The Air-line eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1860-18??, September 24, 1869, Image 2
u smt&ab ®jl a Fridaj Morning Sfp 24, 1869 18-REDWINE, • - - * Editor Reading Matter on Every Page. —V • «• i '■* /■'nr ('on# at, Fifth Dietnrt, Col. \V IF. 11 TT O V n OK 1.1 Ml'klN cotjvri Air-Line Raiiroad |i i* with ilic grrafp-t plensurs we inlnriti nhr frit-nth llmt we ere am lionized to niinotinee tlift fuel that thi* great enterprise h»a been placed titnirr contract In thin |ilnn\ \V* congratu late the people, of Northeast Georgia,! on t he rp»ul'. srxl jmn with them, in hfitftjr tliai k« to the enterprising men wlu> have a- voted mII their energies to tin- accon pl ehni. nl of *o important a tiioa-nre. It a’Aiup* the Will of progress, on all the pursuit* of thu; rich, slid i-egls-cled section of country, tu. blaring nret 20 ci Unties. and 10,000 square tnt lata r.»f mineral land*, lute-pen etl ni b hundred* of fertile inter-mnn t.niß vallujs and innitmerab'e wetrr fella, equal to the ir amitai lU'a of all her for eit* us site slitter, ami Iter metal* of (fold, silver, lend, iinn, copper plumb*- titaiiium, anil mnrlilc flute*—gran ite, kaolin. nfLi ftof, talc, ateatite, ro;k chryatal. aim il.yal topaz-bi ryl, zircon an I diamond*. Everything that ia uie ful and ornamental eaccpi plant inmn and the ruliy. We Jiava, mica, which when opened |>rr-pet!y, will, in all proba* Wlity, tie i tu the rtpAiirt-rrieii'a of the Hge Nothing i* vvjffiiii.g now hot facilities of fJunspttfiHlU’n anillravilto devrlupn tioa rich m-Uin. Wc arc infurmetl, hy r.n undoubted authority, that a proposition, watt made to tlie olfict-re of the road, a few day* apo, by Messrs. Grant Alexander and Cos. tn liutld thn *t*ction fr. in Gainesville, to the fiuti* line on llitt t’i ugttlo, aincf .which .time they w»re r.qiiiredtn put it in writing, nnd we Ixtc no doubt that belbte now it hna bei n accepted, and the read he at once put under contract through to the river.. I hut acttlea the long mooted qu -tiutinf iltc nortiplctTon "f the road aftrf a*?.? atnle* another thing, theinjhx of capital and labor bp the militant, ta itioh ihoutd stimulate-all' tbe piuinmei.t cilid n» in not only invest to the extent nf iheir mean*, but begin at utict 'o psi pare to leap the fruit* of tbi* great blea»inii, hy plantingprehardi of aelevl apple* and peaches, for the Notthern m.-vrko’, and vinyard*; and •neadowa in fin nidi the luxurie* and -tuhstnn isl* of life Reg'n note, and in lire year* you will be able to real from hard Johor, an l like the bond hold- r look wt your tn< renting wraith. Wa at* two of our old n-ighbor* to day who iy their foresight have large orchard* ■now bending under liifiriieK liriturea. waiting lor iAc fleam •'v»;tguid , o' 'V m ha* 40(J0{npjile tr»ra. Thi* should not dtacoureg* lull stimulate u*,' thn more to plant and ante an I he ready withoir “lamp* trimmed ml filled,trilh • it," by the tim-- the road i. finished, Tba work or. the irr-t ?0' railt-s is | progriffieg rapidly. The luiilgo over I'eachtree creek is famed and will be ratted by the middle ol the week, ami ibe iron, wh'cll i« ri ady, will oe put «.|i in ten dais or two wnk*. Everything ! t* being push- and f rwaid t .pidly nud | the officer* are determined that nn corn- ; (•taint shall real on tin-lit. They cer-j slitlv deserve g-rat credit for their 'iduinitabi*' rnefj.y, and peeat veritocu, 1 *.w lit* iqipo-Minti fr-.m the i>u »<tt baa ' t-aeti per*i»t. i.i, deeplsi.l and jvuw-crful I *mt they have < s eremne it. and now nil I jppo*iltou i* Hohd'aun .and we • . 