Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, March 31, 1922, Image 1

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VOLl'MN NO. xvn DOUGLASVILLE, GEORGIA 1RH>AV, MARCH 31, 1922. NUMBER 51 INERT VILLA RICIAN DEAD On Friday morning of.last week Mr, W. H. Hamrick (if Villa Rica lied suddenly, of appoplexy. ’■Mr. Hamrick was one of v illa '.kiwi's most promient business men,'and a good citzeu, and was oSten in Douglasville, being here Thursday before his death the r lowing morning. Mir. Hamrick was in his 56th. > car and had lived in Villa Rica I which all members participated for fArty years. proved most interesting and help- Htk wife, one daughter, and ' ful. foursons survive him. The next meeting will be held Hewas a member of the l’resby-1 at Mrs. G. S. Kings home We Circle No. 4 Of M. S. Circle No. 1 of the Missionary Society of the Methodist church met Toes lay P. M. March 28, with Mrs. D. P. Burson. Despite tb e unfavorable weath er eight students, togather with two new members, were present. A study of the book of Acts was contiuned and much interest man ifested. Our leader Mrs. Wat kins, gave a brief review of our ormer study and that linked with, the Tuesday afternoon lesson, in terinn church and a mason. In his death, not only his family, but his lodge, church, and the community at large have suffered a lidiiu't loss. The funeral serviydk were con ducted by Rev. L. D. King, and th« last rites by his in'asonic breth ren. i . •Besides his family he leaves six j hr ithers and two sisters. are so thankful fer new members and we are hopeing, praying and trusting that all wjlhin our circle may become interested. Let us be delighted about our Fathers business. GRAND JURY PRESENTIMENTS MARCH TERM. 1922, DOUGLAS SUPERIOR COURT Birthday Dinner Sweet Water Haven’t seen any news from 1 he Sentinel joiif.t the bereaved this place. So will send a tiny bit family in condolence! ! ,Mrs. Vivian Collins is spending —■■■ —• a few days in Atlanta, VILLA RICA - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jay and ' r son Billie have returned home aft- ... ., .. . . !er spending several days with W. Miss Mary Paine and Effie Pat- , ,, . ,, . . , , : 1. Dorns and family, t' n spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mr. Carl Howell 'pf Tallapoosa| Mr - Hn.scom Cochran came out spent Sunday in Villa Rica.' | l '’ om t >" ! City, spent Sunday With Miss Fae Talley of Birmingham j dome tolks. is <m a short visit to her parents,, Miss Lois Simmons of nearHir- Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Talley. am was visiting here Friday, Mrs. R. W. Thompson of Birm- ,, „ . ^ ,, , , ... airs. V , J, Norton is spending lnglmni spent Sunday here w ,th | severa , d|lys wjth h| , r g £ ter * '•Ve'do FIRST CLASS barlmr ‘ So,lUl work. .1. B. and Jimmie. Miss Henderson of Douglasville Mrs. M. M. Smith spent last week Wi,s il visitor here last week, in Atlanta. Mrs, S. P. McCord and son Dor- The many friends of Mr, and J ris have returned home after visit- Mrs. Leon Tarpley regret that I ing relatives here. they have moved to Greenville , ,, , ,, , , ! Mr. and Mrs. J S. Tidwell and to make their future home. .... . ,. i son Clyde from Atlanta wore visi- Mrs. Lois Perrvman spent the . ,, ,, , , , tois here Sunday, week-end m Atlanta with her hus band Mr. Iverson Perryman. Mr. Hurbert Cochran is at home Mr. Bob Burns of Carrollton Differ spending several days in the spent the week end here. City. Miss Bessie Enterkin of Winston Come to Sunday School at ten is spending several days here o’clock A. M. always glad to have with friends. | you with us. Mr Roma Henderson and And-1 ,, ... ,, ... rew Harper of Douglasville were L^Tr' . /'nek-lt and visitors here Friday. ! A C ( ? ch , ra, | ' "' ade “ hl,siness tnp to Atlanta last