Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, September 28, 1917, Image 3

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i.’Ut GLAS COUNTY SKNTINEL, UOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA hi 'L rii-sa-m? The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after using the contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund your money. mt IS "fee” It's got the smell and the smack that make you say, “Set ’em up again.” For it’s always fair weather when good folks get together over a cup of. steaming, staving-good Luzianne. You don't buy a pig in a poke when you buy Luzianne Coffee. No, Ma’am. It clearly states that if it doesn't meet your idea of a better coffee, you’re entitled to your money back and £e< it Buy a can of Luzianne and re adjust your ideas of what good coffee must be. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. ‘coffee The Reily~Taylor Company, .New Orleans — I' :::i« f Chiada*s£i Cs*y for FBstcitoer’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over SO years, has borne the signature of 0 —•» and has been made under pur- y sonal supervision since its infancy. '-wuz''. .. « . Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiment-:. that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR3 A , Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, to age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, ■Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Eton rich and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; givir ‘ y and natalal sleep. ' The Children’s Panacea—The Sd-mc.-s Friend. GEmm& CASTOR 8 A always I Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always N Bought CENTAUR COMPANY, NKW YORK CITY, Kfepvoeia ©afeeisD'o©^ LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered greatly from nervousness and hcad- a<*hes. The least excite ment gavo me dreadful pain. I began using Dr. Miles’ Nervine and a few days later started to take Dr. Miles’ Heart Treat ment. I soon got so much better that I was encour aged and continued taking the two remedies until I was so well that work was no bother to me at $11.” MRS. LOUIS ELG, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Striving to satisfy the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles’ Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles’ Heart Treatment is highly recommended. • IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YCfUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Georgia Sorghum Atlanta, Ga., September 27.— Old fashionej sorghum cane is coining Pack into its own in Georgia, Reports from moun tain counts.y bring the intoima- i in that the crop is the greatest on record. Many mountain far mers have raided only sufficient coin to supply their needs and planted the balance of ilieir corn land in-sorghum cane. In South Georgia the crop of ribbon cane is said to be the largest on record also, Syrup and molasses are bringing a good price and sugar is getting scarce. Some prophets believe (lie people will be using molasses to sweeten their coffee and tea if the war yoes on, like southern people did in the days of the civil war. Preserve Your Complexion the easy, pleasing way by using Magnolia Balm before and after outings. You can fearlessly face the sun, wind and duSt because you know Magnolia Balm keeps you safe from Sunburn and Tan. This fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling , and a great cum in fort after a day ( outdoors. I Magnolia Balm is H? the skin-saving _xS beauty secret llpStA which is regularly r^flused when once y tried. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. Pink. While. ‘Rate-Red. 75c. ol •DmmUU or In mall direct. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. lyon MFg. Co., 40 Sbutli Fiftl, St.. Brooklyn.N Y. SAY! i Id Grain, Shorts, Sweet Feed si noil’a. E. C. ROBERT: STOP IN ATLANTA AT HOTEL EMPIRE Opposite Union Depot on Pryor St. Renovated and refurnished throughout. Reservations made on application. Hot and cold water, private baths, electric lights and elevator. First class accommodations at moderate prices. Rooms 50c an'i/u/ JOHN I,. KDM0ND9ON, Prop. Catarrh Cannot Be Cui~;J with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as th "f cannot reacli the seut of the disoa: .'. Ca tarrh Is ft blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure il you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cur i.F taken Internally, and acts directly .1 the blood and mucous surface. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is nut a quack medlcii.- . H was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of I lie best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on th'> mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients Is what ;>;• - duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh, .‘'end for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Tak; Hall's Family Pil's for conallpatloa. REAL TEST OF VALUE Compare our values with those of other stores and you will readily see a Full Saving of 1-3 to 1-2 ==Due to low operating expenses and a strictly cash business. Assortments are everything you could wish. ^Women’s Suits Serges—Poplins and Trico tine—Blue-Black — Green —Brown—Plum — Taupe Smart Styles [and splendid Materials $15.85-418.45 $22.45 Women’s Bools Stylish lace style-all sizes $2.50-$3-$4 Girls’ and Misses Shoes $2.C0-$2.E0-$3.G0 Men’s Suits All wool blue serge $12.45 BOYS’ SLITS All wool blue serge $5.95 Serge Dresses Mannish serges and silk combinations—loose fitting straight models and pleated styles—featuring blues and new shades $9.95-112.45 Hats Smartly Trimmed $3.95 and 4.95 Ready-to-wears $2.95 and $3.95 First Showing Men’s and Boys Hats— Furnishings— and Underwear, in full assort ments. Women’s Coats Soft velours and heavy coatings—complete color range $12.45-414.95 and up to $29.95 New SilKs=*New Serges Velour s—Broadcloths— Crepes—Messalines—B e« t qualities, in ail the new winter shades Men’s Shoes Black and tan—best wear ing leathers &00"$3.5M4.00 BOY’S SHOES Black and tan $2.00 42.50 SMITH & HIGGINS Atlanta.