Newspaper Page Text
Igpaving of thé Highway Promised soon, Whgh ;,Will make our nghwayClasswwnhtheßes;:
Charlton Schools Short many Students
Plans to Overcome Handicaps Made
With one teacher, Miss Staple
ton ili, the Fulkston Consoiidated
Schook resumed it session after an
enforced idlencss of over three
weeks fromithe flu situation,
Mornday’s session showed 116
shy, but daily since the number
has increased, with normsl condi
tions rapidly coming around.
The inclement weather Monday
and the terrible condition of the
roads incident to the heavy rains
Sunday night made the atterdance
small in the schools this week.
In order that the number of teach
ers may remain the same for an
other year the averuge attendance
should be held to the highest pos
sibie point for the remainder of
the term. A minimum ieacher
load of 30 is a likely standard. 25
is the l6west possibility. Theonis
safe plan is for us to keep all the
children in school every day,
Under a plan agreed upon at the
weekly meeting of the teachers of
the County High Schoo! Monday
afternoon the term will close May
3igt. This will give those who
__compell:d to enter summer
: earlv in June the opportu
to doso and will at the same
time relieve the majority of the
stude:ts body from having to at
tend school all during the month
of June. In addition-to this the
suggestion of Mr, Fargason was
<decide 1 upon to assign rytbn
fis to all pupils on Friday after
noon, returnable Monday moraing in value to a day’s work:
Thus eacir will give credit for six
days. work. No pupil who fails to
bring up these contracts will be
given credit for the semester. Be
ginning three weeks from the pres
ent rcsumption of school the day!
will be lengthened to seven hours,
with sixty minute periods for each
subject. Parents are asked to co
operate by seeing that high school
prpils stay at home six nights in
the week and put in full time on
studies. except when excused b.v‘
the schnol i
Rev. Herbert L. Walker, D. D.,
LL. D,, of Naghville, Tenn., Gener
al Sceretary of the Observance-
Abstinence League, addressed the
student bodv of the elementary
and high school Monday afternocn
on the evil and cigarettes,
The monthly Bulletin of the
Charlton County SchuolSytsem hus
been issued and sent to the schoo!«
tor distribution to the patrons. It
contains the annual financial state
men' showing receipts and expen
ditures of all loca! districts, in ace
ditions to the funes disbursed ty
the County Loard. Call on your
teacher for a copy In case ycu
have not received one. |
All the schools of the county
have resumed operations with ail
teachers at work except Miss Sta
pleton, of the Folkston Consolida
ted, who is in the hospital at Plains
ill with ynéumonia, She will har
dly be able to return to work for
two or three weeks.
“Little Mother’s Leagues”’ ar
to organized ia the schools, run ui.~
der the direction of the State Board
of Heallh, for the purpose of giv
ing instruction in the care of ba
bies to girls over 10 years of age,
As one death out of three of all
ages ‘sa child under five, such
training it is hoped will reduce the
rate considerable, as sixty per cen
of these deaths cculd be presented
if the babies could receive proper
care and te fed properly. Teach
er are 1o be responsible for this
work, beginning with the fifth
mntho ] i
State Survey of its Schools
lStrgngly Urged by Brittian.
| SR A R
Formation of a commission to
make a survey of the schools in
the state with a view to discover
“'whai’s wrong with Georgia’s ¢d
’ucational institutions” was advo
‘cated by President Brittian of Tech
at the opening of the Association
of Georgia Colleges Monday in At
lanta. A committee of distinguish
ed educators were apnointed to
consider the question and report
back to the association. ‘
’ Florida has just had a survey of
the kied made to discover that 25
per cent of monies collected went
to pay teachers, indicating some
thing was radically wrong with the
method in vogue there, -for even
charging school plants, equipment
or transportation to that fund, itis
not as good a showing as should
be made.
- Georgia should remedy several
several defectsin its system to get
better results and we hoping the
survey will be made and proper
suggestions put nto eifect, which
would oring about effeclive re
it i
Charlton’s Records of 1928
Makes Fayorable Showing
' Annual report of the schools by
Supt. Harris shows 1193 pupils,
with average attendance of 953
604 boys and 589 girls, and by
grades as follows:—lst 379; Znd
156; 3rd 161. 4th 105; fifth 110. 6th
70; Tth 77; high s¢hool Ist year 49;
2nd 22; 3d 41; 4th 24
There was 97 deaths recorded
n the Ordinary’s office during the
1928 period, 191 births recordcd
overbalance the death record 94.