week. We, your Grand Jurors, selected, chosen and sworn for the March, 1922, term of Douglas Superior Court, sub mit the following general present ments : There is considerable agitation as to whether our county should do away with convicts due to the financial con dition of the county, and your Grand Jury has gone into this matter thor oughly. We believe it would he very unwise to do away with our convict system at this time, as we have had the heavy expense of carrying them through the winter months and should get hack part of this expense by using them through the summer and late fall months. We believe, however, that tin* con victs can be handled efficiently enough to justify their continuance on. our roads, and that they should he made to do bridge work and all minor re pairs to county property. We find the main building and also the building for colored inmates at the pauper farm to be greatly in need of repairs. Some repairs are being made on the building for colored, and we think this building should be com pleted as soon as possible. The roof on the main building, and also the roof on one of the porches at superintendent’s home, should be repaired. We recom mend that a porch be built on the south side of that main building at pauper farm, as this will protect the building from the weather and will add greatly to the comfort of the in mates. We think it is a reflection on Doug las County that no closets are provided for the inmates of the pauper farm, and we urge our County Commission ers to see that at least two of these are built as quickly as possible. We recommend that the mule shed and the fence around the stockade at convict camp be repaired by the war den with convict labor, at such times when they are not engaged in road work. We earnestly urge our three com missioners to go in a body to the con vict camp and pauper farm and look over these suggested repairs, for even though these buildings are cheaply constructed, we believe there are a great many improvements that can he made at a small cost to the county. We find that the present County Treasurer and all of his predecessors have kept account of only two funds when receiving or disbursing county moneys, that ol genorul and road fund. We recommend and urge that the treasurer separate and keep a sepa rate record of each fund for which a tax levy is made; and that hereafter our County Commissioners plainly mark each warrant drawn on the treasurer, to show, on which fund it is drawn. We recommend to the treas urer that he require all warrants to be so marked before he honors them. It appears to your body that a suf ficient levy has been made to take care of all funds of the county except that If you want first cla«s barber work.go to ,1. B. and Jimmie, Mr. Hugh Lee Baskin of Carroll ton was a visitor here Friday. The many friends of Mr. M . H. Hamrick were grieved to know of' nesday with her sister Mrs. W hi> sudden death Thursday night. Prickett. Mr. aad Mrs. C. L. James spent Saturday night with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Heaton. Mrs. J. C. Thomas spent Wed- We, your committee appointed to ex amine the books of the Ordinary, beg to advise that we have examined his books and find them kept neatly and correctly, and find that he has not col lected any money belonging to the county since last report. Respectfully, 1. W. CHAMBERS. Chairman. We, your committee appointed to examine the books, of the County Clerk, beg to advise that we have ex amined his books and find them kept according to law and in good shape in every respect. He has not collected any money belonging* to county since his last report. Respectfully, J. L. DORRIS, Chairman. We, your committee appointed to examine the books of the N. P. and J. P.'s of Douglas County beg to re port that we have carefully examined all these books and find them kept cor rectly and in good shape. Respectfully, W. I,. DALRYMPLE, Chairman. Report of Superintendent of Pauper Harm to the Honorable Grand Jury: Gentlemen: Prom September 7, 1921, to March 7, 1922, I have spent $105.71, an average ol 14 cents per day, for each inmate of pauper farm. H. R. Barrow, Superintendent. 