1-ippy In bail tlseir safeirtival within i imooth Water We rg.ii. Urge .air ciliz. n* to lake -t-ck arpl Irstawair evidence that they have public spirit: . I.d also arc-.rr the profits l«’> your u« it posterity and t.ot suffer fit -Sj-itaii-U to reap »ha* i» j-i-lly your*. We are happy »*-•■ a mine in rhe r'zbt i!i,ee<i»t»,*lfi Athei s, to ext. lid it*«4'r t-iiul to llgap, and divert a ps.r'l. uof the v—t M ade ..f the Will v ,t« N..rihea«i Geasrgi*. Tbs* arid be c*it»p'etrd in |*.. years, and atll en- I. also* the v*!o • i»f eveiy Itsa of land in t ie Biatr, but it* pa-aog- thruuuli G aio. a > Ur, ur near it will add greatly to our (""*(*■ 11 y. Vk ttb th* aetwu road* com |'*-twl, and otic divrraifird mia>'tal -jinn** and matchless climate, we. may - .feljy e*lcu!»te ou nn accr *sn:n ot ten th nttand to .ur Law n, in the next ton years, nod another U.H thouean,! ol iran-ienl visitor*, health aevkers, at and summer resident*. Another much lar ger cU«* will enmpriae the miner* and niannfaciureri. who will bring their eapitol and improee oor water power and nrien our rich mines. T.. form a just conception of the de velopmeii'a in be made here, look at Nevada, and Colorado, which but a few years ngo. was n wilderness where tbe mine* now pour their treasures into ths lap nf commerce and trade by the trorte of mil/iont. We have a richer country and infmi'ely greater variety of mrlals g-rns and precious alone*, —let ui alt help improve them, P. 8. Since the shove was in type w; have b»en shown ■ letter from Col. Sign which state* that the work Os lay* ing the tynek on the ' Air Line" was cuoimenteii on Wednesday Ih*i. Mr- Pendleton on tbe Cbineae- • Hon Oeorge li. I’endleton in hi* |speech at Clifton, Ohio, S’few day* since j gave u't- ranct to the followinging very ! decided language nn this subject. We lire pleased to *ee thi* gifted stateaman an sound on thi* important subject.— Aa will h« ohaerved hi* views are simi lar to those wo cxpreMrd a few weeks ! *ince. Tilt. CIIIKKSI*.- Tli* opening of the Pacific Kailrcad, the fur labor at the South, the dnire for nimble hand* and let* tore eious appetite* in the factories, have ttirnrd the attention of (peculator! to to the teeming population* nf the East They find these warm and fertile court tri-a densely ciowdrd with a palttnt, degraded and heal hen race, "Their skilled Inboreis get S3 or *4 per month, and with thia they seem con tent. They work from daylight to sun set, and hnve hut n single holiday in the jenr. Their food consists of rice, salt, a few vegetables, and aomelitnrs fi-h ’’ The proposal is tobring immense num bers of these people here to *upply tim demand for labor in the field* and the factories and the shops. We in Ohio have not appreciated the impor'anco of thia movement. I pretest *gsin*t- it now, in timv, befote it is carried out— balovo they com* among us—before we art confronted with duties, and nbliga tiona, and int. rosta growing out of their presence. They are an alien, an inferi orand idolatrous race. They have not our taste*, or habits, or manner*, or development, or religion. They are hot fit tn become citizens, or to enjoy tbe right of *atifliHge. Amalgamation wouhUojure both their race and ours. la-daiion will give rite to great troub les. England, Ireland, Germany, Nor way, Eraned, have an overfowing popu lation of our race, similar to us in blood in in habit* and in religious faith—an industrious, sturdy, self-reli-' suit, self-respecting people. They are til to become citizen*. They will mix with us, and our commlnglihg blood is - purer for the association. Let us invite them with open arms to come to ui Let os people our country with the best races of wen. But tha Chinese will give u* cheap labor! Cheap human labor ! 1 detpisa the word. It signifies ttqiulor, degeneration, ignorance, vice At* not laborers men? our fallow men f They have bodies to clothe and stomachs to Irrd and minds to educate, am) spirit* to i!n ate, and old sge to provide Jor. They huve home* whit h they love and wivri whom they cherish, and children whom they hope to make aor thy citi zens—the honest fathers and the virtu ous mothers of a »ucccdmg generation. And ran you rememher those duties | and sec these aspirations; can you con- It-mpl-ile the patient Itupefultiesa of chattiful and contented, because fully compensated, industry and talk <>f labor? LVior is too cheap now La bor duct not receive its just reward I bis country need* -killed