Newspaper Page Text
ELocal Personalss
G. W. Allen wad st sown Satur
day. |
Mt. Charley Sikes went to Jack: |
sonville Tuesday. |
Mr. G. H. Stokes, of Hidiard,‘
was here Tuessday, i
Mr. Wm. Mizell, of Kings Fetty,
was here last Saturday, {
Mr. Owen Crews spent Monday
and Monday night here, ]
Beé 4d. of Harris Levy & Co. 6n
anothef pigé in this papet. 1
Mrs. G. H, Robirson and chil
dren went to Jucksonville yesterday.
Judge B. F, Scott returned last
Monday after an absence of about a
Mr. ‘Noah Robinsen paid ns a
¢all yesterday and rencwed his sub.
E. L. Wairright left this thorn
ing for Jacksonville to accept a posi
tion in the city,
Mt, and Mié. James Seott ate the
ptoud recipients 6f 4 daughter. The
yung Jady darived last week.
Thefé Wwas 4 surprise party at the
home of Mr. E. H. Wright, in the
forfh of a new arrival. It’s gir!.j
Tax collentor J. C. Allen spent
Tuesday here, this being his first
tound, Look up his future dates
in the Herald.
Mr. H. 8. Mattox returned from
the Savannah Hospital, lest Tuesday
after a successful operation, He is
doing nicely and will soon be out
again, b :
‘Seasons are prop’tious now :mdl
cro s around here are looking well,
M. J. Paxton has a field of corn‘
that will ayerage hip-high over the
entire patch, g
Mr, George J. Stewart, who has
been. taking :a - bnsiness course at
Stan:{'s Bus, College in Macoz, re
tumed last Thursday and is now
ready for a good situation. =
ovßevs Mitchell and wife spent sey
eral'days here. Mr. Mitchell filled
the pulpit in Rev, G, L. Jones piace
Sunday and night. They left yes
terday for North Carolina.
- Mz, E. P. Courson came up
Tuesday from Newberry, Fla. Mr,
{Courson’s health is such that he wil
s{4:\1).:\1;; here for the summer under
the treataient of Dr. J. (. Wrignt,
~Mrs. B. H. Williams, ot Lake
Butler, Fla., came up Sunday nigl.t
bfiu_ging her son Albert for treat- ‘
faeat by Dr. J. C, Wright, The bey
is in a very serious copdition caused,
Dr. Wright says, by ‘smoking ciga
Reports from the different parts
bf the county show that the people
generally, are in hearty accord with
the recommendations of the grand
jury for better schools and good
roads for Charlton County,
Yo' ROR.
Iu fature a supply of Till's fam
bus ice cream can be found at the
Folkston Pharmacy on Friday, Sat.
urday, and Sundays,
- T understand there 1s a rejort be
ing circulated to the fact that 1 have‘
with drawn from the race for Sheriff,
which is not true. lum in the race
to a finish and will be found there
on June 4tb, i
% Respectfully,
W. H, Mizeri,
26th April, 1908.
We call attention to one paragraph
in the recommendations of the last
grand Jury, which the printerin set
ting up the article happened to miss,
and is;
““We recommend that misdemean
or convicts be worked on our public
roads. Also in Mr. L. E.'Mallard’s
report of the county commissioners
where they approvea of the surplus’
arising from the proceeds of the
county court be applied to the public
road softhe county instead of to the
! Colony, as the article showe in our
-‘. . i
For Selieitor-Genetal. |
[ hereby anfidinds wmyself 4 candiddfe for l“
Solicitor-General of the Brifiswick Judicial !
Cireu't, subject to the Defiocratic Primary. |
I selicit the support and influcnce of the vot
ers of the circuit, and if neriindted end elect
ed to said office, I pledge 4 faithful discharge
of the dufies thereof without fear, févor or
Vouts obediently,
£, Lawrox WALKER.