Marriage license recorded were
110, with several issued still mis;-
ing, not having been returned. i
In divorces only two were
granted. Thus we make a very
good showing in increases of the
hirth and marriages over desth
Again if it were recorded we
would make a better showing of
the incoming than the oufgoing
which would make for a greater
Teacher’s Meeting:
ThLe teachers o/ the south part
of the county will resume their
Saturday work days with a mects
ing at St. George. Feb. 9th,
On the 16th those in the north
part will meet in Folkston on the
These meetings are held twice
monthly, and the teachers are paid
for attending them their regular
per diem,
Pleasing Service
Rev. A, L. Johnson f'\l;ed his
egular appointment at 3:30 on
Sunday afternoon at the Presby
terian church, he was accompanicd
by Mrs. Howard, Miss Faircolth
end Mr. T. T, Hussons, Jr. of
Blackshear., In spite of the
heavy rain f4il a very good con
gregation greeled him and were
very appreciative of the beaatiful
message—" Lord, | have loved
the habitation of thy house, and
the place where thine hoaor
dwelleth.” :
The duet which was sung by
Mr, M. deWey and Mr, Van Essen
was specially enjoyed by every
Theres much elaticn over the!
good news that the State Highwli?fi
Department promises hardsurfa-|
cing of two highways in the Way-.
cioss district, tne Central Dl’xh;‘,
and the Oglethorpe Highway. ‘}
The Herald-Journai is responsis
ble for the statement that thes%‘r
two coniract are to be let during
February, according to a sfi’kag
ment made by tue clerk of thie
Ware county commissioners, J. D.
Mitchell, made them by the High=|
way Department, : G
Folkston’s Postoffice moved late
Tuesday night, and the greeting
caliers got Weunesday morning
was a score or more of box-he¢ls
ders tryiny; to learn the combine=
tion on the automatic keyless lock
boxes which have been installed
The money order and delivery
windows dve lurger and convieli
tly placed nearer the door,
Two handsome oak desk are in
the lobby for use of the public.
- Mail going out and coming in i
handied through the rear eutrance
‘which is more zonvenient for all.
A small lad inspecling the outfit
{wondered how it was to be paid’
ifar A bright kid suggested ifi%
A 1929 Cadilac Roadster soutli
\bound side=swined an orange la«
dened Cnevrolet truck, Wedne .-
day evening late, jost north of
Homeland, at the Bauman place,
when they tried to pass cn a par
vow approach to the bridge,
A wheel to the truck wa= bro
ken throwing W. I' Moore, owner
against the truck, cutting his head
and hurting his shoulder. and sca'-
tering oranges and grapefruit for
a hundred ft all over the highway.
With two men in the Cadi'ac, it
went across the bridge some 75
feet, then with a front wheel as
The agrizultrual display and pic
tures o be given in Waycross on
the 7th of February by the Exten
sion department of Athens is con
veyed there on seven trucks and
the 11th grades of the high schools
are invited to attend as the Jesson
Is for them, _ The county agenls
and farmers are expected on the
Bth to come and get one of the
best prepared farm lessons pos =
With a full board, of the Charl
ton Commissioners on hand a call
ed meeting of the Board was held
Monday morning, of last week
Bids for seating tle new courl
room and fixtures for the various
departments are to be purchased
and bids were in for a goodly par«
tion of thens, After receiving them
and giving them due consideras
tion the commissioners decided to
hold up theic decision until !ueir
regulsr meeting in February.
Several out of town representa
tives were present and submied
e'fi'inningt on the Central Dixie
R _x“vay at the Florida line south
W ston, and exteuding for fen
»';m&re miles north towards Way-
MSE. acdditional asphalt will be
BRCEd. When completed this wi
i‘x same type of highway as
At “between Waycross and the
BReONn county line, which has baen
1 o ,unced cne of the best in tin
y. recently Red Smijth h: s
',ng up on the highwiys f
W reparatory for this werk anc
,- und everybody willing, {
4 8, ought like a Ford, a paymer
;: and ‘the box rent paying th:
sl lments,
? atte ola office has been disman
3# @ind Contractor Hall is getting
B 0 shape for the new Askew
Gmbcery business Fred says the
aß'goon as the front is in, and i -
:W done over, he will open fcl
husiness. The rear extension wil‘i
Es« several weeks as it will ‘.u"
L@l from foundation up. :
v 'here is a rumor going around,-i‘
it the room next to the posteffice
SRI TR e o S R
it o SRR TR
S b
kew it headed into the swamp £
some 25 feet resting in mire, deco: -
ated with evergreens and bay.
The two men tucned the dam -
ged car over to the Homeland G -
rage for service with instructic
to deliver it 10 Nolan in Jackso: -
ville, got Orlands Roberts 1o tal.
them there, taking several seer -
ingly heavy grips. However She -
iff Mizell had the car beid, pen -
ing further investigations.
Mr. Moore was taken to sic
home of Dr. Bliss where his hurts
were attended too. Smith-Rayn.
serviced the truck,
ble to impart to them.
Farm work and forestry is th>
main theme to be shown and n
such a practical way thatitis wo! 'l
the time of all of our citizens to (o
see and listen,
~ The conniy agents of four courn
ties, Dr. Hyde, Messts Hursev
Eunice, Chalfin are suppnse so sce
that their counties are well repre
their bids in person Among them
was Charley Gibson, of Waycross
with a bid to seat the ecourt roor
in deferiing these matters unti
the meeting Monday, the Commis
sioners hope. to have Architee’
Benjamia plans before for adoption
s 0 that bids for its construction
can be advertised for,
With stecl equipment in th
Court House Charlion County win
huve a building as near fire prool
a 8 it is possivle 1o construct one,
’ With roof now going on it is now
thought it will be ready for March
rerm of court. \
Dam Breaks takes Road Bridge With it
Hard Rain of Sunday too Much for It.
