Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, November 10, 1922, Image 2

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? ’ft ■ Y ~ ’ " 1 ■ in'., nimimmipm -.- * D0PQLA8 COUNTY SENTINEL FRIDAY NOVEMBER to, 1922, Douglas County Sentinel Official Organ Douglas County PUBLISHED FRIDAYS Z. T. LAKE Editor and Publiiher Entered at Poatoffice at Douglas- tills, Ga., a> ..Second Class Mail. I Forefan Adverllefne Rupreientetive I 1 THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION | Ford is now engaged in buying coal mines. Hope he will go to operating them at once and inaug urate his plan of cutting prices As Thanksgiving day approach- se, we recall One thing for which Georgians may rejoice and that is no more politics for two years. Georgia apples are the best to be bad at any price. Why not de mand them when you buy apples! * « # * In some near by sections farm ers are plowing under their cot ton stalks as a weevil preventative for next ’ year. Douglas county should be doing likewise, it lias been fully demonstrated that cot ton can be growu in spite of the boll weevil and it depends on the individual efforts of each farmer, whether lie does it or not There were two or more people in Douglasville during the spring who were willing to build potato curing houses if the farmprs would agree to patronize them. They would not obligate themselves and as a result there will be hundreds of bushels rot before they can be marketed. Why do people Having special and lengthly communication for publication, wait till Wednesday or Thursday to send them in when they could do so Monday or Tues day just as well? We can handle short news items and personal as late as Wednesday, but special articles of unusual length must reach us Monday as Tuesday or fail to get in the current issue. Incidentally we noticed last Saturday that all stores carrying ads in the Sentinel last week were doing a good business while those not advertising were doing very little business. Our readers will do well to remember that the ad vertiser is the man , who has something to offer you that is worth the money. True Greatness. He only Is greet who hns tile hnblta of greatness! who, utter performing what none In ten thousand could ac complish. passes on like Samson, and •tells neither futlier nor mother of It” —Lavater. A Wish “l hsve taken Cardul (or run down, worn-out condition, nervousness and sleeplessness, and I was weak, too," says Mrs. Silvle Estes, of Jennings. Okla. "Cardul did me Just lots of good—so much that I gave 11 lo my daughter She com plained ot a sorenccs in her sides and back. She took three bottles of Hie Woman’s Tonic and her condition was much better. ••We have lived here, near Jennings, for 26 years, and now we havfe our dwn home in town. I have had to work pretty hard, * as this country wasn't built up, and it made it hard.for us. ••I WISH I could tell weak Afomen otCardui—the medicine that helped give me the strength to go on and do my work. 1 * “SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA—DOUGLAS COUNTY.. Will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday December, 1922, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: The life estate of J. T. Henley; a on e eight interest in all that tract 01* parcel of land lying and being in Douglas County, Ga., known as the Henley place; and described as follows: Land lots Nos. one hundred and twenty one (12i); one hundred . and twenty three (123); one hundred and thirty eight 138) and one hundred and thirty nine (139).. also fractional lots Nos., one hundred and eighteen (il8), one hundred and twenty seven (127), one hun dred and forty one (i4i) and one hun dred and forty two (I42), all of said land being in the First District and Fifth Section of originally Carroll, now Douglas County Georgia, containing 1300 acres, more or less; Levied on as 1he property of J. T. Henley, defendant in Fi-Fa, arid to satisfy an Execution issued from th e City Court of Atlanta in favor