Newspaper Page Text
Ctf 2lir4Lme iSaglr.
Yridfiy Morning, Bep- 24,1869-
SSPWn liiti! a call from our perse*
sering mil rising business men, A. W.
Johnston of the Alabama and Obiita
nooga Railroad, who has a respite of a
few days from his arduous labors ; and
tn company wiili Mr Hri-on of the U. S.
Hotel, ip Adanta ; and VV. J Catr of
Conyers with th< ir famlies, are visiting
our Town. We hope next year to
give them an easer and more comforts'
ble ride.
Col. Christy* — We welcome our
old friend of the Watchman to Gaines*
ville, he is busy collecting information
relative to the mineral resources of
Northeast Georgia ; and no one is more
intsrrsled in the prosperity of this lon» 1
neglected people.
Iha minntal resources of Northeast
■Georgia srs unequalled : not only in
quanity. but in variety and quality. When
weget the Air-! ine Railroad ; and the
Rabun Gap, and Athens extension, fin
ished (In 1872; together with the Road
now being built, from Chtlliinooga to
Wilmington N, C. Than we will ex
pect the "I’ressgang” to drink some of ;
our “ Champa gut Shippernong, and olh
winesofeur own manufacture—< qual
to the brtt European brands.
«TMurh boasting and speech in*. j
fcing ga* lias been let off lately in E,g- !
lend and Fiance, about superseding
American cotton by that from India
and Egypt—all bmd\ It is simply ah- 1
surd to advance that opinion, for the i
fi r staple of our Sea Islands and high j
ejuali'y middling* cannot be produced in |
•ny oilier part of the wm Id. Our plan- !
ter- may real eavy on that score.
Hall Superior Court
~ Mel on Monday and organized at 1
dmee'.'Judge Divis presiding with his
usual digut'r and courteous attention 10
the bar and officers, all of whom appear
t*i be pleased with him, as one who
strives to do jii-nce and despatch busi*
ness at rapidly as possible. The Bar
is represented by Judge Rice, AVier
Iloyd. and JA. Wimpy—of Lumpkin,,
W hiie by A. F. Underwood Forsyjli by
If- P. Bell Gwinnett by J. G Simmons. :
fVWinn.N L. Hutchins Jr, and F M
' Peoples J>i( k*oi\ by Sol. Gen. Marler M.
• M Pttiqan. and Pike, and old Haber
shain by G McMillan.
No important ca«es have been tried;
ibnt we are pleased to gay that many
were compromised which is a more its
tbe light direction
Cottox Makkkt.Sixty kale* new
•cotton sold in Sandersville Inti week at
•‘price! ranging Irom 26 (o 30 cent*
We quote good middlings at 28 cents.
I . The sudden decline in the market is
perhaps owing to the large q untiiy ties
livefed in maiket thus early, and in
the in the money market.—
The-irepression nf some is that cotton
wiiHmniimie to decline until after first
«( Nprt-mber.— [Sandersville Georgian.
t f '•
Nil Disperandsm Hope
Hundreds of cases of Scrofula, in its
worsistages, old eases of S< philis that
hare defied itip skill of eminent Fijsi
cians,' tyheuiriaiics who have been soff
erers for years, and the victims of the
injudicious use of .Mercury, have te en
radically cured by DR. TUTT'S SAJt-
LHI HTi- Jt is the most powerful alter
ative and blood purifier known, It ia
prscrihed by very many Physiciani.
Kentucky promises that ere long
our belles shab not have to send to In
dia for e»*bmere shawls The Angora
gnat is now successfully bred in this
country, and ol th*' 3 000 or 4,000 wool,
bearlug goals of the best breeds, Ken
tucky claims the largest share. Neith
er France nor England has been so suc
cessful as America in acclimating this
valuable animal.' Kenrucky, especially,
in alresd producing superb worsted stuff
from the Angora wool, aud cashmere
shawls are rhe next in order.— [Rich
mond Enquirer.
MS. in a turtle/ in six commercial
languages, presumed’ld be a relic of the
Franklin P.-!»r Expedition, was picked
up the other day at San Buena Ventura,
on the Pacific coast, containing some
account of the desertion nf the ships
Erebus and T'rv**r. and other mailers
connected with the voyage.
