Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, March 24, 1922, Image 1

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BiE? 1 A lurriffu: cyclone swept across the’southern section' of- Dougin voiinty Sunday I’. M. March Ihth. The cyclone dropped to earth a- ! Hint oil''mile west of Tyre, and sapidly traveled east, it soon left a track of ruins, A new unoccupied dwelling house just south of l'yre.was coru- pletly destroyed. Barns and other buildings on Mr. Shell's pi net* were destroyed, only his residence was untouched. The verandas and part ol tin*; ijjjslotl on 11*20 crop, roof were snatched an ay from j Mr. Fortune has made many the dwelling of Mr. (unties Mol-1personal friend in Douglas Coont.v land, several minor building, wag- by his conduct and the earnest ins, and farm tools were scattered ness p, which he present the cause tar from their places. ! of ‘‘Co-Operative Marketing of » Mr. Emmitt Daniel's home, near Cotton'' McWhorter, was reduced to a mass j Aft0 ‘ adc |,. essing the faamers of of ruins. Mr. Daniel and his two Bill Arp f anme rs signed the aged sisters were found by the con tract. oand of rescutes buried beneath , He w ill address a farmers meet- ihe heaps of debris beams, rafters j ng , d Fairplny School House Tite t -ytihtr March. Te ; Superior Court .. *:r. < ty morning Mptn dud Irwin of Cedneto.wn presidin'.*,, Judge Irwin lh tierr.* ! Ids usual able charge to 'the Grand dun*. Laying stress on the financial con dition of the couniv, adnioni* bin •*. UU IVb Fill The fourth muni of Lyceum* attractions given under the auspeces of tin* Douglass il'e Civic League will lie presented at t he **eh'"’I auditorium tonight ft day at c’ight o’clock. abolish the office of the farm Gem - i The Indies have secured foe this oust rater in this county. : mini hot* the Patricia Trio, headed them to lm ik carefully into the ' Mr. W. S. Burns who has been by Miss Patricia Gilmore, one of cords of the different county off i serving as farm dcmonstiator this Chicago's well known musicians.’ cials, see they an* * correctly kept year moved his faim|\ to Brook, i She is an accomplish artist a.t ,:l "d the law complied with, dud Ky.. where he expect to I'nrui this,, | u , pjano and the possessor of a1 Irwin also laid etnphu*is on the fact | lyric soprano voice of intrinsic i that men higher ut» should la beau tv. Miss Beulah Margolis i taught they. caumjt "commit crime trait,., and :i"a go uipunislttil. while Uk .. a'Witio»al p.operty.lax will be put Mr. Benin,# Hchrteder, baritone j poor is being h a ilecH»t» court. pW,ple l,y meanst,t theS * soloist, are Miss Gilmore’s assist- Several judgments by default of ini-j have been taken during the work. Verdicts in the following divorce | cases rendered, Mrs. Dora Boat wright \s. Hoy Boatwright, 2nd, year We doubt very much if the nut • i horities acted wi# in lotting Mr. reader and The above is a good liklU’SS of Burns, go as we'bolieve ho would J al ’.' 1 '*! ' ',, 11 ,"' Mr. H. B. Fortune, a Gwinnett i have saved the farmers of Douglas County Farmer who is directing county much more than his salary Aints *ind each is mi artist the drive in Douglas County for a j amounted to, and we believe t,lu * t I , lsl ,. l t' rtt-iiiimiMilrs sign-up of 25!ib bales of cotton j the people will demand that a (to-1 ihonstrator be employed next year. , datemenl given to the ,:m ss this week h\ i loir. .1. B. Daniel, of i.nGrangi*. L* <—idvnt * f the t!eor- gia <iood Hoad:-, Association, a .4ni*. ancc is given the voters of the . state who are interested in • cur- ,l* i ihg good roads for Georgia by IIH'U'I of the .s75.iino,0'iO state road bond issue that not one penny's Eight Counties Go “Over Top” In Big Cotton Driv# Miss Maude Cobh Sues J. L. Kufees For False Arrest Eight counties out of seventy, eight in which the cotton pool# campaign is being