Newspaper Page Text
might dish
about Mexico,
l(J though, i-
cussing um for
these Columns,
know then that
•fTATION-Dismission from Adminis-
A- Douglas County
Whereas. J. M. Banks, Administn-
.jl of K. E Mason, represents to the
oil * in his petition, duly filed and
onte red on record, thathu has adminis-
• red K. E. Mason,a estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all| erson-
: >.:cerned, kindred and credittAs, to
. cause, if any they can, why said
, I Minis*.;ator should not be discharg
'd from hisadministration, and receive
:ersot Dismission on the liist Mon-
^,.j ui February, 1917.
This January 1st 1917.
J. H. McLarty. Ordinary.
Application for Guar
leorgia, Douglas County.
To All Whom it May Concern:
E. D. Parson having applied for
guardianship of the property of W. E.
" Imer, an insa. e pert-on, who has
been by a J y of said County reg
ularly committed to the Georgia State
) ounitarium and is now an inmate there
of, the said W. K. P.iliner having an
interest as an heir at law in the
estate of his father, W. M. Pal-
mci, lateof Paulding County, Georgia,
deceased. Notice is given that said
a'miica.Lion will be It taro at my office
•»t In o’clock a. rn,, on the first Mon
(‘ay in Febrmary, next,
inis Jany, 8th 1917.
m J.H.McLirty,
'''’•dinary and Exofficio Clerk C. 0.
Rule Nisi:
E0RG1A—Douglas County.
*>ouglas Superior Court
March term, 1917
Foreclosure of Attorneys lien on re
W. T. Roberts & J. R. Hutcheson
bwes every man a
r J. S Lehman
It being represented to the court by
‘ the petition of W. T. Roberts and J.
R Hutcheson that they claim a lien as
attorneys at law on the following des-
i ibed realty us the property of J. S'
Lehman and against said J. S. Lehman
and said property parts of land )ot3
number 154, 155, 163 and 164 in the
1st. district of originally Carroll, now
but some are too Douglas, County, Ga. containing in the
J collect their bills.
llta the
kn '.vs
|inues tn advance
weights, like the
s on their own fat.
For Mayor.
To the Voters of Douglasville:
I announce mi self a candidate
for Mayor subject to the white
primary to be held Wednesday.
Jan. 24th. If you elect mt I
promise to serve you to the best
of my ability ard wor 1 for the
best in f erest of the town.
V. it. Smith.
For Marshall
To the voters of Douglasville.
1 am a candidate tor Mai-
shall subject to the City Prima
ry when tailed, and will greatly
appreciate your votes and influ
8. A- McGuoirk.
Half Your l.fvlng
Without Money Cost
/. kight or wrong start In 1917 will
nt/e or break mart farmers In tho
iouth. Wo tro ail faring a crisis,
i’hls war in Europe p M ts things In |
uch C vt r.c man can j
oresce the futtfrt w-tli any degree of !
le&rness. ,
The sure av. 1 rrrtrin fr.croase In
C/tton acror.^j m ens lower cotton I
vices ne::t C *•: (' r. I food and
ia:n prouuoi. • >..j,n, to high that
o one can uffo d buy and expect
ray out with <
-I'd a tin:o r’ ■*v
aln and fj.
For City Clerk.
To the voters of Douglasville:
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for re-election to the office
of city clerk, subject to t ie pri
mary when called. I will appre
ciate your support.
J. J. Freeman.
For City Clerk.
To the voters of Douglasville.
After due consideration, I have
decided to mane the race for
city clerk. Subject to the pri
mary when called. I have lived
here for thirty five years and
will appreciate your help, ard
if elected I assure you no one
will regret having yo.ed for me.
J. E. Phillips.
of x a .bargain
Jweek. Read the
|nd it.
blair e the other
I probably doin,. tiie
B. a Real Garden, Kept
Through Season,
— (Special) — "The
to permanent farm
..''•outh In the ‘store
food and grain that
b* (frown on every
says H. G. Hastings,
the Southeaster* Fair
i •( the Georgia Cham-
, In an interview on
lltlons in this terri-
* says Mr. Hostings,
and planted, and
r throughout the season,
i to decrease store bills
farmer can do.
! what I term ‘one
to, gardens with
i of beans, a few
nd tomaito plants,
off to one cor
al gardening any
|er’s first drawing
slate, is fine
folks' generally
den seriously, when
“* the right Kind of
g a full klne of
busy all season,
of furnishing at
of the fariily.
seen a ‘one ciop’ sec-
what particular one
that did not )have a 1
with poorf school j
and home*.
diversified |
have the signs of j
all over it, j
every farm in i
.versified sections!
the world
aggregate 358 acres, moieor less and
known as the John W. Nixon old place
near Alexanders old mill on Sweet
water creek in said County, for the
sum of $200.00 for successfully sus
taining defense of said Lcham to a
8iii.t brought for the recovery of said
land by E. E, Nixon, et al, heirs at law
of John W. Nixon; ami that said sum
of money is due and unpaid; and that
the said J. S. Lehman fails and re
fuse** to pay the same although de
mand has been made therefor.
It is ordered that the said J. S.
