Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, August 03, 1917, Image 7

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA. STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at moderate prices. JOHN L. KDMONDBON, Prop. STRAIGHTENED HIM UP ' Solomon Bequet, Flat River, Mo. writes: “Two years ago I was down on my back till I could hardlv go. Foley Kidney Pills straightened me right up." Rheumatic pains, aching joints, sore and swollen muscles indi cate deranged kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills get right at the trouble and givo prompt relief. . J. L. SELMAN & SON. If you want a good hat, get a I ‘Swan" at Stewart Brothers. FOR PEACE OR WAR _ There was never so urgent a demand by our Government and our various indus tries for men who have been trained to think scientifically and to work efficiently. And this demand must continue when the world is again at peace. The Georgia School o* Technology is preparing young men for positions of higher service either] in peace or in war. Courses, including both general and technical training, are offered in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical and Teatiie ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, AND COMMERCE V The national reputation of this institution Is based on the successful careers of its graduates. Its aims are summed up in the equation] CHARACTER + CULTURE -f EFFICIENCY=EDUCATION Applications are now being received for the next cession, which opens Sept. 19. For catalog, address, IIG. MATHISON, President, Atlanta, Qs, 19 So. Broad St. Near- Alabama. Wall: a block and save a dollar. Atlanta. The Macon Daily Telegraph Pays for Itself and (Saves You Money Beside- : Read Its Ads every day and you will save money in your purchases. Read Its News Columns and you will keep posted as to what is doing and will thus be able te exercise better judgement in your business affairs. Send $7.00 for Daily and unday or $5.C0 for Daily only. You may be losing money because you art not in formed ! It is economy to subscribe to THE TELEGRAPH, MACON, GA. Flies Breed Filth —then come into your home pILTH MEANS DISEASE and flies are born in filth, feed on filth A and carry filth with them wherever they alight. Flies hatching today in an outhouse, stableyard or in garbage, may bring distress to your family Inter on in the summer. They may bring typhoid fever, summer complaint^ consumption, malaria, or perhaps infantile paralysis. The fly is almost the exclusive conveyor of diarrhoea and dysentery among children and babies. RcADeVillyg, Eats Filth and Destroys the Fly Eggs This wonderful Lye eats up filth and leaves absolutely nothing for flies to feed on Or breed in. Just sprinkle it once or twice a week in the privy or outhouse. It does the work. Encourage your neighbor to clean his out-house also, because what's good for yours is good for his. RED DEVIL LYE is also simply wonderful for making soap, con ditioning hogs, and for making compost for fertilizer. RED DEVIL LYE is sold by all grocers. Demand IOC. cans. One dime can contains more than two nickel cans, rf_Poafaf_ror-Fff?oolr/q/. WM. SCH1ELD MFC. CO., 610 M. 2nd St., ST. LOUIS, MO* ♦ Mrs. G. P.Cartwright.Of Whitwell, Tenn., writes: “I suffered with bearing- down pains. : . The dizzy spells got so bad that when I would start to walk, I would just pretty nearly fall. Was very much run-down, 1 told my husband I thought Cardui would help me. .. Ha got me a bottle. . . It helped me so much that he got me another bottle. I got a whole lot better. The dizzy spells and the bearing-down pains . . . left me entirely." If you are weak and run-down, or suffer from womanly pains, TAKE m No Service Too Exacting to demand our closest attention. Your wants are studied, your needs considered and the resulting: glasses are the best, most com fortably servicable possible. Price- Our low rent enables us to of fer you a material saving;. SILVIUS OPTICAL CO. The Woman’s Tonic llnl You can feel safe in giv ing Cardui a thorough - trial. It is composed ol mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, recog nized by standard medi cal books for many years, as being of great value In the troubles from which only women suffer. The enthusiastic praise of the thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in its past 40 years of successful use should assure you of ils genuine merit, and convince you that it would be worth your while to try this medicine for your trou bles. All druggists sell it. Try Cardui Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism “Send me Foley Kidney Pills. I ara badly done up with rheumatism and they aro the only thing that help me.” A. J. V/alsh, Sneffels, Colo. Rheumatism is stubborn as a mulo —it hangs on llko a leech—wears out your strength—worries you with pain —drags on your vitality—depresses your mind—affects your health! Don’t let it bang on you! Don’t glva ■up to It! Don’t overlook Foley Kid ney Fills! For they work directly on the Hdney3—tone up and strengthen them to the perfect action that keeps uric acid out of the blood, and clears away the cause of rheumatism, lum bago and stiff, swollen, aching Joints. Begin now, today, and soon you will again be active and free from pain. Mr. Walsh winds up his letter to us by saying: “1 consider Foley Kidney Pills the best I have ever used, and 1 have tried several different rem edies.” Your druggist sells them. J. L. SeltimM Sc Son. Farms For Sale. 40 acres, 3 miles of Douglas- ville. $25 per acre. Half cash, balance easy terms. 80 acres, 3 miles Winston, 1-2 mile Cool Springs School house, 45 acres cleared, balance timber. $900. Terms. 150 acres 11-2 miles Douglas- ville—75 acres in cultivation-a good farm. $85 per acre. 50 acres good land in Chappel Hill district; 3-room house, barn and other out buildings, 25 acres cleared. Fine water and timber. Land lies well and is productive. $1000.00. Easy terms. Dake & McLarty, C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Signature of Life Insurance Is A Necessity- No good business man thinks of do ing without it. There is no other way in which you can create an im mediate estate with so little invested. You Owe It to yotir Family to provide for them in case of your death, and' every, young man should carry a policy on which he can get tha money when he needs it. I have secured the agency of the Old Reliable Penn Mutual succeeding Mr. J. R. Duncan, who has resigned, owing to press of other matters. More Douglas county people are insured in the Penn Mutual than in all other companies combined. All kinds of policies for men and women. A joint life policy for man and wife or partners in busi ness payable on the death of either is a most attractive policy. Come in and let us figure with you or dicp us a line and we’ll come to see you. Z. T. DAKE. STOCK FEED OF ALL KINDS We handle sweet feed, hay, Red Gravy, Velvet Bean meal, bran, shorts, oats, beet pulp, cotton seed meal and flaked hulls. We buy in car load lots and can save you money. We sell forV.ash oniy. W. C. ABERCROMBIE w §(3ad)<i]@ij) (pam fiifoo® Every Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other If Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles’ NERVINE is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. BADLY RUN DOWN. “I hail beeomo greatly run down and my nerves were In terrible condition. I had frequent head aches and became very weak and was unable to do anything. I bought a bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nerv ine. I soon began to feel bettor, my nerves were quieted. I re covered my strength, and have 3lnco recommended Dr. Miles’ Nervine to many of ray friends who hi 179 Broadway, Sdhenectady, N. Y. CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATE! ••Dodson’s Llvw Tone" Is Harmless To Wmu Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugh? Calomel make9 you sick. It’s horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel fe mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the hones. Calomel, when -it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and 'all knocked out,” if your Hver is to. pid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's | Liver Tone’flight on my guarantee. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any dn store and get a 50 cent bottle of Do- son’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you right uu and make you feel fine and vigorous' want you-to go back to the store get your money. Dodson’s Liver is destroying the sale of calomel becausi. it is real liver medicine; entirely vegeJ table, therefore it can not salivate afl make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful c. Dodj son’s Live* Tone will-put your sluggisl liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waqt] which is elqgging your system and ra&kL ing you feci- miserable, f guarantee tknl a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone wi 1 ! keep your entire family fi ling fine i'c.1 months. Give it to your children. v r t ifl harmless; docru’t gripe an they ’ .c i'M plea§unt taste. *“ --Y.j