. of Limita tion. an3 amount o 1 V-t o r Exempt f rom F.xeen»L.», <.ri»rr State. !It Tei i.s You TTon* t' - l --- dp \*si<rnment j properlv, with for Composition with Creditor®. sr» ! *’ r n*oTv nt. Law® r.f everv State It Tri.t.s Ynr L* **' ? - ’ itf.-n® existing between "Gnardi.’’ 3 ’Laid Master and Apprentice * Dor*l *»rid Ten ant. It You <•.-] and Slander, and tbp T,n* ’<■ NTafriace Dower, the ""»rp' ’’ ‘ _-T, ’ of Pn ortv j It rF.u.s N• i TI * •- r Mechanics* L»en® in every Sta* a»» I :he Naturnli lation Laws of t*:?•• ' ei-frv nd how to complv with tli* ;•»* It Tpi.i.s You The I W r. p. -rM - Pen sion* nnd how* * Mail **,■ nd the Pre Eruption Law*- to n --t Me 1 snds It Tells You The sn** 5 n** "ith mode for proce g ne with Interfere • •• rnf -nd Table of Fees. Ir Tells You How t<* o >'«:e - on** M’jjl ,»nd how to Admini** *»r» •> Estate with the law nnd require*”, nt * thereof in everv Rta * e It Tells You The m#.r it * ! T .aw T erms in general use. and p»r' '•* v«*»i the Legislative, Executive »• Didieial Powers of both »he Ge»** • ’ an*l (tnFernmen’ ; Ir Tells You flow • V. "EP • *I'T of LAW. hvthowing you how »<.•!•• viu>- us-ness Ltrally, thus sa* * o - tint of prepertv and i g 'i*•' 1-v its timely consultntion. Sing!* copie* will L. aent >.v pvu' i*o-t tge pai<l. ta Krerg farmer. I're r v W+*>hmtic. Eve rv Mn H >f Business, nnd Fr riiKodi/ in Every State, ti* receipt o: $1 f>* --in Taw uylenf hin«lin|» it c ' 1 *?" 810*0.4 Y enrran be made hv nter prising pen every where by «elling the above work.ei our inducement® to all such arc rt ry liVrnl. For spglt* copies of the hook, or (or term« to agetiA. with other information, apply to JOij* F. POTTER, Publisher 617 Random St Philadelphia, Pa. WMT EVERYBODY WANTS, TII Em AM IL Y DOCTOR, COVT AINING Easilv Obtained, of Disease all Forms, ff ®-C'|^Sr l yMsjr I’oultio• «• .iti'i lu»u t" s inf< ct’ou tjontaginus It T . rfflYou of the vari« : < Diseases • ‘tillfeii, ami giv* sthe best ami ®im pi* «t lirnxle of tr. attnei • during Teeth j convulsions. V’C inati-ip, \S'h""p iug U.High. Measles, kc. It Tei.i MYotM he svm j torn- t.f (’r un*. Iho le ra jti fan turn. Colic. Id irrhcca. Worms. Scald Head. Hiugwnrni. t’hicken Pox. Ac., iud gives y«*ti the 1 lemedies lor thijrcure. Ir Tells You the «ymi t - <»f Fev»*r and Ague and Billions Y**l « Tv|tbu« ScarlAand other Ft*v« r «ud gives y«». I the hjst and simple*! n m**die* f*>r their cure. ‘ It Tells You the symptom- r Influenza. Consumption, Dyspep-ift. \-thu '.Drop gy, Gout, Rheurn?ui-t; ! ;u*»:igo Ery sipelas, *fcc.. and gt v e<i . *.m i hi.* est rem e l v for their core . It Tells You the svmj". i: < Ch/.-ra, Morin®. Malignant 'h« i-; i.Sru Pox. • Dysentery .Cramp, Disea- f t.h** IDad der. Kidneys arid Liver and the best remedies for their cure It Tells You th . : ;M- - t Pieurisv ! Mumps, Neuralgia ; \ ! • v s aralj sia. the various disease- f the lliroat. Teeth. Ear an.l Eve. and toe best reme dies for their cure It Tells You the symptom- ot Epilepsy Jaundice. Piles Rupture. Disease- of the Heart, Hemorrhage. Venereal Dis eases, and Hydrophobia, and gives ttie best remedies for their core It Tells You the s **-r best trear ment for Wounds. Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains, Lockjaw. Fever Sorest, White Swelling!*. Ulcers. Whit levs. Boils. Scurvy, Burn-, and Scrofula The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so us to be easily understood, while its simple recipes may soon r.*»e*y7nr~ n.any times the cost of th«- book. It is printed on acieuri.nd open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be your address, neat ly bound and postage paid, on receipt of $1 00. SIOOO .4 Year Can bo made by en- j terprising men everywhere, in selling the j above work, .as our inducements all such , are very liberal. For single copies of the hook, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOITN E. POTTFR. Publisher. N<*. 617. Sansom Sr. Philadelphia. Pa. October 12. 1860—6 m. The Newspaper of the South. (Ti)f Iftjarlrston fßacurij gives Che latest and m reliah e po’itical, i -commercial and gene* * news f m all parts ; of the world. Itsspecbd corre-pondents fur nish by Mail and!'