of the Bank of East Pointy against J. T. Henley. Property pointed out by Plaintiff attorney. Terms of sale cash. Levy made by L, Bartlett, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to me. This the 7th day of November, I922. A. 8. Baggett, Sheriff. also at the same tim e and place will be sold, for cash the following described property to-wit: so acres of land, more or less, the same being the South-West (Fourth of lot of land No. 46, lying and being in the 3rd district and 5th section of Doug las County Georgia, and adjoining the lands of the J. R. Holland estate, being th e land deeded to S. E. Reynolds by J. T. Reynolds, and recorded in deed book S, Page 541. Levied on as the property of J. T. Reynolds to satisfy a tax Fi-Fa issued by R. C. Morris, T. C. for State and county taxes due for the year 1920, against J. T. Reynolds and said lands. Tenant in posession notified of levy. Levy Sheriff, and turned over to me. m-« x This th e 6th day of^November 1922. A. S. Baggett, Sheriff. also at the same tim e and place be sold the following described property fj To-Wit: (50) acres of land off of the North half of land lot No. 189, the same being the South 50 acres off of said North half of said lot, and being the land situated in the 3rd District and 5th Section of Douglas county Georgia, deeded to W. M. Samples by J. B. Samples, and recorded in deed Book I, page 50I. Levied on as the property of W.M. Samples,to satisfy a tax Fi-Fj issued by R.C. Morris, T.C.D.C. for State and County taxes due fon the year 1920., against W. M. Samples. Tenant in posession notified of levy. Levy made by L. Bairtlett, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to me. This the 6th day of November 1922. A., S. Baggett Sheriff. also at the same tim e and place will be sold for c*sh the following described property to-wit: ■ / 25 acres of land off of the East half of lot of land No. 112, in th e first District and fifth section of origirvilly Carroll, but now Dougl.ts County Ga. being 25 acres laid off in a square be ginning at the North corner of said East half of said lot of land No. lia. Levied on as the property of Mrs. M. E. Strawn and being the same land deeded to Mrs. M. E. Strawn by O. L. Landmon, and recorded in deed book O, Page 295^ to s-tisfy a tax Fi-Fa issued by J.W. Baggett, T.C., for State and County taxes due for th e year 1921. against Mrs. M. E. Strawn. Tenapt in posession notified of levy. Levy made by L. Bartlett, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to me. This the 6th day of November 1922. A. S. Baggett Sheriff. All that”tract or parcel of land lying, acres more or less, off of land lot No. and being in the town of Douglasvil'-c, | 43, bounded as follows: On the South Georgia, atid being described as follows [by the l*nd of Miss E. H. Baldwin, on to-wit: Commencing at the North-east corner of formerly V, R» Smith's lot of land on the South side of the Snuthe Railway and running in an Easterly direction, along the South Bide of thj right of way of th e Southern Railway, one hundred and twenty (I20) feet; thence in a Southerly direction three hundred sixty-eight (368) feet to the orig inal lin e of W. A. Abercrombie’s land; thence along said original land line in a Westerly direction one hundred and twenty (120) feet, more or less,'to the lands of J.J. Johnston estate, and thence in a Northerly direction along the sajd line of th e J.J. Johnston Estate and the line on .the East side of the V.R.Smith lot of land, three hundred sixty-eig’^ (368) feet t more or less to point of beginning, containing on. (1) acre. m n rc or less, and being part of original laid lot number one hundred ninety thr<?" (193)» in the second (2) district, aid fifth (5) section of Douglas County | the East byC.W* Turner extending long C.W. Turners line 53 rods; on the North by a tract of land deeded from J. T. Feeley to A.J. Fincher; on the West by B. S. Daniel!, extending 4- lnqg v JLS. Daniells line 67 rods to the ahoy* named