Newspaper Page Text
For President Roosevelt’s Hunt.
3 ing Trihpg> ‘Afripa. .
President Will ;:—l‘:c;)mpanicd Only
By His Son, Kermit, and Two
- Washingten, D, C.—While President
_Roocsevelt's plans for his African hunt
ing trip have noct been entirely com
pleted, some general idea of his expe
dition was gained from Bishop Joseph
€. Hartegell, for twelve years in charge
of the Methodist church in Africa,
who spent some time with the presi
dent and talked over the hunting trip,
in addition to discussing the work of
the missionaries in that country,
« The general route to be w®: by
the president when he reaches Africa
is from Alexandria by steam through
the Suez canal, across the Red sea
and down the east coast of Africa to
the port of Mombasa, the capital of
British East Africa. At Mombasa, the
outfit gs the expedition, which has
.been purchased in Lendon, will be
assembled and shipped by rail to Lake
Victoria Nyanza. The president and
his party will make to the trip to Lake
Victoria Nyanza by rail, stopping oit
at various points along the rcate to
make hunting excursions into the in
terio, away from the railway. The
country traversed by the railway is ot
the wildest sort, and all kinds of big
game can be found along the line.
The real work of the ocxpedition
will not begin, however, until the
party reaches the plateau of Nganda,
after crossing Lake Vicioria Nyanza,
where abounds game to be found ho
where else in the world. If is not
known exactly how long the president
will remain in this region.
The president’s party is to consist
of his son, Kermit, who is to be the
official photographer of the expedi
tion, and two naturalists from the na
tional museum, No other persons will
be taken from this country, When he
reaches Africa he will employ the ser
vices of natives and guides. A cara
van will be organized for the trip
from the railway terminus in Uganda
to the Nile. The naturalists will pre
pare such specimens as it is thought
the national museum will want.
Whether Mrs. Roosevelt wili meet the
party at Khartoum will not be defi
nitely decided until the trip is be
gun, -
During the entire trip the president
will be on English territory, and the
‘English officials along the route will
do everything in their power to as
‘sist the party.
- 'New COrder of Comptroller That Means
. Much to National Banks.
" Washington, D. C. — -To enforce
- much greater responsibility upon di
- _rectors of national banks and to make
~them pay more attention to their in
~ stitutions, ;(mptmég‘:fit;the Curren
¢y Murray has issued an order -to na
ounl Hak ‘Sxaininers diroeting hom
~ that upon. entering @ bank to make
~an examination, to immediately con
- vene the directorate and require an
. swers to a formal list of twenty-five
searching questions. These inquiries
are to be put by examiners to each
dircctor and are designed to bring
out clearly the relation of the direc
tors to the executive conduct of the
bank, -the extent of their knowledge
of the bank’s paper, the latitude con
ceded by -them to bank officers in
overstepping the national banking law
-~ provisions,. and their supervision of
the bank details. This is sald to be
the first-complete official .inquiry into
the relationship beftween banks and
As Result of the Murder of Captain
~_Quentin Rankin,
Reelfoot Lake, Tenn.—Forty-four
more prisoners, including two women,
were brought in Sunday as a result
of the murder at Walnut Leg of Cap
tain Quentin Rankin by masked night
riders.” In addition, seven others, in
cluding one woman, were arrested by
the troops, but paroled.
Among those arrested are William
Pratt, hotel keeper at Samburg and
well known; J. D. F. Carpenter, Union
¢ CCity attorney, whom Colonel Taylor
- charges wrote the letters to Taylor
end Rankin, which were instrumental
in carrying them on the fatal trip
to Walnut Log: William Brewer, a
60-year-old farmer, his wife and son.
No charges against any of the arx
rested ones have been made publio:
Aside from the arrests the d?;)%ss;i
ed quietly with the troops in the*dis#
turbed region, J
Sergeant Seth T, Weld Gets Medal
and Lieutenancy.