Hercules Winding Up Work
Lane Leaves at Early Date
With this week the work of the
two big $16,000 stump pulling ma
chines of the Hercules Company
ends and they will be transferred
1o Lanier couniy, 18 miles west of
We learn with regret that this
means the removal or Manacer D,
W. Lane and his interesting fami
ly frem our midst early in June,
The winding up of the work here
at Winokur will require that tiie
anda while Mr. Lane will have the
new work ian charge and will look
after it he will not remove his fam
tly until the work here is done, as
he will supervise it also.
Thoughtful Annual Event
Care of Burial Places
Historical are many of lhe bur
-lal grounds in Charlion, some of
them hpve resposing in fhem dead
of over ® hundred years ago.
'}.&iihe senliment expressed by pos-.
@ity in their care of these grounds
“ w%z n dneident: - oftin t
told as it was passed down to us
by those who survive them,
Just such an incident occured
at the High Bluff Cemetery Jlast
Wednesday, when 58 gathered to
pay this homage to the resting
place of their departed, unconseics
that that day the funeral of Ever
ett Prescott’s littlo was to take
there, and thus the gathering had
a double duty to perform. ,
P.titons Being Circulated
Against Couaty Court
The Herald learns that petitions
are being circulated by those that
are in opposition to the county
police and county court. Some
seventy-five signers have been
secured we understand and that
the idea is to present the petitions
to tde grand jury at its next ses
sion. As that body created the
county court, it is presum~d that
the life of the court depznds upon
their action,
Goes To Decatur
Russel Cassell, our hig right
hander, that Cleveland has strings
(on, has receiyed netice that he s
to report to Decatur, 111, in toe
three eyed leagu=. Russel is to
report to Decatur in March
With this season in a lesser league
we are wishing that the "biz boy”
will attain that training necessary
tosend him right ¢n up where
there is glory in winning b |
s e At It
League meets Sunday
The senior league will have
their regular meetings beginning
Sunday night with a gid pro
gram, after a few weeks recess
Lon account of the flu,
| Miss Hayes the president will bave
'the program arranged so that not
(anyone who attend will be dissap
{pointed. The other leagues will
jlmvc their meetings ut the usua
time. !
The flood gates of the heavens
opened for.a while Sunday after.
noon and it seemed as if we weie
going to have another deluge,
However after a session that
flooded the low' places, filled the
Branches and streams it ceased to
fall. but the quautity was such as
’lO overfill the Dixie Lake and car
ry away tbe dame under construc
tiox there.
With the breakind of the dam,
releasing the excess smotint of wa
ter the force and power of it took
with it a span out of bridge over
the road, from ihe east side,
The school has bad to detour
the aviation boulevard on that acs
Reports are the newly construc
ted road beds are badly wash ed,
and not ensily traveied,
We understand that the ques
tion of rebuilding this bridge has
hrought the question of using the
old damage as a road way, broad
ening it and then on west end
tressle over the water escapzment
on the high banks, The hedge of
pines on both sides of the old dam
would make ita safe aud pretiy.
piecladinonl o
L ale WO L A i«,g”‘%%
6th at three oclock, an interesting
program will be presented, follow=
ed by the ushal social hour which
is always an cnjoyable feature,
after the long vacation, club mem
bers should welcome the return
I’to activity and it is earnestly hop=
od that there will be a full attens
dance. ; {
Baptist Missionaries Met
Blackshear, Tuesday
The anr.ual meeting of Baptist
‘Woman’s Missionary Ufion, for
this district was held at Bleckshead
[uesday, and with the pastor, Rey
J. D. fPoindexter went MeSdames
W. H. Robinson, E. H, Wright and
W E, Banks,
The session was full of interest
and Mrs. Robinson, who was chos
en press representative of the As
sociation will report it next week,
Mrs, W. R. Wainwright was elec
ted Secretary’ cf the Association,
eW7 el At et
Welcomes New Citizens
The Herald welcomes as new
citizens of Folkston, Mrs, S. B
Stroup. mother of our esteemed
citizen, Mr. C, E. Stroup, also his
sister, Mrs, Mary Trice, and her
son, Aiba, belter known as “Bud
dy"” who arrived last Friday from
Coulumbus Crove, Ohio,. They will
make their home with Pete. Mrs.
Trice is becoming naluralized this
week with a case of flu, but 18 gets
ting slong nicely,
- — | Y ———————
Goes to St. Petersburg
The A, M. Sessoms family living
the part year on the old Riley
Roddenterry place, left last Frie
day for their old hom: in St.
Petersburg, Fla.. where they have
reiatives and where they intend
making their future heme The
ill health of Mr. Sessem« has been
such as to require him to return
to a warmer c¢lim e,