Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, June 29, 1917, Image 7

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA Money io Loan On improved farm lands at low interest and long terms. E. S. Lumpkin, Lithia Springs, Ga. STOPPEDIUS BACKACHE George Lawrence, railroad fireman, Kittrell, Miss., writes: “1 used three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills when I was so sick I hardly could stay on the engine, and they cured me. My back ached all the time; kidneys acted slug' gish; dull headache; felt sleepy all the time; nervous.; had to rise many times each night.” J. L. SELMA.N & SON. OOO3000000000 Waites 1 Quest Tailor and Men’s Furnishings Stop in and look 69 W. Mitchell ' Atlanta ■ Near Terminal station OOOOQOOOOOOOO RID OF FINGERING COUGH . You cun cv-Uroliof- from racking, hacking coughs, from wheezy, sneeZy breathing,.. from, raw, inflated .throat and tight chest. W. G. ' lazier, Bcn- tonville, A.ik.. writes: “I tan recom mend Folov’s Honey and Tar Com pound. I used it ior a cough that I had for years, and was said to have consumption Irat it cured me, 1 ’ ./. I.. Selmun & Son. STOP IN ATiANTA | AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor 13t. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold ' wafer, piTva te “ hath??, elnCtTTC' lights and elevator. First class accommodations at moderate prices. Rooms50c ™W/ JOHN lx, KDMONDSON, Trop. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In UseVor Over 30 Years Always bears Signature Lois Mills Owihg to th« fact (hat the Company has orders booked ahead, based on f Jl running time, they have decided to run the mill the 4th of July and give the employees double pay foi that day. This is also a slap in the face of old man high cost of living. Those kind of swats really epunt. A. F. Wilson and family of Greenville, S. C., are vis't ng Supeiintendent and Mrs. Long for a few days. Q u ite a number of Eastsiders motored to Atlanta Saturday afternoon. Rev. Cooit of Waco, filled the pulpit for Dr. Gibson Sunday and Sunday night' He made a f ivorable impression on our people.- Hope to have him with us-again. ; Our sunday School wks well attended Sunday, “Hoys* Day" being observed. Next Sundaji will he observed as “Girls’ Day’’ and we hope to have it ore than two hundred present. Geer’s Concert Band will furnish the music f-or the oc casion of the public installation of-the officers of the Odd Fel lows Lodge Monday night. Quite a crowd of the younger s^t enjoyed an ice cream supper at the hoii)e of -Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Soul on ihe• BA.ilfhead High- waiu Saturday- nip lit. Mrs, W. Jr.. stiingfieilow is 8p£rr,.ing some time-With her son. Frank, in Columbus. ,J. II. Coggins was adjudgid imsa fit) /'by TTjinr uf-Ordinary Mi'Larty’s Court SaLurda-y aft« r- noon and will be sent to the Slate Sanitarium within a few days. ' W. tiy. C. of Preserve Your Complexion the easy, pleasing way by using Magnolia Balm before and after outings. You can' fearlessly face the sun, wind and duift because you know Magnolia Balm keeps you saf§ from Sunburn and Tan. This fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling and a great com fort after a day outdoors. , . Magnolia Bplm is the skiii-saving | beauty secret which is regularly [.used when once tried. Magnolia Balm UQU1D FACE POWDER. Pink, While, t Roie-Red. 75c. ot ‘Dniggistutf oy mall direct Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp* . Lyon Mf«. Co., 40 Sbuth Fifth St., Brooklyn. N Y, says a Glass of Hoi Water Every Morning Before Breakfast Will Take Off Fat If You Get More Fre^h Air Be Moderate In Your Diet and Reduce Your Weight With Tassco ~ Lack of fresh air weakens the oxy gen-carrying power of the bUod, the liver becomes sluggish, fat accumu* lates and the action of mtny of the vital organs are hindered thereby. The heart action becomes weaJc, work an effort and tlya beauty ot the figure is destroyed. Fht put on 4>y indoor life is un healthy and if nature is not assisted in throwing it off by increasing the oxy gen-carrying power of the blood, a serious case of abesity may result. When you feel that you ard getting top stout, take the matter in hand at once. Don’t wait until your figure has become a joke and your htealth ruined through carrying around a burden of unsightly and unhealthy fat. Spend as much time as you possibly can in the open air, breathe deeply, and get from J. L. Selman & Son a box of tassco, v take a glase of hot water