Camp Atascadtro, Cal.—For gallant
conduct in an engagement in the Phil
ippines Sergeant Seth T. Weld of the |
~eighth infantry, U. S.. A, has twice |
_-heen signally honored within a weelc.
- Afew days ago he was presented with |
¥ congresgional medal of honor for
bravery and now he has received word |
from Waszhington that the president
has appointed him a second lieutmr;
ant of the Philippine scouts, Lieut,en-|
ant Weld, while seriously wounded in
both arms, rescued two wounded com- |
rades from a band of Pulajanes on
the island of Leyte several years ago. |
Crew and Passengers Detained as
St, Vincent, B. W. I.—Word has
been received here of the seizure sev
eral weeks ago by \\e Venezuelan
authorities of a British (rading \'f'ssi:l.
at Margarita, an island in the Carib
bean sea, belonging to Venezuela, and
the imprisocnment of the crew.
~ The schconer was carried far out
" 6f her course, and, while drifting off
Margarita, was seized by Venezuelan
officers. ¥
Millions of grasshoppers have In
vaded portions of Etowah county,
Alabama, literally covering the
ground, Some fear is expressed that
the grasshoppers have migrated from
the west and will be felt in the agri
cult‘ural sections of the country in the
That President Diaz has determined
not (o be a candidate to succeed him
self as president of Mexico at the
coming election in 1910 was stated in
an article published by El Rio Del
Hegar, a leading newspaper of Mex
ico City,
An edict was issued by the Chinese
throne which sets forth that the gov
ernment has abandomred its monopoly
of the opium-seiling business, The
license system is substituted.
More than 114,000 people who had
registered for the drawing of farms
of the rich Recsebud Indian reserva
tion found that Miss May A, Melzer,
a Kennsebhec, 8. D., gchool teacher, was
to have first cheice as a result of the
drawing of names, s
Mexico's coffee crop this year will
be nearly three times as large as that
of last-year, which was 32,000,000
pounds, :
The Argentine government propos
es to promote the development of na
tional territories by the consiruction
of railways and the formation of
tewns along {heir lines,
Reports from Mississippi indicate a
rapid increase in the demand for ex
port lumber at an advance of $4 to $5
per thousand cver prices of a month
ago. Interior demand is also large,
at higher prices,
“Black Hand” lefters threatening
to blow up the Moody church in Chi
cago were received by the Rev. A, C.
Dixon, acting pastor of the church.
The lefters demanded that SI,OOO be
left in a cigar box on the porch of
the church, At the hour set detee
tives watched for the appearaunce of
suspicicus persons, but none appear
The wheat crop of Kansas has been
estimated at 70,000,000 bushels, val
ued at $63,000,000, and the corn crop
140,060,000 bughels, valued at $70,000,-
000. The board of agriculture of the
state has placed the total value of the
farm products at $50,000,000 more
than that of 1907, which value is duc
not to increased amounts, but 20 per
cent higher prices. :
Gus Rogers, the actor, one of the
famous Rogers brothers, died in New
York of appendicitis, Rogers had an
attack' of appendicitis in Chicago 1n
1902, but he deferred the operation,
He was taken sick in Utica, N. Y., 3
weeks ago.
Tire destroyed the trunk factory
of Louis Goldsmith & Son in New
York City. Loss §5500,000. Fire Chief
Astley and a battalion chief fell into
the canaFto escape a falling wall,
The United States is one of the
bhest patrons of the British pottery
industry and it is estimated that forty
per cenf of the exports of unmanufac
tured clay come to this country. The
estimate furnished the department of
{commerce and labor shows that the
|output.of the British pottery is about
1830,000,000 annually, while the total
{exports of manufactured pottery each
year approximates $12,000,000. - g
It is the intention og Comptroller
of the Currency Murray to increase
the number of bank examinations dur
ing the year, especially in the cases
of those natiomal banks which have
| been guilty in the past of an infringe
|ment of the national banking laws.
| The comptroller states that there are
a number of banks which view some
{of the less important provisions of the
|law cos small consequence.