. full and early accounts of *-verytb* g • ■ *’ that transpires in the great cities of Europe and America. The Yews of the South receives special attention. Politically, the »leicurt the States Right-resistance element, and advo cates the ujkion of the Southern States iu their security. Dsilv Merrjurv, 1 'ear t» enhance. SIO.OO Tri Weeks “ “ 5.00 A’o paper nnnt unless the eo*h accompanies the order i 1 K B. RHLTT.jr.. C tyt ifjirnnirlt K Jrutiurl- ACBtSTA, gKORCIA. DAILY AND WEEKLY. ■TIHE WEF.KLY'CHRONICLE A 1 I N J. TINEL.a mammoth sheet, (thirty-three bv forty-seven inches) is published every Weuuesdav throughout the year at two dol laas per nununi, in advance. ToClub we oiler the following rates: Three copies $5; Ten copies $ 15. The notes of all specie paying banks taken .at par. The Chronicle S? Sentinel is strictly eonser vative and A mer i Cftn *n nrinciple More attention, however, is paid to the news and commercial department than to the political The ample space afforded by the extraordi uiirysize of the paper, enables ns to give complete and early details of all the inter esting political, commercial and general foreign and domestic intelligence of the day with an agreeable variety *of miscellaneous I reading. The commercial department em braces the latest reports by telegraph and mail fioni all the leading markets «>f this i country and Europe, together with a carefully corrected “Prices Current’* and weekly re [ port of the Atgu*ta cotton.grain, flour, bacon and groco r y markets The lates intelligence received by telegraph up to 2 o’clock Tue day p. in., may be found under the Telegraph bead Am an advertising medium, the weekly Chronicle (t Sentinel offers superior induce ments, hiving a larger circulation in the cotton and grain growing regions of Georgia Alabama and Tennessee, than nnv other paper pdblished in the State. Address W S. JON ES, Augusta G*. I\'ow !*eady ! New Goods! New Goods!! J. D. & F. O’CONNOR, * I? E xv re- »vi: g \ new and well selec ; r-mirfMient of NEW Q( (>|)S coil r .f I’, e m i Staple. Dr> Goods, i.-th • 11 i C«pK Boots aim Shoes. Hardw;«r< Ur edery, Groceries, Drug?*, Med icines <tc .m l almost everything kei*t in .„ r 1 ine— All of which WILL BE SOLO AT Til F LOWEST PRICES FOR ('ASH. On tomer* will and • well to call and exam in- «.in -tnck and prices before purchasing el-ewh. • * >fcpt«Mi:b* *2l 1860. 7 ly. ATLANTA MAC HINE WORKS. \T Our Sh* p we build Steam Engines B uler>. (hrcular .Saw Mill Gearing and Shafting, h -i u •> repairing anything in our lint* of businet* N«*w it »•»y »t)ier manufacturer builds a better Engit* ii-d ■•aw Mill, and does it for less mone\ w. !■* not expect your patron age, and we ought, not to have it. But if you want such things as we make, and have got the money to pay f« *r them, we invite all Buell persons to correspond with, or visit our shop, when we shall call things by their right names, whether you buy or not. We are now as heretofore, determined to make first class work, and warrant it, if well used • iur terms are cash, or in other words, pay and be paid. JAS.L. DUNNING. Octo 6 Aromatic Tonic and Alterative. IN HO M its peculiar healthy action upon the promation of all secre- j lions, the Tonic ami Alterative i- recom tended as a safeguard against I)i-*- j ease, and cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Com- j plaint. Constipation, Low Spirits, Sick: Headache. Billioun Attacks, Cholic. Cholera \ Morbus. Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Palpitation of the Heart, Cold Feet. Nor ! vousness. Heartburn. Sour Stomach Night Mare. Unshot Blood to the bend, Hurri-.l i or Difficult Breathing. Unpleasant Dream'. \ kc.. Keeps tlie Bowels Open.and gives a fine t«me and healthy action to every organ and strengthens the whole System. Slioultl Hav<‘ «i Hot tic ! Arom«itie Tonic AND ALTEXIATIVE Gives the only TRUE BROOM OF YOUTH, and REJUVENATES OLD AGE! By its occasional use. BILLIOUS AT TACKS. PALPITATION OFTHE HEART I>YSMONORRHBA. GREEN MCKNES LEUCORRIIEA. and cured and . nvd One ~r two and » es cure SICK Hi!\D ACHE. One dose cure- Cholic and UoMi.en s-, and often repeated is sure to cu e Chi me Diarrhea or Dropsy. One bottle relieves the Blood ami Liver from all impurities, drives uwa> sail '.vne > f ,nd gives r • the cheeks the ruddy glow of h-alth and oa-ural color All who lev n-ed H unite in giving their testimony in is favor. PRICE—SI 00 PER BOTTLE 6 BOTTLES FOR 5 DOLLARS' MA"KY k LANSDRLL. Whole,ale Druggist. Whitehall Srr*-i*i. Atlanta Ga . -Sole Propra and Mauufic'urera. October 10 11 ly W. P. HERRING & 00, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN MENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Cloths. Cassimercs. Vestings, T 1 in.mings<fc . Agent*for //erring's FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Iron front Store, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Oa. XV. BERRISG, W. F. H EBRING - E LI AS HOLCOMBE. September 21 7 ly /V . XS.A.