Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, April 07, 1922, Image 2

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u Douglas County Sentinel Official Organ Douglas County PUBLISHED FRIDAYS Z. T. DAKE ' Editor and Publi.her " fcnteredatPostoffite at Douglas Tille, Ga., a> SSecond Clans Mail. It is quite popular now to listen Be careful what you say about your neighbor, she may have in stalled a radiophone. If there is as much progress in Inventions the next fifty years as in the last fifty years it will be a wonderful old world. Fortunatelv for the masses, the coal strike comes in warm weather, lets hope that there will not be a Bympnthitio.striok of the iee men. Road bonds in addition to being a matter of greatest importance to the state highway department, would at this time prove a great blessing to those seeking work. Five of those responsible for tin Washington theatre eallopse hav* been indicted. "Such an example! 1 should be made of them then 'U* li another Meson would over b hible. ■(MIS APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Douglas County. To the Superior Court ot Said County; The petition of T. L. Varner, E. 0. Sayer and J. T. Duncan, all of aaid state and couty, shows to the Court the following facts: 1st Petitioner!, together with -their associates, desire to be incorporated under the name of the Home Fertili ser Works, for a period of twenty years, with the right to renew said charter at the expiration of said time- 2nd. The object of said corporation r pecuniary gain and to carry on and naintain a mercantile business and f’ buy and sell fertilizers, cotton, corn, ■otton seed meal and other feeds, to manufacture and mix fertilizers, buy uid sell materials for fertilizer!, and to make contracts, borrow money, lean money, to sue ind be sued, to buy and sell real estate, and to do any and all acts that may be necessary in the operation of said business. 3rd. The principle place of busi ness in the town of Douglas- ville, Douglas County, Georgia. 4th. The Capital stock of said cor poration shall be ten thousand dollars, divideS into shares of one hundred dollars each, and they show that ten per cent of the capital stock,, to-wit: Twenty Five Hundred Dollars, is pa'd in. Petitioners desire the right to increase the capital stock to twenty five thousand dollars. 5th. Petitoners (desire that said corporation may have the right to elect a board of directors by a vote of its stockholders, and to elect a presi dent. vice-president, and secretary nnd treasurer by said boon) of direc tors. and to have and make all proper and necessary by-laws, rules and regu lations that nro necessary for the car rying on of said business, and also to 1 re and use a common seal. Wherefore, petitioners file '-thin, I their petition, in the office of the JI3NIXJia8_AXlsU103_ga2IlQa they have, on or before the first Mon day in May, 1922, else she will be dis charged from her guardianship as ap plied for. This April 8rd, 1922. J. H. McLARTY Ordinary Douglas County, Ga. Her'. I i hnt • Tir ol' in Stunt!i prop. lose a- Wan: bl the mind I rt t v Ford | •I Shot Is I mtslpnild lie Superior Court, and pray : the same has been adver- I quired by law, that the , oper order, r rant this pe ll pus-1 he -, in Lr. nd. id Is J'lio Good ito.ids vital 'i smeo i 1111*«»i'-• fund u> the caiiiilios that h^vo ready \uUui bonds, up* re sh< ' lmrdl> * 1 • airy opposition to it h how* vrr wo would auggttst :i u ’feasible p);m than issuing s-. • fiveuiiUjiiii at one tiim" , wo tM lit’tcon million :\ vtar for livey ■a- it mvdiui, ill tin less* idle; Opportunity qJ.’ sqtionuining. J. IT lork So* • tufjhia C- ’ rk of I.. Pittman, CJi Court, of Douglas LARTV. av.of April. ->ftho uniy, Ik Georgia, Douglas County. * Pursuant to an order granted by Court of Ordinary of said County on March 8rd. 1922. will be sold before- the Court house door of said County, with in the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following described property to-wit. The South half.of land lot number one hundred eleven in first district, fifth section of Douglas County, Georgia* containing one hundred acres, more or less. Said property to be sold as the prop erty ef C. B. Baggett estate, late of Douglas County, Georgia, deceased. This April 3rd. T. L. PITTMAN, Executor of the estate or C. B. Bagget a SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA—Douglas County. Will be sold before toe court nousc door, in said county ? wlthlin the Jegal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, to the highest and best b doer for cash, the following describ ed property f to-wit: That tract orparcel of land lying and being in the loth.