Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, June 08, 1917, Image 2

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DQUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA Professional Column DR. D. HOUSEWORTH Attention to forgery and Diseases of women andchildrtn Office in Hutcheson Building Office Rhone No. 118-2 Residence Phone No. 118-8 D. S. STRICKLAND Attorney at Law Office In Hutcheson Building. R. H. Poole C. V, Vansanl DRS. POOLE & VANSANT. Surgery and Chronic Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. Office over Selman’s Drug Store. Phone Nos. 24, 92 and 85. J. R. HUTCHESON, Attorney-at-Law. Office in Hutcheson Building. JOHN H. HUDSON Attorney and Counselor at Law. VILLA RICA, Ga. DR. R. E. HAMILTON Physician and Surgeon Office in Hutcheson Building Office Phone 10G; Residence, 44 DIt. F. M. STEWART, Dentist Office over Selman’s Drug Store. Pains, Dizzy Spells Mw.O.P.Cartwrlght,ol Whitweil, Tenn., writes: “I suffered with bearing- down pains. : . The dizzy spells got so bad that when 1 would start to walk, 1 would just pretty nearly tali. Was very much run-down. I told my husband 1 thought Cardui would help me. .. He got me a bottle. . . It helped me so much that be got me another bottle. I got a whole lot better. The dizzy spells and the bearing-down pains ... left me entirely.” If you are weak and run-down, or suffer from womanly pains, TAKE The Woman’s Tonic ASTOR MERRITT ATTORNEY at law DOUGLASVILLE. GEORGIA. J. M. BOYD Physician and Surgeon Office in HutBheson Building. Phones—Residence No. 128 2; C ffice No. 128-3, DR. G. H. TURNER Physician and Surgeon Special attenUon given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Philips' Store. FOR SALE—Organ at a bar gain for cash. P. 0. Bojc 93 or call No. 78. S3 53 33 You can feel safe in giv ing Cardui a thorough trial. It is composed of mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, recog nized by standard medi cal books for many years, as being of great value in the troubles from which only women suffer. The enthusiastic praise of the thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in its past 40 years of successful use should assure you of its genuine merit, and convince you that It would be worth your while to try this medicine for your trou bles. Ail druggists sell it. Try Cardui ]L A Telephone Saves Time And Time Is Money. It makes no difference whether vou live town or in the country, a Telephone is a NECESSITY. It is a pleasure to converse with vour friends ft d neighbors. It is a convenience when you want to speak to yotar Lawyer, Doctor, or Merchant. It is is protection to your family in your absence. - Let Vi.' Install One For You To-Dcy Gainesboro Telephone & Telegraph Co L. K. SMITH, Gen. Mgr.J. M. MONTGOMERY Local Mgr. Carrollton, Ga. Douglasville, Ga. Save The Difference O UR BUSINESS is selling shoes at less than their market value. A positive saving of 25 percent to 50 per cent., Our specialties, Sam ple Shoes and manufacturers canceled orders. We are receiving spring stock every week. We fit the whole family. THE TUGGLE SHOE CO. 41 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia Cansler Brothers Auto Repairing of All Kinds Oils and Greases ■r~ Lois Mills CARDUI Lois Mill and Villa Rica played a very interesting game of ball Saturday afternoon at the ball park. The game was in doubl until the 10th inning, when Giles for Lois Mill hit a long drive to right field, scoring the two win ning runs which resulted in 5 to 3 in favor of Lois . Mill. The battery for Lois Mill was Bragg and Gilles, for Villa Rica, Mathew and Hicks. Lois Mill and Sweetwater will cross bats next Saturday afternoon at three o’clock at ball Park. No admis sion. President M. E. Geer has purchased a new six cylinder Buick car and has given us men folks to understand that it is for himself and the ladies. No men will he allowed to mash the cushions. Quite a crowd*^f young people went to Factory Shoals lastTues day on a picnic. All report a pleasant time. C. A. Kcown, W. A, Burns and Henry Clark spent Saturday afternoon in Atlanta, making the trip in Mr.’s car. ‘ ‘Fathers Day” at our Sunday school was fittingly observed last Sunday. We had several inspir ing talks by