Newspaper Page Text
L?o//ésfon (70/,45 and LZ’ie/za/s
Our Reporter Tells the News as its Told to Her.
Violets blooming.
The Ed Wainwright family has mov
ed to Kingsland. ,
Littie Bettie Tyson hss been a flu suf
ferer this week.
Little Billy Wrench, after a pneum »
nin threat, is out again. 1
Messrs, Raulerson and Cannady were
here from St, Ceorge yesterday. |
MadTßon Gibson was a business visi
tor here from waycross, Tuesday.
Miss Marion Pearce lent a hand as
Stapleton Pharmacy the past week.
Harry Lee Mill spent Tuesday with
his brother Seaborn in Jacksouville.
Mr V. A, Quarterman and daughter
Malvira, were in wWayeross, wednesday
Spring must be rapping on the aren:
entrance from looks of swelling buds,
Leslie Normgn, Chrysler agent i
Waycross, was in Folkston, Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs." A, Powers, of Waycross
was down Sunday, guest of the H. G
Gibson family.,
Misses Ena and Anna Gibson spen
seve-al days this week in Waycross vis
itin s friends and relatjves.
Messrs, James Wrench and Richar
Stroupe were “‘business’ visitors t
Jacksonville Lee's birthday.
Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Mills were vic
itors to waycross, Monday. Little Be(~
tie Mills accompanied them., !
Mr, L. P, Elliott, a former St. Georg:
eitizen, now ‘residing in Jacksonville,
was a visitor here this week.
Mrs. P. Walker and the children o'
Waycross, were guests of her parcuts
the C. M. Wright's, the past week,
Miss Courson, who has been the al
tendant nurse of Miss Rnby Davis, lef:
for her home in waycross, Monday. with
the flu,
Berry Alridge has leased the A. J.
Howard farm near Traders Hill, and i
now farming it, He moved on it sev
eral weeks ago. \
Special music was rendered last Sun
day by aquartette composed of Mes
dames deWey and Nease, M. deway
and J. Van Essen.
Arnold Scott has had his spring clean
ing squad st work the past week witl
a decidod noticable effect. A good les
son for other to learn.
Mr. (i, H. Stokes and Barber Kite, of
Callahar were Sunday visitors to Folks
ston, Mr. Stokes says business is pick
ing up on the Highway,
Because Pastor Poindexter was stil)
sulfering from flu, there was no ser
vices Sunday at the Baptist church.
He is oo the road to recovery now.
Miss Ruby Davis was out this week
after quite a seige with an appendicitis
operation and the flu, delighting many
iriend by being on the road to recov
Mr. J. B. Baker is doing some ma
sonery work in Kingsland, but came
over Salurday to see the Moving ple
ture show, and the home folks. He re
turned Monday.
Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Vickery hid
the pleasure of taking a wild turkey
dinner with Mr. and Mrg. Edgar Allen,
Sunday. And Jessie said it was the
best turkey he e\-er'uh.
The flu has struck the Board of Edu
cation, got member J. V. Gowen dewn
rather has had the past week, He hos
been baving a time getting over with
il, still being confined to his bed,
Col. Woods and J. C. Allen made a
trip to Kingsland Jast Wednesday. Con -
1 back they had quite an experience,
running off the fill at Vickery's bran 1
turning the cor upside down in water.
Both escaping with a wetting, .
Mr. J, & Tyson, Br., is up and cut
having teken his sor, John 8. Jr, place,
A title the latter weut on the list, witn
B tlu, The lust laugh is best, so think
Senior Tyson, and the joke is on Jokn
S, Jdr., who said that smart people ¢id
not have the flu.
Eli Chesser says the flu got his
family down all at one time, so like
wise they nre all up now. Says he has
so make some money so is tackling
in parteuthip with Grady Gibson ten
seres of tobacco, Plants are up and a
dand; stand graces their beds.
All lines it seems must be repre
stiucd as amonyg those that suffer from
the flu, s 0 tne Gitizens Bank, in the
person of Mr. Wm. Mizell, Jr., has con=
Liibuled to its continuance the past
week. He went to bed on the 18t
He is up again we are glad (o roport,
Ben and Mrs. Scott were up from
Jacksonville yesterday and took grand
father Newt. Roddenberry back with
them fora stay in the city.
Services were fairly attended at the
Methodist church last Sunday, anu the
Sunday school were about 60 per cent
strong, which we hope will soon re
t irn (o normally
The whistle on the Southern Passen
ger train last Thursday night got stuck
wnd tooted for übout an hour before
‘means to stop it prevailed. The train
was side tracked here.
The Herald appreciates the pice run
of job printing given us the past mouth
ind hope for more of it. Needing any
thing in the printing line in a rush, we
san accommodate you.