TSTcto jß&toertts mrnis.
Administrator’s Sale.
Agreeabl y to an onlar from th* Court ot
Ur.tioary wilt be sold on the first Tuesday
in finvemher nut, between the legal hours
of sals. One hundrtiland twenty tire seres
more or I«*»—being the Southeast half ot
land loa. IWo. V 7. in the 12th district ot said
enuoty And two hundred acres more .a* le*t
of K*t, No 02, in euiil dierrict. and one undi
vided one fourth part of lot No. 91. ai the
property «»f Elijah Smallwood, decease,l.
Sold for tlie benefit of the heirs and credi
tors. Term* cash.
ROBERT LAWRENCE. Administrator.
September, 21at 1669
Executors Sale. •
Will be a«»l<l before the Court Hons* do r
in finineawille. Hall'county, 04 the first
I Tuesday in November next, during loyal*
' hours, at public, outcry. L 't'of land No. 88,
in the ele> enth district of hall-Couiitr, con
, tainine two bund rd and fifty scree more or
leas. One undivided half id *»id lot, eold as
the pt operty of Richard R. Winfrey late of
Ogletbop.e county deceased. By leave of the
Ordinary «f <sni<l county, the other half being
the -property of Shelton Oliver; who will
join iu the asa’e 'lVrnis c»sh-
Ears, of R. R WINFREY, D*c4’
September, *2 Ist 1399-tds
Administrator’s Slae.
Agreeatdv to an order from the Court
of Ordinary ot Hall County, will be sold
before tlie Court House door in said county
on the first Tuesday in Nouember next.
Furry nine acres of land more or less, Num
b< r not known in thelllh district ot said
county. kuown txs the Slairon pince. As the
property of A. Slatton deceased sold for
distribution, Trrmg cash-
J. P. WILSON, Admr'y,
September. 215t1889-td»
silver -plated
House Furnishing goods of every <,*-
ic ription.
Plated and Britannia Ware,
Keys tone Block, Whitehall Street,
April 9th. 1869-6ra
GEOIiGTA. Whitt County.
Mary Hood >
w*. S X.iNsl hr Divorce ip White*
CnrLin Hood- 5 Superior Court
IT Appesi ing t." IHe Court by the return
of the .Sheriff of this county, that Corbin
Hcine tJefeodant in tfcestarve stated case.
i« not t-m ire found in the county sort it fur
thiv mp|urariufr to the Court that the rakl
Corbin Hood re-idenout of this State.
It ia thr-rf foie -ordered by iho Court, that
-orwice the- said wi it he perfected on the
add Cnrhin Hood by publication «»< this or
le- in the Air-TAne Eagle. apublie Gazette. of
thie State, once at month forfiair montne pre
vino* to the next tern) «t this Court. and that
defendant he required to appear at the next
term I tiaaa Com t and answer laid writ.
A true tr *aa«ei ipt from the Minutes of
White Sopi rtor Court, May term 1869
May 14lli—4v*»
Suitable for all BriiUliugs, Dwellings, Harm,
Churchew, Factories, &c,. and fur all cli*
I mates ;
and can be by »uy ordinary work*
min . Tt%e K k a dy It hosing is more durable :
than tin, and does not cost one half as much.
It is cheaper than shingle, far more durable
and fire proof. It j* made of iht heaviest
fabric ever used for the purpose and is put
up in roll* ready for shipment to any part
of the world. Send for Circular and Sam
ples. ( fre<w)'
Wc also manufacture the
For repairing sxll kind* of leaky roofs, chim
ne>», .kyiigiitw, ska. This Roofing Cement
forum n |*eT.u»v»e-t»t. ndtiesive costing over the
vbsir viiriiice of nil roofs, whether tin. shin
gle sir compceitiou, completely closing up
leakMgm. and being composed largely ol
grouml Granite, which sets and h irders »nd
goon becomes go artificial Siate or Stone
For Circular, avid al‘ {Mrtieirlur*. address
S. k CO. at Maiden hane, N. V. City.
And in short. Everything usually
kept in a First-Class
PERSON'S visiting Atlanta to make
purchases for themselves or Tamil
ies, will find it to their interest to give
ue a call.
