Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, January 12, 1917, Image 7
DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA Ask for and Get Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 ffye Recipe Book Free SKINNER MFG.C0., OMAHA.USA iARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA. Any Direction Would Do. She had attained some success ns an authoress and after her marriage de cided to write a novel. Some months later she complained to her husband: “My new novel goes hut slowly, dear; but my publisher assures me it would go into the thousands if we’d just get up some sort of a sensation—for In stance—get you to enter divorce pro ceedings !” The husband meditated thoughtfully a few moments. “Well,” he said, “I can’t afford that; but—I’m willing to run away.” THE KITCHEN 1CABINETI The cares of the day, old moralists say. Are quite enough to perplex ono; Then drive today's sorrow away till tomorrow. And then put It off till the next one. DIFFERENT SALAD DRESSINGS. In tnaulng salad dressings it is most Important that all materials should be of the best, eggs, olive oil, vinegar and seasonings. Salad dressings should be a pleas ing contrast to the salad. It is not possible to use the same dressing on all sacrificing the COATS CONTINUE TO SHOW THE LIBERAL LINES THAT MARKED THE EARLIEST MODELS unu riu AFTER 14 YEARS OF SUFFERING This Lady Tried Cardui. Let Her Tell You in The Following Statement The Results She Obtained. Wise, Va.—Mrs. ,T. M. Elam, of this place, in writing of her female troubles, says: “This trouble went on for 14 years, often I was unable to work and suffered badly at . . . times, when I could not be on my feet at all. Really in bad health all the time dur ing those 14 years, 1 ' and was never without pain, with awful backacliing, lind no appetite, was nervous, but at that time my husband’s sister . . . recommended that I try Cardui, which I began to take . . . and which has caused me to be in better health ever since. In a few days I felt that im provement had begun. My back got stronger and less painful. I got less nervous and my appetite began to Im prove. In a few weeks my improve ment was noticeable, and I got into better health than I had had for 14 years. . . My walking before had been very painful, and could not stand on my feet to do any good. After using these medicines, however, I could walk without pain and was able to do the work and housekeeping for an ordi nary family. ^Iy back and appetite were better and also ray nerves." If you suffer ns Mrs. Elam did. take Cardui. It may be just what you need.—Adv. An instrument has been invented to check quickly and accurately the align ment of automobile wheels to ascer tain if they track correctly. • THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUTH. You will look ton years younger if you darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by using “La Creole” Hai* Dressing.—Adv. To lessen the shocks a new detach able tandem seat for motorcycles Is equipped with both horizontal and ver tical springs and has a back rest. Thousands Tell It Why dally along with backache and kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands tell you how to find relief. Here’s a case to guide you. And it’B only one of thousands. Forty thousand Ameri can people are publicly praising Doan’a Kidney Pills. Surely it is worth the while of anyone who has a bad back, who feels tired, nervous and run-down, who endures distressing urinary disor ders, to give Doan’s Kidney Pills a trial.^ A Georgia Case kinds of salads without zest of a salad. French dressing Is the easiest to make and one of the most popular ones'. It may he varied by using dif ferent combinations with it, such as American cheese, Roquefort, minced hard cooked eggs, chopped olives, onions, pimentos, chill sauce, green pepper, parsley, chives, tabasco, and Worcestershire sauces. Fruit juices such as pineapple juice makes one of i lie most delicious of salad dress ings. used as a base. Pineapple Dressing.—Mix all of the following in a double boiler: two table- spoonfuls of sugar, one-half tablespoon ful of flour, two egg yolks, and one- .halfi cupful of pineapple juice. Cook over water until thick, add the juice of half a lemon and a half cupful of Whipped cream. If the cream can not be obtained use condensed milk, dropping it blowly into the mixture; beating all the time. Whipped Cream Dressing.—Take one-half cupful of whipped cream, add two tnblespoonfuls of vinegar, two <a- Idospoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of mustard, and salt and pepper to taste. Shred a cabbage very fine and pour the vinegar over this, mix well, when ready to serve pour off all tin* liquid possible and fold in the cream beaten si iff. Chili Dressing.—Use three table- spoonfuls of olive oil to one of vinegar, add a few drops of onion, juice and salt and popper to taste. When ready to serve ndd finely chopped green pep per and enough thick chill suuee to •olor the dressing red. Serve on cab bage or any desired vegetable combin ation. Fruit salads are delicious to serve is a dessert or with a heavy dinner, us they are lighter than the ordinary ;alnds. LIBERAL LINES IN COATS. Mrs. 1619 Second Av Columbus, Ga., says: “My kidneys began to act Irregularly and I attributed the trouble to constant sitting. kies and feet swelled and I couldn’t wear my shoes. Soon af- Reed, “fvtry PldoreTelb •Story" Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S “r 1 ™** FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Mjfne- id, Daddy, ‘ S r *^ , Daddy-" U WeH. 1 what did Ue°plr^-on aayt 1 Marjorie—"He Mid that If I would aleep m»<. «. right aide I wouldn't have aucb dream* " Bad Attains are a good sign ol poor tfigestioa, wbea the hard worked stomach begins to complain the whole system soften and we have coaatlpatlon, offensive Green’s We lose money and comfort, nnd even temper sometimes, by not learn ing to be more careful.