1 W< the committee appointed on public buildings, find that the jail is in jfood repair and is well kept in a sanitary manner. We find that the folowing minor re pairs should be made to the court house: Nearly all of the windows need re-puttying, and there are sev eral small leaks, especially one over the stairway on the front of building. Respectfully, J. A. LEE, Chairman. We, the committee on Tux Collect or’s books, find his books neatly kept and in good order. We find that amount charged to him from tax on digest. $51 ,.‘544.25 Corporation tyxes 6,696.70 Tax not on digest 482.40 $61,523.39 By cash paid Treasurer $39,000.00 By unpaid corporation tax 1,536.87 By fi. fas. turned over to Sheri if 15,826.62 . $61,523.39 Respectfully s u b m i tted, G. S. KING, Chairman. We, your committee appointed to in spect the books of County School Su perintendent hog to advise that we find the books well kept and correct as per auditor’s report. Your committee especially endorses that part of the Superintendent's re port in which In; urges that every child chool age in our county be kept in Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shurbutt, Mr. | and Mrs. W.'D. Johnson, Mrs. B. F. Johnson and daughter Beartiee i of Douglasville, Mr. and Mrs. \V. G, Shurbutt and Mrs. Burgess of Atlanta were entertained by Mr. OF PRAYER BY W. m.O. March 4, 5, 6, at 3.00 P. M. 1 Invite the ladies of the town and Mrs. W. E. Shurbutt of'cha- ito worshil ’ with us - pel Hill at a birthday dinner Sun- Scnpture Cesson-Mrs. Vansaat day 26th, the occasion being ar ranged as a compliment to Mrs, VV . E. D. Shurbutt s bilthday. Needs of our Home Deeply. Mrs. Shurbutt was assisted in . Home Mission Fundamentals Mr.1, the entertaining by her daughter' s. s Perkins' Scripture Lesson- rayer. Song—“Where He Leads Me I Will Follow. Miss Bovine Shurbutt. Ralph Dots i Oar Home Mission Task—.Mrs. Utis I Lelman. How to Meet the Need—Mrs. Tliad McKoy. j Song—Rescue the Perishing. Hugh \ io!in Solo—Miss Ruth Selman. James j What it Will Mean for Our Country When All Keep First and Secou*! Commandments—Mrs. H. C. Dorris. Gordon Banks, ong—I Am Thine, Oh Lord. •esson—Mrs. M. A. Marat. Talk—What it Will Mean for Our Country When All Keep the Third and Fourth Commandments—Mid. M. E. Geer. Reading—Mrs. F. M. Winn Jr. A few nights back Mr Carver and Miss Blanch were returning home from a party and as they were drivihg on an unfamiliar road and it being very j fading—Mrs. A. W. McLarty, dark, the mule walked off of aj Th “__““ m £_J)1 issiu ' 1 l)utlook “ Ml ' high fill, turning the buggy over and breaking the young lady’s arm, j 'scripture^' also her collar bone. Mr. Carver escaped unhurt. Mr. at)d Mrs. Jess James spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. A. James, Mrs. Esma Hendricks and little Son^r—Bringing In the Sheaves, daughter Jullie spent last week T:,lk: Entertainment—Mrs. W. IVL with Mr. and Mrs. Jig Mozly. Almund. Mrs. J. W. Rutherford was the 1 guest o Mrs. W . Williams batur- j lhe „ il1s - M „. R . A Line, day and Sunday, Mrs. Rutherford Voeal Dllct _ M „ Geer and Mrs. Her- lost her eye sight a year ago. j <ins Mr* Coy and Cray Hendricks of. Sentence Prayers. Atlanta were at Ralph Sunday. Program r„ r Thuriday Mr. B. L. Renfroe and son Muck.. . ... .... „ . ... , ,, . Subject—Church Extension and Inter- of Douglasville spent Sunday with Tacial intereHts . his mother Mrs. J. A. Renfroe. Song—1 lxjve Thy Kingdom, Lord. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Williams j Scripture—by Mrs. H. M. Upshaw, and Mississ Lillian Harper and Willie Muzley was in Atlanta last i ' rhe CaM ° r 0ur Homeless Churches Tuesday. , -Mrs. J. K. Phillips. ... . . . , , ,. . .... , lhe Buffalo Niekle—Miss Evelyn Ab- Misses Ruble, Addle and lhel-j ererombie. nw the Baptist 75 Million Campaign Will Aid Church Extension.—Mr.!. T. R. Whitley. of roads, and we see no reason why school^the full term. any fund of the county should be over- drawn except those funds for which the levy made has been actually ex hausted. We call especial attention to the re port of the auditors who have just audited all books of county officers, in which they recommend that a satisfac tory bookkeeping system be installed that will show just how much has been received and paid out on each fund of the county. We recommend that Dr. W. K. Bur nett, P .A. Milam and J. P. Dodson be reappo'inted as members of the Countv Respectfully, G. L. ROBERTS, Chairman. We, your committee appointed to examine the books and records of* the Board of County Commissioners, find them well kept and in good condition. We find their estimate on property belonging to the countv to be $93,- 792.50. We find they have received on road fund $3,038.55, anti received on general lund $35.82, and they have paid the same over to the Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, JOHN C. MORRIS, Chairman. mar Renfoe gavt* a candy pulling to their friends Saturday night. Mr. Henley Diggs went to Paul ding Sunday to see his best girl. Mr. A. M. Howell who has been Song—.Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross, at work in Atlanta for some time Catechism on Home Missions, returned home to sta’y for awhile. Kl,ssia * ()llr Greatest New Mission He says its about time to start a /'vM-Miss imilie Matthews. ,, ! Music—Misses Ruth and Pauline Sel- crop. Glia ton ami Knhie attended preaching at Campbell- top Saturday. man and Mrs. Carver. James What it Will Mean for Our Country JUDGE McLARTY FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL We are authorized to say that at the repuest of friends, Judge J. H. McLarty will be a candidate for So licitor General of the Tallapoosa Cir cuit, in the primary to be held next ; September. A formal announcement will be made later. ’ When 'All Keep the 5th, 6th, 7th. 8th and 9th Commandments.—Mr3. H. C). Dorris. Reading—Mrs. Strickland. Song—Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone. Prayer. 1 * "▼’’IW, Midway Mrs. Dollie Couch has been on the sick list for several* days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rainwaters, on 2*>rd, a ten pound School Board at the expiraion of their terms on May I, 1922. We, your committee appointed toM°' vn v , 10 Inters of the whiskt We endorse these men in the high- examine County Treasurer’s hooks i approving their diligence in running lest terms and assure them that their bog to submit the following report: i We urge tjlie citizens of our county ! faithful ami efficient service is duly; His books show outstanding | tw assist and encourage these officers appreciated by our county. j warrants against the coun- 1 all times, and we should realize i girl, also Mr. and Mrs. Zekc Banks , State Bond Issue.—Your body is in-j ty amounting to $98,408.99 ,. a *\ wRhbut the support of the. people j j . , Miss Belle* Williams and brother) Mrs Slaughter is vkilina lu.»* formed that there will be a bill intro-1 Total money collected. 47,518.9! !° 1 , c , oun VV dmt these ol fleers are, ' ‘ sli-iit u-ffL' cml in MlonPi veilli'l li , r ^ llu ; duced at the next session of the State Paid out per vourchers . 