Lehman do pay into this court by the i
first day of March term, 1917, of said
Court, the principal, interest and cost
•lue to said plaintiffs, or show cause,
il any he has, to the contrary, or that
in def ault thereof foreclosure be grant
ed to the sa*d W. T, Roberts and J.
R. Hutcheson on said <ein and the
equity of redemption of the said J. S.
Lehman therein be foreyer barred,
and that service of this rule be per
fected on said J. S Lehman by publi
cation pursuant te law, by publication
of this order and the following notice:
To J. S. Lehman of Elkhart, Indiana:
You are hereby commanded to be and
appearat the next teim of Douglas
Superior Court then and there to
answer the above named suit and fore
closure proceedings. This 8th day of
January, 1917.
A. L. Bartlett, J. S. C. T. C.
Witness Hon A. L. Bartlett Judge
said Court. This Jan. 9th, 1917*
T. L. Pittman, Clerk,
For Marshall.
To the Voters of Douglasville.
I announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of
Marshall, subject to the city pri
mal when called, 1 w'll appre
ciate your voto and influence.
J. E.D vis.
sure i
[lying '
Y OUR money’s worth is
the fairest proposition
that can be made by any
merchant to the .buying pub
lic. Tnat is wliat I promise
you. I will serve you with
the choicest food stuffs ever
packaged or weighed oit.
Phone 132.
'hern to play
lO-ib l '0 food,
' ‘c l on your
.n a'.res; ie c ,, o ih ; Llc-ro bill.
A good ci c.G.1 Je:i gicur.d,
Z y .\\y plai ted ri«’it!y tended and
:/>. c'l the ;■ u lvand, can ho
*ide to puy : vr hvfng. It will
vo you more n-onoy tli*n you made
i tV»» * oi cotton y m
■ver ^rewf
Hastings' Vtil Seed Boch tells all
'*out the right kind of n troncy eav-
ng garden r 1 *li vegetables to put
u it. It teli* uMOtit the i*clu crops as
well and shown you rltrr ’•oad to
eal farm proap-n-.}. It’s Free. Send
»r it today to ?•!. G. HASTINGS CO^
Manta, Ga.—Advt.
For a Stained Chafing Dish.
Tho green ai.J blue stains left by
the fumes of the alcohol lamp on a
chafing dish c*** be removed by rub
bing with » tuil doCi moistened with
AWV Afffll i,MT
WCtyDl 1 ! I I
EMPLOYMIiMT 'w i//" 1 Jjl
By Firmly Grasping
Each Rung!
Be In Finest All The Way
And You’ll Reach
Success at an .Early Day
Dreadful Possibility.
Little Margie had heard her Sunday
school teacher speak of backaliding,
and one rainy Sabbath morning her
mother thought it best for her not to-
attend Sunday school. "But I’ve just
got to go, mamma,” said Margfe.
"Teacher says if we do not com*
every Sunday our backs wiK slide.”
Determining Value of Coal. Music.
The relative values of various kinds Music, when combined with * pleas-
of coal are determined by X-rays with unable idea, Is poetry; music without
a method invented by French scleu- Idea is simply music; the idea
tists. without the music is prose from It*
**ry definiteness.—Edgar Allan Poa.
January Clearance Sales of
For City Clerk.
To the Voters of Douglasville.
After talking with a number
of friends, who pledged me their
support, I have decided to an
nounce mysel f a candidate for
the office of City Clerk, “ubject
to the pr mary when ordered. 1
nave at all times, as clerk in the
Post Office, done all 1 could to
accommodate and serve the pat
rons of the office, and now being
out of that place, I respectfully
ask your support in the coming
primary. I am an old Veteran,
and having no other business to
look after, can give my whole
time to the City, and I promise
if elected to do so, and 1 fuither
promise that those voting foi me
shall have no cause to regret it
Hope you will give my candidacy
due conddera’.ion then vote for
the man you think most suitable.
B. F. Hagin.
Georgia, Douglas County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the
family of M. M. Herring, deceased,
having been filed in my ofiice, all per
sona concerned are cit'-d to show
cause by the5lhday of Februrary 1917
why said application for twelve
months’ support should not begranted.
This January 1st 1917.
Womens Suits
Misses and Girls’
Men’s and Boys’
It is a fad that at all
times, 'our prices are
1-3 to 1-2 lower than
elsewhere and when
ever we hold a clear
ance sale our prices
are lowered to a point
that can-not be equal
Sale will continue
through January and
covers your every need
with the bed winter
merchandise, that is
absolutely, reliable in
every way.
citation, dismission from
Georgia, Douglaa County.
Whereas, Mias J. D. Enterkin.
administratrix of G. W. Enlerkin,
represents to the court in her petition,
duly filed and entered on record, that
she has full; administered G. W.
Entcrkin’a estate.
This is, therefore, to cite a<l per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said administratrix should not be
discharged from h^Majnlatratio
and receive letter^^HB*^n os
Cleaning House for Spring
All of the accumulations of winter goods mud be
moved from our shelves during the next few days
Outings 10c Drills 10c Hats $1.25 to 2.50 Shoes J1.00 to R00
Wool Serges 42c Ladies and Misses Sweaters, Coats and a few
CoaljSuits at cost. JNRoofiM^-ply $1.70 per roll
i us for evet^flGhii^Bphandise
* wv l