Merchants front the interior are ape
cially requested to call vnd examine our
Stock, in the Wholesale Department,
before making their selection*.
Remember the place,
Cotxtt I ’ea chtrei: fit Dxcatcs Sts ,
Atla.rk.-tA, Georgia
Dee. 13.
T BHB -& SB •hi m g g&CL g.
Official Advcrtisemcirats
Execitivk Dkparthknt. I'*'
Atlanta, G-a., August 2f *t 1861) )*
To the Principal Keeper of the Peniten
WllKßE*e, Ht the June Term of the
Superior Crurt, held in and fur th- eoun
ty pf pough«rty. A. 1). 1869. Jim
Jones, a person of color, was tried for,
and convicted of the crime of burglary
ip the night, and was thersfi r sentenc
ed by the Judge presiding »l said court,
to bt imprisoned at . bard labor in the
Penitentiary <>f /hi* State for and during
the trim of hit na(u -al ii/e, and
Whereas. It appears-tipots a careful
examifidt.mll of the te-iitnnny adduced
upon stiid trial, tli -t the crime commits
ed by the prisoner, is, that hecriiWlea
unjrr a store, then occupied by one
Neil Hill, a pet son of color, about eight
o’clock »t night, partially raided a plank
from the floor thereof, ills same nos be
ing nailed down or otherwise fastened,
but loose and easily moved, and at the
1 ime nf discovery, ••was in the pet of
reaching with hi* hard*to take some
canty from a jar’-’ raid to .contain two
pounds and valued at the sum of one
dollat m currency ; and
Whereas, It .is not stated, in nor prov
en by ihe testimony aforesaid, thpt he,
the said Jim June* did break said store
or steal, or take therefrom any thing or
things of value ; and
Whereas, Tho prisoner h«s»«rved
nip more ihno one ywn of tlje sentence
aforesaid, and ihe punishment already
inflicted is more than commensura'e
with, the crime committed; and tlie
enterics of imprisonment for lif* being
manilestly unjust :'
Now, therefore, in consideration of
the facts and circumstances aforesaid,
and ihe finding of ihe jury being incon
sistent with toe evidence elicited at thq,
trial, and to ihe end that justice may be
done. 1, [{. B. Bollock, Gov. and com
mander in Chief of the Army and Na
vy «f this Slate, and of the militia there
of, by virtue of the power and authority
in me vested hy' the Const mi; ion and
laws of this Siaie. do hereby fully and
freely, pardoji the said Jim Jones of the
crime of which he stands convicted, as
heretofore recited, resto'a him to his
civil rights as a citizen of this State. and
order lint he be forthwith discharged
and set at liberty.
Given under my .hand and the Sepl nf
the Executive. Department, at the
Capitol, in the city of Atlanta the day
and year firs’above written.
By the Governor.
R Paul Lksi kk Secretary Execu
tive Department.
September 3rd 4t
By RUFU3 B. BOLLOCK Governor of
•aid State official information ha.
lwinrncrtv.dat this D-partnien . that
a murder m committed in the county
of Telfair, on the 22d day of July, 1 >*69,
upon the body ot Joseph T. Rsfiiin* by
John K Brown, and that (he laid
Brown has fled frr.m justice,
I have thought proper, therefore,'ln
issue this my. my prtiriamatiun, hereby
offering a reward of two Hundred Dol
lars lor tha apprehension and delivery
of the said Brown, with proof sufficient
to convict, to (lie Sher ff of said county
and State
And Ido moreover charge and re
quire all dflii'era in this State, civil and
military, to be vigilant in endeavoring
to apprehend the said Brown, in order
that he may be brought to trial for the
nffenae w ith which be stands charged
Given uniter my hand and the great
real of the State, at tha Capitol in
Atlanta, this 19iji day August,
in the year of our Lord Eighteen
Hundred' and S'Kty-Nine, and of the
Independence of the the United Hutes
of America the Ninety-Fourth.
By the Governor;
David G. Cornu®, Secretary of Scat#.
The said Brown i» 38 years of age. &
feet 10 or II inches high, dark com*
plexion, (lark hair, hie eyes, spare built,
weighs about 165 pounds, wore Urge
whiskers and moustache, when last seen
ia i ather assuming in hi* manner*.