laborers, and ' honest, intelligent, undragging zealous j industry; it needs that such hi Ivor shall \ not l>* cheap, hut j {up it (hall be most bountifully rewarded. The relation ot capital and brtxvi t# nnw badly adjpated ■l«l IK thorny—money which bat no human a anti or affection*, or syurpathita— etrns more than labor, with all. it* sweat and toil .tnd suffering. Motley com bine* wi h money and seeks increase and immunity under acta of incotpor»> tion. they are in some of our State* denounced hy the -sv., and everywhere looked upon with suspicion. They should not antagonize. They ahoQld €©• aperate. They should he in harmony. I do not krow that the full solution of J this great problem has been diauovered, nut 1 believe great progrea* hat been made in late years to e-tabltsh a juater and belter relation. That prog' ms will continue. It must command the effort o! advancing civilisation and the favor ot a je»: God, untH at Uat tbe human intrl feci nnd hand and Wc-'-d a* thev rrwr f II M3 . •titute the nobler, shall alto be the bet ter paid member in the great partner ship of labor and capital. Repudiation We condemn repudiation ; and hope that a wiae and economical policy will ere loag be adopted by which meant the government may be enabled, in the next half* century, to liquidate the na lional debt and relieve tbe over taaed working claavee from the horrible in cuhut put upon their- by a dishonest and unprincipled Congreaa. The-a northern God and morality, abnliii.-niets, who are an much exercised by tha discontent nf the common people in eonaequence of the umqual taxation by tha government ; whereby ilia rich bondholder pays no tax ; and the hard working mechanic nr (armei*, pays all to support the government, do not take into consideration that many of these discontented working man, now hold thnuaxnds qf oontinenttd money which their father* received for their pay in the army, at seven dollar* a month, for fighting fur thvir cc untry ; and enduring every privation and want, and hardship to secure our independence of British lyrnnny; and our government cooly say* to them we repudiate the debt and you may go to the il-vil. Tbtse lame For thngenrane talk flippantly of the want of principle in thi* generation ; but never one* recur to a similar act they perpe petrated at the close of the Revolution- When the immortal Clay introduced the bill to redeem the eonliotntal money in 1837 ; by setting apart a part ion of the public land*, every member, except Webster and Wright in the north, and several Southern and Western membere with the notorious Tom Benton at their head voted against it, on the plea that tbe money had mostly passed into the hands of Speculator* ! Upon thi* Punier pie* they committed the danming crime of repudiation and refuted It pay tbe poor soldiers, and soldie'i* widow* and orphan* for thi ir hard toil and bloody sacrifice, in freeing their country from British de*p»«i*m 5 whilst they have milli< ns of land* to give to foreign pau pi-r* and c»n*icu they refit** to pay the honest dues ol their own peipl* and let them ataive For God’s sake ceaae to curse otha'i for favoring repudiation until joti can pay the jtl-t d*bt* of the Revolution. Fall Bonnkts —Fashion decree* that Fall bonnet* are to be decidedly larger than tbo*e of last aeaaon. They are high, lowering etrurturea, in tbe tlenri Quatre and Louie Quinxe ayles, and once more to r«aemble a bona Jide bonnet. The frame fits ’he head Itk* a close cap, and ia worn very far forward. A (landing ravers of vel vet or silk ia turned up at the front and at tha hack. The space between th'te il filled hy a htgh Watteau puff, on which 1* looped a maea of iriatming, which terms to be held in place by the upright terera. Narrow ribbon* tied under the chin hold the bonnet securely Another style, of Querkrrish simplicity, resembling nn infant’*’bonnet in shape, has a close fitting band in Trout, and e deep, flat back! or crown, falling in two or three curve* below to fit the coiffure of ehatelain braide, with reference to which it wa* evidently designed. The front frames the lece plainly, without ornament ; the back ia adorned with trailing feather* and vine* that hang among the low braid*. Fuibaaters- Boston,’ September 18th.