South line., the same be ing 36 off of the 7q acres in deed from Cb+f. McLarty to J. T. Feeley. Record- elk, in Deed Book P, Page 158 of Doug- la| County records. Said property If vied on as the property of M. P. Maxwell to satisfy an execution issued the Superior # Court at the Sept. 3Perm, 1922, said county, against W.H. Swafford Principal abd A. J. Fincher and.M.P. Maxwell s securites and in favor of W.L. Folds. Tenant in posession notified of lew. Levy made by L. Bartlett. Deputy Sheriff, and turned over to me. This th c 9th dav of Novemher, 1922. A. S. Baggett, Sheriff Georgia, and town of Douglasville. j GEORGIA*—DOUGLAS COUNTY Said property levied upon to he sold j Will be sold before th e Court house as the property of E. L. Wortham, j door of said County on the First Tue<- under and by virture of the executi issued from Justice Court of the 110th Disf. G.M. in favor of J. *W. T-,mss and against the said F. T . fRnd»M Wortham. Levy mad- by L. Bartlett. Deputy Sheriff, and returned to me. Tenant in possession notified of levy as law directs. This oth day of Novemher. tm, A. S. Baggett. Sheriff Douglas County. GEORGIA—DOUGLAS COUNTY. There will be sold before the Court House door in said county, to the high est and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in December, 1922. between the legal hours of sale the following de scribed property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 2nd district and slH section of Douglas County, Ga., consist- . ing of (42) acres, more or less, off of Uept. Term,1922, against land lots Nos. 42 and 43, more particu larly described as follows: Commenc ed 0 by L. Bartlett, Deputyv j n g at the branch on the original line f lot No. 42 and running West across day in December, 1922. between thc leg.- 1 ! hours of sale to the highest bidder fo.r cash^ the following described properly to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the 2nd district and 5th sect; "1 > f Douglas Count}’, Ga., and described as follows: Commencing at J. M. Lees North line on lot 'No. 53 and runrin.i North to a certain stake n°ar the line betwgfiji the line of said land and land of W, T. Daniel!; thence runnin r We t to a certain corner near the branch; thencf*8oiitb to J. M. Lee’s land: thence East-to a corner on land lot No. 45; th*«^cfc North to land lot No. 53 ; then**-. EasC-to starting point, being parts of lotV ofNjind Nos. 4 5 and 53 and co'- tfHnihg 35 acres, more or less; also one certain ford truck, Motor No. 4324306. Levied on as the property of VV H. Swafford jto satisfy an execution issued from the 'Superior Court of said County H. Swnt- fotd Prin. and A. J. Fincher and M. P Maxwell -s securities and in favor of W. L. Folds. , Tenant in posession notified of levy. and lot No. 42 and thence west j Levy made by L. Bartlett, Deputy "plong the North line of lot No. 43 to I Sheriff, and turned over to me. public road on lot 43; thence Southward- i This th e 9th day of November, 1922. also at the same tim e and place will be sold for cash the following described property to-wit: 25 acres of land off of the West half of land lot No. 200, the same being the North corner of the West half, said lot, situated in th r 3rd district and 5th section of. Douglas County .Georgia, said 25 acres to be laid off in a square beginning at th e North corner of the said west half of said lot of land. Levied on to satisfy a tax Fi-Fa issued by R.C. Morris, T.C., for State and County taxes du e for the year 1920, a- gainst Jethro Jones anil said land. Tenant in posession notified of levy. Levy made by L. Bartlett, Deputy Sheriff, and turned over io me. This th e 6th day of November 1922. A. S: Baggett Sheriff. GEORGIA—-DOy.GLAS C^OUNTV., Will besdfd before court fioos^ ddor, _tpf flic said fcouhfy,^oii the ' jst Tuesday in- December,- l9a*y-: within 1 the., legal hours of sale, to the highest and best ly along said public road to Tu corner; thenc e East along North line of Turners property to west line of