Newspaper Page Text
| J H McLarty 24
One Dollar a Year.
» |
^HHpfp ss@ L X" ~, is/
of liillii
Its Prosperity And Ad
vancement. By Mrs.
Mary T. Whitson.
With the illimitable skies
.hove me. all God’s blessed sun
shine lying over the wide earth
like a benediction, oh a beautiful
(April d^y, I paid one more visit;
Ho Donglasviile, a town for which
S have 1 gf pit admiration. In this
[j^at'commonwealth of Georgia,
there is no better cqunty and no
/better town than Dougiar. and
Douglasvilh'* and I have been in
’em all thaw’d on the"'railroad.
Marked improvement is vis
ible/ all over the town since
I was here four years ago. There
has been in the last two or
three - years $150,000 worth of
building including a number of
handsome business houses, and
residences, and not a vacant
house in the town. There are
many famines anxious to move
here from/the country, on account
of the superior educational ad
vantages of' Douglasville,
Under the able admibistrati sr.
of Prof. W. H. Butle/,\, principal
of | the puolic scxiooife. he
Vol. X!l, No.S
efficiency has beB highly ccm-
menden, he was Vained in the
banking business \y the Hon.
Bob Edwards who rlypoyed fyom
Douglasvi 1 le to lake tne position
of Secretary of Mason’s Annuity
in At!anta, who 5 was cashier of
plant, a.s. a big prosperous cot- 7"
ton mill- /tn thepast year there j The farmers of this section
hdve beeb l i75,000 spent in buil--are busy planting. Borne have
dings. M fc, new residences in cotton already uo. I wonder
course cf cc st ruction. Douglas-; how many of the farmers that
ville is a charming foWnlare, not planting more cotton
are con-[this year tha ..corn.
i Mrs. Ephs Milam has been on
Bill Arp.
the Farmer’s .npjJ-'/Merchitnts j socially. Tp . citizens
Bank for ycrrs,'*also Mayor: of; genial and pH together.
Cooper. f j Union Qrove.
. our farmers
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Adair |.f a .ji Bays WOrk
attended the singing at Marietta [are getting in good shape
put in a few
last week, astS
I. U, 0 rVt
Master of Lodge
• Chapter. Mason,
Hon. doe;At ererombie,. thel the sick list
hustling' maj>r of Dougtesviile,/hope for h.-r a
for awhile. We
speedy recovery.
Secy and Treasqf Sunday School K is one of th'eivest Mayors
and ehuiclk/ii. q. Bob Edwards month o c Sudays travel,
in a.]; ' Mrs. Polly Swofford has been
was 1 si<*k quite awhile also, but is
Quite a large crowd dined with’
Mr. Srausell Sunday, it being
hid bfivthday .
Mr, Oman Landers, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday at home with his
father,; M. A. J, Landers,, of
I this place.
Quite a large crowd attended
and acquisition to any city.
There is no more popular bank 1874, ,His 1’afily came origi
UlUlll/U V w t/-*. vfl. - ^*7 -,r ■' . I . ,v. *v.i. a w . TSP r - wvvy-w*- -.■MV*
born in this /ounty May 28th; teller now we are glad to say. the Easter supper Saturday
instilled into, the ' parents lapd
pupils a desirefor a nighar stand
ard of education. There are two
| white sc'KK'tS;, with an o. tollmen
I of 4d9 oupffX Twolvi te iCher,-,
| '■gradt. t-*o£ well ktidWn selrootu. 1
Prof BuUsr has be .rverv care
'f f.u! to se/est those /of aofi'iti
Douglasville, wiili I s pres
■tige, ought to have a better bni
Prof ButloiZ:!? 1 0 or Man bv
',u s born in Atlanta. He has
had exceptionally superior edit
■ccat'onal advantages in differ
I ent
■ degrees,/: ff He is ■ a/ g; aduate of
University of Chicago, has
taught successfully for several
!. years. /. .HeEh-n thorough| dis.cip j
linafian, thoughhe rules by the
law of kindness. He says he
has very little trouble in gaining’
obedience, I saw the little ones
the' day Mrs.' Dillard lectured >on
.^prohibition and they marched
^beautifully./'' ;:// v
/ In manners Prof. Butler is.
cashier in Georgia than Mr. Thad
I missed my old friend Judge
Pittman,- he' was succeeded by
Judge MeLarty, Ordinary, one of
the town's best lawyers. 1
A high compliment was paid;
Mr. F. M.,cWinn, Clerk of :ihe
Superior'Court, when Judge Mc
Carty appointed aim to succeed
hi& .f athei- wbo held'thboffice a
iong time and was one of the
best known clerks in the state.
