Newspaper Page Text
foman’s R[ealm
sible Morning Drass Which May Be Made of Linen,
Likely to Be Made of Cotton, Such as Indian
ofne Other Suitable Weave—Pretty Head
dress for the Opera.
and sensible morn-
i.v be made of linen
> bojnade of cotton
pome' .other
l appears that
price, with the end
There is no very
eferring It to 'sub-
fully-woven cotton
’Idle. •.• There Is a
for. the eyes, as
i are short and the
while the weather
nvlting, springtime
under way.
may be cut by ft
! mighty well wortli
i feast spread tlier
| well as the ears,
j The coiffures and hair ornaments.are
| enough to engross eyes that love ( 0
| see woman's crowning^glory sfijJL furtb-
er ■ glorified. This season, Ifandsome
combs have taken precedence over otb-
ei;dmlr ornaments. The^ ' n ,. c made of
silver lillgree, shell, .c5ral, amber and
goitl; some ot them.'h|. 0 enameled, and
niost of them s «*t with brilllnnts
land mock jewtCs. Besides these, there
j are many l»t\>tty opera cups and hend-
dresses iff which malipos, brightened
nd jacket,
stundai'd pat-
a wide cape
sash ends made
[terinl ns the dress,
ddered near, the bot-
1 sprays ol' flowers.
r ry reappears on the
insh ends. The jnck-
at each side of the
back. The sleeves
ldte. buttons, eith-
£dnd buttonholes,
Jlng the jacket.
m, of the dress Is
with spangles or rhinestones, make a
background for wonderful feathers or
other ornaments.
A headdress of this kind is pictured
here. It consists of a fan of plaited
undines, set on a headband made of
wire, covered with many thicknesses
mullnes. In front of the fan of
nullifies a smaller fan-shaped orna
ment of line rhinestones is set, and
hands of rhinestones are slipped over
the headband, short intervals, all
the way round it.
Silver cloth and silver lace make
headbands that are ornamented with
they strands of pearls or* rows of
jangles or rhinestones set on.them,
ijro easy to make. The founda-
, . narrow band of buckram, cov-
jit 11 sliver doth. Sliver luce is
it this and sewed aloug tho
je. In one of these * ormi*
■sand of pearl, beads Is seweej
Director of
A. a. *. a «V ri ^ 8 ;. A vUng Director of
tlu.i ,n t,ie Moody
Bible Institute of C).i ( .nno \
Copyright. I'JU.Weaii.rl^Vs^r Un |on.)
Le-SSon for January 21
RRst disciple of the lord
T.ESSON TEXT—John ’J.:33-49.
GOLDEN TEXT—Jesus saltli unto him,
follow me.—John 1:43.
The words “I see” or “behold” occur
fifteen times in this first chupter. John
itness to the Sou of Man. This
term, “Son of Man,” occurs eighty
times in the gospel. The words “Come
or their equivalents, occur
nine times in this lesson. This Is a.
invitation lesson. It would be
Interesting if the scholars would tell
what the voices are which say,
“Come,” **uid those which are urging
them to “stay” away from Cod. JJetli-
ubara was probably two miles from,
the fords of the Jordan, where John
pti/.ed. Jesus was thirty years old,
just entering upon his ministry. Ti
berius Caesar was the emperor and
Pontius. 1*1 late the governor of Judea.
I. The Son of Man Attracts Men.
(w. 35-31)) not by his ethical teachings
nor alone by his works and his cluirac-.
tor, but what he was and Inspired in
j tilers attracted men to Jesus (John 10:
11). Crowds still gathered around the
hapti/.er who “changed the hearts of
spell.” John, the Bnp-
tizer, brought terror to men. lie broke
hrough the crust of self-righteousness
nd indifference, and compelled men
o see their need of forgiveness and
of a new life, hut the time had cornu,
when John must step aside, and Jesus
“to Increase,” to begin his ministry.
Four successive days are noticed in
hapter. Andrew (v. 40), and
jpostle John, who wrote
s the two disciples
John, tin* Buptizer,
sting t
It is cruel to force nauseating,
harsh physic into a
sick child.
Look back at your childhood days.
Remember the ‘.‘dose” mother insisted
on—castor oil, calomel, cathartics.
How you hated dhem, how you fought
against taking them.
With our .children It’s different.
