Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, July 06, 1917, Image 2

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T DOUGLAS-COUN -t SKNTIN^I., UOUGL.tSVILLE, GEORGIA. T. H. McHattton, Professor Of Hortl. culture, State College of Agrt. One of the greatest problems that will confront the nation this year will be the storage of crops after they are produced. It Is an easy matter for the Georgia farmer to grow sweet potatoes. It Is a very common crop The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after ueipg the contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every reaped, your gro cer will refund youf money. good judgment and our got Ask for profit-sharing catalog. The Reily-Taylor Company, .New Orleans Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bough?, and which has „ ... v ^ „„ - been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature r 1 -- and has been made under hirs p.: • /s' sjS/Jtysonal supervision since its infant^ . J-CC/CCMK Allow no one to deceive you in thi.--. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” Pit fc : Experiments that trifle with and endanger the heal-: a . : Infants and Children—Experience^ against Experimc...u What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contain? neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iu age is its guarantee. For more than thirty has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatule ncy, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; qllaying -Fevcrishnesg rrisinfj therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Hov>el3, aide the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natuial sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of For The Wedding Back of every gift is a feeling of sentiment but the deepest sentiment.goes with the Wedding Gift. Foremost quality Then uality This store has had those thoughts constantly in mihd while searching the markets for things unique, unusual and genuine. That we. have succeeded in the fulfillment of this idea will be evidenced by a visit to our store. If you have n t fully decided just what you will present as a wedding gift, it will be a pleasure to assist you in vour selection. We are confident that a visit Will suggest some thing that will please you as the donor and prove a source of pleasure to the lecipient. We trust that we shall have the pleasure of showing you the many new and attractive gifts which Have been bought for the season. If you can not conveniently call, our Mail Order Department is prepared to serve you satisfactorily and advantageously. E./A. MORGAN Jeweler and Optician, Atlanta. 0—2 E., Hunter St. Princeton Hotel ATLANTA. GA. 45-51 West Mitchell St with.n Half Block of Tedminal Station MODERN. C NVENIENT AND UP-TO-DATE ALL ROOMS HAVE OT AND COLD RUNNING WATER, astern heat, electric ligi.ts and telephone. New eleetrfc elevator. One hundred and f > tv rooms. One hundred with ppivate and con necting baths. Mu'lern in its equipment and attractive Furnishings No expense has . cr spared to provide for the comfort and conven ience of our patrons. Europe- n Plan. Rates,75c to $2. H- R. Cannon, Prop dfoGiftt.sroia uasaft gslM? Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two DR. MJLE.S’ AWFUL SUFFERING. “I suffered untold agony with neuralgia. I thought I would go ihrid with pain. A friend of mlno advised mo to take Dr. allies' Anti-Pain rills. ^,1 did so and tho pain stopped almost at once. Then I commenced using Dr. Miles’ Nervine and be fore long I was so that I did not have these pains any more.” E. J. WINTER,* CGI E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. ANTI-PAIN PIUS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX. FAILS TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Old Suits LooK New When cleaned and pressed. Ladies Suits and Skirts a Specialty. Palace Pressing Club Cansler Brothers Auto Repairing of All Kinds Oils and Greases of all.jkinds of crops after they are an easy matter for farmer to grow sweet It Is a very common crop and one that Is grown extensively throughout the state} The problem of holding this crop over for winter use is a vital question at this time. Storing in hills and pits is not very practicable. We~*caunot afford to lose this year the potatoes that normal ly rot under such conditions. . The most approved method of sweet potato storing is to harvest the crop as soon as it is mature, to thoroughly grade the potatoes, throwing out all the bruised, injured or rotting ones. These may be immediately used~either on the table or fed to hogs, if they .are not fit.for table use. The good pota