—Dickens. jolly, excellent, lovable SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. The following is mincemeat which fs easily made. Take one cupful of chopped cold meat, a half teaspoonful of salt, two large apples, chopped fine; one cupful of rais ins, one cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of mo lasses, one-half of a cup ful of suet, chopped ; one- half cupful of vinegar, one tablespoon fill es, one of cinnamon and a cupful aimed fruit juice and a cupful of boiling water. Cook all together and cool before using. This makes three pies. Potato Rolls.—To one cupful of hot, mushed potatoes add a fourth of a cupful of butter and the same amount of sugar, add a teaspoonful of salt, and a cupful of scalded milk. Cool until tepid, then add two egg yolks, and a yeast cake, dissolved in a fourth of a cupful of water; heat well and udd three-fourths of a cupful of flour, and let stand well covered where it will rise in about an hour. Add three or four more cupfuls of flour, knead well and set to rise until double its hulk. Shape into finger rolls, rise and bake in a moderate oven. This inukes about three dozen small rolls. Bermuda Salad.—Take a half cupful of thinly sliced Bermuda onions, dredge with salt and pepper, nnd pour over it two tablespoonfuls of vinegar and a teaspoonful of sugar. Let stand to season. Cut one and a half cupfuls of cooked beets in narrow strips, mix with a French dressing, using three tablespoonfuls of oil and one of vine gar, add the drained onions. Let stand a few minutes, add water cress, well tossed in French dressing, and serve. Chicken Pie.—Cook a four-pound chicken until very tender, after dis jointing, and put into a deep baking dish, make a sauce of five cupfuls of chicken broth, three tablespoonfuls euch of flour and butter, and pepper and salt to taste. Make a rich crust, put the chicken in the pan. pour over the sauce and a tablespoonful of scraped onion, cover with the crust, leaving a vent for the steam to es cape. A short time before serving pour into the pie a half cupful of rich cream. Mignons of Beef.—Take thick pieces of tender loin or tenderloin sliced, split each fillet nearly in two length wise, spread between, sandwich fash ion, some, beef marrow Ahat has been mashed ar|d^feasoned^g|At salt, pep- lely a^^Ruttte otilon. The latest arrivals in coats have not departed from tin* liberal lines of early models, neither as to length nor width. They give the same impression of lux urious warmth and substantial com fort. Some of them achieve original touches in detail of construction and trimming and succeed in presenting something new in a world of varied coats. Two examples that can hardly be ex celled for beauty and utility are shown. They proclaim the cleverness of their designer inasmuch ns they follow the mode, but by original means. At the right a cont, which might he made in nny of the popular cloths, Is cut with the body and sleeves in one. It is set to the figure over the shoulders by small tucks at the hack which extend from a square yoke to the top of the sleeves. Wide cults, a convertible col lar, and patch pockets, to which choice Ml For Infanta and Childi Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria sfmilatinS IheFood UnjjlheS'omiuJiSjnaB^^S Thereby Pfomoiln^D^e! Cheerfulness mdRcstCootii® f£tfrrfrtM/^rvr ( jiffies* “VSSSSZf resulting UicrefrotTvinlnl* 1 *;- Fac-Simile Signature. 0 * Tee GmmmGoHMwr. NEVTYBgas Bears Signature Exact Copy of Wrapper, ill Over 1 Thirty Yejars CASH the oirrrAun aoniuwv. mw yom| for anyone it that will It is un- model and a happy who wants a dressy gov serve for many occasions pretentious hut it is also elegant, nnd its design is so simple that the choice of color is widened. Where it is to serve for both afternoon nnd evening blue, light gray, taupe, olive green, burgundy and amethyst are good col ors that will prove successful in it. The underskirt nnd bodice are made of satin nnd are plain. The georgette skirt is bordered with a narrow band of velvet bended by a line of sliver braid. Above this a band is embroi dered by_long stitches in silk floss. The crepe is laid in three deep folds and draped over the shoulders, und be tween this draping a plain piece of crepe extends across the back nnd front. Narrow bnnds of needlework provide the decoration for the bodice. Short sho«.’jer straps are made of it FRESH • CRISP*WH01ES0KM THE SANITARY METHODS AFttlli MAKING OF THCSm BISCUIT THEM THE STANDARD *f EXCELL fyqr DmUt has Bum. or Ifait j </tsk him or writs as qirrag r CHATTANOOGA BAKERY ' Salt was once used for money in paying the soldiers. It was called “saleritim,” bonce the word salary. Gold, silver, copper, quicksilver or mercury, Iron, nickel, tin. zinc, lend and aluminum are the ten minerals generally to be found in every house. Air-cooling methods of the rapid-fire guns now In use have proved inade quate, and the soldiers seem to think that water-cooling is superior. 