Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, December 14, 1917, Image 3

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL, DOUGLASV1LLE, GEi Profesisonal Column DR. 0. II')U T.iY; •’ ■’ Attention c.> $ i md Diseases of women and childrc 0.11^i in Matolieson Building O.lice tihone No. 118-2 Residence Rhone No. 118-3 D. S. STRICKLAND ATTORNEY AT J..AW OiHce In Hutcheson ’Building. i u. HUTCHUSON Vttorney-ut-Luw. OiRce in Hatcueson Building. i »o I- M. STLNVAKT, Dentist. f uiiec over Selnmn’s Drug fttori AS.OR MERRITT AITOKNEY AT 1.AW DOUfLA-VILLU. GEORGIA. JOHN H. HUDSON Attorney and Counselor at t— VILLA RICA, Oa. H. ti. i’uolt: , C. V. W si OKS. l'Ulll.E Si VANSAN'i. Surgery and Ojrrnie Diseases of Won and Children a Specialty, offli-,' over Salman's Drug Store. Phonr Vos. 21. !W ami llfl. $101) Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will ' pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has >>eon nble to cure in all Its stages, and that i Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the in • fraternity. Catarrh being' a onnalltuth o > disease, requires a constitution .1 ti t ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken i. ternally, acting directly upon the 1 i J and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the •. ease, and giving the patient strength W building up the constitution and oasis!leg nature in doing Its work. The proprit' is have so much faith In Its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Doliars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHUNKY &. CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by nil Druggists. 75c. Take Hnll's Family Pills for constipation. Pains, Dizzy Spells Mrs. 0. P.Cartwright.ot Whitwell, Tenn., writes: "I suffered with bearing- down pains, i . The dizzy spells got so bad i that when I would start to walk, I would just pretty nearly fall. Was very much run-down. I told my husband I thought Cardui would help me. .. He got me a bottle. . . It helped me so much that he got me another bottle. I got a whole lot better. The dizzy spells and the bearing-down pains . . . 8y( i left me entirely.” Jj;.w If you are weak and | £ run-down, or suffer from R jv womanly pains, ** TAKE CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Eh 30 You can feet safe In giv ing Cardui a thorough trial. It is composed of mild, vegetable, medici nal ingredients, recog nized by standard medi cal books for many years, as being of great value in the troubles from which only women suffer. The enthusiastic praise of the thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in its past 40 years of successful use should assure you of its genuine merit, and convince you that it would be worth your while to try this medicine for your trou bles. All druggists sell it. Try Cardui a ASS DRY GOODS CO Open Until © lOsSG l OUR READY-TO-WEAR “BOSS” IS IN NEW YORE SENDING US New Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc. 3y eve^y express to sell at l /s to l / 2 their value 660^-4 if 1 Do You Know How He Is Doing This? LabII Fall and Winter " LOT ONE SUITS worth op to $30 F? SUITS at half In tills SALE LOT TWO SUITS worth ’ op to $35 $4 LOT THREE SUITS worth up It BIG REDUCTION SALE COATS Broadcloth Pompons / 4 Velours Mixtures «k kW« IB r R$1% Six':;’-eight boys’ new serge and novelty suits; all skies; woi 111 to $10. Special at $4.95. NEW SErtGE AND SILK DRESSES At S|| Each Jucc in; se -y-eight new serge dresses, and about forty silk dresses; newest styles; extra fins materials. Choice in this sale at $10 each. GLOVE Children’s ockers,v;tc. Ladies’ new Jersey gloves and golf i f adieB ’ £ara * le neckweRr ’ cnat co1 ' lars, jabots, etc.; all at half price. gloves; worth $1 everywhere, hern at 50c pair. GLOVES 98' Ladies’ wash kid gloves, the two- clasp kind; all colors, at 98c pair. GLOVES $1.98 Ladies’ new French kid gloves, black, white and all colors; worth $3.50. Special at $1.98 pair. . Five hundred children’s rockers, chairs and commode chairs; worth $1.50 everywhere, to sell at 98c each. Three hundred sixty-eight pairs Ladies’ and Misses’ sample boots from the best $"'/ / manufacturers in the country, all new ,,)/ /» / pi, shades of gray, mahogany, tan and com- M\/ ^ I 1 ’ binntion colors. In three lots. Special at 1 $ 4 *5 *6