| The total trade between Servia and
| this country grew from $36,582 in 1906
|to $59,472 in 1907. Our exports are
only nominal,.amounting to $1,873 in
1906 and $175 in 1907. The imperts
last year consisted of $37,218 worth
of goat and other skins and $22,079
worth of other articies,
In the supreme court of the Unitted
| States Attorney General DBonaparte
made a motion for the advancement
on the docket of the anthreite' coal
cases involving the constitutional val
idity of the “commodities” clpuse of
the Hepburn rate law, The chief jus
tice stated that it would be necessary
to take the request under advizement:
There was an echo of the Browns
ville “shooting-wp” incident in the
supreme court of the United States
'when a motion to advance the case
of Oscar W. Reid, on-the docket, was
filed in Reid's~h&half. Reid belonged
to the Twenty-fifth infantry and the
prqsiggflf‘:\fdismisaed him without hon
or-on‘the charge of being implicated
in the Brownsville riot of August 13,
1906. The suit is to compel payment
of Reid’'s salary up to the expiration
of his enlistment,
The oil production of the United
States in 1907, say geological survey
'reports just issued, was characterized
[hy a total output far in excess of any
' previous year, and an unparalleied ac
'Cumulution of stocks, in spite of
| which the price of all grades of cil
|was kept at a high level, The sensa
ltiunal developments were the great
increase in the new Illinois fields, the
| phenomenal yield in Oklahoma, to
rgether with increase in both quantity
‘and price in California,
f Orders were issued from the white
‘house to heads of all government de
-Ipartmems directing that clerks and
Imhex' employés who - wish to go to
their home states to vote shall be
paid off Octobher 29 their salaries up
to and including the previous day, ‘
| Officers of the federal immigration
’:servlce who have been investigating
' records have made the interesting dis
| covery that vast property holdings of
!Presidnm (Cabrera of Guatemala, have
| been given the cloak of American pro
[tection through Cabrera’s son, who
{was first naturalized 'in that city,
! where he resides, and to whom there
has been transferred, it is said, a good
|share of the plantations and estates
lihat make up the Cabrera fortune.
Diego Estrada Cabrera was natural
lized at San Francisco in 1907, hav
iing resided there for some years,
Close of Campaign Will Mark
. .
End of Business Repression.
2 mY
Banks of the Country Are in Fine Shape
end Stock Market Advances---Com
parison With Panic Prices..
New York City.—~There was a de
cide propensity in the speculation last
week to locok toward tke close of the
political campaign, which is expect
ed to release the financial and busi
ness world from repression. Much of
the activity in the stock market was
based on the assumption of the good
results to follow, The movement in
volved nct only notable advances in
prices caused by speculative buying.
but considerable subsequent reaction
due to realizing of profits, thus cover
ing the full cycle of a speculative
movement in advance of the event.
The extent to which the expected im
provement in business has been antici
pated in the stock market movement,
in fact, awakens some sentiment of the seasoned speculative el
ement over the possible large follow
ing which will be met in the move
ment to take profits when election
uncertainties are once out of the
The week was one of anniversaries
of the incidents of last year's panic,
and this was made the occasion of
reminiscences and comparisons, In
the matter of price quotations of
etocks the approach during the pres
ent movement to the high levels of
last year’'s prices proves a surprige
to the inconsiderate, The advance in
price from the panic level shown by
the quotations current last week
shows some large figures. Union Pa-:
cific, for instance, sold more than 70
points higher than in the panic; Read
ing 63, St. Paul and National Lead 50,
Southern Pacific 45, Northern Pacific
43, Amalgamated Copper 38, ete,
The comptroller’s abstract of condi
tion of the national banks as of Sep
tember 23, gave an exhibit of the vast
restoration which has occurred in the
banking situation and in credit re
sources, Individual reposits, locans and
cash reserves all show heavy increas
es over the figures of August 22 last
vear, which was the last abstract pub
lished before the panic. The enor
mous expansion in the items due (o
and from national and state banks
and depositories also shows the com
plete restoration of the returns be
tween banks which were most violent
ly disturbed by the financial crisis
and were long in being resumed,
The more immediate evenls of the
week were of small importance or in
fluence on the securities market, A
revived demand for copper was re
garded as important., Placing or some
orders for rails and equipment by the
railroad companies was of favorabls
augury for the iron and steel trade,
and mercantile lines rececived some
stimulus from the cooler weather,
Brighton Beach Race Track to ;Ba!