34,058. l"C ^'LeaU.v handicapped. i Mr. and Mrs. Dim Coiicil were ■ I wet k CIUI 111 Allan III VV llll I dauglltcl' Mrs. I. L. Walton. : Legislature providing for a .State bond ,,. We 'V s ' to °. u .'' Bail ill, Mr. c.. > • •, r .. , M their brother, Sam, wild was seri-! Vf.. rim r-r • ■ •, J issue for the building and maintaining Leaving balance cash on Hiram .lames, for his faithful and of-1 ‘ '■ ■ 1 ' ,l lVls ’ ,, ,• , ... Ml. dim Walton Ol lexas IS Visit-I of roads in the State. If this bill pro- hand Sir, -Hill 7<; haienl service in waiting on 'our body. Bllll James. ously injured m an automobile ac-: intf home folks. 1 vides that those counties which have RespoeUuily submitted; already built roads that are on th«| M. J. MOKRLS, Chairman. ciih'iit. " as a week-end visitor -Mrs. Lee Pope, Mrs. J. L. Hen- slee, Misses Irene Henslec, Bessie Enterkin, Louise Austin and Mr. Duard Austin motered toDouglas- villi? Saturday afternoon. ed'fic'i'ent and'fidthfu/'sm’vicesHdiU'- Mr - and Mrs. Green King of he refunded the! ’ ’ ing our session. We also thank 'our, Douglasville spent Sunday with ...... spent on these. We also recommend that he on-! clevk and assistant clerk for their!\i,. [ , in ,| fomllv ,,„ads. then we urge our represenative | deavor to have passed or support a bill I faithful attention to their duties. | *•’ t — ton Monday afternoon. I to use his influence to have this bill that will protect our birds for a term We recommend that these present- Uncle Sam McLarty Spent Sutl- Mr Horace Wnltnn in.iilo n Biit-r passed. Wo understand that Douglas of years. We also urge on all land- 1 ments he published in the Douglas < 1,, v with friends at Miilwiv an. inn ace w anon indue a nusi-, j, „.i„.i Sr,,- n„ ..r cmintv Snntinoi end ii„ii ii, n s„„, 0 f i y " 111 1 "itiwdy. .. ., . ,, „ . , .... .... 1 -Wr. and Mrs. Z. R Austin visit- adopted list shall Mr. Creed B. Hamrick of -riffm (;( | t ), e i r daughter .Mrs. J. A. Hea- am T n \ they llaV R. F. D. Four \ ilia Rica k. F. D. 4 Countv will he refunded about fifty ■ owners the necessity of protecting our I County Sentinel and that the sum thousand dollars that has been spent birds, and suggest that they do not twenty dollars be paid for the same '‘uspectful!v submitted, JOHN R. DUNCAN. Foreman. SAMUEL ,J .JONES, WILLIAM L. MALONE, IRA W. CHAMBERS, GREEN S. KING, JAMES E. FOSTER, . No sickness to midst. ness trip to Atlanta Monday. , _ the Bankhead Highway, and we allow any hunting on their lands believe this offers the best opportunity J we believe these birds are the best we will have of getting our county out j friends the farmer has under our pres- of debt. We understand that the in-;ent boll weevil condition, lerest and sinking fund on this bond W’e also ask our representative to —— 1 issue will he paid entirely out of the i use his every effort to aid and support \le „»,,l ,t.... u i i ..... tax received from automobile licenses,; every bill that will lend to do away i . dll alls. He! PCI l \\ llson j an rl will not impose any additional with the manufacture and sale of pis- spent Saturday night with hen property tax on our people. We urge tols in our State. The ease with which ninth ae Mrs ievery citizen of the county to support these deadly weapons can he pur- report Hi our. mntMe > -«rs. Halper. this bond issue, a.- the amount to lie chased tends to increase their use and ! Mjss l’earl Campbell aild Ruby refunded our county on its part of the does not impress upon our people, v | .... , , . - i Ifiltrner. .,.,,1 M,’.. t . i,'ii,,i r- I Bankhead Highway will put our I especially the younger generation, the St v dl altt mb tl court at Doug-j ‘ ‘ ** Lthel t dmp county entirely out of debt. I seriousness of carrying or owning a lasville last week. I were tile visitors of Miss Jimmie We also, recommend to our represent-1 deadly weapon. ative in the Legislature to use his in- [ . ft is