1 beg; {6 sinfiounce § ¢andiddey in the next |
Democratic Primary for norifuation for ihe of
ficé of Solicior<eneral of the Biunswick
Judicial Cifeuit:
On fideoutsif of the illness of the present|
Salicitor-Genietal, T have filled this office for |
him almi6st coninuously for the past three
yeard, and therefore am familiar with its
l I 4dtitit your active support, and promise,
if elettcd, 1o discharge the duties of tht-l
office honestly and to the hest of my ability.
‘ A: D, Gare, §
For Sheriff
At the solicita‘ion of many friends and
with an ambition to fill the office of Sheriff of
this county. I announce myself a candidate
subject to the action of the Democratic Pri
mary in the approaching election. If I am
elected I shall feel that T owe it to a just and
decp thinking people, and 1 promise to give
my whole time and attention to the offi~e and
the people's interest. * T will apprectate your
Very respectfully,
W.H. MizriL.
At the request of my many friends I here
by announce myself a candidate for re-elec
t.on to the office of Sheriff of Charlton coun
ty, subject to the Democratic Primary, and,
carnestly solicit the active support of my
many friends and the general public. If
elected I pledge myself to attend strictly to
the duties of the office.
Thanking th- public for past favors, I am,
‘ Yours respectfully,
Tu My Friends and the Voting Public.
I respectfully announce myself a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Charlton county,
übject to the Democratic Primary and earn
estly solicit the influence and active support
of my friends and the general public.
Pledging, myself to attend striclly to the
duties encombered upon me, should 1 be
elected and 10 p,c:’form\-b:l:\‘j"tc ‘i'gg"’l—ses‘t Bt
my ability, with. deep gratitude for past
favors, Tam, G
‘ H. S. MarrTox. ' |
For Representative,
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
ro-election to the Legislature of Georgia
from Charlton County, subject to the Demc
eratio Primary, and, if elected I pledge my
self the faithful performance of the duties of
the office,
Thanking the public for the past favoss
I garnestly solicit a continugnce of the same.
! Your obedient servant, |
’ A. J. HowArD,
‘To My Many Friends and the Voting Public ‘
of Charlton County.
1 hereby announce wyself a candidate for
the Legislature of Georgia from Charlton
county, subject to the Democratic Primary.
‘lf elected 1 pledge wmyself the faithful * per
formance of the duties of the office.
- Thanking my friends in advance and so
ligiting their suppait in the approaching elec |
tion, lam, ?
} Very respectfully yours, ‘
D. R. Waspin,
For Ordinary,
1 hereby announce my candidacy for the
office of (}rdimry, subject to the coming
democratic primary. and [ earnestly salicit
your kind consideration and support. 1f
{\onorcd by election to this office I shall
thank you all forit. My every wish and de- |
sire wifi be to have the approval of my own
conscience in having done my best and proven
myself worthy of the trust reposed in me.
Respectfully submitted,
J.J. Sroxes,
For Clerk, Superior Gourt,
I respectively announce myself a candidate
for re.election to the office of Clerk Superior
Court of Charlton county, sybject to the
Demaocratic Primary, and earnestly solicit the
influence and active support of my friends
ana the general public; pledging myself to
attend strictly to the duties encumbered upon
me, should 1 be elected, and to perform them
to the best of my ability.
With deep gratitude far all past favors,
! I am, respectfully,
Jusse \\ercxm\'.
‘ For Tax Receiver,
Believing that [ am thoroughly comptent
ta fill the office and as Mr. J. . Allen says
he is not goins ta run this year Ihereby an.
nounce myself a candidate for the of oaice Q
Receiver of Tax Returus at the coming elecf
tion, subject to the Democratic primary and
if elected I guarantee to serve the people,
justly and conscientiously to the best of my
BN Y ¥
The running of a savings account
has a tendency to wean a man from
habits of extravagance and dissipa
tion* It gives him new ambition, and
a desire to save money.
We are always glad to assist those
who are trying to “turn over a new
leaf.” : o
5 per cent compounded quarterly
on saving accouJunts.
6 percenton certificates of deposits
for 6 months or longer.
