Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, March 23, 1917, Image 6

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^aiesTbast GoBetter Crisp, crunchy toast done to a golden brown, spread with rich, creamy butter—that and a cup of good, old Luzianne. There’s a breakfast in itself that’s hard to beat—•mighty hard. You buy a can of Luzianne today. If it doesn’t go better and farther than any other coffee at the price, yoi;r grocer will refund your money, without question or quibble. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. The Luiianne Guarantee: Jf, after using tho contents of a can, you arc not satisfied in every respect, your gro- ■i II refund your money. Don’t Cough Until x wwa Weak VfggJV Foley’s Honey and Tar HELPS COUGHS QUICKLY Foley’s Honey and Tar takcaright hold of an obstinate cough and give# quick relief. It puts a healing coating on the in flamed membranes that line the throat and air passages. It stops the tickling, loosens and raises phlegm easily. It is just splendid for bronchial and la grippe coughs, and tight, wheezy breathing. Mrs. W. S. Bailey, Lancaster, Ky., coughed almost continuously day und night, until she took Foley's Honey and Tar. After taking half n bottle, her cough began to slow up, uud OKVCD bottles entirely cured bef cough. J. L. SELMAN & SON No Service Too Exacing to demand our closest attention. Your wants are studied, your needs considered and the resulting glasses are the best, most com fortably servicable possible. Price- Our low rent enables us to of fer you a material saving. SiSvius Optical Co. coffee *The Reily-‘Taylor Company, NewOrleans 19 So. Broad St. Nea.r Alabama. Walk a block and save a dollar. Atlanta. Ion Hotel' ATL/ NT A . GA. 4^-51 West Mitchell St witli.n Half Block of Tcdminal Station MODERN. C NVKNIKNT AND UP-TO-DATE ALL ROOMS HAVE >T AND COLD RUNNING WATER, astern heat, electric limits and telephone. New eleetric elevator. One hundred and f > ty rooms. One hundred with ppivate and con- n icting baths. M ern in its equipment and attractive Furnishings No expense has < r spared to provide for the comfort and conven ience of our patron. Europe n Plan. Rates,75c to $2. H. R. Cannon, Prop CALOMEL DYNAMITES OUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES '•Dodson’s Liver Tone" Stalls Your Liver Betier Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day’s Work JLdven up vour nluggLh liver! Feel 1 cheerful; make y<, But lake no misty, dungorou* I because it makes you sick and iv lose a day’s work, mol is mercury or quicksilver causes necrosis-of the bones. 'alor.nR crashes info sour bilo like ymmitc, breaking it up. That's when feel that awfuhrmusca ami cramping, iisien to me! If you want to enjoy nicest, gentlest liver nhcl bowel u'-’.iqg you ever cxfierienccd just take >il of harmless Dodson’s Liver .STOCK FEED OF ALL KINDS Randle sweet feed, hay, Red Gravy, Velvet Bean leal, bran, shorts, oats, beet pulp, cotton seed meal and 4ked hulls. We buy in car load lots and can save you \ney. We sell for'eash oniy. W C. ABERCROMBIE Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s l.iwr Tone Under my personal money- lock guarantee tlmf each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty culomel ami that it. won’t make you nick. Dodson’s Liver Tone h real liver medicine. You’ll know it next morning iu will wake up feeling fine, \eur liver will lie working; headache and dizziness gone; stomach will he sweet and bowels regular. Dodson’s Liver ’Tone is entii table, therefore harmless and salivate. (live it to your children. Milliunu of people are using Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel Your druggist will tell you that -he sale of Calomel is almost stopped entirely here. grippe J. L. SELMAN & SON Coughs, oney and Tar It heals the inflamed mucous lining of your throat und bronchial tubes. For all coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, tickling throat and honrsness, for children and for grown persons, use Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. 25c, 50c and $1.00 sizes. Read what a user says: R. G .Col* lins, expostmastcr, Bamegat, New Jersey writes: “Foley’s Honey and Tar soon stopped tho severe lagrippe cough that completely exhausted me. It can’t be beat.’* Safe and reliable. Remember the name, Folly’s Honey and Tur Com* pound, and accept no substitute. ooooooooocooo Walter A. Guest Tailor and Men’s Furnishings Stop in and look 69 W. Mitchell Atlanta Near Terminal station ooooooooooooo Coughs, colds, etc. Price 25c, 50c, and $1.00 Tomlinson Drug Store Colds> A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict . most people, and which follow one on the C OlJOf rlS other, in the order named, until the last one j g S p rea d through the system, leading to many evils. But their course can be checked. pERUNA C0NQUERS It 5s of great value when used promptly for a cold, usu- ■ ally checking it and overcoming it in a few days. " Ample evidence has proved that it is even of more value in over coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and tomng up the entire system. v . . The experience of thousands is a safe guide to what It may be ex pected to do for you. Liquid or tablets—both tested by the public and approved: THE PERUNA COMPANY, • • • COLUMBUS, OHIO Child’s Hotell Cafe Cut the high cost of living by getting a “Man’s Lunch at a Child’s price.” No better place in Atlanta to get a good meal. Nice Rooms at Reasonable Prices 8-10 So. Broad St., Atlanta. o»«* •••* 9«o. #••• ©••• •••* ©«•• ©••• ©••• ©••• ©••• •••• »••• • M* ©••• •M* §••• •M* ©•«*• • Mi •Mi ©••• •Mi • Mi •Mi • Mi •Mi • Mi ©••* • Mi • ••' • M •••i Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 H ive bean built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1916. These figures—320,817—represent the actual number of cars manufastured by us since August Aug 1st, 1916, and delivered by our agents to retail buyers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes it neccessary for us to confine the distribution of earsonly to those agents who have orders for im mediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If, therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford car, we advise you to place your order ’and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter cider today for immediate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don’t be disappointed later on. Runabout *345, Touring Car $360, Couplet $505, Town car $595, SedanF$645, f. o. b. Detroit FORD MOTOR COMPANY DUNCAN & SELMAN ••Js*Sv s::::::sssss::::x:s:s:s::ss:ssi<:::;::s:::::<:s:s:ss • • ••••••••••^••••••••f••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• •M ••V .;••• *••••© ••••»# •••• *®«© **••© *•••© *«••© *•••© ::::: :::::: *•••© «••••© ••••*© *•••© **•••• •••••© *•••• •••••© •••••© —••© **•••© -•••© :::: •••••© ••••• -•••© •••••© ••••#© -•••© -•••© :::::: *••••© ••••«© *••••© «•••© *••••© -•••© •••••© *••••© ••••#© *•••© «••••© 3 —••©