Mre. Henry Gibson and the family
spent Friday in Waj cross, the guest:
»f Mre. A. Powers. Little Alber: an
darrold returned with them for a few
lays stay with his grand parents.
Messrs. T. H. Willey and B. W. Ken
rison, celebrated being up from flue,
yesterday, by a trip to Folkston. Saic
hoth families had had it, and And)
Pritchard was lai | up with it now.
Mr. C. W. Waughiel was here sever
-1 days this from ms Orlando home, re
turning yesterday. He is now market
iug his orange crop. Says he hopes t
bed outa car load of sweet potatoes il
the seed are forthcoming.
Big John Roddenberry is off of hi:
job for a rest up, and is at his farm
helping with preliminary farm work.
Says he has the best farmer this yewn
he ever had, now ready to plant 20
acres in cora. John believe in planting
The mo‘vmg pictures shows the past
week, has beep giving us |some
thing to take our minds off of the flu.
The place is comfortable and not filled
‘nough to make it disagreeable frem
crowding. It will run on for several
nights yet.
Safety, silence and
simplicity are features
of the new Ford
six-brake system
’W “L.
: nlw | e
| Bk TN S R
=\ S r.\\%f
"~)x' :—-l'/- ‘f‘ '_
ONE of the first things you
will notice when you drive
the new Ford is the quick,
effective, silent action of its
six-brake system.
This system gives you the
highest degree of safety and
reliability because the four
wheel service brakes and the
separate emergency or park
ing brakes are all of the
mechanical, internal ex
panding type, with braking
surfaces fully enclosed for
protection against mud,
water, sand, ete.
The many advantages of
this type of braking system
have {on; been recognized.
They are brought to you in
the new Fons through a
series of mechanical im
provements embodying
much that is new in design
and manafacture. A particu
larly unique feature is the
simple way by which a spe
cial drum has been con
structed to permit the use of
two sets of internal brakes
on the rear wheels.
hA further M
braking ormance
effected by the self<center
ing feature of they four
wheel brakes —an
exclusive Ford de
velopment. Through
fiDr. W. J. Thompson and Jack are |
both on the job this week after aflul
a'tack and are regaining their normal
health and sunny smiles, 1
Uptonville has a new citizen who ar
rived the 19th. e took up his abode
with Jesse "Hilton as a star boarder.
Mrs Hilton is doing nicely. ;
Julian Crews is working «averiime
now as he has ancother boarder at his
Homeland home. Its a boy and reg's
tered Jan. 22, Mrs, Crews is getting
along fine. :
The Dean & Gowen grocery gnarters
have been shifted, with entrance on
second street. Woodrow Pickren and
J. W, Vickery, jr,, have been lending a
rand this week in getting things in run
ning order. !
Messrs. E. B. Stapleton, L. E. Mallard
and W. (). Gibson, and Paarce and Jun
ior Stapleton. gave Douglas the once
over Tuesday Prof. Loy Vinson came
hack with them on his way to St. George
‘where school starts Monday.
Miss -Bernice Pearce has returned
from a several days visit to frieands in
Waycross much to their great delight
of her friends. with Miss Bernice out
i the druz store there seemed to ve
a transformation of good spirits mis
- Chics Barnes had helpers out the past
‘ week assisting merchants get the block
east of the railroad clean as 2 whistle,
‘hauling the rcfuse to holes in the :ide
streets. Really we hardly think there
would be any objestion if this cleaning
process became contagious. . {
Postmaster Thrift was down from
Winokur, Momday. Said they only had
one casd of flu, mrs. Lewis Wasdin,
and she was on the road to recovery.
Their end of the epedemic was mostly
along Christmas time. School is in
progress there now with geod atten
~dance. =
Herbert Battie, a colored youth
while driving the J. W. Roger's
turpentine truck, ran in to 4 brick pil
lur at the James Grocery Co., corner
Friday and knocked it down, almosj
knocking the awning off. A hasty prop
holds up until the work is replaced.
It seems a projection on the truck ex.
tended further than he thought.
this construction, the entire
surface of the shoe is
brought in steady, uniform
contact with the drum the
instant you press your foot
on the brake pedal. This
prevents screeching and
howling and makes the Ford
brakes upusually silent in
Another feature of the
Ford brakes is the ease of
The fourwheel brakes
are adjusted by turning a
screw conveniently located
on the outside of each brake
plate. This screw is so
notched that all four brakes
can be set alike simply by
listening to the “clicks,”
The emergency or parks
ing brakes on the new Ford
require little attention, How.
ever, should they need ade
Justment at u:ly time, cone
sult your Ford dealer for
prompt, courteous, and eco
nomical service, He works
under close factory super
vision and he has been spe.
cially trained and equipped
;myon get the greatest
use from your car
over tho; longest period
of time ot a mini
mum of trouble and
l @
Waucel Vickery Sundayed here.