Sepiember 3 and 4t-
Adrainiftirator’s Sale
Agreeably to an order of the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of Hall eouty Will be
sold before tbs Court lion-, door in the
town of Gainesville, nail county. Ga. on
the first Tuesday in November next,
within the legal hours of sale, the tbllowinx
tract, of Land to wit Lot No, 163 in the
Bth din*, containing 250 acres, more or lea.
known as ib* Home place. P-wt of Lot No
329 7th diet. Owinneti containing l<?s aerta,
more or lass known as the Beard place.
Hsll of Lot 170 Sth dist. J2* acres, more or
less known as the Wood place. Lot 166
Bth dist, and 3 serso of 164—283 asrea more ,
or less, knows nt the Cross road plaea. 889 I
acres mnrvor Iras on the waters of the Mol i
berry known nsth. Hend*r»on place. Half!
Interest in the Mill place, containing 60 ;
acres more nr less, saLyert to the widows I
dower. Term. cash.
JOHN L. JONES, adm>.
Psy tember, I7tk 18 W.-i-ir
Nrto atibrriisrnunts.
The Purest, Best and Cheapest
In JblHiY* Gur ulifipe*! Axce, for
lhe»« >hb Cu m derptr, Se
cond— It «lon*C Mick in the-wood. Third— ft
■ doe# not jar.the-hand# Fourth— No |ini« is
wnntcii in taking the Axn out of tlie cut
Fifth— 7 Wiili thii rtn'ra lubor you xviH'do one
third mure wnrji;,th;;n with t**lsljlhr Ax«w, —
Red pnlnt hn» to do with th« good
qualities of fhis'Axe’ fur bII our Axes ste
punted red. if your hardware More dues
not goods, we will fclndly answer
inquiriea-er fil! orders direct, or giv<? ynuthe
nnme oi the dealer wiio keeps our
“ Pittsburgh. Pa.
Sole owneri oi Colburn’s and Red Jacket
Client. - . *
. beat Anil cl'fcar»**st. Qontains the latest
imprvverneut Vnx Humana and Vox Jubilai}-
te. J. EST?I2Y A CQ-, Sole Mauufra. Brattl#-
boro; Vi, • %
$9 Al Day f»* all. Address A.J. FULLAM,
IdMI’I.OVMKNt that pays. For psrtfcu
'j l»r». nddriss,S, M*.Smoxs A Go,. Brat
tlcborh, Vt!
ABJK your' Ddctor or Druggist for
Bweet Quinin«-it * uala (biitf-r) Qui
nine. In mipjtt only by F, STEARNS,’
C'heinust, Detroit. . . ' / *
‘ "• ‘*" " '
WORD? OF ft.r‘l fonug Men on |
the Riihtfg Vaasmn. in Yfiuth A Early
Sianiifodj witli. A 'Mh' the firing and
unfortiiditte. Sent in sealed letter antelopes
free of fpe*. Address HOWARD ASSO
CIATION, jPJjila ~ Pa.'
r <i | , y^^ ,f,V ' •**' *' *
t THIRTY YEARS’ .E**ier»<tßco't in th*
.Treatnietit of Chronic u^i]. tlis*
‘eases.— A P;h i}>yjil apical Vfertjs of Mhr rinye
The ehVapeßr ft-ok ever published•-dbfitieih
ing nearly pistes, and I3u fine and
epgyavings ot the anatomy of i lie human or
gans in u state of-heauh and disease, with a
treatise on error**, ita daploralde <?on
sequencea iipoti The s mdid and bodj?, with the
author’s plan oftreitiuent —*he‘»/nly rAlldnal
and sitopcnsftll of cure.. .*** by a
report of cas^j*.treated. A tryihtul adyiscr
to the innfrrieM K n, l p* nfeniplatirifrfhiir
riage whoent«*rtaio oonbr* of
condition. Kent/r««e es positogo :.o any ad
drew on receipt, of 26 cenjs. 'hi wfampH.-.or
postal currency, I>v inl»lr« suing Dr. L A
CROIX No Sl.vtyiiwi Uie. \'i...ny Nf*.Y
The author hmy he ennsnlj**.! t-pof. any of
the lint aees up* it i« ti * al.e’th
er pei*>or)>iHy ‘>r h\ mad*.an l metitcinri ent
»o any part of the world.