toes should then be carried to a stor age house. This storage house should he made with dead air space In the walls and with a double roof. The potatoes are carried into this house and put on trays or bins in the sides of the house. A stove is in the cen ter of the sweet potato room and the temperature is brought to from 90 to 1G0 degrees, where it is held for a week or 10 days until the potatoes have gone through their sweat. After this allowed to go out ; - the temperature is kept between 50 and 60 degrees. This may necessi tate a fire being built in the stove from time to time during the winter. tt may be rather early for this i formation tfl he given out, but now is the time for the Georgia farmer to think about the conservation of nia food supplies through the winter. The sweet potato house Bhoufd be built before the crop is harvested. How To Save Onions T. H. McHatton, Professor Of Horti- culture, State College of Agri. The great trouble that the Geor gia farmer has with onions is hold ing them through the winter. The fol lowing methods of handling are rec ommended in order to save the onion crop. The usual practice is not to harvest onions until the tops r**“ thoroughly dead. This, under « conditions, is.a mistake. As soon i the first few- inches of ttyj top begins to yellow and die the onions should be either plowed out with a small one-horse plow, or one should go through, the field with a potato hook or tine hoe arid pull each onion over on its side. In this way the .top dies down..and dries out without making a point of entry for water into the onions where the top beuds and splits Just above the bulb. After the top has died and dried and the onion has pretty well dried out it should he removed from the field and spread in a well ventilated, airy place. Here the curing is completed. After this tho tops may be removed and ’ the onions put in racks or crates in a storage room where they may be pro tected from freezing. If the Georgia farmer can save the onion crop this year, even the small crop of home garden, It will mean a great deal of food for use this winter. Winds Vary, Luzianne -Never don’t have to be a magician to make two pots of coffee exactly alike when you use Luzianne. For, Luzianne is unvarying in character, ever and always the same good-drink- ihg coffee. But—the only way you can really know Luzianne is to drink it. And that suggests your buying a can today. Bear in mind, you take no chances with Luzianne. The guaran tee protects you to the very penny. get rijjht to it and buy Luzianne now. Every sip will confirm your " faith. In Bse For Over 3® Years The Kind You Have Always Bought “TH t CINTAUR COMPANY, NBW VOWK OITV. Increasing The Oil Content Of Cotton Seed By Selection L. E. Rast, Jr. Prof, of Agronomy; | Ga. State College of Agriculture. As a result of four years' work in the. Cotton Industry. Laboratory of the Georgia State College of Agriculture, it was found that the oil content of cotton seed is an inherent character istic of the variety and that the per centage of oil in the" seed of any va riety can be increased by selection with no corresponding loss of other desirable qualities. There are slight variations from year to year depend ing upon the season, hut these environ mental factors influence all varieties alike, and. the seed of varieties that were high in oil content the first year have remained so during subsequent' seasons. In a general way, the varie ties with the highest proportion of meats to hulls product the most oil; hut there is no positive correlation be tween percentage of meats and oi]_ content since the percentage of oiT in the meat varies with the variety. The difference between the seed of the highest and lowest oil yielding va rieties for the three,years was 10.4 gal lons pf?r ton. This means that by growing the superior sorts and elim inating the inferior ones the aver age value of cotton seed could he in creased $5.00 to % $10.00 per ton. T^elr Hunting Hours. Birds of prey generally seek their prey In the daytime, while beasts of prey generally seek theirs at niclit. Qiieen Mantel & Tile Co. WOOD AND TILE MANTELS TILE FLOORS AND WALLS Electrie Lighting Fixtures QIIEEN MANTEL TILE & CO. 56 v W. Mitchell St. Near Terminalf BUHj3HHfflBPBBBBttHBnBBBBBfBBl Stop At The Old Reliable KIMBALL HOUSE ATLANTA GEORGIA Most Central and Convenient Location in the City EUROPEAN PLAN OstfiSSSLHS Of The Bestln The So- 150 ROOMSK:‘.?°. J w c .;j J ,$L00 PERDi ROOMS—Connecting Baths $1.50. Private Baths $2.00 and I Our Restaurant affords A La Carte Service UnsurpassejlJn^ South, FOOR HOTEL COMPANY Dinkier & Foor-, Proprietors