—The Daily Adrcrtiter learn* from a gentle man, ju-t arrived from Martha’s Vi"C yard, that a party of Gay Head Indian? went off yesterday to a steamer two miles from land and found her to tie an iron elad war vessel, carrying eighteen ateel gun* They fratatnixed with tha Siawardofihe steamer and on reach ing shore reported that she was a Cuban pri-steer. They saw between deck a large body, of tbf Siygrstd *eying there wyre three hundred ; ike Stew ard also said bar armor plating wa* four inshe* thick. A large schooner wa* lying alongside tha steamer—m**n wjbtle she was throwing,off a large vol unit of smeba aa if to conceal the schooner. Yhe steamer ie supposed to be five thousand ton*. Negro Riot- The Columbus Sun nays; that a rial wa* in progress at 'V; sons station, oa the Montgomery nnd Eofaula Railroad. A negro named Dave Lucas attacked Charles McDede. (white) who in sch defen-e, killed Lucas. The Court next day while examining the case wa* mob bed, and McDade about la be killed when the sheriff of Montgomery came on but was unable to release him from the rioters, and telegraphed for troop* j who arrived Sunday night, and doubt-! lea- relieved th# party. Nxw Yoan, S- pirmlwr 18th.—A railroad line* Booth of Louisville, Ky.. e«pecislly those running to Nashville, Memphis. Now Orleans and Mobile, are all blockaded with freight. Agents of the different line* in N. T. are, in consequence, refusing to give rates or receipts le pvwnt* beyond Loniaville.— This blockade doe* not interfere with pes-enger businoe*. A inerting of Railroad men held in this city to the early part of thi* week on the subject of increased rates of freight resulted in nothing. Wasi-ikuton, Sept. 18—Boutw*l| ha* returned. ww*. t It it *t*t-d Captain Wiggins nail-d from Philadelphia with arma and extra men to take command of. the steamer Hornet, recently tailed from Halifax— d- atinatinh .Cuba. The- Pcifloffice Department pay* fifty thousand doßera premium per year on gold rrtp/ifed for foreign service. Recent . Cuban letter* revive the prebebiliM^fftevere.battle* at and near Ixta Tasia. Authentic details inacces sible. The AsriXtant Secretary of tbe Treas ury has three weeks leave to hold a Massachusetts Court. Revenue to-day fB2O 000. Hear if the only member of the Cab inet absent. Much of what has been stated as tha policy of the administration on the sub ject of Cuban affairs is mere conject ure. Nothing has been done beyond in *t ructing Minister Sickle* to offer the United States as a mediator. There are no present proepects that belliger ent rights will be recognized. The ad ministration, will howrver, enforce the neutrality Uwtand respect it* treaty ob ligation*. There is no doubt its sym pathies are with the Cuban* In hII it may do. it will act with discretion with a view of affecting a aettli-mem of the question in a manner that wtU be satis factory to all parties interested. CiurlxztoM, September 18th.— A If'fflliie HCvidrat occurred to the mgbl trail! froiu (.'hirlestoa on the >outh Car olina Railroad before day light thia morn ing A large tree had fallen aero** the trestle, at Congarre ’Swamp, and llt r engin- and part of the train w-re pre cipitated into the Swamp. Tbe engine blew up, sotting the ear# and trestle on fire—*l«)U' (iOd feat of trestle burned No ptoaengera injured. Engineer Har grove ti fireman Gilbert were killed ; fireman Bat net wa* seriously wounded, Buttk* Tlu- telegram* snu 'ujic ed a few dayssin.