Mrs. Ed Moore is confined to her bed
with the Ilu.
~ Hey chiliren get your books ready
for school Monddy.
: Mr. Joe Moore has recovered from
the flu aud is ovt tohis friends delight.
f Mrs. D. W, Lane, Misses Helen Mizei
"and Marion Pearce were visitorsdo Jack
sonville, Tuesday.
Mr. Fred McClain is Jimping arsund
on one foot, having punctured the oth
er by sieppingon a anail.
Edgar Allen and Theodore Dirkens
y were Woodbine vigitor yesterday and
_reported ravel good on the Coastal.
‘ Mrs. John S. Tyson, after taking care
' of the {hree patients has succumbed to
flu and is getting on pretty fair now.
| Mrs. C. M. Wright had as her guests
the last week end Mrs. S. A White, her
mother of Jacksonville: Mr: and Mrs. H.
T., Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Raulerson, Mrs. Maurice Baker, Mr.
and Mrs.'U. E. Baker, little Miss Baker,
of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. C. P
Baker, of St. Petersburg.
" Rev. G. H. Jacobs has been doing a
worth while work in our town. Heis
getting some of the palms from the
woods and planting them out in those
.f our citizens that appreciates improv
ing their yard. Dr. Fleming, O. F.
Wilson, Joe P. Mizell, C. E. Stroup,
and seversl others are ameng #hose
having them planted. ;
i wmr. A. B. Hursey our county agent
! left Saturday for his home, from there
he goes to Athens io attend the aunual
_meeting of the farm ageuts. He has
some good reports to make despite the
bad luck of last year, and like an op
{tomist ought to do, says it is a long
lane that has no turn init. and itis time
for good luck to come to us.
Orlanda Roberts returned Friday
from Atlanta ftom the Automobile
Show. The Whippet organization held
an interesting meeting at the Biltmore
liptel. where a splendid banquet was
had. ‘Orland> says the repast was
great, but the speaking was finer. He
nad as his guest on the road Mr. L. E.
Mallard, Cheif Barnes and Otis Nobles,
Who all enjoyed the trip.
While returning from a call to J. v,
Gowen's last Thursday, Dr. Fleming
had a bug to fly ageinst his neck, and
in ibrushing it away with one hand,
thed car shruck a rough place bonnd
ing the car over the side of the curb,
placing it ir a position where it almost
;turned over. Mr. Wm. Mizell, Sr., was
.with him. They managed to stail the
car so it would not go over, got out had
the wrecker come and pull the car
back w 0 safety, No damage was done—
just a little seare, and Docior says that
next time he will let Mr, Bug siay until
he can stop the car and put him off,
The commission of Dr. W, E,
Banks, delayed by the illiness of
(Gov, Hardman, came late last week
and he has been duly swors: in and
and he is now Judve Banks. Judge
Ranks will crganize his force and
he is ready to function henceforth,
He expects to have his office in
the new court house and to do
business in a prompt and efficient
manner, Hereistothe new jus
tice of the peac: may he do hcnor
to himself as one of the best jud
ges us Char'ton.
The Picture Show.
Paxton’s Theatre.
Admission 35 and 15 cents
Eight O'Clock
Comedy Every Ni_kht
FRIDAY, JAN, 25th,
Feature "Whom shall I Marey '’
“Feature "The Lost Baltalion,”
Tue world’s most Astounding
yetnre, Huvdreds of Real Live
deroes, on the Sereen, plenty of
A special picture, one as yet has
not piayed in Jacksonville And
because of the high rentat on this
shhw, We are compelled to raise
the price.
Admission $0 25 and $0 50
Monday Jan. 28th.
Featuce Heartless Husband, |
A Society=Drama This one
will please the ladies.
Tuesday Jan-20th
Feature “Pals in Blue.”
Star Tom Mix—A Westen,
Genuine American Wire Fence.
If you do not find American Fence
~in your local market.
Come to See Us or Write for Prices.
Harley-Vann Hardware 'Company
410 Elizabeth Street ~ WAYCROSS, GA.
Spring Tonic Time
Or the rcod to Wellville after an attack
of flu isa good time to tone up the system
with a good tonic. Care and attesition
after an illness is a permanent health requi
site which should be observed to keep well.
L-t us fill your Prescriptions. ' -
Folkston Pharmacy.
Prescrip ion Compounded Carefully. -
The Market Place
W. J. JONES .Mg eol focd
Community Progrese
Lets us Make 1929 A Banner Year.
The Citizens Bank
Folkson, Georgia Nahunta
A : :
~-fine P:ucriptio!\ D(ug Store.”’
A Reil Service Garage,
Homeland Garage
Home of the Whippet
‘Good Printing
Promptly Executed
The Herald