Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, October 19, 1917, Image 6

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA Uysha v Would Pension Vets Atlanta, Gd., October 17.—A bill providing federal pensions for Confederate soldiers will be introduced in the United States Senate by William D. Upshav. the “famous orator on crutches’’ who is now a candidate for Sena tor Hardwick’s place, if he is elected in the senatorial contest next year. “Theheroes in gray huvegiven the world the fullest limit of loyalty in teaching their sous arid grandsons to defend the flag of our reunited eouicry,” deciaies Mr. Upshaw. “They are entitled to federal pensi ms, not as a g but as a just recognition of loyal citizenship—the loyally tin t has helped to pay Ihe pensions of federal soldiers for half a cen tury—the loyalty that now fur nishes their sons to go to the 1 tattle front for the safety and glory of the Stars and Stripes. Mr. Upshaw is himself the son of Confederate veteran, andsup- ' p >rt of the government is tne p incipal p’ank in his platform, h issue bfiig Senator Hard wick’s opposition to the Presi dent and the national war id ns. Lecture and Sermon at Bethel We are asked to announce that Rev. L. J. Ehrlich, of Atlanta, a Christian Jew, will lecture on the fourth Saturday night andj preachat 11 a. m. Sunday at Bethel. All are invited. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAI. applications, mmiot reach the scat oC tl tarrh Is a blood i and in order to c tcrnal remedies, taken internally. tho blood . constitutional disease, ire it you must take in- ! Hall's Catarrh Cure Is and acts directly upc i face. Hall's ! tiudiclnc. It , prescribed by one of the best phy- : The Luzianne Guarantee: If, after using the contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund your money. It Shorely is Good”—. Start the day with a cup of good, old Luziafine. There’s cheer in its very aroma—spunk and go- to-it in every swallow. You'll like Luzianne. Buy a can today and, if you don’t agree it goes farther and tastes better than any other coffee at the price, tell the grocer and he will give you back exactly what you paid for it, with out argument. You simply can’t go wrong on Luzianne. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. ee ilts in curing niiultj, free. F. J. CIIENICY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, jtrl-o 75c. Tair. Hall’* Family Pil'.*. for coisUoailou. The Reily~ Taylor Company, New Orleans Princeton Hotel ATLANTA, GA. 45-51 West Mitchell St!* , within Half Block of Tedminal Station MODERN. C JNVENIENT AND UP-TO-DATE ALL ROOMS HAVE .iOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER, astern heat, electric lights and telephone. New electric elevator. One hundred and f > ty rooms. One hundred with ppivate and con necting baths. M > lern in its equipment and attractive Furnishings No expanse has € er spared to provide for the .comfort and conven ience of our patrons. Europe n Plan. Rates,75c to $2. H.R. CANNON, Prop. Why iNot Have Perfect Lenses? Improvements and better ments in glasses are just as frequent as in anything else. Until a few years ago all lenses were fiat, because no one had thought of a better way to make them. Today nearly 90 per cent of lenses fitted are Toric lenses, curved to follow the shape of :he eyeball. Tories give a perfect range of vis ion from every angle—the edges do not confuse you when looking from the corner of the eye. I.el us demonstrate the irary ad- -antagesof Tories wade Ly us. lugga n &. Potl cut.Cf W. Mitche St., Atlanta The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 39 years, has borne the signature of _ -j and has beer, made under his per- // send supervision since its infancy. y}' /.now no one to deceive you in this. /.!' Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” mo but BnpsruceutS that trifle with and endanger the health of Imauts and Children—Experience against Experiment. Wtet is CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Cyfups. It is pleasant. It contains ncitbef Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,. Flatulency, V7ind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids tt-e assimilation of Food; giving healthy and uatusal sleep. The CkiHi'sa’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. genuine CASTORIA always ) Bears the Signature of In Dse For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought, H K CENTAUR COMPANY, NKW YORK CITV. Eat With Us No better medium priced cafe in the city. Stop and try a meal and you’ll come again. We serve only the best of e verything. 55 W. Mitchell St. [Half-block of Ter minal Station Atl a itiling. Ubion Cafei A Telephone Saves lime And Time Is Men It makes no difference whether vou live town or in the lountry, a Telephone is a NECESSITY. It is a pleasure to converse with your friends ; n neighbors. It is a convenience when you want to ^peak tc your Lawyer, Doctor, or Merchant. It is is protection to your family in your absenc Let Vs Install One For You To-D. y Gainesboro Telephones Telegraph Co L. K. SMITH, Gen. Mgr.J. M. MONTGOMERY Local Mgr. Carrollton, Ga.Douglasvillo, Ga. ©•••- •••*- •••*- :::::: #•••* 1 ••••»* ••• Put Your Order In For A Ford •••* •••• •••• • SM I have everything sold up until March, and if you are expecting to get T he Old Stand We not only do cleaning and press ing but make all kinds of alterations. Phone no 42 and we will send for your clothes and return them. We also handle the celebrated Edward E. Strauss Tailoring line. Let us make you a suit„ G. H. EUBANKS j:;;: in the Spring, come in and sec me or let me hear from you and I will call ••• #•••< »••• «••• •••« #•••« 0*«» «••• #••• #••• •••• J. R. DUNCAN