-e that twenty car load* of butter had frceo stripped to San Francisco. An exchange now nates that the contract for this butter was rnada over the Atlantic cable by a font in Liverpool with a firm in Chicago, contracted for at twenty-seven rents per pound. The butter i* consigned to Engli-h houses in Hong Koug, Pekin and China, A Miaa Gray, nf Washington county. New York * milliner, thirty year* old. we* engaged tu a young Englishman a few yrara ago. He died before the time fixed for th-ir marriage, and left her feveuteen million* of dollars. The natural heir* of the young man contest rd the will in vain, tnd (he young lady ia to receive the firat inet.lmem of her large poseestion* in December next.— Five millions of dollar* are to be eent her thtn, and the balance as soon as poeaible. — San. Arif*. (3FGreat fit* in Goldsboro N. C. Los* #125,000 supposed to be the work ol an incendiary a* no fir* lud been in the houae where h originated for tome tIM. BFttu deficit of tbe Spa with army in Cub* las! week ha* had • powerful effect on the cause of tbe revolutionists and will cause maaj to join tbeir stand ard. Pobtaqb Cmr. W,#., S-ptember 18th.—Pat Wildeck, • highwayman, wwe taken from jail end hanged. 1 Louisville. September 18th —Mil lard Fiimnre ha* been appointed a del egate, and wtH atte- and and preside at th* organixaiioa of the Southero Com mercial Convention at 1-outwVilf*. Ctu.UA has 500,000 temples, with 3,000 000 i-hd*. Omaha ta *aid tugr--w at ik« rate of thirty ho*-e* per day. Lets >*iaiis expects • rice crop this year of 70,096 ttuabel*. Wood ashes and common salt wet with water will prevent the cricking of a stove. Mvivunr. i* greatly it.jured hy lying in the rain. It natds shelter as much as the cattl*. A Froelanwtioi. SI,OOO REWARD: Gfeor ffla. By RUFUS B- BULLOCK. Govtrnor «f said State. Wll eseas, it has been clficially com municated to this Department that s murder was committed in the city us Covington, county of Newton on the night of Tuesday, the 3?st nf August, ultimo, upon the person of Joseph I’ar ber. Marshal of the city <-f Covington by one Sim Brown, a person of color, while he, the taid Barber, was engaged in the performance of bis official duty in attempting to arrest the said Jim Brown on a warrant for larceny ; and WiiHar.AS, it is further reported to thia Department that the Sheriff of said county of Newton has used every means in his power to apprehend the said Jim Brown and bring him to justice, hut without avail : '* Now therefore, I have thought prop er to issue thi*. my proclamation, here by offering a Reward ot One Thousand Dollar* lor the apprehension and de livery of the said Jim Brown, with ev idence sufficient to convict, to the Sttrr if] ot said county of Newton. And Ido moreover charge and re quire all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to aporehend the said Jim Brown, in order that he may be brought to trial for thy crime with which he stands charged. tiiVi-n under my hand and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 2d day of September, in the year of our Lotd Eighteen Hundred nnd Sixty-Nine, and of the Independence of the United States, of America the Ninety Eourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottinu. Secretary of State DESCRIPTION. The said Jim Brown is about 25 years of age ; nearly jet black ; 5 fret 8 or 10 inches high (Weighs about 150 pound*; his face, which i* rather long, presents the appearance of having had a light cave of small pox. September, 17th 1869-41 A Proclamation. SI,OOO REWARD: j* -~- GEOROIA By RUFUS B BULLOCK. Governor of -aid State. Wiif.rcas, Official information has been received at this Department, that n murder wa# committed in the county of Coweta on the 27th of July, 1869. upon the. I' of E Rainey, by J. A Corley, ami that said Corley has fled from jus tice : I have thought proper, therefore, to i»-ue thi*, my proclamation, hereby off . ring a reward of One Thousand Dol lars, for the apprehension nnd delivery of tde said Corley, with pro-if sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of aaid county and State. And Ido moreover charge and re quire all officers in this State, civil and -military, to be vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Coney, in order that lie may he brought to trial for the of fense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at