Mothers who cling to the old form of
physic simply don’t realize what they
do. The children’s revolt is well-found
ed. Their tender little "insides” are
injured by them. ;
If your child’s stomach, liver and
bowels need cleansing, give only deli
cious ‘‘California Syrup of Figs.” Its
action is positive, but gentle. Millions
of mothers keep this harmless "fruit
laxative” handy; they know children
love to take it; that it never fails to
clean the liver and bowels and sweet
en the stomach, and that a teaspoonful
given today saves a sick child tomor
Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs,” which
has full directions ‘for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly
on each bottle. Adv.
West Point.—A savings bank for
West Point and Lanett was organized
at a meeting held recently at the aud
itorium in West Point.
Atlanta.—A fish cultural station to
be located in either Georgia or the
Carolinas to cost $40,000 was approved
by the United States senate commit
tee on fisheries.
Atlanta.—The Macon county pecan
company filed in superior court appli
cation for a charter for a $25,000 in-
dustr y to develop the raising of nuts
in Macon county, with headquarters
in Atlanta.
Moultrie.—The Moultrie creamery,
which has already passed the experi
mental stage despite the fact that it
has not been in operation but five
months, offers the fanners of South
west Georgia a new' opportunity for
making money by diversified farming.
Woman Soldier Lived to Be 108.
There is a tombstone in St. Nicho
las’ churchyard, Brighton, to a woman
soldier. It. is erected to the memory
of Phoebe Ilossel, who was horn in
Stepney in the year 1713, and states:
ervod for
private soldier in the Fifth Regiment
of Foot in different parts of Europe,
and In the year 1754 fought under the
command of the duke of Cumberland
Fitzgerald.—The city of Fitzgerald
sold and delivered to a broker of At
lanta its $23,000 issue of five per cent
school bonds, due in 1940. Principal
and interest payments are payable
in Atlanta at a handsome premium
Proceeds of the issue are to be used
in erecting school buildings in the
second and third wards.
Augusta.—The Augusta abbattoir
and the packing company have merg
ed. At the abbattoir the workmen are
engaged in getting together one of the.
most compact and best equipped pack
ing houses-in this section of the state.
The ow-ner of the abbattoir has sold
his interest to the packing company,
for the sum of $23,000.
at the battle of Fonteno.v,
received a bayonet wound in the arm.
Her long life, which commenced in the
time of Queen Anne, extended to the
reign of Cleorgq IV, by whose muni
ficence she received comfort and sup
port in her last years. She died at
Brighton, where she had long resided,
December 12, 1821, aged one hundred
and eight years.”
vho were at-
ggresslve Peter,
, the practical
tat the souls of
y followed, him.
'questioning, Jesus
[with the question:
tho first recorded
ministry. This is
a great testinj^question of every man’s
life. What is the aim and purpose of
your life? Jesus, the kingdom of God,
goodness, righteousness, usefulness or
on the other lajnd selfishness, worhlll-
noss, success, 'ambition. mot\ey, pleas
ure? These disciples who hat) listened
to this testimony of the bnptizer, re
plied that they wanted to know where
lie dwelt, Implying that they would
like to talk with him and discuss the
problems which were arising in their
minds. Three steps of Christian expe
rience are here suggested. These two
disciples heard, they looked and they
followed. Other steps must come
shortly, but we must first look at Jesus
as the Lamb, If we nrt* to follow him
as our example. We must believe
what he has done (Rom. 3:25) before
we can ask what would Jesus do or
try to imitate him. It is by following
tlpit we demonstrate that wo have real
ly looked unto him and been saved.
II. The Son of Man Cares for His
Own. (vv. 30-42). The Instruction
which they received from abiding with
him impelled them, as wo have already
indicated, to go out and spread the
good news. Tho greatest act in the
life of Andrew was tho bringing of his
brother Peter to Jesus. Jesus changed
Peter’s name, and gave him a proph
ecy of his future life and career. Ho
saw the possibilities within him,
though it took much Instruction, bitter
experiences, prayer and long abiding
with Jesus before he attained to those
possibilities. It Is this passage which
gave rise to the organization of the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew, which has
adopted, first, the “Rule of Prayer,”
that of daily prayer for the spread of
Christ’s kingdom among young men;
second, “The Rule of Service,’’ to
make an earnest effort each week to
bring at least one young man within
the hearing of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. On the morrow Jesus would
go forth to Galilee, that is to the East
side, across the Jordan river, and on
the way he found Philip. It was PhlUp
who asked the question, “Show us the
Father,” and of whom, the question
was asked as to the resources suffi
cient to feed the hungering multitude
(John 0:5). John, the Evangelist,
alone tells us about Philip. Philip saw
not only the resources of Jesus, but he
saw a union of the law of the prophets
(v. 45) in this Jesus, and therefore
could and did invite his brother to
Christianity \vould soon fill the earth
If Christians would put forth the per
sonal effort here suggested.