Mr, Winn 1 Was elected about, a
month after his father’s death
a d is the youngest Clerk of
the Superior, Court in' Georgia, ,
yvas born in DotfirlasvMsSI^M
1904. He had three opponents
Had a hacdscme majority. The
mantle of the father | descended
Ion'the son. 11:Mr. Winn' had just.
4eft coU/g/; to -iii wel’
’gpaduatdd/at- in
Douglasville, h, is, filling the
pfiice very satisfactorily. H-
.extremely modest, nut has > a
.Si.y attractive I manner, /only
wen’ty one yearsef age. |
nally from S. C He was elected
Mayor thi'S. yea\ Has ex;tirein’e
popularity, Isi stockholder |n
the Farmer’s bd Merchants
Bank. The tlire\brothers, JoC
W. A. and • Qiauo Abererombb,
are three of the Vaost succefs-
ful business men ih all this s<c-
t oh. Each one oVr.s a mile
The mayor handk:s\annual.v
about two hundred, a\d ifd'l 6 :
head of mules, ; does a b'l-iu -s
annually, Atlantib; s
largely from him. You- wifte
'.success, in capitals, at he
'end ; of e ach one of the . thee
brothers names,,, fhey^ are lie
most public spirited men in Do:g-
laspopnty. : Did nut meet W‘.A.
Mr. Claud Abercrombie;' Pr^K
The Eapter'supper given by night, given by Mre. J. C; Hail.
Mfes Ruby Smith Friday night Air. Arthur Griffith and wife,
was enjoyed by all present. 'and Miss Eiua arid Joe Burnett
v Mr; and Mrs. Han ley Penning- motored over and spent
ton, the lalters father, Mr. John noon with’ Mr. J. H, . Hendrix.
. Miss Bena Kelson, Miss Rub/
and’ Roy Nixon, of Lost Moun
tain, spent Saturday night with
Brown, motored over from Fair-
burn Saturday and visited Mr.
j A- J . Brovpa -and other relatives,
1 reluming/Sunday evening.
One of the oldest ladies in
Douglavf county, Mrs. Morrow,,
died .a; her daughters, Mrs.
YVate Sunday evening ahd wa^
buried at Preys Monday evening;
‘She was about 90 years of age;.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Pace
visited B. M. Pace and family
A very enjoyable feature was
the ‘ ‘Egg-hpnt” given J?y M s.
May Morris Saturday evening.
the Mr. and M'sses Hall’
Hail has accepted a
with a liberal firm in
C. D.
pry body is cordially invited
tend “Home Coming Day”
*fst Sunday in May.
' A. No, l
are getting
planting. :
The District - i SdMbt.
Convention was well attends^
here last Sunday afternoon an'#/
we had some good talks, especial
ly derive wish to mention
•of Mrts. Dr. .Yhiiaafit:/ Hon. ; L. / : ;//®'|I
Upshaw and Mr., Long, all : . / /
Dougksyille,/ and lafl - of them*,' vjfHM
great workers in,the cause. W«; llJBu
hope they will all visit us afeaip
Mrs. H. M.Adair spent fe^,v; /,«■
with Mrs, W. J1
Worth. |
Alien/Morgah, of Atlanta, speak '
Sunday with^hpme folks at Ihkz p
place. ■
We have been wondering
road machine^ had gone t®/ 1 JMH
Mexico but they- have made.ttejsb..;:|HI
appearance in our corner atJaSb.
And you ought to come almasfrj
Sun Shine.
... , About one hundred children
dent of the Farmer’s and Mr- j were pregept/each brought three
fit’s Bank* just a splemid eggs to hide/ yvhiefi'when b a "
our road. If is; a hummer.