lire Capitol in Atlanta, thi* 6;h day of September, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Nine. sn>* of the Independence of the United States of America tbe Ninety-Fourth. RUFUB B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David G. CoTTitro, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION. The eaid orley i« about 45 years of ag«, 5 feet II inches or 6 feet high, dark hair, blue ay*«, dark skin, and weighs 145 or 150 pound*. September 17th 1569, 41- HALL COUNTY CORONER'S SALK WILL b« told befor* th# Court Honaa in Oaramvill*. an th# firat Tu«»day ia Septem ber. n*xt. within the legal hour# of -aie. the lot *f land »hereon Piaokuev D- Maj-w now live*, in **id county. Levied on as tbe prop ertj of said Piockuej D. Major to eotiafy a fi fa from Halt Superior Court, in favor ot James W Davi* v». Pineknav D. V»j«r. JOHN PIERO*. Cor. A ag. 4-tda. GEORGIA—Union Oeun/y. Ordinetry'e Ojtce Sep, 14, IMI. F. M. Self, h*a applied for exemption of pereooally. sad eetuog apart and valuation of Home-tead and 1 will pass upon the same ar my --<Re«. at 1* o’clock a. m, oa the ZSth da* <d September W. R. LOGAN. Ordinary. Sept. lM*.3t BI*AXK.M Ncitir Frialfd te Order AT THE EAGLE OFFICK, F*or ffil BO per Qr’ 1 nn.,mm.. Nil n, Taylor,& Cos., MMMM& DRUGGISTS AND K&ramc'imm: CHEMISTS, .. ATLANTA, - - - - GEORGIA, Cnll attention to their large Stock of rititK. uktadultbuated Medicinca, Chemicnls &c Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils*, J Cilnfls, T>ye Sniff*. Instruments, A.c. which are offered to the trade, at the loweit cn»h prices. We have u complete Laboratory connected with our establishment ; and arc extensively engaged in tire manufacture of plrk Chemical*, Medicine* Ac which wc sell at as low prices as such article* are sold, North or South s» Cnll nnd examine our stock and prices. Jobbing made a speciality. Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor 4? IV N. B.—We are prepared to give a true and cor rect analysis of all kinds of Minerals, ('res, filter*, Poisons While County Sheriff’s Sale- State of Georgia Whitt Oountg. On Tuesday the filth d.y ot Ot’fobcr next will be (old nt the Cuurt House floor in Cleveland in said county between tha legal hours of sale part of lot of land number six tv seven in the second district nf,originally tiaber-ham now Hbiir county, coi mini k two hundred ami forty acre? more or le»» wliicft aaid land lies three miles iaiutli of Cleveland in hi id county on the tuuiu road froo Cleveland to Gainesville IIsU County Ga.. and ie the land on winch 0, Mender* now lives, »»id lands are well improved,— containing a good dwelling house, store house, blacksmith and wood shop, stable* at and several other building-. There is ulso a large well improved farm in good cultivation on said land Also at the »ame time and place will he sold part nfb.f hfland number seventy six in'the second district us originally Habersham now Whi ie county, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or l?-a Also at the same time and place will be sold part of lot ot land number one hundred nnd two (102) in the second diet icl of originally Habersham now White county containing •evenly five acres more or less ; which -aid .ot Ol land is well improved and ia the land on which John Jones now lives All three ot ihe aforesaid partsof lots of land are lev id on a* the property ol Christopher Mender* to satisfy an executi or. iasueil from the -Su perior Court of White county bv virturo of a judgment obtained in said Court at its November Term in tsid county in favor ot Crane Boylstou and Cos., against said Christopher Meadors, property pointed out by M.K. Palmer, plaintiff-attomay, Also at the tame time aorf piece will be ■old the improvement of Jcsfce Regius on lot of land number fourteen in the Di» trict of originally Habersham now White county adjoining tbe lands ot E P. William* and Wm. Cromley et, at. to ontisfy an exe cution issued from t»e Superior Court of White County in favor of William J. Rusk against Jeene Regina, property pointed out by Jes-ee Rtgine, Defendent, SatJ Rigina being the tenant in possesaion and hairing notice of Aid lew ANDREW MEitRETT, sheriff, September lOth-tds Administrator’s Sale. a«7 ill be sold before the court house FT door in Gainesville, Hall counry Ga, on the first Tuesday in November next, with in the iegai hou-» of sale. The well known farm of’and. lying on the banxsofthe Chattahoochee River, in said county ; the place whereo:- Joseph Dunegien F.