reported to your body that Mr. ^ fluonce to have the. tax equalization L. M. Yancey, a notary public of repealed, as we believe a large j 73f)th District, is physically unable to percentage of our citizens are opposed i attend to the duties of his office and to this law, I is removed from our countv. We roc- We have through our various com-1 ornmend that Mr. .1. A. McLarty he mittees examined the hooks of our i appointed to fill this place, county officers as required by law, andj’. We wish to thank our able Solicitor reports of these committees are as fol-1 General for his earnest co-operation Mr. and Mrs M’eslev C-n,inhell H ows: , with our body, and to assure him that .... - ■' * lip ll. We, your committee appointed to! his competent service.^ will Ijc aiway JAMES S. KUTHEKUOKD, WILLIAM B. WEBB, OWEN O. fill.LAND, PATRICK II. McGUIRK, ClEOIttJE M. EDWARDS, (IRADY I,. ROBERTS, JOE II. MOODY, MARION ,1. MORRIS, JOHN E. DORRIS, JOHN A. I,EE, JOHN A. ENTERKIN, LOWELL W. MASON. WILLIAM L. DALRYMPLE, VIRGIL F. EROLE. JOHN C. MORRIS. EDWARD M. IIAGIN. WILLIAM E. HUEY, Clerk. | _ Ordered by the Court that the with- Mr. and MrsJ Floyd Ellis of At lanta spent the. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rainwaters. Airs. Ode t’oekron and Dave Browner spent Monday with Mon roe Rainwaters. Miss Blanche James happened to a serious accident Saturday night while returning home front a party, the buggy turning over throwing her out, and crushing her shoulder. She is doing nicely under the care of Dr. Houseworth We wish her a speedy recovery, 1 Midway was,treated to a sur prise Sunday, When our J’astor,. Bro. Spanks arrived lie brought : with him Rev. McKinrra, who is a Messers A, J. Fernanders and ! Lou Hollis Sutuaday A. At. J. \V. Hunter visited Atlanta last Mrs. Bertie Terry visited Mrs. d week. Hollis Monday. Mr. T. A. Boyd and family and Miss Bertie Terry spent Thurs. Glynn and Atliie Lambert attended i da y night with her sister Mrs the exihition at Fair Flay Friday , 11 Dy Terry. , . i ., r '. aad ^ , ,, ' •' ■ | we, your committee appointed to i ms compeienc services'win ue always |. • '"•; , I... ■ , Rev. J. (i. Hunt filled his re?.,-1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Davison Sun-1 examine the Sheriff's books, find them i remembered by our county. I n ttn, ‘ nnegouig general presentments | ' l Hve ot Japan, U Is a stiuhent at 1 I'.appoill'ment at Knhesus Sun. neatly_«.d correctly.kept, .We find the! T . Wc extend our thanks to. Hi« Honor | .“JS" mjnutgr E m0 ry College, he gave us an Messers J. It. " iljmighbv and A. Henslee made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Airs. Itonali Criggs and Bowel of Jacksonville, Fla. are with her mother At is \\ (j Richardson. \r i xc .. ... . .Mieriti has Mr’, and Mrs. McClellan Terry Tax fi fas. s Pcnt Tuesday with Airs. Hollis. T ' of 11120 I will thrash Sorghum cane seed at mv saw mill April 1 tih. and 15th. 11. A. Bomar. ... fi fas. for 1021 1,244.87. Jur; Wc assure him Making a total in the Shcr- ;>iv'*n us in fhaiy ifT’s hands of $2,170.27 careful con.-iderati Respectfu 1!y su 1 m it 1 ed, E. M. H \ GIN, Chairma V. F. KRGT.E. .1. 5?. RUTHERFORD. that c ? has SlierilV Baif^ett i : for tliCiir cou it os Dili- thanks 1 able dlt-putif Court mendal I ried into effect by flu- proper author- j Our Sunday School March Tcr:a, ' T' o •. i ! a - Supe- "onie as the weather is vJvat. ior Court. March g!i, IU22. •Sheriff has collected as follows: Judge Invin and congratulate him 1 1 ■ ou, '. t as s uc 'h. and that the reeom- i . g , - . !l2f,.Ill upon his able charge, to the Grand niendatmns thoran contained he car-, interesting lecture about Japan. ■ * .I ried into elfect bv tho iirrtm»r milhnr- I r!n». t? j.... o..i.«.. f F. A. IRWIN, •L :i. i'. T. : 1 7000 . 'AN., A"