J. D. Morgan and \\\ J
worth made a business
Uouglasville last Saturday/ ; *f*<
We are somewhat vyc-fie-i s”-
to 'p'hat Dilmus Ruthsrford^K-
going toMp/in- jmgard’
> t ,,\ jfo clerk. We
Misses ;:Eddie Mae Morris; and, S
W- A
very suave and stately. Promi
nent citizens told me that be ha?
given universal satisfaction in
the two years of his principal-
,ship in Douglasville.
T The Doaglasvilie Banking Co ;
the oldest, has a capital of $40,000
Tjie FarmniiMi aad^MM’chants
was organized in 1907, with a
capital of -f25,000., This is one
of the most successful of the
entire Witham system and the
onjy one in all this section that
insures deposits, pays an annual
dividend, of /. R.j)er/^ggifi; J || Mr.
/ Witham has banks all'Over’ crea
tion, thirty-five or forty in
Florida, the guarantee fund in
New York of $90,000 giyes the
/Witham Chain great prestige
1 throughout 1 the union. The buil
ding is very handsome and well
located with the latest bank appli-
.an/ces.) The officers are ■ W. C|
Abercrombie, Presiden ; II.. M.
. Johnston. Vice President; Thad
| McKoy, Cashier.,
mkDirectors: J. R. Hutcheson,
H. M. Upshaw, E. R Stewart,
J^sse Abercrombie, V. R. Smith,,
j. D. Enterkin,' W- C. A.ber-
crofnbie, R. M. Johnston.
U The cashier was born in 1889,
■ land is one of the leading cashiers
/'of the Witham banks. He was
'■ p'e'ver'al years cashier of the bank
of Lyeily. he came with the
Mr.'IX S, St , ’Ukiand,is maid /
p ffdd*id jfl|§tllj at the. X
^aduAt-e-df si |.
o l.i'///," 3 ' IX. i - 11 - J i' 4 - : -..i. i :. -_ -.
f the Peace has hern in -ffic'
ne esu'-^ ,six ye'^iS aod'
ieputy six years, he wuXboru in.
.Ue Ifistorfc old' town of Pendk-
'on, S. C , in 1887.' Judge Wi |
ju has a splendid w)r record',
.ighting for, the sovereignly ef
ihd ednstitutibn. He was/Capt.
bU Company C 1st, Con edera*e
Regiment, and was in the i-loody
battle, of Chickmnuga. He was
captured at Nashville an| sent to
Johnson’s Island, HXis.aPresby^
terian and Royal 'Arch Mason.
, One of Douglas vilie/s best law
yers has an office in Atlanta,
(Io?L Joe James/ Temple Court,
hope hb gets a big fee opt of
the/Sifiith estate.
t^yted, in business in 18&.
Abercrombie, his broths,
was ifi Ws-ness with him. j'h n
he ..Wefit ifiMusiness. forbim^ill
The, mule business of the,
brotners, runs in o hundreds
fhousaiids of dollars a"' r t' a! K
Mr. Claud does a §§ Mltlnkineis
ubgediefe filled a candy ' bucket.'
A prize was given to the boy
and girl finding most eggs.
Marie Price spent fhe week end
! with Miss Hlanch Boo i ■ ■ . If S
Hinstey and. wile spent
f Miss
j prize
I ; j' i
’ | bdx •
d iboy s‘ipfe
, section, we'aLo
the Week end 'w ith C. T. Hals man' 0 f |Xg,d|;e^^K-
and family.
stationeryame^ SamTTT^~was
IHr r,n ' j|j| enjoyfdly ail pitsonL '• |
■What beco-lpe of Bill Blue/
won gi rls
i |
i&i 'R'uti e. fe v <
begging foi
It, and iheMlUlc
year: ile has a h ;mo ha"py aftei
| farm of seven or eight hu/ another next |. |||
es.'of Cotton. His' big of AJab-ma, to B-ifi Arp
is 125 feet front |§ rs^L' fcjiniday mortn’ng iolookar-mnd,
with a viCX of locating. We are
j §il y°nri ■ enjoyed.;, Q oraa 011 |ij| like your letters
Flop r j |
timv i i
: hi
who is goingfto oh, our anc [
county officers, here ismv ticket, | .