Great Distribution
. By th* \l«tri'p,dit«a Gift Cos.,
SSOO 000 '
6 Cash Gifts, each $10,000• 40 Gs«h Gifti,
each $1 000 ; 10 cash gilts each 111 000 ; 200
1 cash gifts, each 600 ; 20 c mil gifts, each
[ 6,600 ; WO cavti gifts, eacly I*o.
!50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos - eaeh $309
: to *7OO
i 76 “ “ Melodcons “ 76
! to !0O ,
860 Sewing Machines - - “ 80
io 76 . r
-600 Gold Watch,# - . - “ 76
|ui 300 ‘"’A •- ).* '
i 1 )nsh Prides,’Silver Ware, 4k., valued «t
• 1.400.000 .- ■ ’ . . - ' j'
j, A chance to draw.»ny of th’> above I,’riae.
for 26c. Tickets describing Prise# are i rated
in Knveiopcwjpid well n;i ’ed. O# d-eqeipt
ofß6c. a tir.alei Zs fleet ip tlr#wji aridioul
choice and sent by ’hluil ‘to any .-wibre-l.
Tb« priae named upon it bp delirereAdo
! the ticket boldey on payment of-ffhe /Jbffav.
! Pfwes arc i mined is tely sent to utiy addl.s%ft
| tiy return. Mini 1,, V* ** *
VodiVivl *ki»6w Vhat your I’rixe is befnA
i ywu pay f.w ,it. Any ’hr hr fat
OHO-her of »i oer vglv. .Nu Plus If*. <Jur pat
1 rons can depend on fair dealing, .
j Rcrrnrscrn; W. select the following from
| many who have lately ; drawn Valuable
j Priee« and kindly permitted on' to publish
i them; Andrew J. Burns,Chicago,Blo,oooi
I llise Clara *. Walker, Baltimore, Piajio,
! 8*00: James M. v.atthews. Petrdit, $5 000;
j John TANARUS, Andrews, NaVahnsb, $5000; Mies
| Agnes Siminuqt, OharU.toji, Piano, S6OO.
j We pubti-h no (lames without permission
i Opinions <>r thk f’UKss :—‘The firm is
, reliable, and deserve their success ’* —
j Weekly Tribune May 8. -*We know theip tn
|he a fair dealing firm.”—A'. Y. Herald, -Way
23, ‘A friend of ours drew a S6OO prize,
! which was promptly received,” —Oaily A'etet
Jnne 8
Send for iberai inducements'
to Agents Bnli*ficu ngn Every
pacaage nf Seal and Envelope- contatos one
cashout .Six Tickets for #1 • 13 for ft:
35 for $6 ;I JO for sls All lett< ra should
be addressed In
ITS Sraadwoy, New Vork.
STATS OP OSOli(JIA~Hall Court fy.
Ordinary’s Of£c« Rrp. 13 19 09
James P. Wood* h'i« appH#d f# r rx»*nir»-
* : on of p#»r*<*niUy ■»n*i raluition and
spurt «h*7 and I will |in»s ojh»|i
the same at 10 o’clock a it on the 2-Hb iluy
of September at my Office.
A. M OOOHKAat, Ordii.ary.
J7tb 2t
Notice to Debtor* end Creditors
aEoUo!4 Hall Comyty.
Ail peni.ins bavin- il.mnd vj(,in«t William ;
Y. Pugh tat* nt said wsmty. dfcra*.J, *r» '
hertdy liotifi# 1 t” present thsiu. pf’ipetly
itlsslnl to me w thin the time pee critifd
by Its. »r they will nut ba tattled. Afid all
persons indrlited lu said deceased, are hereby
required to moko immediaif paviarnt.
A. H. HOLLAND, Admr.
—Sept, 10th (fiSU las—
Scwrgia White Csuty.
Whereat Oshorn P. Quifiian applies to me
for letters of Admini|trntion on tfie estate
of James Quillian, lata of said eouotjr <teee*,-
Tboie are therefore Incite and admonish all
conn rued to show cause, if any they have,
ar my sffics on or before tl s first Monday in
October why said I* tsis should not be grant
Given opd r nv hand at niy office tbit Ist
day September 1960.
