Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, April 21, 1922, Image 2

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\ r Cw-aJi,, , . DOUGLAS COUNTY SENTINEL FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1122. Douglas County Sentinel Official Organ Douglas County PUBLISHED FRIDAYS Z. T. LMKE Editor and Publisher Entered at Postoffice at Douglas- ville, Ga., ai SSecond Class Mail. j THE AfeKWICAN PR^33 ASSOcIatToN Easter was not very appropiale for uiaplaynig new dresses, bonnets, suits and straw nats. file advertiser is the one who really bus nomathlng to oiler you an-i is tne one win, gets me busmens. And haven i you noticed mat he is uie one that usually saves you money'/ Three announced candidaitea for Solicitor General of the Tallapoosa Circuit means perhaps an early warm ing up of the campaign. DUNCAN'S CROSSING You can help your fellow men. You must help your fellow men. Hut the only way you can help them is by being the nobliest and the best man -that it is possible for you to be—Phil lip Brooks. - Trifling actions effect a man's credit. The sound of your hammer at five in the morning or nine at night, heard by a creditor, makes him easy six months longer.—ben jamin Franklin. Une thing is very noticable and that is that the present republican admin istration is giving us too much ram; but we huve always observed that they either overdo or under-do every thing they undertake next thing it will be too dry. "As a mail tnuiKetn, so is he," is a formidable truth, und applies to business us wen as morals. lou can believe your business ueud ana it is but a you believe in it anu boost it you wni com uut on top. Mr. 1' red Giles handed us the fol lowing stiuib: "Early to bud and early to rise; Worn like h-l and Auvertasc.' Iguite appropiate at present, don't you trunk! If Douglas county would organize a poultry association and get about twenty-live thousand good hensf do you realize that it would meun about one hundred thousand dollurs in real cash profits per year? Tulk it over with your neighbor, start in u small way and gorw into one of the lurgest in, ustries ot the country. Tile countryman produces the weuun of America, yet, wnun ne We were told this week by a poul- tryunm that the uveruge income from ; a good luying hen, tor oggs alone, at I prevailing prices, is about #7.50 per i year. He also suys he can feed these , hells for #2.00 thus making each hen ; pay a profit of #5.50. Five hundred I hens would thus give a net income of I#2700. this sounds prclly good ill boll-weevil times. Bells ms prouuei, Du bus no suy uuout tnu price lor wnicn it snail sun, neither uus nu any say auout the pnee ol waal ne uuys. Gongress recently created u new Feuerai uuugcanip lor Georgia and tne appointment win ue modem the near future. As' To the victor belongs the spoils ", the new Juuge win be a re publican. Last Weeks’ Letter ar end Mrs. Horace Hrown, ot 1 Lithia Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brooks. Mr. M. D. Jourdan spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. W. H. Brown was in Atlanta Saturday on business. '..Mrs.'Fred Gore gave a quilting last Tuesday, those present were: Mesd&mes Dudley Harbin, M. G. Gore. Bush Gore, Clarence Gore and J. T. Jordan. Mrs. John Klee of Atlanta and Mrs. J. L. Durian, of Bill Arp are spending a few days with their mo ther, Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mrs. W. H. Brown is doing very nicely after undergoing a very ser ious operation, having her leg am putated just below her knee. We all wish her a speedy recovery. The school at Beulah has stopped 1 am sorry to say, as there is a number of children that need to be in sc n ool and could go for six months yet. it looks ns if our board of trus tees could get In behind this and us n teacher, we have our taxes to pay Just the same whether we have n teacher or not. and we think and feel as if"wc — are 'entitled to a school six or seven months out of the year the writer has no children to send but he is inetersted in ms neiguuurs und in tne community ut large. file Muuier und Brothers ot Mrs. W. H. Brown of, rairourn anu Union Uity visited her last week end. arts. Mat. Kuthertord is some bet- ttcr we are glad to say. aMr. Fuyett Huey has Bio.iu Foison e wis lihint u speedy re- The New fork Stock Exchange very generously offers to allow us to give their organization free publicity not only in town but in the rurul districts and kindly offers to furniHh us with additional matter as we can use it It may bo an honor to a country pa per to publish free advertising for so prominent a