Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, October 14, 1921, Image 1

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VOL. XVII l)OUGLAS\ ILLE. GEORGIA OCTOBER 14, 1921 NUMBER 27 1 SOCIAL liTi A wedding marked by elegance and beauty was that of Miss MeLarty and Mr. J. L. Dorris Monday evening at 8:30 »t the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. MeLarty. The house was beautifully dec orated with ferns autumn foilage, and pink and white chrysanthe mums. The ceremony was performed before an improvised alter of ferns placed on pedestals and in front of the alter was a cande labra holding white tapers which flickered a soft light among the Preceding the ceremony Miss IrisThigpin sang At Dawning, and Because; she was accompan ied on the piano by Miss Louise Duncan, who also played Lohen grin’s and Mendlesjohn’s wedding march and during the ceremony the strains of "To a Wild Rose” was played softly. Mrs. Causey, of Atlanta, aunt of the bride was matron of honor, Miss Anna Winn of Lithia Springs was maid of honor. Little MarthaSelman and Claire MeLarty were flower girls and were adorable in befrilled white organdie frocks with pink sashes. Master John Hutcheson was ring bearer and also the minea- ture groom with little Frances Huffine as bride. The young bride was a charm ing picture as she entered with her father. Her gown of white embroidered crepe meteor with chanlily lace and pearls with its full short skirt and train of tulle and lace, gracefully fixed with orange blossoms. Her immense bouquet was of brides roses. The groom Mr. Luther Dorris, entered with his best man Mr. R. S. Duncan and met the bride at the alter, where the ring ceremony was performed impressively by Rev. W. H. Clark closing the cere mony with prayer. The bride’s going away costume was of brown coat suit with ac cessories to match. After a trip to Washington, D. C., and New York, Mr. and Mrs. Dorris will be at home to their many friends on Broad Street, Douglasville. Cheapest place on the highway 40 acres $2100. West Ga. Land Co. FOR SALE One 3-horse Olds Gas Engine in good condition, also Pea Thra sher on truck ready for use. Price $90. F. K. DUNCAN. FOR SALE Two 2-horse Wagons. Cheap. Call or see, J. T. Duncan. SPEEDERS ARE GIVEN CHANCE TO SLOW IIP This is the last notice that will be given the drivers of automo biles in regard to the law of speeding and the law that re quires the closing of cut-outs. Hereafter when a car is run over 15 miles per hour in the city limits, the driver will be given the limit of the law. E. L. HOPKINS, 2t Marshall. / Mr. Boyd W. Chandler of Co- , Ga-, has been employed by . Selman & Son as prescrip- clerk. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Selman Sunday in Atlanta with Mr. Mrs Lane. To bringbsfsre the country In visual form the vaet problem It le helping to eelve, the Amerloan Red Croee hae prepared for Its Annual Roll Call, Nov. 11 to 24, a poster ahowjng how rather than diminishing the total of World War vsterans entitled to Federal aid continues to grow. Red Cross Servlet to these men la costing $10,000,000 a year. The many friends of Miss Es telle Estes will be glad to know fdie is much improved from her | recent illness. | Mr. and Mrs. Rader Johnston land children of Lithia Springs, [spent Sunday with Mrs. M. E. | Johnston. 20 acres splendid land near Lithia Springs $1000. West Ga. Land Co. Mrs. J. W. Whitley from Honey Grove, Texas, will arrive this week to spend some lime with her sister, Mrs. J. R. Hutcheson. Mrs. J- E. Lovell, of Atlanta, spent this week with Mrs. II. V. Johnston. Miss Sallie Kate Cooper gave Mrs. Cora Hunter, who has been an interesting lecture at Lithia p s,1,n « her SOM ’ has returned Springs this week. iome. Mrs. II. V. Johnston spent last Tuesday in Atlanta. All prescriptions filled in our store are filled by licensed men only. J. L. Selman & Son. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.' Marchman spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Nicholas of Atlanta, attended the McLarty- Dorris wedding. | Douglasville Cirl For Services Next j Is Chosen to Sunday Morning! resent II. ol G. 40 acres'on highway between Douglasville and Lithia Springs, splendid improvements at the re- diculous price of $3000. West Ga. Land Co. Room U Hutcheson Bldg. Misses Bonnie Belle Hunt, of Atlanta, and Irene Mayes, of Mari etta, were week-end guests of Miss Mattie Belle Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Duncan spent Tues. in Atlanta. Mrs. Claud Mozley spent Sat. in Atlanta. Mrs. Hayden Dorris and Mrs. Charlie MeLarty were Atlanta visitors Saturday. To our friends and customers that live on rural routes, when in need of anything in the drug line phone us, we pay the postage. J. L. Selman it Son, Druggist GIVEN BT US GEER The beautiful dinner party giv en Thursday by Miss Kathrine Geer was in compliment to Miss Inez MeLarty. The beautifully appointed table was covered with a lace cloth and in tlie center was placed a minea- ture bride and groom and brides maids. A four course luncheon was served consisting of fruit cock tail, creamed tomato soup, a salad and dinner course and cream and cake. Covers were laid for Miss Inez MeLarty, Mr. Luther Dorris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan, Mr. Tuck Upshaw, Miss Geer and Mr. M. E. Geer. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sin cere appreciation for the many thoughtful acts of kindness of our friends during our recent bereave ment-in the loss of our mother. May God bless each and every one Of you. —Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Cawhern, Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Durham. Mr. M. E. Geer left Saturday for a few days in New York. Rev. W. H. Clark has announc-! ed that he will discuss next Sun- 1 day morning at tile Methodist church the following- subjects: j “The Financial Situation And, Whiskey Situation as Related to Douglasville.” There could hardly be found any two more vital subjects for; discussion, than these, A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to be present and hear these subjects discussed. I The many friends of Miss Nell, Gilland, who is attending school; at the State University, at Athens will he glad to learn of the honor bestowed upon her by being se lected to represent "The Spirit of The University” in the float to be given next week. The selection bein made from the entire stu dent body of more than a thous and students. Miss Florence Hutcheson spent i Saturday in Atlanta. Mrs. Patterson, of Orlando, Fla., has returned home after an ex tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Glynn Dorris. 42 acres, 4 room house on pub lic road hear Bethel church splen did red laud only $1100. . West Ga. Land Co. Room 11 Hutcheson Bldg. | Montevallo 11 and | Jellico Coal s if Best Price. Best Coal | S CASH ON DELIVERY i D. W. PEACE 1 Good Bye C REDIT On Saturday, Odt. 8th, We started a strictly cash plan Autumn and Winter Large Hats For Formal Wear Close Fitting Small Models Chic And Smart Sport Hats For Girls Colors, Materials and Trimmings Correct in Every Detail. We Invite Your Inspection Miss Lilia Freeman Before doing this we went over all our immense stock of groceries and marked every article down on an average of 20 per cent. Hereafter we will not make tickets for ANYONE. We deliver and you can pay the boy at the door. We are Selling best cuts of Steak at 20c pound Fish and Oysters every Saturday J. W. Townsend Phone Your Order to 52 §