Nathaniel (v. 40) repented a proverb
of the country, “Cau any good thing
come out of Nazareth?” Philip’s reply
was: “Come and see,” and to his
amazement Jesus reveals not only his
character but Ids supernatural power;
whereupon Nathaniel’s\^«ply was:
art the Son of GodA&kL KIuj
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it.
Women’s complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause the other organs
to become diseased.
You may suffer a great deul with pain
in the back, headache, loss of ambition,
nervousness and may be despondent ana
Don’t delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a physician’s pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, re
stores health to the kidneys and is just
the remedy needed to overcome such con
G;:t a fifty cent or one dollar bottle
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
mple bottle. When writing be
and mention this paper.
Don't Be Envious.
Crush all envy out of your heart.
The envious person is in pain upon
all occasions which ought to give
him pleasure. The relish of his life
is past, aiul the objects which ad
minister the highest satisfaction to
those who are exempt from this pas
sion give the quickest pangs to per
sons who are subject .to it. All the
perfections of their fellow creatures
are odious. Don’t be envious.
Gold Ring for Baby Free.
Get a 25c Bottle of Baby Ease from
any drug store, mail coupon as di
rected and gold ring (guaranteed),
proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease
cures Bowel Complaints and Teething
Troubles of Babies.—Adv.
Atlanta.—The bureau of foreign and
domestic commerce at Washington, D.
C. ,* announces that 17,879 bales of cot
ton were exported from the Georgia
custom district the week ending Jan
uary G. From all twelve customs dis
tricts 113,S95 bales were exported,
making the total since August 1 last
3,290,82S as compared to 2,440,745 last
Atlanta.—E. J. Watson, commission
er of agriculture of the state of South
Carolina, has notified E. Lee Wor
sham, entomologist for Georgia, that
he will accept the invitation to attend
the meeting of the sea island cotton
growers at Valdosta, January 24, when
the boll weevil will be discussed. W.
D. Pierce of the United States bureau
of entomology will also attend.
Atlanta.—Sheriff Jack Yarbrough of
Nolan county, Texas, called upon Gov
ernor Harris and presented a requisi
tion from Governor Ferguson of Texas,
asking the extradition of H. L. Wil
liams, now being held in Augusta.
Governor Harris honored the requisi
tion and Sheriff Yarbrough left for
Augusta. Williams is wanted in Tex
as on a charge of swindling a bank out
of about $100.
Wayeross.—Waycross is now sup
plying a number of Florida and Geor
gia concerns with meat and lard. Car
load shipments are sent out from the
packing plant here to Savannah, Jack
sonville and Atlanta weekly most of
the lard going to the latter city. Neigh
boring towns are using the Waycross
product almost exclusively and in
some places nothing but the Waycross
product is handled.
Thomasville.—According to reports
from Grady county the syrup crop for
this season will be worth to the farm
ers of the county in the neighborhood
of five hundred thousand dollars. The
crop is all made and with the 3,000
barrels kept for home consumption and
7,000 carried to nearby towns the crop
will number 40,000 barrels, or more.
The prices keep up well and syrupy is
bringing about forty-two cents a gal
Truthful Excuse.
“The sheriff caught his yqung assist
ant writing love letters in business
hours today.”
“What did the young fellow say
when he was taxed with doing so?”
“Said he was not shirking his duty
as they were all writs of attachment.”
Good health depends upon good diges
tion. Safeguard your digestion and you
safeguard your health. Wright’s -Indian
Vegetable Pills provide the safeguard. A
medicine as well as a purgative. Adv.
Contrary Methods.
“How are you going to learn to drive
your motor car?”
“I am going to employ a coach.”
Is her hair. If yours is streaked with
ugly, grizzly, gray hairs, use “La Cre
ole” Hair Dressing and change It in
tho natural way. Price $1.00.—Adv.
Sevouty per cent of tlie world’s cork
supply Is said to be produced in Spain
and Portugal.
To got the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVB
BHOMO QULN1NH. Look for alcuatnre of H. W.
Gl'.OVH. Cures a Cold In Ono Day. 25c.
The working fon^Lof the British
Moultrie.—Cuthbert Adams was
placed on trial in Mitchel county su
perior court at Camilla under an in-
dicthient charging him with the mur
der of his father, Judge J. T. Adams,
in June, 1914. Last April Adams was
adjudged insane and sent to the asy
lum at Milledgeville. The authorities
there a few days ago said that Ad
ams was sane and he was then brought
back to Mitchell coiinty to be tried
for murder.