II -'.j
- ,
/iSotto^feceipts ten thousand
The Douglasville Hosiery Mills,
make an excellent quality of
men’s half hose. Present capaci-
ty from one, hundred ‘-nd fifty
to fifty five dozen daily, putting-
new machinery and increasing
output. Capitalized $12,000.
Colonel John T. Duncan, Presi
dent, the merchant prince of
D--uglasvi!le, and president Of
the Board of Education. He has
plenty of .'Money and when , he
wants to organize anything goes
out and does it.
The Hosiery Mill employs forty-
hands, these mi Is are a great
boon to the town. T. L. Var
ner, Sec’y,T. D. Pickell, a hand
some young Tennesseean, Supt,
born in Loudow couhtv, East
Tennessee. Learned the business
at Newton, N. C., Kress buys
largely from these mills.
Population of Douglasville about
23,00- Fifth Congressional dis
trict. Two banks, five lawyers,
seven Drs. one D. D. S. two good
hotels and a R. R. agent, whom
the president of the Southern
R, R. honored with a bronze
medal for twenty five years of
lighted- with electricity. /Te
0”ganlzud the btthkin-190?/; >Isa
Royal • Arch Mason, I Q. iX/Li
Kf P. ff'told him he ought to )e
In /talking with Editor/'Dare
W-fe’fe^/beeri With The Senti el
four years, I said to'hfin r y?u
must have studied law. It is
easy to discover that you have a
legally‘trained mind, and be bid
me that he studied/law b A fiidl
neybr practiced^. Q'HbNs a gr.acS - :-:
ate of the '-Univip&rof "Naih-
ville and also of the Peabody
Normal at Nashville, Anyhow
he is an exceedingly intelligent
missioneis; John li. Toua, L. ii/
James, I, H. Willoughby, »
codector; A. L. Campbell, fiwill
in hopes he uked well enough to ||gg Mill *>d£
pome, as fiwe- need a Dr. bad in
this cemmunity.. H;eliostrope.
Base Ball.
Last Thursday/ DouglasviUe
crossed baljs with the Villa Kica j
team and. what the home team J
did for the visitors was plenty.
The score stood 19 to 3, and the
game ek sed in six: innings.'
Wednesday of this week the
any more ot i
We. thank Mr. //Hattawaf /for
[working; our roads, but. come
‘ back and fix the branches and,
j we will fhank you Ugaiii. Mijtt- ;
Willie Gaston, ,of Chattahoo
chee-. was the/ guest of D:P H.
Mackland team came over and a Gaston, of Tyre, Sunday.
Baptist Call Pastor.
1 The local Baptist church which
has been without a pastor since
the resignation of Dr, Gibson
some months ago; held a meet
ing Sunday and called Rev. J, D.
Winchester, of Sbcial Circle, Ga.
Rev. Mr. Winchester preached
here recently find the people were
so well pleased with him that
the call was tendered him. There
will be only two services a month
at present, the 1st and 3rd Sun
days/ and the new pastor’s first
appointment will be the, first
Sunday in May.
Renew at Old Price.
/ / ’ ./ -V j
’We want, to impress on you
that [ you can renew your sub
scription at the old rate till June
1st. Some have takafi advan
tage of if and every subscriber
whd has not already paid In
advance should do so at once.
We received a shipment of
paper last w ek that cost us
most execellent game was the
result, tiie score being 2 to 0
in favor of the home team. The
home b ys have an unbroken
record of success so far Ibis rea
son, and it looks as theugu they
are going to .give the local fans
some real playing.
I, 0, 0. F. Anniversary.
On next Sunday Douglasville
Lodge No. 1621 O. O. F. will
celebrate the 97th anniversary,
i The members will meet at the
hall at -10 o’clock and march
in a body to the Baptist church
where special services will be
held consisting of music by the,
Duette by Misses Edith and
Lillian Dake.
Sermon by Dr. J. T. Gibson.
In tUjjjtf ternoon at 2 o’clock a
public^meeting will b@ held at
the court house, consisting of
addiessps by prominenijO|| Fei-
lifjpane a male quaTtette.