concern, but untilv e can \usc this honor in setling our monthly bills, wo beg to be oxcused. in his c covery. fir. J- B. Jordan anj family meter ed out to Mr. J. T. Jcr.lfi s. Sunday. Mr. J. T. Jordan was in Atlunta Monday, on business. The furmers in th's community are getting nnioxus to he in the Held and some of :!icm put "plow gear' on theor mules every time tho sun peeks out, they are getting ready to raise ’’oil weevils this year. OLDFIELD 999 TIRES INNER TUBE FREE Have you seen the new BARNEY OLDFIELD Tire that retails for $9.99 in the 30x3 1-2? The 30x3 in this tire retails for $8.99, and both these tires carry the highest guarantee. In order to get these tires introduced to our trade, we will give an inner tube FREE with each OLDFIFLD CASING purchased from us in the next ten days. We also carry a full line of Firestone, Goodyear, Fisk Red Top, United States, Goodrich and Kelley Springfield Tires and can fit you up in any size in these other makes. Come in and look over our Line. FORD CARS. J. R. DUNCAN FORDSON TRACTORS Will Buy Beef Cattle And Veal Calves. Also Trade Mules and Horses J. T. (Pete) JORDAN ROUTE 7. AT DUNCAN’S CROSSING Look at These Prices— Why Pay More? Col. S. W. Ragsdale Annoin:esfor Office Of Solicitor-General | Doss 30x3 $7.75 | “ 30x3 1-2 9.75 | Goodrich 30x3 9.80 | “ 30x3 1-2 1 13.75 | Perfection 30x3 i; 8.00 In this week’s paper will he found tho formal announcement, of Hon. S. W. Ragsdale for the office ol Solicitor-Ueneral of the Tallapoosa Circuit Mr. Ragsdale needs no intro duction to the people of this coun ty, having been prominently be fore tln-m for a number of years. He has served this county in the House of Represenlive, and in 1920 and 1921 represented the Thirty-eight district in the Senate. It was through his efforts while a member of the senate that the Dallas High School became a free School. During his residence in Dallas: has been actively indentified with the most progressive movements of town and county. He is presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce and chairinun of the Dallas school board. He is endowed with a vigorous, aggressiee nature which would peculiarly fit him for the duties of the office he seeks. His ability as a lawyer is attested by the rapidly growing practice which he enjoys, and this ability, coupled with the whole hearted zeal and unflagging euergy which he gives to whatever he undertakes, should assure him a most successful ad ministration of the affairs of the office of Solicitor General if he is elected.--Dallas New Era. 30x31-2 10.00 All Other Tires In Preportion Slaughter & Barrow Jook Four tokens must the bride's cake hold: A silver ■hilling and a ring of gold, A ery»tal charm, good luck to aymbol. And for tho aowor’a hand a thimble. GOOD FOOD FOR EVERY DAY A GOOD chowder for a chilly day Is the following: Onion Chowdor. Cook two cupfuls of finely minced onion in six tablespoonfnls of batter for thirty minutes, or until the onion U soft and yellow, not browned. Add tight potatoes, pared and sliced, one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of sage, marjoram and other herbs, one quart of water. Cook until the pota toes are tender; add three cupfuls of milk and one cupful of cream. Let come to a boll and serve with pilot crackers. DON’T GO Telephone and save the differ ence. Are you getting the benefit of our reduced toll rates? All rates based on station-to* station charge. Federal tax extra. Evening rates (8.30 P. M. to 12 Midnight) one fourth less than day rates. Night rates (12 Mid night to 4.30 A. M.) one half less than day rates. Minimum charge 25 cents. ^ We will be glad to explain our different classes of toll service. You have a telephone for convenience—use it; especially when ordering anything from us. You will receive the same courteous service and the same honest treatmennt as if you were present in person. You will save time, because we main tain a prompt delivery service to 6ave you the time and pos sible inconvenience of a journey to the store. In case of a rush order, always use the telephone. We will get your purchase to you while you would be getting ready to come after it. J. L. Selman <®» Son “THE SAFE DRUG STORE” Phone No. 35. Gainesboro Telephone & Telegraph Co. Farming Implements and Garden Tools We have on hand plenty farming Implements viz: Tractors, Cultivators, Peg Section Harrow, Corn Planters, that we can make the price fit yonr pocket book. Special Red L*and Turners that we gurantee to turn Red Land or your money back. Don’t forget our profit sharing Cuponds. Come to see us. HARDING SUPPLY CO,