Turners property and Phillips to the said branch: thence up said branch Northwardly to the starting point. Bemg the land de scribed in the Bond for Title Recorded in Deed Book I—Page ^9 of tlie Doug las Couitfy records. Also that tract or parcel of land be ing in the 2nd district and 5th section of said county and State to-wit. 36 acres more or less, off of land lot No. 43 being the land deeded from G. T. McLarty to J. T. Feeley, recorded in Deed Book P, Page 158, except 36 acres, more or less, deeded to \V. F.. Swafford off of the South side. Also the above 36 acres is to include 2 acres in said lot described*in deed from A. F. Hansard to J.T. Feeley, which deed is recorded in deed Book P, Page 157 Douglas county records. Levied on as the property of A. y J. Fincher to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said County at the September Term, 1922, against W. H. Swafford principal and A. J. Fincher and M. P. Maxwell as security in favor of W. L. Folds. Tenant in A. S. Baggett, Sheriff APPLICATION FOR YEAR’S PORT To All Whom it May Concern: Notic e hereby given, that the ap- piaiser’s appointed to \ set apart and assign a year’s support to F. C. Webb and J. P.. iWebb, the minor children of J. A. \yebb, deceased, have filed their award, and unless good and sufficent cause is shown the same will be made the Judgement of the Court at the De cember Term, 1922, of the Court of Ordinary. This 8th day of November, 1922. •• J. H. McLarty, Ordinary Douglas County. APLICATION FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT To AJI Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given, that the ap praisers appointed to set apart and as sign a year’s support to Mrs. iCfinnie Camp, the widow of A. A. Camp, de ceased, have filed their award, and un less good and sufficient caus e is shown the same will be made-the judgement of possession notified of levy. Levy made Court at die December Term, 1922, by L. Bartlett Deputy Sheriff, and turn- of the Court of Ordinary. ed over to me. This the 9th day of November, 1922. A. S. Baggett, Sheriff GEORGIA—DOUGLAS COUNTY. There will be sold before the Court house door of said county on the First Tuesday in December, 1922, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: .2 5 acres of land off of lot No. I51. Beginning at the land line be tween J. E. £amp and Enoch Reynold*. Starting at and on the east side of Pub lic road leading from Joel Vaughn This 6th day of November, 192a. J. H. McLarty, Ordinary. Application for Discharge from Guardianship GEORGIA—Douglas County. D.S. Strickland, Guardian of Milton Davis has applied to me for a discharge from |his guard ianship of Milton Davis, this is* 'therefore to notify) al]( persons concerned, to file theiro bjection s if any they have, on or before the first Monday in December next, else th e said D.S. Strick- Liberty Church. Said land to be laid ! discharged from bis? off in a square, the same lying and be- UfU’diansllip as applied' for. ing in the third district and, 5th sec. of \ ' S ° vcm ber 6th, 1922, Douglas County, Ga., and bounded on ( * * Md^arty, Ordinary, the North by land of J. F,. ■(■•»mp, and! . m l oil Ike South-east and West hv land of MiNISTRATORS SALE said lot No. ,51. GEORGIA—DOUGLAS COUNTY. Levied on as the proper.*/ of Enoch Will be sold before the court hous? Reynolds to satisfy a lax F:-Fs issued : door on tl e first Tuesday in December bv R. C. Morris then tax collector for | be.weeo , he legal houra of sheriff! D. C. for state* and county taxes due- m .u« public sale to the highest and best bid- for the year 1920. Also a tax Fi-Fa . issued by J. W. Baeeett. T.C. for* star. I " f ° r following xanls. to-wit: and county taxes due the year 1921, a- Land lot number 138, 14 acres off of gpinst Enoch Revnolds. and said land. ^ or *h East site of land lot number 157. Tenant in'nosession notified of lew.. describel in leel from John Van- Levy made 6y L.‘ Bartlett. DepmyS 8ant Abercrombie, dated Feb. Sheriff. r and turned over to me. 4 1*7^,. 