Turned Into Town,
~ New York City—When a suburban
town arises on the site of the famous
Brighton Beach race track, a church'
will occupy the corner which for
many years was the location of mu
tual ‘pools. The eompany which pur
chased the track and is cutting it into
building lots anncunces that they will
build a church and give it away.
Paient Models to Be Preserved,
Washington, D. C—Commissioner
Edward B. Moore of the patent office
denies that there has bsen an inten
{(ion on the part of the sécretary of
lthe interior, or anyone else to destroy
'the medels of patents accumulated b
the models of patents accumulated by
‘the government up to 1880, when me
'chanical drawings were submitted for
‘models in the filing of claims by in
|ventom. Widespread publicity has
‘been given to statements that this
collection of 157,600 models would be
idestr()yed or scattered and many-* -
|lo3ts against such action have 5
received here, g
| . Littf¥Girl Burglars.
| Beverly, Mass.—Two little girls, sis
‘ters, one of them 12 years old and
"the other 6, are accused by the police
of a long series of robberies here,
‘runing over a period of three months.
‘A search of a playhause and a doll's
trunk at the girls’ home resulted in
‘the finding of jewelry valued at thou
sands of dollars. The children were
allowed to make pocket money by
gelling soap on commission and thig
chance to visit various houses in the
town, the police say, was improved
to make way with large quantities of
jewelry, : :
Senator Tillman Home. l
New York City.—United States Sen- |
ator Benjamin R, Tillman of South!
Carolina accompanied by Mrs, Tm-‘
man, returned cn the steamer Kroon- |
land from & summer abroad in recup-f
eration, The senator said he wouldg
take no part in the political campaign |
now closing,
Sealed Mouth of Fupil,
Kansas City, Mo~A warrant has
been issued for the arrest of Miss
Edith Wirt, a school teacher in Kan
sas City, Kan., because she pasted a?
strip of courtplaster across the lips!
of Harvey Gallaway, a 9-lear-old pu-|
pil who talked too much in school.!
Fleet’s Visit Cements Ties,
Tokio, Japan—The Japanese press
voices the general sentiment of the
public that the meeting between Ad.
miral Sperry and the mikado was
epochal in its importance and mark
ed a cementing of the ties of friend
ship that will last for years,
Admiral Togo received the Ameri-!
can officers in a brilliant futiction, |
Nearly two thougand attended follow=i
ed by a grand ball, which was thel’
greatest social event in Japan in}
Awarded to Forty-Eight Heroes and
Heroines---Southerner is Honored.
. Pittsburg, Pa.—The Carnegie hero
fund commission handed down forty
cight. parhes of heroes and heroines
from Maine to Washington, and
reaching far into the south. William
N. Williams of Alpharetta, Ga, for
heroism, has been voted a bronzg med
al and SI,OOO to pay oif his in?ebled
ness for his bravery in saving the life
of Lilliam M, Trammell, March 25,
1908, 'The Trammell child was but
two years of age, and had been caught
in a house afie, with its grandmother,
who lost her life at the time. The fire
was in a hut which was covered with
a tar roof, and which burned flercely.
Williams saw the hut on fire and ran
300 yards (o It. He did not know that
there was apy human being in the
hut, but broke some windows to try
and geot into the house to save some
furniture, He was driven back by
the smoke, but hearing the cry of a
baby, rushed through the flame and
smoke and finally came forth with the
little child,
~ He was horribly burned. The fact
that he wore a cotton shirt over a
woelen undershirt and a heavy slouch
hat at the time, is thought to have
saved his life, as the burning tar was
slow to take hold of this, The re
mains of tht grandmother were found
in the ruins next day,
Each of the forty-eight persons was
awarded a medal, bronze, silver or
gold, and a number of them were
also awarded cash for educstional or
other purposes.