conducted were reported “over the top’’ as a result , , _ - . . . of the Victory Week drivo of tho and planks were qmckly removed, Saturday, March 25th, at 2 p. M. I sta tu farmers cooperative cotton and the tllree injured persons | marketing plan. were rescued, then* injuries are. VILl A RICA Victory week, with twelve hun-l ted as she was on her way to his thought not to lie serious. , - . j dred farmers, in addition to the home to secure certain papers and The track rif the cyclone was Miss (ileeo Wilson of Atlantal *. of (he & letters concerning an allege, I l.rok- Miss Mantle Cobb, a school tea cher of Villa Rica, Ga., filed suit Saturday in the Fulton superior cort for $25,000.against ,1. L. Kur- fees, . president , of the Phoenix Supply company, charging him with having bail her falsely acres >nly about forty yards wide, large’spent the fees uprooted, and small ones folks. week-end with home 1 regular organizing fori was drawn to the sky. It was a* ■ t* ue eyeh me. A grand spectacle to see! The mighty suction whirl ing high over head, like Ike roar ing of an army, then the heavy 'block mass of (he conical part o f he* funnel winding and twisting in a thousand shapes, and then d »*,,*.;; madly v< 1 urn'■ i : * * • >• to work its mission.uf destmei Site! a power should leael all that iJtei'c is a God that rub .a thafcsyan is onlya dost worm Mr . Itidph < 'happell spent tin week-end at Pome. •Mr. Grady Cole of spent .Sunday with fricii Mr. and Mis. Tin pies ing in* (Irceii'V i|le. „ AD . and Mrs. W. L, speiation, actively taking the field en marriage engagement between in lieh: If of th'* cotton pool netted j the two. Iheolrgani/.alion ivsiguup of 51),<> ! She alleges that after being de- Atlanta 1, here. Ilia ■)HMcDonough spent Sunday* hen* ‘’V’iValTTe'.nTT.'-ir^-' * * m. Mrs. W. li ,ls n iiffiuv vi^ii Miss Miiiy |u*nt tho woe Uiw- i ooU and ijt in A ilo lUis w ook White ol Atlanta end with her pai- l-llts fieri al Campaign for SolidtinK Men lnr* ,, i|> to the Georgia Sweet l*o- (nto Growers T\ss°ein(ion Al is. i K. (iilland has roturnod home after a weeks visit in (iiii'i'in. Mosers 1 hianl .Austin and Floyd Akin were (iriffin visitors last week Miss Montin Tolhei t and brother Interest in the Association is \r e al of the A. and M. school at growing. We eonlith'iitly expect t .urolltiui spent the week-end with i membership of 3000 with ,10000 their father, Mr. T. \V. Tolbert. t*> 2bO!X) acres pledged by April 1. Mesdnnn*, Marvin Bryce and \ Special campaign will begin Monday. March 2<. and continue e() bales of cotton. The entiro. machine will be kept i intact and will forge steadliy uheml u*nli| the close of tl*<* I’ampaijjrt : April first. i The eight counties -which are j.uo'v over the top in the oriter of : their crossing then* (|llot'* line an* Ihirl, Banks.'Wheeler, ('lay. Dago j Cherokee Franklin and Bullock. ! The largest sing-tip numerically * to date is that of Franklin nunity which has signed 12,000 hales. For a county to go over tin* lop taint'd id the policcc station from 8:00 I’. M. September 10. 1010 u»- j til 2:00 1’. M. September 21J, the; charge of disorderly conduct a-j gainst l"T was dismissed by t - cordi r George E. Johnson. Miss Ciibli charges tied s lie Was • Ifni* i bMhttid that i'b<* m*r *■*! made al the request of Mr. Kur- fees. A temporary order restraining Miss Cobb front ’ bothering" him I was secured several months ago by j Mr. Kurfees. The temporary’ Verdict Mrs. Susie B. Johnson vs. John H. Johnson 2nd. Verdict. Mrs. Florine Gantt vs. ^Portress Lee Gantt 1st. Verdict. Tilt* criminal docket will he taken up next Monday and from all indications will be a busy week Sol. Gen. J. H. Hutcheson is looking after the interest of the State. Among the visiting Attorneys at court was seen. Messrs Ed wards and Griffin of Buchanan, Mr. Boynton of Carrollton, Messrs. James, Hopkins