Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, October 07, 1921, Image 1

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DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL VOL. XVII DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA OCTOBER 7, 1921 NUMBER 26 Him . M Seta For Bride o! Monday Miss Ruth Selman entertained at a miscellaneous shower Satur day afternoon in compliment to Miss Inez McLarty, whose mar riage will be an interesting event of Monday evening. The rooms were decorated in bowls and vases of golden rod. A contest, The Brides Trous- sea, was an interesting feature of the afternoon, Miss Florence Hut cheson winning the prize. Each guest was asked to make a wish for the bride elect, the wiSh be ing composed of the initials of Miss McLarty and Mr. Dorris. Miss Bessie Joe Selman then brought in a large pan fixed to represent a large pie and after rending an appropriate verse the Crust was broken, the pie consist ing T>f a number of useful and beautiful gifts for the bride. The hostess then served frozen salad, sandwiches, nut bread and punch. SPEEDERS ARE ~ GIVEN CHANCE TO SLOW IP • This is the last notice that will be given the drivers of automo biles in regard to the law of speeding and the law that re entires the closing of cut-outs. Hereafter when a car is run over 15 miles per hour in the city limits, the driver, will be given the limit of the law. E. L. HOI’KINS, 2t Marshall. Pikident Harding w Heads Red Cross Mrs. Rov Enterkin is spenc'iig this week with her mother in Heflin, Ala. HBBSBBISnnnaES !E: | Miss Marjorie Upshaw returned Dr. Marchman and Julian Up-j*° Linden, N. U., Friday, where shaw were in Atlanta Monday on. s ^ e ' s teaching music, business. «*«#*«*•* A Succeeding former President Wilson, President Harding was recently elected president of the American Red Cross. He is here seen accepting the office. From left to right: MaJ. Qen. Merritte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, U. S. A.; Dr. Livingston Farrand, chairman Central Committee of the Red Cross; the President; Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Eliot Wadsworth; Rear Admiral Edward R. Stitt, Surgeon General, U. S. N. FARMERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY TO MEET NETT WEDNESDAY TO DISCUSS SHIPPING OF SOUR CREAM GEORGIA ALUMNI TO HAVE DINNER NEST TUESDAY The University of Ga’s. $1,000,- 000 War" Memorial Fund Cam paign in this county will get under way next Tuesday evening when Douglas alumni attend a Fund dinner at the home of Jay W. Camp. Mr. Camp is Douglas County Chairman of the University’s cam paign. Individual quotas of $315, payable over a period of five years, are asked. The fund move ment will end Nov. 11. S sionary Society Give It’s President Shower The farm bureau members and | _ farmers of Douglas county arei requested to meet at the court house Wednesday afternoon Oct. j 12, on account of court’the meet-| ing will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 o’clock- The object of this meeting is to take up fertilizers for fall grains and also to get in position to start to shipping sour cream to a cream ery which is now being erected in Atlanta. You realize at this time some thing has to be done to combat the boll weevil, the most practi cal thing for us at this time is the shipping of sour cream, which is bringing a price of from 40 to 50 cents a pound. Every farmer is urged to at tend this meeting, especially Farm Bereau members, don’t forget the date and place, be on hand, this is very important. J. T- Miles, County Man. F. D. Jeter, County Agt. ONE DOLLAR ANNUAL DUES IN THE AMERICAN RED CROSS MAKES YOU A PARTICIPANT IN RELIEF WORK FOR THE HELPLESS THAT GIRDLES THh; GLOBE. ANSWER THE ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLI/C’ALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. List your property for sale with the West Ga. Land Co., Room 11, Hutcheson Building. John M. Taylor entered Emory this week where he is taking a medical course. Mr. Ed Hagin and daughter, Buena, attended the Old Fiddler’s Convention Saturday. Mrs'J. R. Hutcheson and Flor ence spent Wednesday at Ben Hill. New Bungalow, nice and new and a beauty, 6 rooms and all im provements, on Midway St., for $2750 with beautiful large lot. A nice place and cheap. West Ga. Land Co. Room 11 Hutcheson Bldg. Also near in on Midway St., 6 room home and large lot, nice lo cation for $3500, or $2750 for the house and lot and $450 each for the two vacant lots sold separate ly. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Almand have moved in Mr. N. 1>. Burtons house and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. En terkin have moved back to their former home. Every member of the Metho dist church is urged to be present next Sunday morning at Sunday school as it is the beginning of a new church year. FOR SALE Two 2-horse Wagons. Cheap. Call or see, J. T. Duncan. I| Montevallo 11 and | Jellico Coal IT Best Price. Best Coal ||| Mr. M. F.. Geer was in Atlanta on Wednesday. Quite a number of the members of the W. C. T. U. attend the meeting in East Point Wed. Sunday Oct. the 9th will be the day set apart for the annual col lection of the Decatur Orphan’s home, every body come to Sun day school and help this worthy cause. Mr. C. A. Meeks, editor of The Carrollton Free Press, was a vis itor ,at our office Wednesday. The many friends of Mrs. Jeff Henly are sorry to learn of her illness. How about 25 acres and good buildings right at the corporate limits on Midway road for $3000. This is a fine little farm and home place, good for truck and poultry, and on fine road, See, West Ga. Land Co. Room 11 Hutcheson Bldg. Mrs. Gofer, of Atlanta, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, S. T. Gilland has returned home. — Quite a number of members of tile D’ville. Chapter O. E. S. No. 141 attended the School of In struction Wednesday al Decatur. Do you aspire to live in the best brick and tile home in Douglas- ville, all spanking new and nice, furnace heated and all the other improvements? Then see the West Ga. Land Co. right away, for they have it for^sale cheap. Mr. and Mrs. Tlmd McKoy were Atlanta visitors Sat. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Geer Saturday in Atlanta. Mrs. F. D. Jeter is visiting mother in Mooreland, Ga., week. spentj her this. Mrs. V- R. Smith spent the week-end in Atlanta with her mother. Miss Bell Williams of Villa Rica spent last week-end with Miss Gladys Johnston. „ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnston, of Atlanta, spent ttie week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. John* ston. Mrs. J. M. Baggett spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. <'lay, at Cedartown, j Mr. Billie Bobo is having his I home on Broad St. remodeled. Miss Lilia Freeman spent Wed* nesday in Atlanta. CASH ON DELIVERY D. W. PEACE I s.s i Rev. W. H. Clark spent Monday Miss Katherine Geer spent last in Atlanta. Wednesday in Atlanta. Autumn and Winter Millinery Large Hats For Formal Wear Close Fitting Small Models Chic And Smart Sport Hats For Girls On last Friday evening ti e Young People’s Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church met with Miss Nell King. The feature of the evening was a shower given for the President, ' Miss Inez McLarty. To the strains of the wedding march a little bride and groom entered the parlor and the bride presented to the honoree her bou quet of roses, which were made of handkerchiefs. After an interesting contest the hostess assisted by Miss Bessie Fae Griffeth served cake ,and : ££ Colors, Materials and Trimmings Correct in Every Detail. We Invite Your Inspection Miss Lilia Freeman Pride of Ownership ( " - The Ford Touring Car has brought to the farm homes of the country more real pleasure, comfort and convenience than perhaps any oth er one thing. - It h?s enabled the farmer and his family to mingle with friends, attend church, neighbor hood functions, and enjoy the many pleasantries that abound in country life. Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer. Let’s taJL this matter over. Get the facts and figures. J. R. Duncan Ford Cars Fordson Tractor Bisasai^aaaRiRiiaaeiiaeBgaaiBiBiiSiggiiiiiiagaBgiifaaiiiiyitfafi