The cash awards amounted to about
$40,000, of which $25,700 is given out
right, the remainder being in monthly
benefits to widows and children or
other dependents,
Triumphal Reappearance and Ascen.
sion With 10 Passengers Aboard.
IFreidrienshafen, Germany, — The
reconstructed Zeppelin dirigible air
ship No. 1 made a triumphal reappear
ance and ascension with ten passen
gers. The trip in the air lasted for
three and a half hours without a
hitch, The balloon made an_ average
speed of 29.1 miles an hour at a mean
altitude of 800 feet. Driven alternate
ly by a single motor and then with
both metors, the craft made easy prog
Ascending from the waters of Lake
Constance almost horizontally for 500
feet, the craft started on a short voy
age overland against a fresh north
east breeze. [t swept over the palace,
from the grounds.of which the king
of Wurtemburg greeted it, Mean
while Queen Charlotte, aboard the
royal yacht, followed its maneuvers.
The air vesgel seemed constantly
to increase its speed, sometimes far
surpassing the records of the one de
stroyed at Eciterdingen, While at a
height of 11,000 feet the craft perform.
ed mogt wonderful maneuvers. At an
angle ‘of 35 degrees it turned to the
right and to the left and spun com:
pletely around; then, all the time
steering with: the wings opening and
cloging like window shutters, it rais
ed at the bow and stern at will,
VT Bepaate Lines for the Town and
State Addresses,
Washington, D. C.—A problem in
mail ethics, whether the name of the
city and that of the state should he
‘written on the same line in address
ing envelopes has figured congider
ably in correspondence with the post
office department, and the fact has
been brought out that persons who
address envelopes with typewriters
prefer- the single line, while the great
majority using the pen place the
‘name on separate lines,
For some time past the division of
dead letters has been sending out a
card showing a model form of ad
dress, the name of the city and state
appearing on the same line,
In the discussion brought about by
the adoption.of this form of address,
the weight of opinion favored a
ichange to the two-line plan, It also
wea stated that placing the name of
the’ city and state i separate lines
‘facilitated” the work of the postal
iclerks in distributing letters.
Accordingly in the new address
'cards, which shortly will be printed,
'the name of the postofiice and that of
the state will be on separate lines,
Details of a third huge graft of Cu- |
ban public moneys within the last
two months is coming to light in an |
investigation of affairs of Miguel de la j
Torre, treasurer of the fiscal zone of |
Havana. He is charged with rifling |
t?e‘ safe of the treasury departmemflf
of nearly $200,000., He is under ar- |
rest, but refuses to state what be- |
came of the money., g
With the water in the Mississippi |
river only eighteen iiches above its |
;lo’vblt record for thirty years, salt |
water fish are being caught daily off
the New Orleans dock, about one hun- |
dred miles above the mouth of the |
river, . The color of the river water |
has turned from a muddy brown to a |
slight greee. hue to the salt water of 1
the gulf, forced up stream by the tide, !
Navigation is not interferred with by |
the low water. i
Two students from the modicnl!
gchool connected with the University |
of Peunnsylvania spent their summer |
collectiag rattle and copperhead |
snakes in Arizona. They caught o |
good many and secured $1,500 worth |
of venom, which they are going to
ship to Paris for sale, j
~ The supreme court of the United
States practically indicated its dis
approval of the efforts to bring that !
court into politics at this time by de- |
nying the motion to advance the |
hearing in the case of the Noble
State bank of Oklahoma against Govy- |
ernor Haskell and others, involving |
the constitutionality of the Oklalioma |
bank "deposit guaranty law, A gpec. |
jal plea was made for the advance. |
ment of the case because of the
prominence in the campaizn of the |
question of the guarantee in bank de. |
poeits, but the court declined to act |
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