Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, September 07, 1917, Image 3

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/ DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASVLLLE, GEORGIA “FEED YOURSELVES ” BY PLANTIN6FALL G ARDEH An Eleventh Hour Call To Those Who Have Not Already Done Their Part To Help Feed The Nation In planting the fall garden there comes the last opportunity in 1917 to many of us to answer the call of President Wilson to help “feed the nation and the peoples everywhere who are fighting for their liberties and for our own.” Thousands and millions of men have changed from producers to consumers and with an •army in the field an abundance of supplies, especially foodstuffs, is the superlative need of our country. The most suitable crops for the fall garden, says Mr. E. Ragsdale of the College of Agriculture, are: beans (snap), beets, cabbage, carrots, col- lards, celery, kale, kohl-rabi, lettuce, mustard, onion (seed), rape, rutabaga, spinach and turnips. Carrots and beets may be planted to within six weeks of frost. The beets may be used for pickling or may be left in the garden to be used as needed. Mustard, spinach, kale and turnips are good greens and may be sown any time during the fall. Rape, a good green also, should be sown in : soil during September. It may be used for grazing chickens and hogs. Cabbage may be set any time from July to December and those set in late fall and early winter are left to mature in the spring. Collards may be set any time during summer and fall to be used during winter. Snap beans is one of the surest crops and may be planted with seed ■from the early crops to within eight weeks of fiost. Lettuce may be grown in the open during the fall and in cold frames dur ing the winter. Onion (seed) may be planted in Oc tober and allowed to mature the fol lowing summer or may be used as bunch onions in the spring. The rutabaga should be sown July to September and used after frost. Careful preparation, fertilization and cultivation are just as necessary for the fall garden as for the spring garden. For any information regard ing the above crops write the Depart ment of Horticulture, Stat© College of Agriculture. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in lisa for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS- •Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought CNTAUR COMPANY, KBBIlSi WINTER COVER CROPS SWELL FRUIT RETURNS Prevent Washing of Land and De crease Fertilizer Bill One of the most important prac tices In orchard management is the growing of a cover crop under the trees during the winter. This covei crop helps to cut down the nitrogen bill if winter growing legumes are used; adds organic matter to the soil; and prevents washing in our hilly sec tions, says Prof. McHatton of the Georgia State College. If we can do so, it will be well to have hairy vetch as part of this cover crop. To go along with the vetch we should have either oats, rye or wheat. It takes about a bushel of grain seed and twenty pounds of hairy vetch to tsow an acre. Where used, the hairy vetch seed should be inoculated be fore planting. In North Georgia the cover crop should be sown about the last of September to the first of October. In Central Georgia it should be sown by the 15th of October In South Geor gia it may be sown as late as the last of October or first of November. Where orchards are on rolling land, it is well to sow this cover crop with au open-furrow drill. The open fur rows not only protect the grain, but are a great help in keeping the land from washing until the young grain can become well established. The value of a cover crop in an orchard cannot be estimated, as we have no way of knowing the monetary value of organic matter in the land. We know, however, it greatly improves the soil and will help us to make a crop of good fruit the following sea son. If the above mentioned seed cannot be obtained for sowing the cover crop, it would be a good plan to sow something under the trees,—turnips, rape, or anything that will grow through the winter, so that when plowing lime comes in the spring there will be something to turn funder. The Old Stand We not only do cleaning and press ing but make all kinds of alterations. Phone no 42 and we zvill send for your clothes and return them. We also handle the celebrated Edward E. Strauss Tailoring line. Li t us make you a suit. G. N. EUBANKS Did you ever let your fire insurance lapse? If so, you know the uncomfortable time you had mntil it was renewed. Did it ever occur to you that your wife may right now be uncomfortable by reason of your not hav ing life insurance, or enough to keep her and the children for more than a year or two if you should die? What did you promise that good wife in the way of love and PROTECTION when you married her? The Penn Mutual Life premium rates less dividends are lower or its guaranteed values higher than those of any other company. The Penn Mutual Life is one of the oldest life insurance companies in the United States, and one of the largest in the world It will be our pleasure to furnish full infor mation at any time. A Savin g-Not An Expense L IFE insurance saves and gathers your future expected savings into real, present money at your death. Send name, address and date of birth for amount of annu al saving at your age. Name Address - Date of Birth Fill in and return to Z. T. DAKE. Prepare to Be Shocked. When a man says "fra going to bt perfectly frank with you," brace your self. He is going to tell you some thing unpleasant "about yourself that Jie has had on his mind for some time, J The Whale For WorK Ton TrucK WIDENS YOUR TRADE CIRCLE T HE two circles illustrate the capacity of your daily delivery with a MAXFER and with a team. The larger circle is four times the dia meter of the smaller one. Extend your reach. Make your territory miles, instead of city blocks. Why not? Distance means nothing when you deliver your load in one-quarter of the time with a MAXFER—the whale for work! Withyourbusiness equipped with a MAXFER, you can really adopt the slogan, “We Deliver The Goods.” MAXFER makes a Ford used or new into a one-ton truck at a cost of $350 and a Ford. The MAXFER slips over the whole length of the Ford, strengthening it all the way. Today it is being used by over 5,000 firms having strenuous delivery service. In this day and age you cannot deliver the service which is required without a MAXFER. We will be glad to send you all ^particulars and have a demonstrator at your place of business to show you that the MAXFER solves the hauling problem of the high cost of horse delivery. UPSHAW BROTHERS Agents MaxfeiyTruck and Tractor Company, r 5025 South Wabash Avenue^ Chicago, III.