-q lived and -lied—-rid farm consist# of iso hundred and eighteen acres more or e-s ; out hundred acr. sos which is first cias* bottom land, tha remainder is gned arable ground producing well. It bei tig num. her ISB in the *th D--triet of ssid ceantv. — Sold subject to the widow* Dower,for cash Two much cannot be said ot lhi» place for Krnung purp—e-. The water power, it afford-, the 6 hrry h off ri its (Cftierv, its proximity to P e coon y -tte, s railroad L-wa. it* never filling sou- tair.» of the c-ol est and purest wsttr. in the Summers heat. wi b|w. o i euficirnt for all purp-ves. and for tnel to remove tbe pinching- nl tiie Winters iroet. render it tbe moat oesirable larm in up per Georgia. JOHN F. ’ CNEGAN EZEKIEL DUNEOAR. Admx's September th* lh:h tdi- Executors Sale. By virtue of an order of cotifr? of Or«fi nary of Forsyth C«M>tity G* w»* wiH offtr a( Kxerutors Sale before tb«* bouse door in th» town o( Ciiuiming G», on tku,. first Tu*id*y in October next be tw • en the ! hour* of sale the followup lot* of laaij- tie wit. No 922 Mill - hundred and twenty two, tit Nil e hundred »nd - wentv llire .924 Niue liua tired and tweiitv four. 956 Nine hofidred and fifty hi, 9-57 Nine hundred and n(tr*--v*u I 9 iS Jiine lilmilr nl nmi riity eight," Kijt bight hundred and eeren y nine, 1008 On#tbnu •and ami three, ami 4 b hr tv six ae.iei .no « or lean oflo 8 number# ■ 1001 tin* thousand and one and 1002 One thou.and end two *ll in the,l4tn (list and l-t Section of said co.ena taining in all 866 three hundred and sixty *ix acres more or lea* ; all lying in one haJy, this p ntilation is situated 10 mile* .fcywa Cummu.g and 12 mile* lrom Gainesville on the road 1 adiug from Curammg to Gainesville via. JJrown» Bridge; upon this phiulalion la a g-md dwell.ipg hum* end kitchen smokehouse, and other out budd ings—good apple and peach orchard* weil entered, with Some fifty i>r sixty aefUii'nl exce.lcnt Creek bottom 'llu re is aheut «nt n hundred mid silty acres of the t>»et cleared up. about thirty acre* of which is creak bottom in a line stale ol cultivation. Two or three of these lota hare been worked for gold and fouud to ho valuable- .All-gold *X the property of John Burrefi* late of Forsyth county de-eased, for the benefit of hi# heirn and ci editors. . Tetnis c-sh ib United S-fates. Legal Tend ers- H. WOODI.IFF. THOMAS IT. f»«KTt HENRY W. BUtt- Ki**uVw. August 2oth l#ii9 -ids Citation for LtUtrt of Dsmistion. GEORGIA, UNION County- WHEREAS, Alfred Nicholson Ad. miniatrator of deb-met non, of John Martin represent* to the Court in hi* petition, duly filed and entered on Record, that b* ha* fall* administered John Martin s estate Tfci* ie therefore to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cauae, if any they can, why said Administrator driana. mow should not he discharged from bie mleun istminn andr'Criro letter* of diiuuxiea en the Ist Monday in Dec , 1869. W, R LOGAN,Ord’y. AuglS-Sm. Citation for Krtter* of Ditmittiom. GEORGIA. Uni»m County VirHERE AS McUinni* Caldwell Adniaia Ti trator ol William Caidweli, represent* to the '‘ourt in his petition duly filed mad vo'ered on record that ha has fully adminis ters i William Caldwell"* e*tate. Thwis therefore, to eite all person* eea cemed. kindied and creditors, to show causa if any they can. why rail Administrator should Out he diMihur*eU fr-un b-.s o-lwiiai*- trati-m end receive letter* of Di*mi#*ino 0* • be first Monday ia it c. 1869. w. R LOGAN. Only Aug 1 3-8 n fo¥ WuUK NE.4TLY DONE AT THIS OFFICK