-A-CS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Uiiliiari-y and Fancy Good* RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, | IIS AD-DR ESSES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RUCHES BLONDES. PERFUMERY, AC. , AC, Connelly s Iron Front Buildings, j Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, j Orders from a distance will be i filled with promptnessanj^care. Sept 21 7 1 | A. M. COCHRAN, Ciaincsville, Cieortyia., DEAKER IN DRY GOODS Aftd General Merchandise. F,b. i. *9 ts Tlie Eclectic magazine. The Eclectic invites all lovers of choice reading to its sumptuous pages which cor. tains— -1 • The best articles—cream gathered from 7 British quarterlies and 9 monthlies—like cream gathered from 19 pans of rich milk gathered into one. for the literary appetite of the reader and his family. 2. The Eclectic is the best, richest in in tellectual wealth, most varied, most free from moral poison, aud most satisfactory monthly published. 3. It s portrait and artistic embellishments surpass all others. They arc an attractive gallery of fine artsrefining ih influence. 4. The Eclectic i* the cheapest, in viewoj the treasures it contains. Its reading matter i* nearly equal in a yenr to three entire , British 9uarterlies. which cost $7. The Ec I lectic is only $5 Its embellishments alone ; are worth the money. ! 6. It is the easiest and clu a pest way of getting a choice library of current litera ; lure, good for all time. 6. father for his sons and daughters, no young lady, no young gentle man, can spend this email sum so well in the way »>f mental improvement and gratifi cation. Tiy it. You will find it true. Feed the mind with food worthy of its wants and destiny 7 An intelligent press, far and near, and eminent men. commend the Eclectic in em phatic language. TERMS: The Eclectic is issued on the first of every month Each number contains one hundred and forty four large octavo pages, double columns, on fine paper neatly stiched in tfreen covers with one or more beautiful steel portraits by Sartain. The twelve num bers comprise three volumes of GOO pages each, with title-, indexes and embellish ments Pi ice five dollars The postage is onl y t.bree cent* a number prepaid at the office of delivery. Specimen No. 42centsin postage stamps. Address W. H. BID WELL, Vo h Beektnan st. N. Y. 9l;ii*|M-r‘* Ve w II on 1 lily Magazine. The May number completes the Twentieth Volume of Harper’s New Monthly Magazine When ten years ago the,publishers proposed to issue a magazine which should place with in the reach of the great mass of the Ameri can people the unbounded treasures of the periodical literature of the day, they did not dare to hope that within five years a circle of American writers would be gathered, whose contributions, as far as the magazine is con cerned, should mainly supersede the produc tions of their European cotemporai ies. But with each successive year the number and value of the original papers has increased am! for five years the magazine has been princi pally filled with contributions written ex pressly for its pages by American Authors. There is no section, ami hardly a State in tlie Union which has not been represen'ed in its pages. The publishers believe that the 20th volume of the magazine contains a more copi ous exhibition of American Life, Character, and Though than is embodied in atn or .*ll ! other publications of the kind. The contributors to tlie mngaxine teside in ' every part of the Union, and hold their own | opinions uppon the exciting quest ions of the | day. The publishers will not inquire what ! ihe-e opinions are, or lmw they are express led, beyond the pages of the magazine. No J article will be or declined because the writer ageers with or dissents fmm the I views upon subjects foreign to the article it j elf. But the editors will exercise the most ' watchful care that nothing shall appear in i the magazine which shall tender it an un welcome visitor in any household in any part of I he country. j In fir-t decade of the magazine the publishers think themselves warranted I in assuring their reader* that the experience | of ten years, and the increasing facilities at I their command, will enablo them to make it | -»till more worthy of the very liberal support ; which it has received. The main features which have, given it its distinguisliedcharnc ! ter will be retained, ami such others will be : added as their experience has shown to he dtsirable. In an early number will com menced a novel of American life and charac ter. written by an author who-e isolated tales have been received with marked attention TERMS.