Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, January 12, 1917, Image 8
Carload of Fords We will get in a carload of Fords this week and can fill your order now. The demand is going to be so great this spring that it will pay you to get your car now rather than wait several months this spring when you want your car. Let us hoar from you. Touring car delivered— $389.25 Duncan & Selman [ Professional Column DR. 0. HUUSEWORTH Attention to Sufgtry and Dineaseg “of women and childrei | Office in Hutcheson Building Office Rhone No. 118-2 Residence Phone No. 138-8 R. H. Roole C. V. Vanaan? DltS. POOLE & VANSANT. Surgery rnd Chronic Olaeaoea of Wotner and Children a hjxrclalty. Office over Selmaii's Drug Store. Phone Nos. 24, 92 and M. J. R. HUTCHESON, Attorney-at-I^iw. Office in Hutcheson Building. D. ,S STRICKLAND Attorney at Law Office in Hutchejon buiiding JOHN H. HUDSON Attorney and Counselor at Law VILLA RICA. Ga. DR. R. E. HAMILTON Physician and Surgeon Office in Hutcheson Building Office Rhone 106; Residence, 44 DR. F. M. STEWART, Dentist Office over Selmun’s Drug Store. ASTOR MERRITT ATTORNEY AT LAW DOUGLASVILLE. GEORGIA. J. M. BOYD Physician and Surgeon Office in H ut5heson Building. Phones—Residence No. 12S 2; C ffice No. 128-3. Money to Loan on Farm I can lend muney on improved farm lands cheaper than any one else in the county J. H. McLarty. Their Hunting Hourrf Birds oi prey generally nook thel prey In the daytime, while beasts o proy generally seek theirs at night. REETINGS e Have bought J. E Phil- Grocery business and Jpect to keep the most up date line oi groceries in >wn. ■iCome to see us, or phone when you want good |ods and prompt Delivery. /e us your Laundry. We will call for it and fiver it. Frank P. Dorris &Co. .E INSURANCE Is your property safe from Firej |\d Wind storms? Now is the time ^rear to be protected. ,et me figure with you j ean insure yourproperty for you tter where located. It doesn’t tuch to be safe. WE SELL Books 10c, 25c, 50c. Pictures 10c up. Picture Frames, any size- Mirrors 5c to $1.00 Lamps, 25c up Enamel Stewers, 10c to $1 00 Bret’dPans, any size Chair Seats, 10c any size Shoe Polish any color, 10c--25c Talcum, 5c to 50c Kodaks and Film-Film Developed Stationery 10c to 5i'c Machine Needles, for any machine Shuttles tor any machine Call here for anything in the variety line. SPECIAL—Grandma’s Washing Powder 7 for 25c. McCarleyTera Cent Store Leave Your Laundry Here J SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 12th and 13th All Men’s Clothing 25 per cent, discount Ladies’ Suits and Skirts 25 per cent, discount Ladies and Children’s Coats 25 per cent, discount All Raincoats ” ” ” ” All 50c Underwear . . 39c All $1 Underwear . . 77c 10c Outing . 7 l-2c 10c Flannelette . *. 8c 50c Outing Gowns . . 39c $5 Wool Blankets . $3.69 $4.50 Wool Blankets . $3.48 $1.75 Cotton Blankets . $1.39 $1.20 ’ ” . 95c, ! Arbuckle’s Coffee . .19c 7 pks Arm & Hammer Soda . 25c 20 lb. Good Rice . . 1.00 6 lb. Kit Fish . . . 39c These Prices Not Good After This Date We Save You Money If You Trade With Us. We’ll Save You Money if you don’t trade with us PAYCASH PAY LESS GILES BROS. DUNCAN. Clening and Pressing I have again bought the Palace, Pres sing Clu^and will give your work^ personal atten- nt J \e oli reliable tailoring REAL ESTATE List your farm now for spring an( summer selling. See us if you wj to buy. We have some bargaf both in farms and town property i We have one of the best farms in the counf acres, lbcated right at R. R. station, yvell in you waai a goqdjfarm this will si