Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, October 28, 1921, Image 1

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i j '--IK Grim death lias again visited our town and claimed for its vic tim our friend and mother and wife, Mrs. J. M Morris and left a vacancy that can never be filled. While we extend our profound sympathy to you, my bereaved friends, our tears are blended with yours and we rejoice that you.are spared the intense agony of suspense that some less fortun ate are supposed to endure. The guide she followed leads his lambs astray, .but leads them cautiously that they may avoid the coming in contact with some perilous shoal and perish among the barriers. She trusted her savior implic itly. She leaves a husband, and four sons, Chester, Jeff, Kinard and Joe Neal to mourn her death. Look forward loved ones, with hope and remember that the fear of death is overcome only by liv ing in God’s service. FORDSOti TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION A ' CREST SUCCESS The Fordson Demonstration held here on Tuesday was attend ed by a large by a large 1 crowd of interested farmers. This dem onstration was held by represen tatives of Ford Motor Co., and J R. Duncan, the local Fordson dealer. The moving picture show held Monday night in the grove near Duncan’s garage and attracted a large crowd. The different reels were very interesting and were strong arguments for better seed bed preparation for successful farming. The pictures showed by actual comparison how much bet ter crop results were where land was properly prepared than where it was planted with very little preparation. The demonstration Tuesday .showed the various machines that can be operated with Fordson tractor impresses us as a very handy machine for a farmer to have on his farm for it can pay for its keep by doing a dozen dif ferent things on the farm besides plowing. There will be a meeting at the court house on next Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp. The object of the meeting is to see whether or not we can make a Cream ery a paying proposition for you and Douglas County, K Every member of the Farm Bureau and evei;y farm er in the county are urged to attend. We have been assured the co-operation of the busi ness men in a financial way to get something on foot that is to your interest. The problem is too great for you to solve alone and it is going to take us all pulling together to mak.e a success. This is why we urge you to lay aside your problems at home and be with us. Do not wait for your neighbor to bear the blunt of getting things started and then think you will come in and get the gravy, but come with him and let’s all get started together. Other counties have been successful in doing these things, there is no reason why we can’t. Now if you and your county want to be the tail end in the state of Georgia and the South, just stay at home and I will assure you that will be the outcome of your progress. Let us all come together and fill the court house and start off right. .Every man who is getting a loan through the gov ernment is requested to be be present to attend to other matters. Come and bring someone with you. J. T. MILES, Chairman, W. M. MORRIS, Secretary, F. D. JETER, County Agent. Mr. Noah Baggett, Miss Edith Dahe and Mr. Hiram Kirby, of Atlanta, spent Wednesday here. Miss Florence Hutcheson has accepted teacher’s place at the Henley school house. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Johnson and son, and Miss Mattie Hunter were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mozley. Mrs. Claud Mozley spent Satur day in Atlanta. Miss Kathrine Geer and Mr. Dillard Boyd spent Sunday with Miss Ernestine Geer, who is at tending school at Shorter College Rome, Ga. We are seeking applications for a few good farm loans. t/1 * a: WestGa. Land Co. Room 11 Hutcheson Bldg, I Cross Work jttm Will Be Men Up In The D'yille. Rigli Sctiool Only house in Douglasville for rent so far as we are informed, is /listed with the West Ga. Land Co. ^ 8 rooms and six acres, well locat ed and splendid home, $25 per month. On November Stl ... The fourth quarterly conference There was an important meet- |for the DouglasviUe Methodist Come to the Baptist Sunday school next Sunday morning at 9:45 and hear the splendid pro gram of the little Sunbeams. A