1913, recorded page io4 % deed This % the 8th day of November,iq22. 1 °°^ Douglas county deed records; lAv*S. Baggett. Sheriff \ * cre * !" nd off the North side also at the same tirru and place w}U be sold to the hisrh«»st bidder, for cash, the following described nrn r ** T tv Aft’th^t tract or nanyd of lar»d Ivina- bidder, for cash, the following dcscrib- 1 anA being in thc zm district and 5 th ed property to-wit: I section of Douglas County, Ga., 36 of East half of land lot number 1^, bounded on North by original North line of said lot, on East by lands of Mrs. Ida Nations, onr- South by lands of J. D. Pope, and West by landsof York; 125 <aercs of land off of land lot number 157^ being all of said lot except 10 acres in Sqpth West corner thereof owned by E. T. Vansant and 65 acres- in the North West corner there of owned by W. L. P^tts; and lol 1-4 acres off of land lot number 132 being the West half of said lot. * The entire tract ^above described being a piece of land lying in one body consisting of 457 acres more or less and being in the 2nd district and fifth section of Douglas county, Georgia, and fully platted and recorded in Deed Book R, page 463, Clerk’s office Douglas county, Georgia: Also the West half of land lot number 454 and six acres off of land lot. num- b er 453* of East side thereof, and, being a tract consisting of 26 acres more or less, in one boc^, and in thc 18th district and 2nd section of said county and State; Also the West side of Town lot of land number ONE in Blopk number 44 in th^ walling ad dition of Town of Douglasville, said county and State, fronting fifty feefr on North side of Forest Ave, and running back same width North 2oa feet; Town lot of land number 5*in Block No. 25 fronting on Church Street 75 feet, and running back South on West side cf Adair Street 200 feet same width; also a tract of , land fronting on Church Street 80 feet, known as Joe S. Aber crombie sales stock barn, and running back Sbuth 200 feet, bounded on West by W. A. Abercrombie sales 9tock barn on Church Street: also two vacant lots- on Church Street each fronting on Church about 90 feet and running back South same width 2oo feet, t>eing the vacant property lying between ^hc Joe S. Abercrombie home place and die. East wall of his wooden sales barn building on same street Said vacant property to be sold as two seprate va cant lots, and said vacant property to be didvided in two equal parts on Church Street front. Said property to be sold pursuant to order of Court of Ordinary of said county granted on first Monday in Nov.. 1922, and to be sold for purpose of paying debts of said deceased and mak ing distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased. This Nov. the 7th, 1922. W. A. Abercrombie & Nesbit Harper, Administrators Estate of Joe S. Abercrombie,. Deceased. CHAINS, AUTO CHAINS Roads will soon be muddy and you’ll need Chains. Some baJgains now: / 30 x 3 1-2 Rid-O-Skid -/ $1.95 32 x 4 Weed - - 3.00 32 x 3 1-2 Weed - - 2.25 McCLAREN TIRES Fabric Sizes all Road Cords 33 x 4 JO x 4 ’ • $21.0.0 Oversize “Autocrat” Cord Guaranteed 10,000 Miles . . . $30-00 Slaughter & Barrow Wagons, Farm Implements and Machinejy at Bank rupt Prices IV E A RE CLOSING OUT THE BANK RUPT STOCK OF THE DABNEY IM PLEMENT COMPANY, AND ARE OF FERING SPECIA L , PRICES, ON, THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: INDIANIA WAGONS, i'/ 2 INCH, Two Horse—$70.00 INDIANIA WAGONS, BODIES ONLY 20.00 INDIANIA WAGONS, 2)i INCH, Two Horse— 75.00 LENSTROTH WAGONS, i'/z INCH, Two Horse 70 00 LETZ DIXIE,FEED MILLS- ROSS CRUSHERS No. 2 r - ROSS CRUSHER No. 3 ROSS CRUSHER No.'12 40.00 30.00 37-50 80.00 \ IVE ARE ALSO OFFERING TORO? LAW- SON, TRUNDAR, BBEMAN A*D BATES STEEL MULE] TRACTORS, SHARPLESS SEPARATORS, WALKING AND RIDING CULTIVATORS, ALAMO LIGHTING PLANTS, AUSTIN DITCHERS, AND OLI-. VER PLOWS AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. KING IMPLEMENT COMPNY 96 t6 100 S Forsxth St- Atlanta.