Misses Upshaw, Dake. Geer and others, besides special music and reading by Miss Alline Burton, teacher of theSirap Iron class. Before this has been reed reg istration day will be over with. Now i3 a nice chance for our young men to show their loyalty to the colors. If there was ever a time in the history of our coun try when people ought to show their loyalty to their ebuntry, their employer, their family and their God, that timeT is now. It is an easy matter for people to be loyal when everything is sail ing smoothly, but it takes a hero to be~ absolutely loyal in times like these. Let all sit steady in the boat and give our country, our employers and our God the very best that' is in us. W. Hy. C. Farms For Si te. 40 acres, 3 miles of Douglas ville. $25 per acre. Half cash, balance easy terms. 86 acres, 3 miles Winston, 1-2 mile Cool Springs Schoo house, 45 acres cleared, balance timber. $900. Terms. 150 acres 11-2 miles Douglas ville—75 acres in cultivation—a good farm. $85 per acre. Small house and two acres land, well located in town of Deuglas- ville. $850. 50 acres?good land in Chappel Hill district; 3-room house, barn andTother out buildings, 25 acres cleared. Fine water and timber. Land lies well and is productive $1000.00. Easy terms. Dake & McLarty, Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA toria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parego Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and hy regulating the Stomach and Rowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS l Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought HK CENTAUR COMPANY, i Queen Mantel & Tile Co. B WOOD AND TILE MANTELS TILE FLOODS AND WALLS Electric Lighting Fixtures S QUEEN MANTEL TILE & CO. § 56 W. Mitchell St. Near Terminal £ Stop At The Old Reliable KIMBALL HOUSE ATLANTA GEORGIA Most Central and Convenient Location in the City EUROPEAN PLAN 150 ROOMS^r^Sl-OO PER DAY ROOMS—Connecting Baths $1.50. Private Bath* $2.00 and Up. Our Restaurant afford* A La Carte Service Unsurpassed m the South. FOOR HOTEL COMPANY Dinkier & Fnor, Proprietors Do You Dread Hot Weather ? Preserve Your Complexion the easy, pleasing way by using Magnolia Balm before and after outings. You can fearlessly face the sun, wind and duSt because you know Magnolia Balm keeps you safe from Sunburn and Tan. This fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling and a great com fort after a day outdoors. Magnolia Balm is the skin-saving beauty secret which is regularly used when once Does it cutyourenergy, disturb your stomach or bring ju near prostration? The well man isn’t afraid of heat, ut it is faying on the weakened body, BUILD UP YOUR STRENGTH Get your digestion xit>b order, remove all irritation, dispel all stagnation. Put yourself In ehapo to enjoy the summer with a good tonic. PERUNA INVIGORATES steadies the nerves, and supplies just what you need to enter the hot season with confidence. . . , Peruna is a real tonic, with especial efficacy in catarrhal con ditions. Liquid r tablet form—whichever is most convenient—will safeguard your health. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio SLOAN'S LINIMENT FOR RHEU MATISM The pain goes so q iiekly after you apply Sloan’s Liniment for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, sprains, and its so easy to use It quickly penetrates and soothes without - i rubbing and is far cleaner and more ef- ll/lflfYnnilSI Ralm fective thanmussy plasters or oint- ments - Keep a bott!e in the boU8e | and get prompt relief, not,only from | nerye-pains but from bruises, strains, ^sprains, over-exercise and all external ache?. At your druggists, 26c. 50c. tried. LIQUID FACE POWDER. 75c. at 'Druggists or by mall direct Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 40 Sbuth Fifth St., Brooklyn.N Y, NEVER NEGLEGT A COLD A chill after bathing, coaling off suddenly after exercise and drafts, give the cold germs a foot-hold that may lead to something wors v Safety requires early treatment. Keep Dr. King's New Di«covery on hard. This pleasant balsam remedy ’allays inflam mation, soothes the cough and repairs the tissues. Better be safe than sorry. Break up the cold with Dr. King’s New"Discovery before it is too late^