N, H PALMER, Ordinary
—:tfi lyys-
GF.OttGIA— Hall County.
Ordinary'* Sept , 7tA 1809,
80. Farr h»« applied for Ezemp.
tion of persoalty and valuation and
- v ettin#r apart of llomealead. and I will pass
upon thesameat in i 'clock am on th# Ifitl,
day of Saptembrr 1860 at my office,
A. M. COCHRAN Ordinary.
Sept. 1869-21
ayonou , mail coy sit.
Ordinary'* Office, September lOfA 1869-
Susannahs Harrison hat applied for Ex.tnp
tion of Personalty, and valuation and
setting apart of Homestead and I will pas#
upon the same at 10 o'clock * u- otthe t3rd
day of Septembei 1869 at my office.
A, M. COCHRAN Ord’y.
Sep't. 10th-!t
G BO KOI A —Mall County.
Ordinary* office Sept. Ilk 1869.
.Howell Jarretth** applied for Exemption
of P*raon*!y and valuation and setting apart
ot' Homestead find I will pass 4P«n tit* s*m*
a.t 10 o’clock on the Jlrd day of Scptawbar
1860 at my office.
A. M. COCHRAN.—Ordinary.
oxokOia. mall county,—
Ordinary'• office Sepl Bed 1889.
Robert M. Shore has applied for Exemp
tion us Personally snd setting apart and val
nation ol'Jlomeste <J and l will pass upon
the'game nt 10'o’citvk A u on the Jfird day
of Sfipt. 10CM at «y "flee.
. A. M. COO If RAN, Ordinary.
-Sept. 10th 3t~
■ r Will apply to the Court of ordinary el
Hull County, at tne .September Term next
of said court, jor'leave to aell tha Real Ee
ttfre’fif X. Slalioti deceased
J. P. WIIsfiON. Adtu’r
August fith 1889.-2 m
V t* 1 '
I will sjiply to the Court ot Ordinary of
Hall" County at the Ootuber Term nest, of
yatd, Cjwirir for tear* to Sell all t)»# Real Ro
tate of Paul Furr deceased,
Renj BRI.vN, Adminietrator.
August 20th-tt
Ordinary e Office Sept, 10M 111#
SH. CdIN ha« applied for exepp
.tion of P#r-nßfilly, and valuation find
spiting apart and valuation of Hoifieatead,
and ! will pass npo.i tb* i*mt at my office
nt 10 u’cloak a m on the 2fithday of Sept 18##
A. M. COCHRAN,Ordinary.
Bapt. mh-2t
GEGRGIA Utifon County.
Ordinary' e Offiet, Any.tfith, 1869.
Is ham Stuart bn* applied for exemption of
personalty and setting apart and valu
•lion of Homest sad and I will past upon the
same at my office at 10 o’clock a. m. 25th
day of September 1869.
W. K. LOGAN,Ordinary.
September 17lb 184#-2t
This wonderful vege
table restorative is the
sheet-anchor of the feeble
and debilitated. Asa
ioni£ and frordial for the
aged and languid it has
no filial amo?ig stomach
ics. Asa remedy for
the nervous weakness to
which women are espec
ially subject, it is
superseding every other
stimulant. In all
climates, tropical, tem
perate or frigid, it acts
as a specific in every
species of disorder which
undermines the bodily
strength and breaks down
the animal spirits.
Wherever it is intro
duced it becomes a
standard article—a me
dicinal staple. It is to-day
the best and purest tonic,
and the most popular
medicine in the civilized
world—be sure and get
the genuine. Sold by all
Druggists, Grocers and
Country Store*. *
IyEUSONS bfivipg lands for sals can he
I very much aided in finding a purchaser
by isporting to mv description, location and
price for said land*.
Real Estate Agent.
Jnn« l# IM9-tf
St’Craasnu to L’H AS. H. BASSETT,
Mauufaelitrrr of •
rmc COLD IP I Ml.
UQ Duane Wtvoot.
lfi Carat fine.— f,.r on# year. -
Equid to the beat in quality and finish.
Wholesale *fc Retail D**«l*r«» iu
Windows, Hatlding Material*, Ate.
44 & 46 DEY STREET,
Wcit’i Improwrd Pump.