80AP IS STRONGLY ALKALINE and constant use will burn out the scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing, and darken, in the natural way, those ugly, grizzly hairs. Price. $1.00.—Adv. Quite So. “That man is in a grave revery.” “Yes; I noticed he was buried in thought.” 10 CENT “CASCARETS” FOR LIVER ANO BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. Auto6 in Steel Cal Los Angeles is trying tl rides and auto thefts in| supplying steel cages for street instead of the spaces usually provided in the downtown section. J ment is experimental andj be prohibitive, but the use are rented for a smd it is believed will cover Auto owners approve scheme, counting the re tual auto Insurance rate, there Is a long wnlting li#| cants for every street cag Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, In Buffalo, for large trial pack for kidneys—cures 'baeft Tomato seeds ground and into loaves constitute a valutf fodder. The empress of Russia is j the finest royal singer in thed Many a man’s good roputj o what isn’t found out ah CHARMING AFTERNOON GOWN. •tl. as plain ns can be and nothing is allowed to divide the attention, which is centered on the general excellence of this design. A fine combination of cloth and fur, shown at the left, is cut on lines that are almost straight, with a hint of definition at the waistline. A little fullness in the body is laid in plaits that disappear in a piping set in at the tront. Silk cord and pony skin distinguish this model by way of dec oration. The pony skin is trimmed Into points along one edge nnd forms a deep border at the bottom of the coat. The same idea nppenrs in the collar which is almost covered by the pony skin, and in/cuffs made entirely of It. Both cojats pre long ahd both leave no] and finished with small pendant balls of silver. The bodice shows a little chemisette of embroidered not. A wide flat girdle is made of satin veiled with georgette and ornamented with a band of needlework. It extends below the waistline, wrapping the fig ure loosely. The sleeves are full from shoulder to cuff. Here they are shirred to form the deep narrow cuffs that are finished at the hand with a band of needlework. The hat of gold lace, which, har monizes so well with this gown bound at tlie edge of the brim with sealskin and trimmed with a small pompon of this fur. It would be just rett^gHc of silver lace, and the fnrWl|j^^^Lrso1<»skin. Thf.. choice No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipntlon, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Cascnrets. They imme diately cleanse and regulate the stom ach, remove the sour, fermenting food nnd foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stlpnted waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet nnd head clear for months. They work while you sleep.— Adv. England Conserves War Timber. The English crown woods, which cover 125,000 acres nnd contain timber worth $15,000,000, are being extensive ly but carefully exploited to furnish nr timber for the front. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System ke the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives but malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. Norway has a total trade-union mem bership of 25,000. ACTRESS TELLS SEC A well known actress gives the^fdl Ing recipe for gray hair: To half pl3 water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small bo* Barbo Compound,'and 14 oz. otglye#* Any drugglBt can put this up er yoi mix It at home at very little teost. P directions for making and use con! each box of Barbo CompounfL It l gradually darken streaked, faded 8 hair, and make it soft and glossy. It j not color the scalp, Is not sticks greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Philadelphia preachers have \ a church advertising club* There are at present more 1 Esperanto societies in the wj COVETED BY ALIT _ but possessed by few—a bei head of hair. If yours is streake| gray, or is harsh and stiff, you ( store it to Its former beauty an ter by using “La Creole” Hair lng. Price $1.00.—Adv. One worker in ten in the States belongs to a labor union. • Anoint the eyelids with 1 sam upon retiring at nigli morning observe the strengthened sensation in your < arising. Adv. 9 London, England, can spare j firemen for the army. A Great Discovery (BY J. II. WATSON, M. D.) Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood is filled with poisonous waste matter, which set tles in the feet, ankles and wrists; or under the eyes in bag-liko formations. As a remedy for those easily recog nized symptoms of inflammation caused by uric acid—as scalding urine, back ache and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, it is simply wonder- *ul howjiqulckly Anurle acts; thepalns less rapidly disappear, glass of hot water befoii irlc to flush the kidneys, into any drug store and 1c, many times more po^ujKhan and eliminates uric acid if hot melts sugar. A WOMAN'S BU are lightened when Bhe 1 medicine. If her exv gloomy by the chronic f cate derangements, andj that afflict ner sex, she \ emancipation from hoi Pierce’s Favorlto Pros overworked, nervous, c finds now life and\g A fu!, invigoret'ng t~ was discovorod or physician for ma. *f#muip comp' vorng girls 1 for tv oraorly In beavin