Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, May 20, 1921, Image 2

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL $1.50 THE YEAR RALPH MEEKS Publisher R. N. KIRBY Managing Editor SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Passenger train schedules For Atlanta and I’oints East. J,v. Douglasville ! r>:29AM 0 “ 6:55 AM <‘ “ 11:08 AM “ ' " 9:38 PM For Birmingham and Points West. Lv. Douglasville 6:55 AM “ 5:24 PM « “ 6:27 PM “ “ 11:52 PM N. B.—Schedule figures ure shown only as information and are not guar anteed. For further schedule information or Bleeping ear reservations write V. L. Estes, District Passenger Agent, 48 F. M. STEWART Dentist Office over Solman’s Drug Store, Douglasville, Ga. ASTOR MERRITT Altorncy-at-Law Office in the Hutcheson Building, Douglasville, Ga. Georgia, Douglas County. The return of the appraisers set- ting^tpart twelve months' support to the family of C. W. McLarty, de ceased, having been filed in the office of the Ordinary of said County, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the 6th day of June, 1921, why said application for twelve months' support should not be granted. This 2nd day of May, 1921. T. L. PITTMAN, Acting Ordinary and Clerk of the Superior Court. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIAN SHIP. Georgia, Douglas County. To All Whom It May Concern: N. R. Henderson having applied for guardianship of the property of James Henry Abercrombie, minor child of Jos. S. Abercrombie, late of the State of Kansas, deceased, but the said James Henry Abercrombie now resides in Douglas County, Georgia, notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o’clock A. M.f on the 6th day of June, 1921, next. This 2nd day of May, 1921. J. H. McLARTY, Ordinary and Ex-Officio Clerk Court of Ordinary. It. H. Poole C. V. Vnnsnnt DRS. POOLE & VANSANT Surgery and Chronic Discaises of Women and Children a Specialty. Phones Nos. 24, 92 and lbi\ Office over Selmnn's Drug Store. APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Douglas County. To All Whom It May Concern: U. G. Evans having, in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letter- of Administration on the estate of L. M. Evans, late of said County, this* is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of L. M. Evans to lie and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to U. G. Evans on L. M. Evans estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 2nd day of May, 1921. J. H. McLARTY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Will be sold before the court house door in Douglasville, said county and state, on the first Tuesday in June, 1921, between the legal hours of pub lic sheriffs 1 sales, to the highest bid der for cash, the following personal property, to-wti: A two passenger Ford Automobile, Model 1919, motor No. 2954956. Said property sold under judgment of Condemnation and confiscation had in Douglas Superior Court May 4th, 1921, in a proceeding instituted against said automobile and B. L. Hardy and T. F. Taff, by J. R. Hutch eson, Sol. Genl., in behalf of State ol Georgia. Said automobile seized by W. Q. Enterkin, L. C., said county. This May 10th, 1921. A. S. BAGGETT, Sheriff. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Douglas Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1921: Mrs. Alice Stringfellow, Adminis tratrix of the estate of W. J. String- fellow, late of Douglas county, de ceased, having duly applied by peti tion for leave to sell the lands belong ing to said estate: Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Or dinary for said county, to be held o the first Monday in June, 1921. This 2nd day of May, 1921. J. H. McLARTY, Ordinary. DR. D. HOUSEWORTH Special nttentinn to Surgery and Diseases of Women and Children. I'hones: Office, 106; Res., 118. Office in Hutcheson llldg. " R. E. HAMILTON, M. D. Res. Phone 78. Office Phone 73 Diseases of Heart and Lungs a Specially. Office in Hutcheson Building. J. It. HUTCHESON Attorney-at-Law Office in Hutcheson Building. Apple ration for Letters of Dismission From Guardianship. GEORGIA, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Mrs. M. V. Rowland, Guardian of Ura Daniel I, has applied to me for a discharge Mom her Guardianship of Ura Daniell; this is therefore to noti fy all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in June next, else Mrs. M. V. Rowland will be dis charged as applied for. This May 2nd, 1921. J. H. McLARTY, Ordinary. NOTICE This is to give notice that under the recommendations of the grand jury of Douglas county 1 will intro- I duce a bill at the next