The moat Simple, Dumb?*, Powerful, and
th* Cheapest, lt .üb|# Actjag J,ift and Forte
Pump, in use, Tim, wall known to need, and
recommended to aaad further notice. Sand
fur circular.
Otis’ Patent Lightning
Tt# only perfect in,ulat!op iu America,—
Plenty of werthleas imitation# and infringe-!
meuts afloat, which beware us. The t<ade {
supplied with this and Star, and other kind*
at lowest price*.
Sffipdh# panffia WindtPill.
Saif Regulating and Self-Adjustable Boxes.
The ouly aetialactory iron mill in market.
Send for circular. J. D. WEST A CO;
40 Oomtaadt St., R. Y.
STATE OF GEORGIA, White Oeunty.—
WHEREAS William 11. Logan, Admia
iltruor of John JJ. Cfaveu, retweafiiite
to the Court, in bis petition, duly filed nhd
entered »n reeord that h* has fully edininla
tared John H 4 Craven’s e|t*to Thi* la.
tliarefore. to cite all paiaoua concern**,
kindred and creditor#, to show cause if any
they can, why asid administrator should net
he discharged from hi* administration, and
receive latter# id diamiaaion, »» th# firat
Monday in November. U«»:
R- il. PALMER,Ordinary*
Fab, I fith,-6m
~~ ffOTICE. T ’ k
Application will b# mad* to th# Court of
Ordinary of Hall Bounty, av the Sep
tembar teiui next, "f aaid Court, furlaay# to
sail all tbs Real E«tat* of Joseph DUnaga#'
ezikibl dunaoan.
Jaly 80 188#.-2m
Gainesville Retail Prieei.
Corrected Weekly hy th* Mrrvhabii of
Menola Rope < • *•
Rio Coffey, pay lb Si
Brown Sugar, par 1b... *B
Kew York Slat# Chao**, par Ik SB
Flour, prr1h...... »#
Cooking Hod* per lb 16
Black Fvpper, p«f Ib 60
Alvpicr, per lb .... .. 40
Race Ginger, per 1b. i........ 40
Epiom Salt., per Ib 16
Bacon, per Ib . 2n
Naili.pcr lb 10
Salt, per Ib 26
Jute Rope, per lb». j..> .<<.<*..,,. 80
Indigo (but) pir ox .1.....,,. I 6}
Potent Axed, each 1 b%
Pickled Pork, per !b 18
()„rn, per Mi bet. J.
Painted JBuvket., each................... 8l
WliiUamora’Bcotton oardt. per pair,... 1*
Adamantinecarullet, per lb. ffi
Calico, per yord 10 te fi
i<ole Leather, per lb 88
Chicken!, eaeh .Iff t» IS
Egg!, per doi 16
Butter, per lb to
Cotton, per lb ft
Powder, per Ib 66
Corrected meekly/rota the Atlanta Taper e J
AtlaaU PUrfcst Report
Attaaxta, Jly $, 1569.
COTTON- Firmer pi soc„
GOLD — Baying at 15 eeat!, veiling at 87 vie
SlLVEß—Buying at ’Jiet... nailing nl 80r
GOLD DUST.-eßuyiag t< §l. 10 aad 1.16
per pennyweight.
VHoiuun rmcan
OnAH—Cnrn. White, per bn ta 120
Mixed of T«!lftir (o
Barley J 16 u I 76
Rye 1 »« In I M
Dun. to e t
Wheat, White •. *C to ! 60
Red 1 V to 1 80
Fueua- .Vrfine.ek* i to 5Ud
Exirr ...... 4 00 to 4 ti
Extra Family«... 8 40 to 8 78
Fancy A*6 te $ ill*
Bacon—C leaf 6 idei $ tn J 1
Clear RibOe-I Side!, to >o
Plata in 16
Caavai* Hanu...... 1 th 28
Bhonlder! 14 to
Laaa —In Barrel! to H
In Keg! »*d (hn< 29 tn 23
Mo uaw a!—Cabm par gallon. 58 lo 60
New Orleana 46 te 67|
ftyrap per nllea $0 to 1 26
BwiAn—Cru-hed per lb 19 lo 19
Olori#—! per In 14 to 18
New urlvan!... 14 m 17
Demerefa 16{ to 17{
Tobacco—Low Grade# pr Ib 60 to #0 j
Medium par pound 70 to 76 j
Good medium par pound.. 40 lo 66 j
Kina per pound *0 to I 00 ;
Choice per p0nM........ 1 1# tn loA *
New York Column.