ami Barge of At lanta Messrs. Hagsdnl of Dallas. Altllo the prim • i , mnnthc off the three Solicitor Greneral we illicce aojJ erealeil nn eomment, Titey are 1 Specific provision is made in the i proposed constitutional amend- . meat against this, Mr. Daniel said: ’’The next legislature simply * must provide a state fund for road" ! building or forfeit participation in federal aid, There is no way out of this, and the sensible thing to do is to provide a fund of suffici ent size to gunraritee completion* of the state highway system i „ keeping with the standards re quired by feedral engineers on all federal-aid roads, while w*e are at it." ’’In the Iasi f.ittr years Georgia has dropped from fourth to sev enth place in agricultural rating among the states. Shy* stands forty-first in education, and only this week oar local papers carried •r a Washington l etieus figures of uni Spinks ; | news item mu | d ate line giving United State: Go d Douglas* if Buchnm huh.*.,.: It*,* *' Ally and ,\t auiil.tles for •call ill evi- ih favorable ’ol. Ale Early *m*y Griffin * other i'limatt lltll'Mi; lil that •meat impu- • li wo is un is (led i trees state, • Very Potato Curing $mith=Stacey the entire week, for the purpose uf giving every farmer in the coun ty an opportunity of joining the association. Will'make an effort to see each i >sto AI; in : Atlanta. pcnlthe with its quota it was explained at order subsequently was dissolve th e association headquarters,! when il eameup for hearing befoi mean tluil it has signed one-third Judge George I.. Bell. of the entire dottim production of, the county. ' 'I In quotas of tin* counties on wltic h the association is conccnl- raling tolal TIP,001) hides ami if the Citmpaign were to move per- k-. nd in leclly the association would sigu ; nearley that amount. There doubtless be many countii U. /Wtittts j will not complete their own quotas ct, im,us *, ot|uM>s ^ v|lil , h j mer near Douglasville, while Mr \\ heeler coun j On Sunday afternoon \Rev. Waddell ni rformed the ceremony (that lmiteri Miss A'lmFs Smith and ! Mr, Hubert Stacey in the holy (bonds of wedlock. farmer in the county during that I ^ ^ at 2 *:t0 F week. W. M. Morris, Dir p ctoi W. C. I l>ut there will' hi The W. <'. T. L. will meet at the j wj || bouDIe the Home ol Mrs. J. F. Long Monday, M. Mrs. J. .1. Ivirby will conduct the program. which j Mrs. Stacey |s the daughter* of Mr. (). C. Smith, a successful I'ar- FROM FARM TO MILL DIRECT Stacey is the soil of Mr. and .Mis. , r , , , , . ,,!•!. W. Stui'ev, of route G„ ty for example has already signe'i ,, ,*. ,.. , 1 he.Sentinel joins their mum' over two thirds of its entire cotton . . , . . , . — , , association ''lends in wishing them a long and production and the officials are taking great encourage rnent from the fact that in hrnnriib it is the heaviest cotton counties like Franklin and Hart, that are today making the strongest show ing. S. S. Institute happy life. Near East Relief Society met Friday evening, Mar ch 10th, at the home of Willie Did you know that more than j Clark, two hundred thousand war orp Nannie Kirby, Garret Hayes, and haus over in Armenia are wholly , Mary Lewis gave us interesting Next Saturday, March 25. there will be an all day Sunday School j Insitutc at Bethel Methodist church, from 10: a. m- to TOO p. Miss Marie Parham, of Atlanta, : and Rev. W. W. Carroll, of Rome, will lie the principal speakers, j AH lovers of Sunday School work | are invited to attend and enjoy the day. Gome and get much iu- spration as well ns information on !Ihe'great forward work of t i> e Sunday School. W. A. Woodruff. Pastor, Ib '! Surely the cry of a the simplest „. „ IV . They have no bread nor clothe* ,e : l ‘ x| eans. except as these are furnished py l country ill such need of mission- voluntary contribution tiom those j to spread the doctrine