President, ~° ~* Cashier.
I hereby announce myself a candidate feé
Tax Receiver of Charlton county, subject 5.
the Democratic Frimary. Helected, I-prom
ise 'o discharge the duties fathfally and
to the best of my ability, and will appreciate
the votes and support of the voters ot the
For Tax Collestor ~ . !..
As Mr. J. . Stokes has announced for
the office of (yrdinary T will announce tiy
self for the office of Tax Collector a the
next Democratic Primary and, solicit t}:e
support of my many friends, premising fltp,
perform the duties of said oftice to the best
of my ability. ; av vl
A. G. Gowex Sr.
Folkston, Ga., Feb. 28th, . 1908. i
~ I'hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office.of tax collecttr, subject to the 'p‘
‘proaching Democratic Primary. ‘l_"g'bm‘,%l)e
expenence I have bad in tax assessor office I
feel that 1 can peiformi the niany dufies - da
cumbent upon said office to the . satisfaction
of the public in general. , E
Thanking my friends for past favors “;ind |
soliciting their suppert _in ;he;agfld«' Foactting
eleeHm oo o A s
“aeowo L. Yergvespectfully yours, ® o 7
To the Voters of Charlton Countyze=r: . 00
4 lm;cby,annghmce myself a ’_@qnfli{!g.te"&}'
th: office. of .’" in the gmn‘mg
Democratic Primary, and will-appreciate fl)e_
votes of all my frienas. A 2 SR én; ;
f J. B. Baker,
s ot
For County Ireasurer
I .hereby announce myself a oandidate for
re-election to the office of Treasurer QI_(;f;;?"zflf
ton County. If nominated and elected. 1
promise a faithful performance of the duties
of the office, and as in the past, endeaydr to
take care of. the county funds with a i)i‘ew:"tp
their safety. Thanking the public for the
past favors I am bt i
Very reSpecgfu_l__lé'z =1
1. 8. Grouws. |
For County Gommissione,r_j‘!:: :
I hereby announce myself a candidatz; for
County Commissioner, subject to the, agtion
aof the Denocratic Primary, ‘and promise,, if
elected, to fill the office to the best of my
ahility. I earnestly solicit the s“‘!}?@s@&[
friends generally. ; ; :
Yours traly,
J. E, RoninsoN.
At the solicitation of many friends and with
a personal desire to see some of the main
issues of the recommendations of the Grand
Jury putinto effect I announce mysglf a can
didate for County Commissioner, sn})i&) _gtn
the Democratic Primary Juve 4th, 1908,
Soliciting your vote and pramising to dis
charge the duties of the office to the best of
my ability in the upbuilding of Ehdilion
county, T am, > S
; . Verytruly,
C: €, THouhs.
it 3 YOS
By the request of many friends 1 hereby
announce myself a candidate -for ',.Cimpty‘
Commissioner, subject to the Demoeratic
Primary, and if elected I promise t ,- p&fom
the dutiesof the office to the best ._?{fl, my.
ability, : ;
I carnestly solicit the support of my friends
iand the voters of Charlten county. - e
| ’ Jow. I)Ai ms&o
A Twenty Year sentence,
“I have just copleted a twenty
year sentence, imposed by Buckien’s
Arnica Salve, which cured we of
bleeding piles just twenty yearsago,”
writes O. S. Woolever, of leßays
viile, N. Y. Bucklen’s Arnica ‘Salve
heals the worst sores, hoils, burns,
wounds and cuts in the shortest
time, 25¢ at all droggists,
Death was on His leels,
Jesse P. Morris of Skippers, Va..
had a close call in the spring of
1906, He says: “Aa attack of pne
umonia left me so weak and with
such a fearful cough that my friends
declared consumption had me, and
death was on my heels. Then I was
persuaded to try Dr. King’s New
| Discovery, It helped me immedi
ately, and after taking two and a
half bottles [ was a well man again.