Brunswick.—Brunswick people are
very much pleased over a telegram re
ceived from Congressman J. R. Walk
er cf this district, announcing that
Brunswick’s appropriation of $510,000
had been included in the present riv
ers and harbors bill and would be fa
vorably reported by the committee.
As this appropriations is for a new
project, there was some doubt as to
whether or not the port would secure
it at the present session.
Griffin.—The feature of the opening
session of Spalding superior court
here was the masterful charge to the
grand jury by Judge William E. H.
Searcy, Jr., in which he referred to
the common crimes of carrying pistols,
gambling and liquor selling. Judge
Searcy stated in open court that four-
fifths of all crimes committed in this
country were attibutable directly to
whisky, pistols and gambling, He has
recently made a careful compilation of
crime statistics.
Brunswick.—Brunswick and Glynn
county farmers have acquainted them
selves with all of the features of the
new farm loan banks, when a meeting
was held at the cAan county commu
nity school liousMpr that purpose.
Milledgeville.—Tpe directors of the
Georgia I^orm^^Atad Industrial Col-
When Workls Hard
That kidney troubles are so common
is due to the strain put upon the kld-
noys In so many occupations, such as:
Jarring and Jolting on railroads, etc
Cramp and strain as in barbering,
...wulding, heavy lifting, etc.
Exposure to changes of temperature
In Iron furnaces, refrigerators, etc.
Dampness as In tanneries, quarries,
mines, etc.
Inhaling poisonous fumes In paint
ing, printing and chemical ehops.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are fine for
strengthening weak kidneys.
A Georgia Case
J. L. Skinner, car
penter, 306 Crawford
St., Augusta, Oa.,
says: “I had sharp,
piercing pains in my/
back and sides. Sev^
eral times I had to be
taken home from work
and the*only relief I
got was from nar
cotics. The doctor
said I had kidney
stones, but his medi
cine didn’t help .
Finally 1 used Doan’s
KIdpey. Pills ant] six
boxes rid ihe of every
symptom of kidney
Get Doan's at Any. Store, 80c a Bos
DOAN’S k p “AY
For the Liver, Stomach and Bowels
»» not ft patent medicine, but a
reliable and time tried prescrip
tion, perfected by one of Ohio's most prominent
Physician’s who has extensively prescribed it
for twenty yjars. |
m r•* an remedy «nd tonic
^ for constipation, biliousness, in
digestion, loss of appetite, full feeling and dis
tress after eating, torpid and sluggish liver, gat
in stomach and bowcU.
Two or <2) •» TABLETS each night
XfivaAtone wi „ MUJe one or
free and easy movements of the bowels without
the unpleasant effects usually following the um
of salts and cathartics. Send 50 cents in money
or stamps and receive a package by return mail
Box 517, Dayton, Ohio
j only lljre agent’s soller of the s
free particulars. Guih Males Agency, Tryon, N. O.
Knieker—What are
from now?
Docker—The high cost of explain
and constant use will burn out the
scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampoo^
ing with “La Creole” Hair Dressing,
and darken, in the natural way, those
ugly, grizzly hairs. Price. $1.00.—Adv.
She Was Shopping.
She had been sitting in the furni
ture shop for nearly two hours, in
specting the stock of linoleums. Roll
after roll the perspiring assistant
brought out, but still she seemed dis
satisfied. From her dress he judged
her to be u person of wealth, and
thought It likely she would have a
good order to give. When at last he
had shown her the last roll he puused
in despair.
“Pm very sorry’, madam,” he said
apoloegtically, “but if you could wait
I could get some more pieces from
tho factory’. Perhaps you would call
Tho prospective customer gathered
her belongings together and rose from
the chair.
“Yes, do,” she said, with a gracious
smile, “and ask them to send you
•no or two with, very small designs,
suitable for putting in the bottom of
a canary’s enge.”—Chicago Journal.
Favored by Circumstances.
“Wonderful time that aviator
“Yes,” replied Mr. Chuggin. “But
think of the advantage she had. Not a
traffic policeman on the entire route.”
Martial Loyalty.
“Here’s a woman who lias chased
her recreant spouse across the At
lantic twice.”
“She evidently believes It Is a wife’s
duty to follow her husband.”
Russian women predominate among
foreign-born students of their sex in
Whether (
Or Not It Is