Douglas County sentinel. (Douglasville, Douglas County, Ga.) 190?-current, December 22, 1922, Image 4

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IS, i! I ;r ' i DOUGLAS COUNTY SEN TJNDL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 1921. T~v 1 P/Mintir! Thf. Atlanta Constitution ‘truthfully L/OUfflaS V^OUlllV says: “What the farmers of this country i needs wors e than anything else is better Sentinel / nd more ex "": iv :.T rk " 5 ’' ■ I • •International Commercial relations are Official Organ Douglas County | "« n,ial » our " mak " »° PUBLISHED FRIDAYS Z. T. DAKE Editor and Publisher difference whether you call it: “League of Nations,” “Association of Nations” or any other name, but if we would i prosper we must have consumers for ' our products. If some such agreement had been effected the depression v.e ! have undergone would not have been Entered at Postoffice, at Douglas- f e ] t< rille, Ua., as ^Second Class Mail. The Government may enlarge and , 4 THEAfMERICANPR&SASSOCIATION~l ; rxlcnd Mheral credit, on land and farm products which acts are commond • bl*. but so long as we hold our selves aloof !r • I Its the sincere wish of the Sentinel from (he Europenn countrie, just so lon« editor that each one of its readers enjoy 4 , . ( u .1 • . will we be unable to market our pro to the fullest everything expressed or implied in the oft, old sentiment: “A <,uc,s and 80 ,on * wil1 the Merry Christmas and a Happy Now wheels of progress be retarded. Year.” ! There will be no regular edition of I the Sentinel next week. A small issue containing chiefly legal advertising and limited in number will b e sent out. The Sentinel office will be closed and the force will take a week’s holiday. A fool behind a steering wheel is a dangerous proposition, and a drunk man —well there’s no difference, a drunk ran is a fool whether he is behind a steering wheel or not. Help to Help Others Ton can’t "give until It hurts’*—for giving an American dollar to Join the American Red Cross helps you to help others who are hurt and who need re- list Climate and Deafness. It Is curious to note how (leaf mutism varies In different countries. In Switzerland, for Instance, owing to the prevalence of cretinism. 245 per 100,000 of the Inhabitants suffer front It, whereas the general average among Europenn countries Is 70. and In the United States. (IS. nor 100.000. He doesn’t Stand for Much, d»K*s the Qdlck-Tempered Man, and When he gets Steamed Up, all hands Rush for Cover. The Quick-Tempered Man Is a pretty good Ole Scoutjat that, aside from his Hasty Temper, and nobody takes his ll'l Iirnln Storms seriously. Birds as Weather Prophets. At least some birds are good weather prophets. The green wood pecker Is known In some parts of this country as the “rain bird” because Ills laughing cry so often precedes a down- pour. The uihi.-udihruHh. again, has gained the nr me of “storm cock,” be- rtm<:e In* •' find and rain. Christmas Greetings We wish to offei our heartfelt Christinas Greet- t b ings to all our customers and friends, and express to \ you our sincere thanks for the business entrusted to i us during the year 1922, 1 Why Turn to Right? The first “keep tu liie rlfrtlt” tun enacted In the L'tnteil s'!liter la be lieved to have tieen passed by the Maryland leclslnture encly In 18CKX The Season's Greetings Author's Trip Almost Royal. Mark Twain says that when Bret flarte came ear* In If “0 to take the editorship of the proposed Lakeside Magazine In Chicago, that he crossed the continent In such prodigious blaze of national Interest and excite ment that one might hnve supposed Unit he wns the viceroy of India or a progress of Halley’s cmnet come again after 75 years of lamented absence. “MORE BUSINESS IN GOVERNMENT** This apt phrase wns used In Presi dent Harding’s lirst message t? Con gress and applies particularly In postal munugement where postmasters are being Impressed with the fact that they are managers of local branches of the biggest business Id tha uuirid. If the human ince Is ever brought 'o a seasonable degree of physical per* foctTon, It will be done through .ore ventlve medicine. Man, ,tfi, Gets Divorce Over Letter Henry Campbell, a Colored man 101 years old, has been granted a divorce from his wife, Alvertn W. Campbell, of Baltimore, Md. The finding of n letter addressed to his wife by anoth er man led to the Reparation, Camp bell said. ht' ■ ■si M 2 3 Accept Eto Substitutes lor Bedford’s BifS a S3 & 1 Purely SSI § Vegetable j| 1 Over Medicine jjj ISIS f.9 Gratitude to you, Our Customer, for your Friendlfl Co-operation is uppermost in our mind at this Holiday Season. I: T.0 try to show our appreciation of your loyalty ant'■ |j good will by continuing to think of your interests, and by i| rendering you increasingly belter service, is our aim for the | coming year. 1 S • Sincerely Yours, Giles Brothers rmmmtmxssmttt&mxmmamitMatmstmta&imismaats&iiztssuuuttttA Still Doing Business At The Same Old Stand We are readp to supply your every Christmas desire in good things to eat. Fish, Oysters and Fresh Meats of every description. Fruits, Nuts, Candies in abun dance, and the very best in quality. Staple and Fancy Groceries of all kinds. Prompt Service and Prices always right. Mozley Brothers The Almighty Dollar U ’8 i! i Everybody wants it—needs it—works for it—gets it. After they get it, what do they do with it? The wise man makes sure that the end of every week he has a little left over—no matter how small the amount. That’s thrift. , If you put a dollar in this bank every day, at the end of ten years you will have $4250. Saving is a habit—it’s the best babit you can acquire. Get the habit and start a savings account today. I I Closing Out Sale $1.00 Starts You Off. We are always ready to serve you in any possible capacity. Wishing you and yours the most enjoyable holiday season and that 1923 will be a most prosperous year for you. I am closing out my stock of jewelry at cost. I have a fine line of solid gold’ Rings, Brooches, Bar Pins Stick Pins, Cuft Buttons, Lavaliers, Neck Chains, Baby Pin Sets, Ladies’ Beauty Pins, Soft Shirt Collar Pins, Emblem Pins for the different orders. Also a fine line of Gold Filled Jewelry. Come and get your Xmas presents while the stock is complete. I am closing out my Jewelry to devote my time to the OPTICAL BUSINESS and WATCH REPAIRS. I am a Graduate Optometrist. Examining Eyes and Fitting Glasses Douglasville Banking Company |! Member Federal Reserve System R" »<* k s Duffey’s Jewelry Store I? No. 3 Broad St. At Sigfi of the Big' Watch ■ 14* ^ ! * i om: —-i-M-wHf 1 ■*: ** .-■A.-*-' t ji 1 i ’ , . . ■ ,■ i —t* l