every morning before breakfast then take tassco after each meal and at bedtime. Weigh yourself every few days and keep up the treatment until you are down to normal. Tassco is absolutely harmless, is pleasant to take, he'ps the digestion and is designed to in crease the oxygen-carrying power of the blood. Even a few days’ treatment should show a noticeable reduction in weight, there yj nothingFetter for obesity. STOCK FEED OF ALL • KINDS We handle sweet feed, hay, Red Gravy, Velvet Bean meal, bran, shorts, oats, beet pulp, .cotton' seed meal and flaked hulls. We buy in car load.Ms and can save you money. We seU'for'cash eniy. ^ W Cl ABERCROMBIE Eat With Us No better medium priced cafe in the city. Step and try a meal andyou’ll come again. We serve only the best of everything. Albion Cafe 55 st ' FOR SALE—A good seven room house and one acre lot, well located in Douglasvilla. Dake & McLarty. No Service Too Exacting tovdemand our closest attention. Your w ants ate studied, vour needs considered and the resulting glasses are the best, most com fortably servicable possible. Price- Our low rent enables us to of fer you a material saving,*. Silvius Optical Co. 19 So. Broad St. Nea>r Alabama. Walk a block and save a dollar. Atlanta. Esnserve teeming Feed Andrew M. Soule, President Georgia State College of Agriculture. During the coming year, and per haps for several years, the United Slates will be called upon to supply the food requirements of her allies ns well as her own civilian popula tion. . Above all It Is imperative that the armies have sufficient supplies, even though the folks at home suffer hunger. Only by each person doing his share can the war be brought to, a successful conclusion. The soldier boys do their part in fighting a ruth less foe; your part is to produce and conserve the food supplies. Your duty ia: 1. To grow staple fruit, garden and farm crops. Let new and untried crops alone. 2. To organize community farm la bor so as to utilize farm machinery to -the Tjegt advantage. A traction en gine fri a cbmihunity should be kept busy. Business men should club to gether to furnish machinery to farm ers who canpot afford to* purchase at present. . -; • i k. To assist the Demonstration and Canning Club Agents in their work. E.ypry family should can or evaporate I sufficient vegetables and fruits for l their own needs. In addition a hand some profit may be derived from the; I surplus. 4. Each community r should take! J stock *of its resources and require-! ments. Strive to make your commun-' ity independent. Organize a local de- i fense leaeue. CALOMEL IS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE "Dodson's Liver Tone” Starts Your Liver Better Than Galomel and Doesn't *“ v Salivate or Make You Sick. Listen to me! Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don’t lose a^dny’s work! ^ Calomel ia mercury or quicksilyer which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, \vheri_ it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This ia when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish. and “all knocked out,” if your liver is-torpid and bowels constipated- or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue,* if breath is bad or Btomaoh sour just take a flUWmfni-of- harmless--Doth* Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a CO cent bottle of Dorl*. boii’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful to night and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go hack to the store and get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vogetable, therefore it can not salivate or make* you sick. I guarantee that one Spoonful of Dod son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson.’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is ha rmUw: doenu!i .grjpa aftd they lik^ta SUMMER GOODS Our line is complete in up-to-the=minute summer goods, and now is the time to make your selections and owing to the.fact that we bought early and prices are ad vancing rapidly, we are offering BARGAINS in every department. ID T? T\ /TTV A /T E> I? T) WE are headquarters for Men’s and ivtMVlJtUViDr>rv Boys’ Clothing—Palm Beach and C6ol Cloth—in great varieties, Shoes Shirts, Ties, Un derwear, and everything for your complete sat isfaction and comfort, at lowest prices. ALSO everything new and pretty in Ladies’ goods and some thing new coming in all the time. Agents for McCall and Pictorial Pat terns and Royal WorChester Corsets. N. B. & J. T. DUNCAN