of who are more fortunate. Otlieri Uhristiaility "oukl appeal to the suffering ones of the world are aid- heart al some boy or girl, and in- ed by government apjiropraitiou i spire hitni ogoto a foreign field these persecuted people ol ;1 | 1( | there engage in the greatest rccei such the Which si Intion tu boast a * surpassed. Georgia’s unde agricultural and mineral,r< are a crying shame upon the and vet we In to do the tll A ia Lint :- _ id remedy 'i ' i'ohditions--l'iiiid good roads all over the slate;" > ' I’ermekte our ino.untains a nd House Assured plains with highways ami Ft t'h e people here get a vision of what we really have, and then watch Georgia grow " "Any fear that the road bonds will bring additional tax burden mai Li't l| P r,n t ' IL ‘ P 1M, i >| e is simply a mis- take, ’’said Mr Daniel. "Why we arc paving far heaver toll to o u ^ hud mails toiltiv than the good roads would cost us even if u di rect tax levy were made to build : them. And when you take into 'consideration that the state High way Department proposes to build this great network of roads within ten years, if given the funds with which to do it, and that t lies 6 funds can be provided by (lie bond With Willie Clark issue which cun be retired in tbit*- ; V years with the automobile 11* I cense fees and gasoline tax, with- The Young People’s Missionary ul| t any additinol tax levy, it is in conceivable that there could be found anyone in the state who would really oppose the bond issue. -Mr Daniel said it had never been proposed hy the Good Roads Association to issue $75,000^000 in bonds all at once, bill their effor is to secure authorization for the issut'ancc within ten years of that amount or such amount as could he retired by the automobile lic ense fees and gasoline tax. He tid there never would lie otic day A sweet potato curing house ir 1 j sured iu I loiiglusvilie if we get ci : j otigli’aeragi* signed by April 1st. .*■ S we can affiliate through theStiri js.veel potato growers association ; We arc also assured for all tin* potatoes we can grow, in Douglas ('inin’ty, If wc inula* on ougli to interest the wholesale and commercial people, so lots mala* at our business as individuals to get tin* acreage signed up. \V. M. MORRIS Y. P. M. S. Meets JULXiE McLARTY FAVORS SALARY FOR work on earth, servic master. After the business me many interesting games and for li "’hen interest would bo accmnlat- ing on tlie entire issue, as *11,quo ting. DUO of the first issues would lie re coil- tired before the final issue is put but Christian faith monies. I*'ii tin* nil ore tin* I'nitcil States is in better conditipii to do the every trill*, act for “then tilth ones’’ than any other nation ,,,* tests were enjoyed. Misses Helen <>n the market, all. You and I*may not have all; i ' n ^ Louise Clark then served de-’ Mr. Daniel urged that women we need lmt mimy if not Jill of ns lidous tvfroshments. j register and be prepared to vote can spare sometliiiig'for these des. I ht* next meeting ol t' i * * \. P. jthis most important matter, titntc* ones. M. S. will In* a socicl at Edwin Five dollars will feed one of Baggett’s Ipitne on Faiduy P. M. these children one month. Ten! Match 2Uh. it 7 ::io. Newilli'iil- SOLICIT OR QENERALj dollars will supply alt of his need tier.*, are * < “il iol! * ttiG***J 'he People Of Douglas County: for one month. L* t’s ,*.*.* th* p •:.*• , i>* lilla* 'I.;.* till*'!*;,’ ' if von arc moved to give am |., s vjdi* tin *.;,;. v.inug p.r.ip! • t 1 i -. * I* * * “' v '■*•'* phvii are ,i live* •.viuj and are " •■* •■•*" ’' *■ I ' .*•-'• In the .JUDGE Met.ARIA I OR SOLICITOR GENERAL till* re • ’ - I to say * Ir: t i t hai ls, Jucli'v J. H, ' , l * i* . ill ' '• a eaiciitla i* I'm* So licitor Gencni! of the Tallnpuesa Cir cuit, in the primary to he held rev* .L v It .*•■ D. M* 1 Pi, ■A'. I 1 l A formal '**f.y