I * J
■ •*-
I/O tent New opk New#
Xj>jLX>xjomn .
Look Out l fiOok Out ? t
A BEAUTIPIER ‘*bli'A beautifiir
[feediee Macimin- fOt Sepf.j
‘ Hr.NltY It. COSTAR, oft To. JO Crosby
Hiroet—is said to bo 'olit* with a BEAI* TD
FIBH that oellpata anything ever known i„
this lino. Tho Ladies lire Wild with delight
One L'idy .«)#, ‘I know it'* right.' and poin
ted to n Skin its fresii. soft, and deiicat* a*
il child Another Lady said. 'lf it cost
#lo 00 a bottle. I’d have it;' snd anathar
'Away with all hurtful cosmetics, anil five
me only
‘‘CofiUr#’' Bittpr-Bwfiet
and Orange Blofieoma-
It gives lleauty to the CnmplAitgi, a Kaay
glow to tha cheeky fi Ruby tinge to th* Lipa<
and Happineae romplete.
It! Spwiirc'. Hos worlhlaaaimitatioi».
All i)fng|dttai» Uiiineavil’e sell it.
On* bottlr, #l(K)i three hbitlha.if##.
Or add Tess "COSl’AK.’’ No. 10 Oroahy ft t,
Raw York,
IOH I vnoetCOHNS. fOHI »• onCOttNf
[ Hominy Tape 3 ,4 up. 26.]
•• IOH MV I IOH MV It ean’t etnnd it)
But he did, fur bo eeut right off nod got $
° f "CMttrV’ Owm Solvtat,
and it Cur A-d Uliil.
Ttlidannnda o! Vuxot Sold.
AH Dradfiat! fa Oaira-Villa naU.’it.
Or nddretn • CClvTAB,’' N». »0 Creeby *4..
N. T.
Housekeepers t
Men*”Women-»nd dhiidrn I
Men—Wotaeß *mJ Ahildrca!
-'Cooling to Senbla and Bam!,"
“Bdotiiiilg to all painful wou da. Be."
"Ilcnling to dll flufea, Ulcer*. fce. tt
“HENRY R COS I AH, «l No 111 Ornnhy
Street—in‘out’ with a »alv*—triilr.h H#
nails Ilia
‘ Costar V’ Buckthorn Salve-
PcrhapH the moat rxtr.imdiuary »»ui erer
kauon. It* power «>fSoutbiii" and Healing
soy pi; Cu’s, Bufu*. Ilriii.c*. Hor**. Plcvr*.
Chdpped Hknilaatid Fk'H. Mr Sore Ninplaa,
fuf I’ll#*, dw-. de-fv-ih Wiffi'dit a parallel.—
Our peiyon pay*of i>, ‘I wonld no, ba with'
out a Bogin my Home, if it eo*t fin, or |
had to travel all the wdy l« New York h-r H.
[fif. Y. Euentny Seme. Sept 6 ]
AH Ihucifiat in Gaiiieeville *»ll it
Or a>Urra! "COST Alt * No inCfeeby Si„
fSlSitdfird rirpaFMibM
‘Coitar's” Bat. ji>acK'4«B totefp
“Costar * Bed-BiffExteraioatotS'
Co»tMT's’ r i»u>y !»■ ei Insect Powder
“Duly Infallihlt Hemeoie* known,”
“18 year* »-iab'i»l ed in New Yoik.”
“2.000 Horen and Fln-k' fumufijcmnoldally.
"AH Druggiat* in Ga ueevdle »ell ihom,"
“111 Beware ! I ' of apuriiHK Itnitatlumli.
SI.OO at*. . .rut by ion it ore (,(‘fif’pflr!.
gi.Oti pav* f,.r any Alleelry- Kxprenp
ns. <• cxffaVr ss. ( ». r
j.n, noon k a co..
SolJ by all Whobtalr DruggUla ia SavaO*
nab. G-.orgi,, and ir; a'! tb* larg#f;;jei
Oeiwb-r an? t|