-One copy for oney.-ar, *8 ; two copies for one year. S-V. tin* ■* i j.i- •* or more for one year, each s■.! liar; r's magaz ne •md Harper’s we klv for or Year. si. Twenty semi-annual volumes of the maga zine have been published, and we will send by mad, postage paid, to any place in the United States within 3,000 miles of New York, any of th-se volumes, neatly and uni fortnly bound in muslin, upon the receipt ol two dollars per v dome W hen complete sets ar< purchased. we will make a discount of t wenfy five per cen*. forwarding the volumes bv express, the freight h--ing at the expense of the purchaser. These twenty volume, id the magazine contain matter equivabtto to ne hundred md twenty ordinary octavo volumes and are illustrated by more than seven thousand en graving*, executed in the highest sty le of the H \ KPER <£ BROTHERS. Publishers. 7 7 V. O. IPiolc3ULris. ii.cciionary ami Fruit Store outh We-r Corner of the Square Oaincsvillo, Ga., KEEPS on t;t<d a good variety of every t g rr-ually found in the fruit and confectionary line His Stock m w consists •i «he following articles: Candies, of all Kind*. ill ITS —QJ various kinds. Oranges, I.em onKFigs, Prunes, Raisins,Citron. Curr>votß - UTS—Consisting of Almonds, pecan*. Fil berts, Br\zil Nuts, English Wal nut*. \ ]*ICK LES OfvariousVmds, Tomato Ketch up. Pepper Sauce.| KISH —ln cans, Oysters, Mackerel, Salmon, Lobsters and SardW-s J fc Also. a assortnieLt of CIGARS TOBACCO He has also fitted tip an \ Ambrotype Gallex-y, \ j In thesiirne linildin;?, *here lie in to execute pictures in the beet stv*e of tlie ; art. His motto is to plense all who may fa- ! vor hfrn with a cal! Gainesville, tiept. 7, 1860. 1 ly- I NEW MII.IsIN I! 11Y South-west Corner of the Public Square GAINESVILLE OA., MRS. C. A. FIELDIN'O respectfully an nounre. to the ladies of Hall and the surrounding counties that she has re ceived and is now opening a small, hut well I selected stock of Millinery Goods, c n-! • isting in part ot bonnets. Misses' hats, j hoods, head dresses. h<al netts, ribbons, h-wers, feathers, laces and a variety of ma- j terials for making bonnets. j Hon ets made to order in the latest styles. I P Ces now to suit the times. Please call j sou examine. I JalV W OLDEST AAD CHEAPEST Establisment South Marble ! Marble ! Marble ! ~ SUMMEY & HURLIGI, DEALER* IN EVERY DESCRIPTION M MARBLE WORKS. OUR Quarries are itell opened. We pat no Jobber’s profits, ship or railroad freights, and our marble is as good brilliant and durable as any in the United Stales , therefore we can sell far cheaper than the chea est South. Monuments from fc2oto $6,000 or *10,00( ! 3, B£, 4,4 b, 6, :>i, and 6 feet plain Box Tombs each at $25,586, $45. S6O. S7O, SBO and SB6 and 3,4, 6 and G foot Head and Foot stone* per stt at $7, sl2; $lB and $25—4 cent* each for cutting letters. All work delivered at the Marietta Railroad depot Any person wishing Tomb*. Monument*, or any de*crip lion of work.of Italian or Northern MarbD t>y giving us their order, and specifying ih kind of work desired, %€ will order it, put it up for just the amount it costs North, will ship and railroad freights and expense* in curred by otir Agent in putting it up ; there by saving to them from 25 to 100 per cent b cost. Address all letter* to SUMMEY «t- HURLICK Marble Works P. 0., Pickens Cos.. Oh J T.Bisaner,General Traveling A-gent Vugust 10 1860. 