* district and 5 section of aaid'Cont y and known lot No. 808 and containing 40 acres more or less Tne aBove tract of land levied on to savisiy an execution issued mom Su^i- rior Goui t oi aaid County m favor of A. h. i>ims and against IL t». Davis. Levey nunie b> ttfv. 1. MoZiOy Depuity Slier.11 ana turned over tome. l ms tile llii, Huy ot A pul AS. BAG Gill l, sner iff. SHERIFF* SALT Georgia, Douglas County. Will I>o sold at the .com M:r 192 urt house in Tuesday un within the legal hours of old I \< mvc: chart* v, t in this t the following property > pair oi Buck Skin mi mis Old weighing about , alao.Une sorrellcolt ubt ,iid weighing about *000 p. Levied im in the prdpecty. tanlji , to lsiy u. iViortgi losuie m lavOr of T, VV. ; uid pro.H.'nyTound in pos h-, il. Stamps. J Ohlckf *.nx is contagious) nnd at* Itacks children. It runs a mild course iof about a week. The vims is found jin the mouth and nose, but not 1 in the !erupiign. which resembles smallpox. DR. I). HOUSEWORTH Special attention to Surgery and Diseases ot Women and Children. Phones: Office, 106; Res., 118. Office in Hutcheson Bldg. XISTUATOJtfS -Doug in Of On IOX-FOR DISMISSION FROM ADMINISTRATION I OKC1A—Douglas County. .. Whereas. T. L. Pittman, A< tv L).t Bonis Nob, o L E-bar i*i S. Smith, loprescnts to the Court I his ]»<ji' ition, duly filed and entered n record, that he has fully iulminirite- id Jackson S.' Smith's estate. This ; ih. i^ fore to cite all persons concerned May, 1922, the following described : kindred and creditors, to show cause, lands of the estate of S. D. De v aughn* if any they can,why said Administrator Npiety and 8-10 (ninety and eight- j should not he discharged from his ad- tenths) acres, more .or less, of lot . minitration, and receive letters 'of dis- numher four (IV in the first district : mission, on the, first Monday in May s Gouniy. • • ^ to an order of the Court . »«f Douglas County,. Geo**- i *. . in, ; • • d oa {February the 7th, s 1916. will be sold at public outcry lor ii cash, within Liu legt^ hour.-: of &iier- o iff’s sales, at t>u- couit i<v r > A door in r said county on the first Tuesday in is \. i J. R. HUTCHESON Attorney-at-Law Office in Hutcheson Building. and fifth (5th) section of Douglas County, Georgia.. Being all of said lot of land except 45.4 (forty-five and four-tenths) acres in the northeast ; corner of said lot of land measured off j to Mary .1. DeVaughn as her dower, and thirty (40) acres of land in the ; South-east corner of said land lot, | owned by Luther DoVnughn, and 2«> jnml ninjAy-tyo one-hundredths (26.- !»2) acres on the north side of said l J j owned by Mrs. J. R. Jordan 1922. Til April 3rd. 1922. J. H. McLARTY SHERIFF* SALE land GEORGIA—Douglas County. Will be sold before, the Court House door in said County, on Saul the first Tuesday in May, 192*2, | be sold for the/ purpose of during the legal hours oi payfing the debts of said deceased and following described property to- makmg distribution among the he'* ' Dr. J. F. Duffey Registered Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted At Duflfey’s Jewelry Stpre at law of said deceased, S. D. De- Vaughn. This* April 4, 1922.» 'S. A. GRlFFlTHl j Admlntui rotor of Estate of S. D. DeVaughn, ileeeaseil. wit. One N'a.01 "l’nick -Etdips wirg cable, friction* feed saw mill No. 7599, eiinip'ete, wilh alstf .car- riuge, can'iage tracking: 1 saw: CITATION— AIM'LJCA^ION ..FOR a ’ 1 ^aing'tiud pullet is tor LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION J. T. SAMPLES SURVEYOR CEoliGIA—Di.aglas C ,«nty. | To All Whom It May Com.oin: ‘ i .1. A.'Prion, linvin?, in ptvt;,cr foi ! applied to loo for Pornvanont ;l.ct i. [of Administration on the estate '! M. Pi Land Surveyed, I’lats and DIU' Prints Made on Short Notice. , to oil ♦{Federal Loan Surveys a Specialty. Address; WINSTON. GA lit. 2. sumfe; 1 aable wire'and pulley; tilisp one 25 11. I 1 ., K. D. Cole entice 1 set of lundiiT trucks; one 10 infch drive belt; two inserted teeth circle s;i'vs; 1 large and 1 medium size. Said property levied on Jjs? ice, late of said county, this is ail and singular the Vroditors 1 the property ofM. St Winn afd . ! CITATION—YEAR'S SUPPOR T GEORGlA-^-Dojg*as County* Notice is hereby gi<bn, tifet t/he :vis- prabers appointed to set apart ami as- Yenr’rt Support to Mrs. C. T. Price, the WMow.of J M- Prute. decca- j, have fi|ef( their award, and unless suftii^ent euuso is shown, the I be made (he judgment bf the KOourt a’ the.May Tcpni K ,.l?l22, of the iourt pr OAiinary. fills Ap'iil JlrjL HL j:-. Ho,^ck4;RTy,. or&iary, 1 and next of kin of J- M. Price, to !»c and appear at my n if ice, \v it h i n tne time allowed j.\* lew. and show eflu-?. it ariy they ettii, why permanent ad,. 1 ministration should not he'ntrantefl to J .1. A. Fried on -1. M. Priiee's estate, j , Witness my hand and oftrdal 'Sig nature, this 3rd- day i J. H. Met.At April; 1923. . i, Ordinary. IV. H. Brittain; to satisfy an o>;- ; ecj&tiofa i<siie from the Citv Coi.Yt of Carrollton, in favor of .Bunk 4>f Villa liica agtiinst 0. JJ. B-aily, V. M'. Wiini tind f’. H. BfiUr.ih, ,J’ t>aid a'bliv'o. 'dt’sciibetl property to be sold and deliyei'etl where |d {is" nbw located, upon.,thefjy’m' fe? f | nT YTtox—For 'Letters jbis- M®* Vansuut, n.miles Nortltj-West MISSION FROM Gl-AKIIIAXSHIP ,<* Douglas* die, Gcoi-gin,..,on ac count of it bei»2 cimibtuslsnie ai.,. f „ CEokciA—!)m«fi«s Coufity. {count of it, being cinnbhrsi'mie and Airs.' Michel Sou!er, chardian of-1 (Expensive to ntoVe'. ' Mrs. M. A. Kerley, has applied to^re for a discharge from her ’ wttartflan- Airs. M. A Kerley. .This is, therefore to notify j,]] persons roll- I hi> April, oth; 1922 cernedyi^ file their^>h^eti'ons, if any ! A- ®* RACGITtll, Sh Bevy made by L. l>tntk > tll;'D' , ih Sheriff and turned Over-td