I found out that New Discovery is
[the best remedy for coughs and
lung disease in all the world.”} Seld
under guarantee at all dfuggists soc
and $1 00. Trial bottle free.
- Grorala CHARLTON CouNTy.
{ To whom it may concern-
Miles Johns, having made application to
me in due form to be appointed permanent
‘administrator upon the estate of W R. Johns
late, of said county, notice is hereby given
\th;‘sgi'\l_,q-pplicgtion will be heard at the reg
b term 6f the court of . ordinary. fox seid
donaty-to be held-on the first Mopdsy in May'
2003: Witness my hand.and official signa
tar2. - This 6th day of Apnl, 1903, &
i e B. G McDonald,
% x . Oudigary.
U ——t——————
Ge{)rgié, Chaylton County. 2 |
Ta whom it'may concern. |
J. A. Moors and . H. Diuce. having
made application tome in due form to bc}
:'ap'pointed permanent administrator on the es- i
ate of George W, Moore k te, of said county
notice is hereby given that said - application |
will be heard at the regnlar term of the count 1
of ordinary for said county, to be held on the |
first Mcnday in may, 1908. Witness my{.
official siguature, This Gth day of April,
3 o B. G, McDonald, 1
. . Ovdipary.
e T
. He Got Whut He Needed. -
¢Nme years ago itlooked as if
my time had come, ‘says Mr. C.
Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter.
““I was g 0 run down that life hung
on a very slender thread. It was
then my druggist recommended
Electric Bitters, I bought a hottle
and I got what I needed—strength,
I had one foot in the grave, Dut
Electric Bitters put it back on the
turf again, and I've been well ever
since.” Sold under gurantee at all
druggist Hoc.
. :“a“:"’:“:“:“:“’“'“. o
"i. We l Toofeetoetselesgredoolsedeetoetoelost
‘.. & *
::: ‘ ave D : 90g0eS0e0ed0el00dmnadsedoe 0o dOO 000
.':’ th Wy, aeC lde d 7% TreloeloelreleelosToo]
3 Cl* 01l R s tO ()ff &
% oW er %
o 0 n e 3
‘3’ rIC 0:0
% ash es to
& $1.50 Rockin Bu : 3
$ i Nooking owirs oo yers.
o:: SI.OO CT‘:; of B€d;€es for .§
& S bler! ads at ‘
3 0 Try S s Qutfit equall SI.OO .t
.3. We hav SHREYS wa S Y. 208, BPeNas, eBS 0€
& for bar pace to qu r bargain $75 o
3 rgains it C‘ ote pri sto off X
oo supplies it will pa prices. Ho er cash b 8 8
b . y you to see us bes if you al?éef;so‘?ut <
o A ore - in
> Yours buying YOUT %
s MIZ for good S 5
'“Q“:“:“.“.“Q 0.0 ELL erVi C e
oegoegoepigosgetoatoee oo and PA b
¢ "0“.“:"‘:“:“:.““’ i XT()N . §
s N
Clothing, Hats and Furuishings
Best Values =- Moderate Pricas.
Upon request we will mail you a copy of otir
Spring and Summer Catalogue giving full
description and prices.
Goods on Approval.
Uponrequest w 2 will 'send Goods by
Express C. O. D. subject to examination.
B. H. Levy Bro. & Co.,
' Savannan, ©a.
Send the Cash
With Order.
£B§ aa Harmesyille Buggies for
$65:00 : B,
$75.00 Nogth Carolina Buoguies
for $57: 50 h
%65.05 Lynchburg Daggies for
SSO oo '
$40.00 One Horse Wagens for
£30.c0 :
$62 00 Two Horse Wagons for
S3O 0o
$55.00 Two Horse Wagons for
American Wire Fencing 1346 for
33 per rod
24 inch Well Curbing Pipe for
SI.OO per fout.
We have a large stock of Harness.
We are selling our entire stoek at
actual cost, except Wire' Feucing
antt Sewer Pipe, which we are sell
ing at a small profit,
) A JonesßuggyCo
Waycress, Ga,