cordial welcome extended to vis itors and strangers. The last Sunday of Pastor Suttles. Give him a good congregation. R. E. Edwards, Supt. Better to sell than borrow. List your property with the West Ga. Land Co., they are in touch with the buyers. In the District Court of the United States, For the Northern District of Georgia. In re- Robert C. Burton, Bankrupt. No. 7207 in Bankruptcy. A petition for dischaige having been tiled in conformity with law by above named bankrupt and the Court having • ordered that the hearing upon said pe tition be had on November 26, 1921, at ten o’clock A. M. at the United States District Court room, in the cily of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby 'given that all creditors and other per sons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bank rupt for discharge should not be granted. 0. C. FULLER, Clerk. ing of tiie Douglasville Red Cross at the school building on Friday morning Oct. 21. Members of the executive committee of the Red Cross with members of the facul ty composed the meeting. The organization of a school rars. p s n ussL of this organization and its activi- j Millineiy, we have the ties were left to Prof. Ramsey and right prices. church will be held by Dr. Eakes presiding elder Friday night Nov. 4th. The Quarterly Conference for Douglasville Circuit will be held at Winston on Saturday, November 5th. his teachers. After canvassing the school sit uation thoroughly it was decided to donate S125 of Red Cross funds to the school, this amount to be applied as follows: Laboratory, $75; equipment of Rest Room, $40; purchase of hectograph, $10. The chair later appointed com mittees composed of members of the Red Cross and of the faculty J. Groodzinsky. We buy all kinds of pro duce. Cash Grocery Co. to look after the expending of monies donated. There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned. W. H. Clark, Chairman. Good Bread Is Your Best And Cheapest Food, Eat More Of It. After October 30 Flat Rock Bakery ! Will deliver Bread to the homes in Douglasville on Monday, Wednesday & Friday We will Retail at Wholesale Prices. Only the best material obtainable will be used. No substitutes will enter Flat Rock Bread. CASH ONLY. Phone 70 4 rings. Adam H- Ratzlaff, Mgr. Miss Frances Maxwell entertain ed at a birthday dinner party at her home in Lithia Springs honor of Mr. Robert Walker, of Atlanta, Ga. Covers were laid for Misses Lucile Reid of Atlanta, Louise Smith, and Maxwell, of Lithia Springs; Messrs. Tom Bond and Walker, of Atlanta, and H. T. Upshaw of Douglasville. Hal'o- ween decorations were artistictal- ly used. Best prices on Flour and Shorts, Meat and Lard. Cash Grocery Co. Dr. J. F. Duffey with his esti mable family, Mrs. Duffey, their daughter, Mrs. Edith Moore and little son, “Billie Moore,” left Man chester for Douglasville (where they moved from here) last Fri day. They came to Manchester in the early days of our city and opened _ . , „ i a jewelry business in the build- Quite a surprise to a number of I • ■ , . . . , * , . ... - ing now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. friends was tile wedding of Miss I ,-, K « Grace Bowman of- llefiiri Ala., and' ' Mr. Hershel Hollis, of Douglas ville, which took place last week Heflin. They came to Doug lasville on Monday evening of this week from Savannah and left Wednesday for Heflin, where they will make their home. Sir. and Mrs. W. M. Almand, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKoy and Mrs. J. H. Almand spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Rha Burson, of Atlanta, spent Sundoy with Mrs. D. P. Burson. We have special prices on Shoes, come to see us be fore you buy elsewhere. J. Groodzinsky. Mr. D. W. Peace, Frank Winn, and Harry Skinner spent Satur day in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnston of Atlanta, spent the week-end here. The many friends of Mr. 1. A. si-l/Walton will be sorry to learn that v// 1 lie sprained his ankle very badly last Thursday when he fell from the loft in his barn. How about selling yourself into slavery by borrowing money; bet ter sell than borrow—list your property for sale with the West Ga. Land Co., 11 Hutcheson Bldg. Miss Ruth Crusetle spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. Fannie Crawford is spend ing the week with her sister Mrs. Tom Barron. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Upshaw spent Sunday in East Point. Make Cash Grocery Co., your headquarters for some thing good to eat. Miss Sarah Meadows spent Tuesday night in Atlanta with Miss Vera Vaughn. Mrs. J. Groodzinsky and daugh ter were in Atlanta Tuesday. For rent, 8 rooms and 6 acres, splendid home with electric lights water and phone, $25. See West :Gn. Land Co.'; 11 Hutcheson Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Selman spent Sunday in Summerville, with Mrs. Stewart’s brother, Mr. Oscar Sel man. We have a big line of La dies and Children’s Coats that must go at below cost. we need the room. J. Groodzinsky. Mrs. A. W- McLarty is attend ing the Slate Convention of the W. C. T. U. this week in Cairo, Ga., and expects to ask For the convention to come to Douglas- ville next year. Dr. Paul McDonald and family of Bolton, visited Rev. W. H. Clark and family last Sunday af ternoon. We have a big line of Clothing for Men and Boys, see us before you buy we can save you money. J. Groodzinsky. Tax Collector's Notice FIRST ROUND Nov. 1st, Town District, Court House. November 2nd. Connors Dist. Winston 8 to 9 Middle District court house from 9.80 to 10.30 Daniel Store 11 to 12 Fair Play Dist., court house 12.30 to 1.30 McWhorter from 2 to 3 Crombie Dist., Bill Arp from 3.30 to 4.30. November 3rd Chapel Hill Dist., court house from 8.00 to 9.00 November 4th Chestunt Log Dist., court house from 8.00 to 9.00 Salt Springs Dist. Lithia Springs from 9.30 to 10.30. LAST ROUND November 14th Connors District Black Jack 8.00 to 9.00 Sulpher Mines 9.30 to 10.00 Bank of Villa Rica 10.30 to 12 Nalley Form 12.30 to 1.30 Winston 2.00 to 3 00 November 15th Middle District Wash Hembree store 8 to 8.30 Tom Stovall 9 to 10 Tyre U.00 to 12.CK) Daniell Store 1.00 to 2.00 Court House 2.30 to 3.30 November 17th Fair Play District Hannah 9.00 to 10.00 McWhorter 10.30 to 12.00 Court House 1.00 to 3.00 November 21st Crombies District Maxwell Store ■ 8.30 to 9.30 Bill Arp 10 00 to 2.00 Dr. Duffey made a Sj " until the time he left 1 leaves because he feels new location will be moi factory to he and his fam The most splendid far held in the highest estirr. us and ^very one who real them. The loss of thes- people is a great loss to c,. tire city and community. Dr. Duffey made no boas., vain show of his works, hut , gentle life and acts of benevolence- in liberal contributions to every good cause was outstanding, and in this respect he was in a class almost to himself. He will be missed perhaps more than any where else here in the First Methodist Church, where he ren dered such faithful service and loyal support, he being one of the founders of the church. In this family Douglasville re ceives a distinct and valuable con tribution to her citizenship, while Manchester sustains a great loss. We join their friends in wishing for them success and happiness in their new home.—Manchester Mercury. Mrs. M. E. Geer entertained at a children’s party on Monday af ternoon Oct. 24, in compliment to her little daughter Louise, in celebration of her 9th birthday. Cats, pumpkins and witches were seen from every nook and corner. There were 27 little guests present, after enjoying games of many kinds, Mrs. Geer served a delicious salad course. Mrs. Robt. McKoy entertained the Matrons’ Club in a charming manner on last Friday. The reception rooms were dec orated in autumn leaves and sym bols of Hallowe’en. On the rook tables were placed bon-bon dishes filled with mints- Rook was enjoyed for some time after which the hostess as sisted Mesdames J. H. and W. M. Almand and Thad McCoy served a delicious salad course with hot coffee. Miss Sara Peace entertained the Young People’s Missionary So ciety Friday evening. Quite a number enjoyed the occasion. November 22nd Chapel Hill District Court house 9.00 to t2.Q0 November 28th Chestnut Log District Fergerson Mill 8.30 to 9.30 Bill Cross Roads 10 to 10.30 Lithia Springs 11 to 1.00 Nov. 29 Chestnut Log Court i House from 9.00 to 12.00. I will be in town every Satur day from 1st Saturday in Novem ber till 3rd Saturday in Dec. Town from December 6 to 20th. Books close December 20, as law directs. The new law requires me to collect interest on all taxes not paid by Dec. 20, 1921. Be gov erned accordingly. J. W. BAGGETT, T. C.