session of the j general assembly of Georgia to amend | the bill creating the-board of county cgmmissioncrs.and its amendments of Douglas county, making one county commissioner, defining his duties and power and for other purposes. T. R. WHITLEY, Representative, Douglas County. MARCHM'AN’S PHARMACY CARDUI HELPED i REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Wat Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed—Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Application for Letters of Dismission From Administration. GEORGIA, DOUGLAS COUNTY. Whereas, H. K. Forsyth, Adminis trator of J. E. Forsyth, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered J. E. Forsyth’s es tate. This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why •said Administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in Juno, 1921. This May 2nd, 1921. J. H. McLARTY, Ordinary. I- Paint Rock, Ala.—Mrs. C. M. Stegall, Df near here, recently related the fol lowing Interacting account of her re covery: “I was in a weakened con dition. I waa sick three years In bed, Buffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; Just bad to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing 1 heard of, and a number ol doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. | couldn’t oat, and slept poorly. 1 believe if I hndn’t heard of and taken Cardut I would have died. I bought Biz bottles, after a neighbor told me ;what it did for ber. "I began to eat and Bleep, began to gain mv strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trou ble since ... I Bure can testify to the good that Cardut, did me. I don’t think there is a better tonlo made and I believe It saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardul successfully, in the treatment of many womanly •Amenta. I ' If you suffer as these women did, take Cardul. it may help you, too. i At all druggists, B 85 CLEAN UP WEEK MAY 9TH TO 1 ITH. The .Sanitary Committee and Mayor in conntftion with the Civic Club have designated next week, May 9th to 14th', us clean up week for Douglas ville, and it is earnestly desired ana officially demanded that the streets and spaces in front and back of mi business houses, garages, warehouses, stables, blacksmith shops and places in any part of the business section of town lie thoroughly cleaned and all rubbish burned that can he, and re fuse anil unburnable rubbish piled” in places convenient for wagon or truck to take up and haul, by Wednesday the 11th. The town will begin to re move trash Wednesday morning and householders are requested to place unburnable rubbish in boxes or bar rels where it can be easily handled. Friends, let us all gpt busy; make Douglasville “spick and span.” Pull together. Make “ours” the cleanesr, most sanitary, most beautiful town on the Bankhead highway. 50good cigarettes for 10c from one sack of GENUINE BULL'' DURHAM 5jx TOBACCO no Silvertown Cords AjL are included in the 201 Goodrich Tire Price Reduction Among tires SlLVERTOWN is the name that instantly conveys the thought of the highest known quality. Theifi genuine value has given them first place in the esteem of motorists. Motor car manufacturers and dealers are quick to emphasize to their prospers that their cars are equipped with Silvertowns— knowing that neither explana tion nor argument is necessary. This makes all the more impor tant the fart that Silvertown Cords are included in our re adjustment of tire prices which took effert May 2nd. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY c/lkron, Ohio Your Goodrich dealer is prepared to supply you with Goodrich Silvertown Cords, Goodrich Fabrics and Goodrich Red and Gray Tybes at the 20 l fo price reduction. eSl in the Long ‘Hun’ 1 %e Complete Electric light and Power Plant /” f<2Q5 £o.b. Dayion.O. IKE all other Delco-Light plants, i this model at $295 has the famous valve-in-head, four-cycle, air-cooled motor, it is self-cranking. There is only one place to oil. It runs on kero sene, is economical and easy to operate. Years of Delco-Light engineering development, together with the experi ence gained from over 135,000 users have combined to produce the value that is represented in all Delco-Light Products. There are twenty-five styles and sizes of Delco-Light plants, to meet every need of farms, stores, country homes and all those places where individual lighting plants are a necessity. Write for catalog or come in and let us tell you what Delco-Light can do for youT Delco-Light betters living con ditions and pays for itself. DELCO-UGHT COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO 4-