Th#iublic is cordially invi ed
td al-cend both these services
TheWirst All-Day Singing
faithful service. Mr, Peace, born! double what we have been pay^
Mississippi. Also Douglasville! so you c ‘ in v • e
The singifig at Friendship Sun
day was: enjoyed by a large
crowd, f ,
L. E. Bartlett, L. L. Bartlett
and Dewey Bartlstt, of Tyree,
spentWednesday afternoon and
Thursday fishing. So did R. L.
'Fountain, Sam Duncan and O. L.
Griffith. ,
Mrs. Mattie Smith, of Doug
lasville, is spending a few days
in McWhorter,
. Mr. and Mrs. Hodnett, of
Hannah, were the recent guests
of J. T. Reese anduamily.
Look out for Tyree ball team
They are fast players. >
Clement Smith walked to
Friendship Sunday.
Tyree is on a boon; nowadays.
The Easter supper was enjoyed
by a large crowd Saturday night
[The people are[ planting fas
and getting ready for all da;
singings. / Fair Skin., i
Sit bscrip tion ilonor Roll.
Thele will be an ail-day sing-
upgat Bethe' church next Sunday
(Apr!30th). As the*announce : _
j, u * menjfcf cams at such a late date j
The following have paid' sub
scriptions since last issue:
J. J. Boyd, Winston; Mrs. Liz
zie Wright, Hanceville, Ala; J. j/
Jamp, Rt '4p J--/V Abercrombie,
DqjwskiFv-fie; Cowan, Wvin-
StOU. ; ' /
h iiti
’Jfcflpol: cotton aeeii ar//
planted in' our* ■ #1 8
wiitioL, fX: _Clo(|Hd^p^
!. 'Fanr. i^^^ed Ghicke^ [[ X
Mr. J. B. Cowan, .of RrXW
■Star, /is "ggsTing:. ready Mof l t&s,
ali day singings, 8. S. con' |
tion < dnd protracted meetnsrfsg S
and,, has; begun growing chtek.- ; /
ens ' With four legs, ; but tigy .'
to date has only hatched onhIpfp
that variety, and it failed
to eating age.
Cross Koaasv
Mrs. Maude Custis, of Atlanta,,
v situ! A1 s. Ja.e Herioad .it;/;
[veik///:/’['■/;:./;/j §111 jjWp
| '.G,.»‘Uie Cash and family visitem
j m :& Brown, .Saturday mgM..
Bi.i* Herrod/'sptnt the we«as., ‘
ei d with bis;[ sist*rr ia Atlamtm. |
MBs Lille Ma S’outer :ar; '
the vVeek end with herkeoranaat
iVi s? Annie B mci. S uter.
Miss Jess e Hern d oB Afianl st
ha^ gone 1 omf to ? tay with [h/ar-
jn other.
Janes Brow a and family, wm--..,
ted John Adamson Sunday '» t
Mr. and Mrs; Ode Gochra-v*
attended the birthday dims/::
given by the laters mether^Mmli/'-.
Hunter, Sunday.
The Easter/ egg hunt give* fey
Joe A. Souter Saturday rit.w-
noon was enjoyed by all -presetei,/
There were/about two huMire^-
eggt hiddeh, also about eigtsfc
dozen candy eggs. The children
had a delightful lime hdntmp^i
them. / After they were alkfb®BA,
they /were carried to the dinbasg;
room and placed on the, iahte
w^ch /crackers and choesdate
311 DSC
ers; -
; P ^rybody come and mg. ^
yiomiuenl' physician,
Rev/; J. T.
Cake, the room was decor&tei!
with white snow balls and wist
flowers.. ; -■/:
, Mr. and Mrs. J. iW. Shipp sm&t,
Mrs. Mattie Brown attended t,h*
Easter qgg hunt '3a turday after*--:
naon at Joe Souier’s. AIso^JSts
ixty thousand dob 1 June 1st.
Clara : Al^uiSs/,' a[ id/sister, gig
Cobb c-Minty, *'attended/the.;eg:|g,;
hunt. [ : ; ' ; [:fi/:/gil/NribasX/:,
1C \
^ m
mbhhBHI I B B