1 i v TO CONSUMPTIVES, And Lhoso afibeted with Dyspepsia. Nervous Debility, Heast Disease, Fever and Ague, of Consumption. The undersigned, now seventy five year old, has fur years devoted his time to curing his parishoners and the poor in New York °f those dreadful complaints, which carry thousands and thousands to au untimely grave ; he has seldom failed to cure all who have applied to him for relief,and believing it to be a Christian duty to relieve those abroad, as well ns at home, lie will send to tlfose who require it, a Copy of Prescrip tions used, (Free el Charge) with diiections for preparing mul using the same. Also rules on Ujet. Lathing, Ventilation, and Fx ercise for the sick, they will find these rem edies a sure cure tor Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat axd Lungs. Fevkr an Ague, Constipation, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, and Female Complaints, and he hopes every one afflicted wil> send for a copy, as it will cost nothing, and these sntterirg should apply before it .j, too late. These Presciiptions ere used hv tte most eininmt Physicians in l.indec [Paris and New York. Those wishing lliem will please address 11KV DR CHAMBERLAIN. Williamsburgh, New Yurt Ncv. iB, 1800—ie—ly. iVI ACIDS’ SOJL-LI FTING PLOW. \\’HFN a Mirfiuv plow is run nl a depth H of twelve incln-*, nn«l alwo-Loixe Lifting I I«• w fellows, yy liirh is cjipaLb- of elisinletrr ilii g lo the deptli nf fifteen incite* more, there i* a total disintegrated depth et t went \ seven in* lies, and tlmM w h«> *n pr*c tiee will find that tiny have another farm beneath that represented on their in up. A t-nmller size ol *his plnw.fone h<*rse,t thinner in the‘■••le and nmie dai t-like in its figui** is an ad mi i aide impleim » t for cult i vat in t <•: < p*. and will do the work of nn»re than fo»ti men with ho*s. With the com crop, this tool may run (dose nlni g side ti e corn, and to the f ill depth of twelve inches when the cotn is but three inche- high, ami h« f. re the root 4 «:ceiipy tlie *jace hetweer the row*; th's will lit> tin* mil move every corn plant with the soil, and for so slight a disUi.r e n% not to separate t lie p irticles from ih«- iorf#, yet so completely lonseniug the mass that the plant may he picked up'with the finger*. This i* niore thorough cultivation than cmi be obtained by one hundred lioeim.'*. leaving the *€ »l in better tilth mid cutting off no loot*. More than twenty thousand t l thc-e {’low* in re sold last year. IMUCIiS. On- Horse $ g f,o |g 5 o “ “ with Cutter 14 0f» Three JJ< r*e 14 0o “ “ with Cutts-r 15 Fo, snip by J A. QTTIMBY No. 8 Warren Block, Angu-’a.G Oct. 26—tinny I. MAPES’ Nitrogenised Siipcr-PhosphaU* OF LIME. nEMo V A L . rplIK undersigned, Agent for the ».bove i Fertiliser, in consequence of it* marked success the past season, and the greatly in creased demand arising therefrom,ha*made arrangements with the manufacturer for a large and full supply ; and requiring greater facilities for storage and other accornmod* tion, lia* taken the four story Warehouse a* below, where he will be able to supply any quantity required, with promptne*s. He may be allowed to express his ;satisf c tion in view of the fact that of the numer ous purchases made of him by planter*, generally for the purpose of making com parative lest* with oth«r fertilisers, not or * case has come to l is knowledge where our Fertilise! has not shown a decided super:* ity. Planters who have used Mape’s Phos phate, now make it their sole reliance, ar. . are ordering (some of them) as much as fifty tons for use the next season. This fact speaks for itself. We have discovered a quality,developed in the drouth, which wa* before unobserved, viz: its hygrtwetric power, or capacity,to absorb moisture Cootu the atmosphere, which obviated to a large extent the late unparalleled drought wheie it was used, while mostotherfertilisers were not only valueless, but p »sitively injurious to the plant. The safety and profit n* a money investment, arising from Mope’s NPhoaphate, are now placed beyond questioo, a\d the experience of the past season, has established, what we have, without hesita tion, always asserted for it, that it i* the only fertiliser reliable under all circum stance* of soil, mode of cultivation and of weather. The undersigned is also prepared to sup ply any description of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY and IM PLEMENTS. of the latest improved patterns adapted to Soutli ern cultivation, at lowest prices. * J. A. QUIMBY, Oct. 12— ts. No. 3, Warren Blocs. Augusta., Ga TFTE DAILY CHRONICLE & SENTINEL Is published every morning except Monday its columns being pept open to the latest moment for the reception of news by tele graph It will lie mailed to subscriber* at six dollars per ajinum, in advance. Liberal contracts will he maoe for advertising. Alii •ommuoicatione should he addressed to W. S. JOSES, Aug net t ,oa..